Death2Masons ago

A lawsuit? I supposed this is all you can do when the authorities protect the elite and cover their crimes up. I supposed since the authorites are in on child traficking, you have to resort to a civil suit since criminal chrages are out of the question. Fuck this country. Not the citizens, the Country as an entity, the establishment, the phony history as the white city on the hill.

AngB23 ago

Seattle this shocking to anyone? One of the biggest human trafficking hubs in the USA protected to continue business by a pedo. Hope he goes down in flames. Didn't a judge here try and block immigration ban too?

PQhonest ago

Huge story, and huge for pizzagate. The dominoes are starting to fall.

carmencita ago

Please Read this story. This will be the take down of a Big City Mayor. Can you imagine how many he must have abused since the 80's? There is no way that he stopped after these three boys. Once a Pedophile Always A Pedophile. This is only the tip of the iceberg. "D.H. said he wants Murray held accountable for treating him “like I was just nothing, like I was worthless.” His lawsuit said he “is disturbed that Mr. Murray maintains a position of trust and authority, and believes that the public has a right to full information when a trusted official exploits a child.” ****** Amen.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes for every victim that comes forward decades later, I would bet there are 10-20 additional victims that we never hear about. And that's probably underestimating the number greatly.

carmencita ago

I hope these guys stand strong and hang in there. I was thinking, if someone would set up a go fund me for their lawyer and lawsuit. Someone in Seattle, maybe. It would also be a great morale booster. You know, letting them know that someone has their back?

derpsquad ago

I wouldn't get your hopes up quite yet. His attorney issued a strong rebuke of the allegations and calls it an attempt to "damage a prominent elected official who has been a defender of vulnerable populations for decades." (link)

When you consider the fact that former Portland Mayor Sam Adams successfully fended off allegations of sexual misconduct with a young male in 2009, there is a real possibility that he stays in power and even gets re-elected (as was the case with Adams). Seems to be the way we do things here in the Pacific Northwest.

Death2Masons ago

It is the way they do things in America, and apparently western society. Elite crimes against children is a perk that is protected at all cost. The link that bonds them all together in an unbreakable pact of solidarity. If it were only the Pacific Northwest.

neo50 ago

These two testimonies might be his downfall....

“During these encounters, (he) noticed that Ed had an unusual bump on his penis and bright red pubic hair,” the paralegal wrote in a memo in 2007.

In his lawsuit, D.H. described Murray as having “reddish pubic hair and a unique mole on his scrotum — it is a small bump.”

carmencita ago

Protest. A protest must be organized. This is disgusting. People have to realize that this is not just one person with a vendetta. These are three boys, now men. There were others before as well. I am hoping others will step forward. We know there are others.

awake4646 ago

I've been looking into this guy for a while. Guess my hunch that he was a pedo could be right. Thanks for the post.