DRKStar00 ago

Trump visiting Kenosha tomorrow, right next to Racine.

Fightforright ago


Above is a list.of children's charities in Racine Wisconsin. All should be investigated to find potential links.

equineluvr ago

These types cases are all over the country!

Perhaps the most famous is The Florida School for Boys. They are STILL excavating the bodies.


The POINT is that there is NOTHING unusual about this facility in Wisconsin.

Rangers_justice ago

Yup, there's a bunch of unmarked graves. Possibly over 100 unreported deaths.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Joke all you want, but this is not a joke. This is as real as satanic ritual murders, whether you believe those exist or not. You can't teach someone what they refuse to learn.

Actually the church is involved (catholic churches and dominicans, the franciscans, and others). Wisconsin is a very catholic state, see Paul Ryan for example, and is heavily controlled by generations of secret societies. Many of the churches, foundations and non profit organizations are a way to control people, and bring them into the circle. The possible American Pope Timothy Dolan is from nearby Milwaukee, and they have covered up the abuse throughout Wisconsin. Remember that Dahmer was from Milwaukee too.

Try looking any of it up and you will be surprised by the truth.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is absolutely connected, and they have been covering up that abuse for years. It is also connected to money laundering, extortion, embezzlement, blackmail, bribery, bid rigging (see who gets the contracts related to these institutions), and a long list of related crimes. It is pipeline for something much more sinister and evil. It is an entire network in Wisconsin.

There is too much to list here, but it all links to Agenda 2030 in various forms, with connections to all major secret societies, foundations, and networks of systemic global corruption.

Here is a quick summary of some of the connections involved: * - Knights of Pythias * - Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative Connections * - Sustainability and UN Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 * - Pilgrims Society * - Bilderberg * - Club of Rome * - Committee of 300 * - Scottish Rite / Freemasons * - Council on Foreign Relations * - Trilateral Commission * - Rotary Club * - Zika Virus * - Vaccines * - Rockefeller Connections * - DuPont Connections * - Dyncorp Connections * - United Way * - Red Cross * - Child Trafficking & Pedo Connections * - British and Dutch Royal Family Connections * - Roman Catholic and Dominicans Connections (the first American Pope may be from a nearby area) * - Ties to Denver DHS & Child Trafficking * - Ties to Haiti, Norway, Ghana and other centers of trafficking and corruption * - Community Policing & Militarization of Local Police * - Illegal Surveillance Programs * - Brazen Corruption & Widespread Cover-ups * - Mafia Connections & Ties to Many Pizza Places historically involved in laundering * - Water (the new oil - see Lake Michigan) *- Michael Aquino, the Temple of Set, and other satanic connections * - Incredible levels of racketeering, collusion, extortion, bribery, embezzlement, bid rigging, election rigging, vote rigging, records tampering, illegal campaign financing, misconduct, racist and social discrimination, civil rights violations, due process violations, and many more crimes involving officials and their associates. See high profile cases involving pedo crimes, and see a long history of mafia ties, satanic murders and mysterious deaths such as Racine Jane Doe, Tina Davidson, Helen Sebastian, Derby Wagner, Dennis Barry and others.

Racine is one of the most corruption places in the world, and is nearby Chicago with a fully controlled harbor and corrupt law enforcement. Paul Ryan and other officials have swept this all under the rug and anyone who raises questions or concerns is gang stalked, slandered and threatened, including death threats and mysterious deaths including murders and satanic ritual abuse. These are all part of global corruption programs to control all aspects of life from cradle to grave - Banking, Education, Healthcare, Diseases, Medicine, Vaccines, Insurance, Politics, Community Policing, Surveillance, and Public-Private Partnerships.

If everyone continues chasing ghosts, aliens and Bigfoot, and narrowing the focus to a basement of a pizza place, nothing will happen. They want everyone to be distracted and overwhelmed by the clutter of fake news and connections that are more difficult to prove. Generally the simplest answer is usually correct (Occam's razor), and the simplest answer is Racine, Wisconsin.

Racine, Wisconsin is the domino that will work better on Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

DRKStar00 ago

Trump visiting Kenosha tomorrow

equineluvr ago

"Here is a quick summary of some of the connections involved: * - Knights of Pythias * - Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative Connections * - Sustainability and UN Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 * - Pilgrims Society * - Bilderberg * - Club of Rome * - Committee of 300 * - Scottish Rite / Freemasons * - Council on Foreign Relations * - Trilateral Commission * - Rotary Club * - Zika Virus * - Vaccines * - Rockefeller Connections * - DuPont Connections * - Dyncorp Connections * - United Way * - Red Cross * - Child Trafficking & Pedo Connections * - British and Dutch Royal Family Connections * - Roman Catholic and Dominicans Connections (the first American Pope may be from a nearby area) * - Ties to Denver DHS & Child Trafficking * - Ties to Haiti, Norway, Ghana and other centers of trafficking and corruption * - Community Policing & Militarization of Local Police * - Illegal Surveillance Programs * - Brazen Corruption & Widespread Cover-ups * - Mafia Connections & "

All are all over the U.S. and/or international. Still NOTHING that SPECIFICALLY connects to Racine to support your hyperbolic claim that Racine is "the HUB of this entire (worldwide) thing."

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

These ALL directly connect to Racine. Have you checked into ANY of them?

Look at how Sustainable Development began. Look at where the only parade for Knights of Pythias was held. Look at how Community Policing was started. Look at vaccines and where that started. Look at the Zika Virus and how that is connected.

Please investigate and you will find out it's all true. There is not enough time to debate someone everyone who claims to want to solve Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption but won't take the time to connect any dots themselves. Some things cannot be stated here due to litigious reasons. Figure it out.

sponiatowski ago

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, can you please keep us up to date on any pertinent busts in Racine? Uncovering what happens in these prisons is proof of your theory and we are all interested, but we need a few people picked up for interrogation or a politician arrested for racketeering or something. I live in Des Plaines, Il right now, have family in Wisconsin, and pass through Racine and Kenosha all the time. Please keep us informed.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

These kids are abused and it is all covered up. The related contracts are all rigged and the entire system is corrupt. Secret societies are the cornerstone of Wisconsin. See the past Mayor and other high profile cases. See the Racine District Attorney hit and run case. See the RICO case from downtown that was settled under fraud and threats. See the history of heinous crimes and murders. See the ties to the Clintons. See the ties to Anthony Weiner. There is a lot more to the prison scandals you won't read about in the papers, and it is tied to powerful politicians throughout the state who rig insider deals for their friends and other members of the circles of corruption. This is a huge network of related cases, and there is too much to post here. The feds are aware and this is a test to find out if laws exist or not, and if Trump is real or a fake. They know the truth about Racine, and it is indisputable. That is why everything is silenced, censored and covered up. It runs extremely deep. There is a reason Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and Scott Walker are suddenly so powerful, and it goes way beyond them and beyond the political establishment. Racine is an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

sponiatowski ago

I believe you. Please don't go away, keep us informed.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If something happens you will know where to look. There are good people here who know the truth. In the beginning Voat was not so full of paid trolls like Reddit. It has gotten worse, which tells everyone they are worried, but there are real people here too that understand how things really work. Reddit Pizzagate was shut down right when others were starting to look into Racine. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.

They steered everyone toward a few "untouchables", and purposely narrowed the scope to create false victims and leverage Fake New and the Russians. From Alex Jones to David Seaman to Robert Steele, there is a game at play to control all sides. What they cannot control is Racine, Wisconsin.

Racine is the surprise that none of them were expecting, and if Trump is not a fake, he will understand how this is the best strategy to opening the flood gates to the swamp. Racine is a domino that will work better on Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption than any other plan to date, and it is indisputable.

bopper ago

I was intrigued by your answer to my question about James Files. Can you please answer my other question? Otherwise you're just doing a lot of copy and paste ... if you don't answer me, either here publicly or pm me I'm going to lose interest, as others apparently have before me.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Anyone who chooses to lose interest in the truth should be questioned. This is a different strategy than what the Reddit and Voat masses are focused on, but it is all true and this is the better way to go rather than trying to prove whether something happened in DC basement or not, although researching everything is important and possibly connected. The corruption in Racine however is indisputable, and would unravel the entire network. What is known is absolutely provable and is a test for Trump and the feds.

This is not a David Seaman episode, and this is not a ploy for money. This is not a joke. The death threats are real to those who know the truth. Disregard that if you wish. Answering your questions about the mafia ties does not prove or disprove anything, however if you want to help, that is great. Do you want to save the world, or get into a pissing contest?

The Podestas are from Chicago, which is where Hillary is from also and where Obama began to rise after getting Blago's Senate Seat for Sale to the highest bidder. The Daleys, the Clintons, the Podestas, Obama, Jarrett, and many others are obviously connected to the same groups. JFK and the Kennedy family rose to power through their own mafia ties, and Racine, Milwaukee, Lake Geneva and other areas were known escape routes. While not an expert on the mafia, the same things that happened in Melrose Park are still going on in Wisconsin today, with illegal gambling and making examples of anyone undermining the operation, only the difference is that now they do it with legitimate and semi-legitimate businesses, and in government. Dillinger's last bank robbery was in Racine, and Racine is ties to more than the Italian mafia. The mafia is just an arm of the elite groups that really control everything. The mafia handles some drug and human trafficking, prostitution rings and other criminal activity. It links the Chicago mob with UK and Dutch royalty, as well as Roman Catholic, Irish and many other groups. At some point the mob had to go 'legit'. Racine is setup in that exact fashion as a cover for laundering and criminal corruption and racketeering.

What else do you need to know? Have you done your research on Racine yet?

bopper ago

Nasa is what I need to know before I go on to Racine. Tell me, what is Nasa? I know some Nasa celebs and some of the highest level employees. I had to know some of them.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Are you referring to the Torbitt Document, assassinations, and the ties to the mafia, the Nazis and Operation Paperclip?

bopper ago


sponiatowski ago

It is definitely a sign that something is wrong in Racine's government. So I would link it, but it's not the smoking gun.

carmencita ago

Well if it is not the smoking gun then what is? This and St Louis is one hell of start. Please explain.

sponiatowski ago

It's not proof that Racine is the center of the conspiracy. It is a sign that another institution is involved in misconduct. The smoking gun would be proof that all politicians have covered something up or aided and abetted the criminality nationwide. That will need to be word of mouth, emails, tweets, photos, etc. It won't be an institute or department uncovered, it'll be the communications between the hierarchy that provide the proof of government cover-up. Tons of emails, tons of tweets, tons of phone calls with a directing hierarchy will need to be connected to point to Racine as the top of the syndicate. And a person We need some people in politics to get caught.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is not THE center. It is A center. More importantly it is a weak link to the entire network that is absolutely indisputable and links some of the most powerful people in the country. Scott Walker does not even have a college degree. How did he gain so much power exactly? Paul Ryan is a nobody. How did he gain so much power exactly? Reince Priebus is suddenly one of the most powerful men in the Republican establishment?

All Trump and Sessions need to do is announce investigations into Racine and provide protection to those who know the truth, and you will all see how it will unravel. Until then, Wisconsin is a scary and dangerous place to be.

sponiatowski ago

Is Caterpillar in Racine or Kenosha? There is a huge Federal Bust going on here in Illinois for tax evasion and funneling profits overseas. The Feds are at three Illinois locations. Is there anything up in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes Caterpillar's Global Mining Division is in the Racine area (not sure if it is being raided or not), and they closed a plant not too long ago in Northern Wisconsin. There are even bigger white collar crimes involving others in Wisconsin, and it's not just businesses involved. Non-profits, governments, universities, and foundations are involved.

sponiatowski ago

Thought so! Wisconsin is a very German state. Just the sort of place Nazis would hide out after WW2. I knew a few. I wonder precisely what evil they brought with them but if you are correct, it's in full swing. Pennsylvania has had a huge amount of pedophile busts, and, guess what, they have a huge German population too. Ever here of the Pennsylvania Dutch? They are actually the Pennsylvania Deutsche. They even have a mall called "King of Prussia". Another center? Looks like it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are correct. There are many links between the corruption in Wisconsin and in Pennsylvania. Recently there were connections made between Racine and Allentown, which is about an hour from Penn St. University. The FBI is currently investigating Allentown, and many have been indicted, which provides some hope, but the investigation is ongoing and much bigger than the few who are getting caught. It is even deeper in Racine and Wisconsin.

carmencita ago

I think that will eventually happen. The time will come. That is why they are pulling out all the stops. But eventually the public will understand that they have cried Wolf too many times.

sponiatowski ago

I agree. And I mean this, and I'm not being funny...I will be waiting with bells on to ring with happiness that this bloodsucking evil will be brought before the light of day.

carmencita ago

Amen. The FBI has been informed of many things that are going on in St. Louis. Someone needs to keep posting on here big time and going into detail about Racine. Then they will take notice. They are on here for sure. We are doing some of their work.