equineluvr ago

Nothing stated in this thread is definitive evidence pointing to Racine, Wisconsin as the "hub" of the operation, as has been asserted.

No wonder you guys haven't posted any links! You don't have any.

My comments:

Knights of Pythias held a big parade many years ago. It was held in Racine, Wisconsin, and the downtown Racine YMCA building was sold to the Knights of Pythias to be used as their castle. -- So? Charleston, SC is Ground Zero for Freemasonry in the U.S. (33rd degree) I could use this same point to assert that Charlotte is the hub.

Many of Racine's historic and prominent figures were members of Knights of Pythias, Masons, and secret clubs and societies. -- That applies to just about EVERY city in America!

Racine, Wisconsin's past Mayor, Gary Becker, and prominent figures have been convicted of crimes involving minors. - Criminal mayors are EVERYWHERE. Ever hear of Rahm Emanuel? Daly? DiBlasio?

Racine, Wisconsin has allegations and reports of widespread human and child trafficking. -- Allegations and reports" from whom? Link?

Racine, Wisconsin has allegations and reports of widespread criminal corruption, racketeering, and other crimes among local officials and their associates, including blackballing and threats against local witnesses, and widespread local propaganda and censorship to cover up the truth. The local law enforcement refuses to investigate, and the local DA is leaving office after being involved in a drunk driving hit and run incident including allegations of obstruction and special treatment. -- Again, this applies to MANY cities.

Even IF the above were valid points, correlation does not equal causation.

sponiatowski ago

I have family that live in Wisconsin. They told me about a Milwaukee fireman that was found with child porn, fled, and was captured all the way in Montana. I posted the story and it was deleted for Submissions Rule 1. I objected but received no response. Considering the medical training and ability to cover-up arson, the nearness to Racine, and the fact that he might have received notice in time to make him flee to Montana, don't you think that story is important and PizzaGate related? Should I try to repost the link. Or maybe the story was just too pertinent to Pizzagate to have a bunch of amateurs go over it at this time? What do you think?

madmanpg ago

Do you have any links or citations regarding your allegations about Racine? I've lived in Southern Wisconsin all my life and never once heard about this.

PizzagateRacine ago

Almost everything locally has been removed or censored, and the local newspaper is desperate to censor and cover up the truth about Racine and Racine County. You can use the wayback machine to find posts at Racine Exposed and News the JT Can't Use, or go to other local blogs such as Racine Community Media: http://racinecommunitymedia.tumblr.com

The level of corruption in Racine and Racine County is staggering. There was a federal RICO case that was recently settled under alleged threats and duress. It was only one small portion of a much bigger racketeering scheme.

There are many witnesses and people with evidence of the corruption who have been slandered, stalked and threatened, and some of the allegations include bribery, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, illegal campaign financing, rigged development deals and contracts, rigged licensing, records tampering and destruction, racial and social discrimination, retaliation and blackballing, stalking, vote rigging, coercion, illegal lobbying, open records and open meeting law violations, civil rights violations, money laundering, due process violations, and other crimes involving local officials and their associates.

The Racine County District Attorney has resigned. The Racine City Administrator has resigned. The Racine City Attorney has resigned. Many city council members have resigned. The police chief got a big raise after applying for jobs in other cities. The state Attorney General is friends with many of those involved, and is also reported to be a member of secret societies. Also a prominent judge died under very mysterious circumstances, and dozens of people connected to these groups have spread lies and misinformation to cover up the corruption.

The local media and newspaper is completely corrupt and complicit, and has censored the real truth while removing evidence of corruption and comments by local officials and their associates that prove the patterns of corruption.

It is a massive case of brazen, willful and wanton criminal corruption, and many innocent citizens lives have been ruined and threatened in the process for witnessing certain events or asking questions about the corruption.

Also there are some additional ties to corruption in Kenosha, including connections to the mafia and to the former Governor, which was eventually compromised and minimized by indicting only a few people involved: "A Kenosha businessman was indicted Thursday on a fraud charge related to political donations to Gov. Jim Doyle and others, and on an accusation of lying to the FBI."

If you look into Racine County, you will find an astonishing amount of evidence of corruption. It is incredible.

PizzagateRacine ago

All connections are important.

The people involved try to mix lies with truth, and get innocent people and organizations unwittingly involved in their schemes in order to dilute the evidence.

All of these connections are not just wild coincidences. There is massive evidence of criminal corruption in Wisconsin, yet the FBI and DOJ have not indicted anyone yet, just as there is massive evidence of criminal corruption involving the Clinton Foundation, yet the FBI and DOJ have not indicted anyone yet.

There is a clear pattern to all of this.

carmencita ago

Thanks for getting this all together. I think we should wait till after the Inauguration and then put heavy pressure on NYPD to prosecute for those emails or to threaten to release them. By then maybe something big will break or we will find the Golden Ticket.

PizzagateRacine ago

Thanks but waiting implies complicity, and complicity is what enables criminal corruption and cover-ups.

While we can be hopeful for real action in six or more weeks, giving them time only allows for more cover up, staged events, and censorship of the real truth.

Trump and others should be telling the citizens that they know the real truth and that justice will be swift and harsh for all involved.

We need more powerful people to speak up to disclose the real truth and demand that the Fake News facade be torn apart, or the real truth will be censored and the rest of the people investigating this will end up dead (especially considering that many powerful people like Andrew Breitbart, Antonin Scalia, Seth Rich and others died while having inside knowledge).

What is the purpose of the FBI and DOJ? Are we supposed to accept that they are completely corrupt and complicit to criminal corruption and racketeering at all levels?

carmencita ago

In part I agree. I think of the children everyday. Comey has been compromised. They have too much on him. DOJ needs to go as well. To close to Clintons. Every day we wait more children suffer & die.

Waalchastazoor ago

What pointed you to Racine? Was it the Knights? I have that name in my head from recent memory. I'm trying to remember what it was. Racine is represented by Paul Ryan.

PizzagateRacine ago

It's much more than that. The connections run deep, and secret societies are a key component.

Paul Ryan is part of the complicit structure that enables corruption. He has been made directly aware of the cesspool of criminal corruption in his own home District, and has done nothing to investigate it. The entire state of Wisconsin is corrupt, with a long history of secret societies, however it appears certain that Racine, Wisconsin is an epicenter of criminal corruption and nefarious activity with ties to very powerful people including the Clinton Foundation.

Also Racine County is connected to the Chicago mafia, and there is evidence of out of control criminal activity and collusion among officials and their associates including embezzlement, bribery, money laundering and other crimes.

AreWeSure ago

You have a shaky grasp of facts. And the language you are using shows it......reportedly, allegedly, accused of, etc. Your list is mainly a list of allegations that use some facts. like this one

23.Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on a hunting trip with a secret society, after meeting at the White House and allegedly receiving information that may have contained evidence of child trafficking and other crimes.

PizzagateRacine ago

There is nothing shaky. Do you think an investigation into human trafficking, corruption and murder is unnecessary?

Here are more details about Scalia's death, from the Washington Post of all places.

When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died 12 days ago at a West Texas ranch, he was among high-ranking members of an exclusive fraternity for hunters called the International Order of St. Hubertus, an Austrian society that dates back to the 1600s.

After Scalia’s death Feb. 13, the names of the 35 other guests at the remote resort, along with details about Scalia’s connection to the hunters, have remained largely unknown. A review of public records shows that some of the men who were with Scalia at the ranch are connected through the International Order of St. Hubertus, whose members gathered at least once before at the same ranch for a celebratory weekend.

Members of the worldwide, male-only society wear dark-green robes emblazoned with a large cross and the motto “Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes,” which means “Honoring God by honoring His creatures,” according to the group’s website. Some hold titles, such as Grand Master, Prior and Knight Grand Officer. The Order’s name is in honor of Hubert, the patron saint of hunters and fishermen.

AreWeSure ago

I think investigations of corruption and murder should be based on evidence, not upvotes.

I think rational evaluations of evidence have to be balanced and nonincriminating interpretations have to be considered. Or else it's just a witchunt due to tunnel vision.

Stuffing every misdeed by every government employee over multiple decades and across the globe and calling the same scandal is irrational.

So evidence of a single crime would be helpful. Governments/police should be restrained by rule of law/standards of evidence, so you still need probable cause to get a warrant

KingKongisCTR ago

Not to mention the "film" they wanted podesta to fund taking place in the exact location scalia died.

AreWeSure ago

This is not a secret society. You could say it's exclusive, noble, undemocratic, chivalric, Catholic, etc. But it's not secret. http://www.iosh-usa.com/ http://sthubertusbrotherhood.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Saint_Hubert

In that same sentence you also claim Scalia allegedly got some super-duper secret info.

PizzagateRacine ago

They are called secret societies, not because the groups themselves are secret, but because their rituals and information that is part of the society is secret.

While not independently verified, at least two sources claim:

"Just hours before Scalia's death he held a secret meeting with President Barack Obama aboard a U.S. Air Force plane before heading to the secluded Texas ranch."

"When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila envelope he was carrying had printouts from a computer seized by FBI Special Agent Jeff Ross of the Salt Lake City, Utah field office, or so informants tell us. Scalia left the White House carrying “slam dunk proof” that would lead to the arrest, conviction and, of course, impeachment of a seated Supreme Court Justice, files that contained names of victims and details on sex acts, preferred “types” along with dates and places. All of this was on the seized computer and these files went “up hill” from the FBI to the Department of Justice and directly over to the White House."


Why did Obama not attend the funeral? Was this why, or was it something bigger?


DystopianDaze ago

This is much deeper and wider than everyone thinks. Wisconsin is a cesspool of criminal corruption and racketeering. It has been enabled by corruption and racketeering at the highest levels.

**Pizzagate is a local, national and global emergency. **

Agreed. The only reason people are even paying attention now, though, is because of the children. If that is what it takes to bring this to light, then that is what we need to focus the light on...one brick out of the foundation can ultimately cause the structure to crumble.

PizzagateRacine ago

That is why the power that be are desperate to reduce the investigation to individual bricks rather than the entire structure.

Focus on the Foundation of the structure. It leads to how this directly affects all of our lives.

This would have already died if there was nothing to see. Pizzagate is the biggest story in the history of the world.

DystopianDaze ago

My journey into the rabbit hole began long ago. It led to a massive warren with offshoots into...well, basically everywhere.

I do not need convincing, those that do only glommed onto this because of the children. If this is where we need to start to bring down the bigger clusterfuck, then so be it, I cannot think of a more worthy cause than our children.

Yes, I have the bigger picture, though I may lack a few components, I think I have a pretty good overview after all these years.

Edit: typo

PizzagateRacine ago

People don't think it affects them. If it doesn't already, which it likely does to some extent, it will at some point.

This is a case of never-ending dominoes. The first domino must fall, and then it will not stop, as there are so many connections and tangents. That is why they are desperate to narrow the focus of Pizzagate to a few small players when in reality, it is connected to nearly every community in the world, so the entire fabric of corruption does not unravel.

The FBI knows about all of this and sit idly by while real people's lives are threatened and destroyed by double standards and corrupt officials and their associates operating above the law under the color of law.