Cc1914 ago

Whoa!! Now I see .

Matt_Helm ago

Pence will be President soon and Ryan will be his VP they are going to get rid of Trump no matter what.

srayzie ago

Wtf? Up until now I thought maybe you were onto something. Now I think YOU are the one that is disinfo. I just read the craziest theory and I can't believe that this was even upvoted.

Do you really believe that Tory Smith had those abilities? Or that maybe he was a past victim who believed in his mind that what he thought was true? You seem to believe everything he said. Is this some sort of joke? He didn't have super powers.

When it comes to Senate Anon, WIC and HLI being the same person, I don't know. But how the hell does that have to do with Tory Smith? He obviously suffered from mental illness, possibly caused by prior abuse. But if you are believing he truly had all these powers then you have some serious issues.

Just because anyone of these people hate Paul Ryan or Mike Pence, it does not mean they are related! Is one of your theories that Tory Smith didn't really die and is now HLI? I kept falling asleep while reading this because it was bedtime. Am I just royally confused because this is blowing my mind?

This crap is what makes Pizzagate look like a conspiracy theory. Posts like this.

SoberSecondThought ago

It's possible that I was a bit too sarcastic, and that gave you the impression that I believed him. But no, I'm saying he was acting. The whole thing, almost three years of it, was a con aimed at pulling in religious/spiritual people who believe in Satanic abuse, and making them suspicious of Mike Pence. And then spreading stories about Mike Pence being a pedo around the Internet.

He didn't die. He made a final video where he wheezed and said his enemies were overpowering him, and then his colleague at Galactic Connections said he was dead.

This is the same scam they pulled back in the 1980s. There was a danger that their relatively small-scale Satanic abuse operation (for elites only) would be revealed, so they hyped it up into a gigantic panic, where every kindergarten and daycare was suddenly suspect. They made it sound like there was a Satanic coven on every block. Most of those cases were eventually dismissed or overturned, and it left the impression that the whole business was completely unfounded.

This is an updated version of that campaign, really a continuation of it. It's a tool to discredit Mike Pence, because they are afraid that Mike Pence will reveal what he knows about their real, continuing operation. I'll be posting the final instalment of my report in a few hours. Get some sleep and see what you think of that before reaching a final judgment.

srayzie ago

Tory has a variety of spiritual gifts. He can "read" a person's DNA from a distance and learn all sorts of things about them. He can heal diseases. He can communicate with aliens and angels.

After I made my comment saying how ridiculous that was, you decided to edit...

EDIT: I'm being sarcastic in the next few paragraphs. Tory has no special powers, and he is not mentally ill. It is an act.

First of all, you don't know if he was an act, if he was mentally ill or if he was a victim of abuse. You say "it is an act" as if it's fact. So in my opinion, the first person you have slandered in this post is Tory Smith. DISINFO.

Ok, so now that you say, you are being "sarcastic" in the next few paragraphs, let's go over some things.

There is just one constant in this bewildering struggle, and his name is Mike Pence.

How is that relevant? People talk crap about politicians ALL THE TIME. you can obviously tell that he's "special". Many times these people hyper-focus on certain people, groups, dates, etc excessively. My career was working with mentally disabled children, and then moving on to work with mentally disabled adults and mentally ill adults. My brother works with mentally ill children. I know how much they hyper-focus.

When it comes to Tory Smith, in my opinion, it's safe to say that he doesn't have powers. So could be mentally ill. He could have always been that way, or it could have been caused trauma or mind control. Or, like you said, he could be acting. However, one can simply watch some of his videos and clearly see his health declining rapidly week by week. His face starts sinking in. His physical appearance changes drastically over time. His voice becomes weaker. That IS NOT AN ACT. You can't fake that. Therefore, he didn't live on and end up being HLI, WIC, Senate Anon or anyone else. That is false and is very disrespectful to Tory Smith's memory.

I don't know enough about the people you are accusing of being the same person, so I don't have an opinion on rather they are the same person or not. However, I also don't know you. From what I have seen so far, in my opinion, you are spreading disinfo and smearing peoples reputations based only on your opinion. Or possibly you are purposely doing it. How would you like that done to you? You could very well be the paid shill. What you are doing is something a paid shill would do. Maybe these people you are discrediting are revealing things you don't want revealed. Who knows.

I find what you are doing is very suspicious. You hyper-focused on these people. You've checked dates as if you're some private investigator. You are building your case as if you're a prosecutor. You seem to be fishing for something you can use to back your theory up.

Ater reading your "series" so far, you are coming off cocky by acting as if you did strategic planning on these suspects that you zeroed in on and planned your moves up ahead of time, trying to get them to take the bait. Yeah, it's easy to say that later and come off like you are this brilliant investigator. But, why have you been putting so much time into them instead of Pizzagate? Why would you go thru all this time and work just to throw names under the bus? You keep adding new people to the list.

You aren't fooling me.

SoberSecondThought ago

Did you read my Day 8 post before deciding all this, as I suggested?

Not trying to dodge your arguments, I just want to save both of us some time and confusion.

srayzie ago

No because it was posted an hour ago. I will go look now.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not really following you on why you think @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt is HLI. I went at it a little with WIC yesterday in an effort to pull some additional out of him.

I can see why he is interested in Racine. The number of factories and wealthy businesses alone in that little tiny town is impressive, to say the least. Its history is interesting too.

He can be irritating, condescending, and repetitive but I don't believe his opinions about Racine are impossible.

His main point seems to be an effort to show people a small scale real world model of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. I don't have a problem with that.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We will accept that. Thank you.

We do not have any motive beyond exposing the Truth. We don't care who exposes the Truth, and we are trying to explain what is at stake and how an unassuming city like Racine is hiding a much deeper darker secret that leads beyond Agenda 21 to something more nefarious.

This poster may have the same intentions, although we question their motive, and we know.for certain their basic premise is extremely flawed. We are not HLI or any of the others he claims. Everyday he adds more alter egos to our list. Now we are also a YouTuber named Tory Smith, and ababcb, and fogdryer, and carmencita, etc. It is wild and ignorant speculation. At least speculate about something meaningful like Agenda 21 not that we are HLI and other anons.

We can't help but be interested to see how he tries to justify this. We have a feeling we know the reason for this absurdity, but go ahead and keep digging @SoberSecondThought. Maybe you will eventually discover the real Truth about Racine.

SoberSecondThought ago

Don't bother trying to slip @carmencita into this. I have said nothing about her.

See you tomorrow.

carmencita ago

Thank you.

SoberSecondThought ago

This will be easier to explain after I publish my conclusion tomorrow. Let's resume the discussion there, if that's all right with you.

new4now ago

One of the reasons I signed up hete was for the different opinions, more eyes, everyone bringing something different

That we would join these puzzles to make sense and find proof to redpill everyone

I dont expect everyone to agree, figure we are a think tank, ALL WITH THE SAME GOAL

Difference in opinions are a for sure here

Confirm or discard

Some things take time

Will I agree with tomorrows post, cant say, but do admit the controversy it is causing peaks my interest

My take on Feldman is different from a lot of people here, but I'm not going to confront someone who's opinion differs from mine unless you come after me

I may be right, I may be wrong..time will tell

If right, I wont look down on anyone for believing, as I hope when I am wrong it's not held against me

Everyone, including WIC, have taught me something, for that I am Thankful

4_InquiringMinds ago

My take on Feldman is different from a lot of people here

Me too~trying to profit off of child abuse/by the time his 'movie' comes out (not holding breath on that one) it will be old news. Plenty of ppl are coming forward giving names. He could make a difference NOW but he needs to be paid first/oh right, living expenses, security blah blah. He's a con, a scammer and who knows what all he lead Haim into.

new4now ago

he's done a lot of interviews about Haim and Jackson

were these paid appearances?

Why is he making this documentary about HIM, instead of the abusers that have continued to abuse?

I’ll direct the film, I’ll produce the film, and I will self-distribute it to guarantee that it gets a theatrical release with your donations,”

theatrical release??????

Corey Feldman will make a documentary based on his life

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The education is mutual. Thank you. We can only reach the Truth together.

merrymaxmas ago

Another word of advise to all people on Voat: MSM is off course mostly paid disinfo, but YT channels are very often not better (Please subscribe like or become my patreon), one just has to see the utter neglect of all the big "players" in regard to the horrid frozen elsa content.

The small ones are often as crappy (outerlight i find seriously interested at least, and his series on the papal audience hall is to be truly applauded ! The riddle people (lucky lucky i got the spear of destiny ... seriously ????????) are to be avoided as they are a distraction at best. Forgottenlanguages @gothamgirl looks even more appalling. @mes should not try to monetize his PG stuff, the rest is worth to pay for, though :-) Titus Frost i could watch barely 5 minutes, and i am utterly flabbergasted how people can think he or the OP are doing anything worthwhile.

Investigate the term ordo ab chao, this should clear up many things for many sheeple ...

The wealth distribution NOW is worse than in medieval times, let that drop: and soon it might look like 1% have 80% wealth, 24% have 15% (even feel priveledged maybe and get happily chipped, or at least buy the gadgets which are basically equivalent) and 75% well get "guidestoned" or are barely alive. So look for real solutions, and this rambling OP doesnt provide ANY for sure. No matter if WIC is the real deal or not !

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We agree with your analysis @merrymaxmas.

You will not find a youtube channel or patreon account for us. not want money or credit, we only want the world to find out the Truth before it is too late. Racine and Wisconsin are a key path to that Truth.

For.the record we provided Alex Jones, George Webb, Jason Goodman, Titus Frost, Defango, Lisa Haven, Outer Light Ed and other YouTubers information about Racine. Ed was the only one with a.seemingly genuine interest (George and Jason feigned interest after their fanbase was growing curious about Racine and then they broke up), yet even Ed never reported on it, and more suspiciously he was lurking in defango chats when we were exposing defango as a fraud.

Racine is the ultimate litmus test for any investigator or reporter, or President. We question anyone claiming searching for the Truth who refuses to investigate what we have openly stated as the model for the real agenda of global corruption leading to eternal enslavement.

Gothamgirl ago


merrymaxmas ago

Not you, i thought it adds to your posts on synth LHOHQ etc. :-)

merrymaxmas ago

BTW what was the - canadian i think - DJ you mention once in those posts ? And what role does he play ? His music i found a bit aggressive but interesting. Wouldn`t mind to hear him again, !

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure if you mean me, if so I really don't recall that, sorry.

srayzie ago

You replied to yourself instead of gothamgirl lol

merrymaxmas ago

Another word of advise to all people on Voat: MSM is off course mostly paid disinfo, but YT channels are very often not better (Please subscribe like or become my patreon), one just has to see the utter neglect of all the big "players" in regard to the horrid frozen elsa content.

The small ones are often as crappy (outerlight i find seriously interested at least, and his series on the papal audience hall is to be truly applauded ! The riddle people (lucky lucky i got the spear of destiny ... seriously ????????) are to be avoided as they are a distraction at best. Forgottenlanguages @gothamgirl looks even more appalling. @mes should not try to monetize his PG stuff, the rest is worth to pay for, though :-) Titus Frost i could watch barely 5 minutes, and i am utterly flabbergasted how people can think he or the OP are doing anything wothwhile.

Investigate the term ordo ab chao, this should clear up many things for many sheeple ...

The wealth distribution NOW is worse than in medieval times, let that drop: and soon it might look like 1% have 80% wealth, 24% have 15% (even feel priveledged maybe and get happily chipped, or at least buy the gadgets which are basically equivalent) and 75% well get "guidestoned" or are barely alive. So look for real solutions, and this rambling OP doesnt provide ANY for sure. No matter if WIC is the real deal or not !

oftotc ago

Fascinating study, though connecting a YT producer to a voat account only leads to LARP, nothing more. You infer much more than that. How do you imagine that business transaction goes down?
"Uh Hi buddy. How'd you like to come work for the guy that anyone with an Internet connection knows is doing all the stuff you hate MP for..." I mean, you did say:

So HLI really has something against Mike Pence, and was willing to go to great lengths.

So how can you put someone like t.smith in the roll of accepting an offer to terminate something he'd been doing since 2013(?) in order to hang out on voat-chan and LARP disinfo about someone he already had an ax to grind against, but for $$?? Like, maybe he was tired of the YT gig and wanted to try something new?

Really? This is just a gig ?

That is a tremendous stretch - unless there are nuances to trying to monetize YT channels that I remain naive to.

SoberSecondThought ago

Ah, I see you picked up a slight flaw in how I worded things. Sorry, it's pretty complex stuff. To be clear: HLI has been working for David Brock since 2013, if not even longer. His salary in that role vastly exceeds the value of a YouTube channel with 6,000 subscribers. His job back then included running the phony Tory Smith account. When the Podesta emails hit, and Mike Pence became the VP nominee, he shifted to LARPing as HighLevelInsider and the Tory Smith project was shut down.

He was at all times working for Brock, and was undoubtedly doing other stuff that we have yet to discover. But the time-consuming Tory Smith channel was shut down and HLI started up because of rapidly shifting priorities. The Podesta emails were a very big threat, and it was no longer any use trying to isolate Mike Pence, as Trump had openly allied with him.

Vindicator ago

Sober, what would be really helpful is to make a timeline showing what all these people did on what date, and what else significant was happening. It would be much easier to follow your argument that way.

SoberSecondThought ago

Absolutely! Coming up very soon. Maybe not tomorrow though, going to need a brief break first..

SterlingJB ago

Could be, anything could, but your logical leaps are the size of the grand canyon here. Good grief. Oh, he repeated a common topic or claim from the conspiracy mythosphere, oh wow. They must the same. They must all be the same. You're prolly Tory and HLI and WIC as well, right? Awww fuck, am I too? I know since you and I put words on a page and say similar conspiracy stuff too.

SoberSecondThought ago

You're entitled to be skeptical. Let's see how you feel tomorrow with the conclusion.

ben_matlock ago

For what it's worth, someone on 8chan is calling you out as well @sterlingJB

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh, ha, that's good. I mean, it's stupid and counterproductive in a Jimmy Comet sort of way. I don't know if it's him, but it certainly doesn't help him.

Side note: I'm only speculating here, but the likely reason Jimmy hasn't come back to refute me directly using the original account that he posted with, is that he has forgotten the password. Never post while high, it only leads to trouble later.

SterlingJB ago

Ok. I'll take a sober, somewhat, second look tmrw.

Mej777 ago

Go figure FBIanon said Tavistock was the heart and three posters on this forum are eyewitnesses that have been saying Tavistock from the beginning and deleted, banned, etc.

Those witnesses shall not be named except Vindicator just banned one of them. The others are adult witnesses from the US and U.K. who have been on pizzagate since reddit. Research who has talked about Tavistock and linked it to locations here in the US. Who has been there and is an eyewitness who people would very much like to silence and issue death threats.

Noone that I am aware of has championed Tory Smith. The accounts you name @WIC, @9217 @Ang23 and this one are @Jem777(who is still banned) are not "sock puppets" but actual witnesses or victims or have been given victims (with DID, MK Ultra) stories to tell so they are protected.

For some of us it has caused death threats, and assaults. That is not fearmongering @Vindicator it is truth. We have to be brace anyway.

Those assaults and police reports are documented and being investigated as hit jobs @Vindicator and witness protection being granted to stay quiet.

We have refused because the truth has to come out.

So nice try giving your 7 part series proclaiming who is worthy and who isn't. You are silencing victims by doing it and the mods are allowing it.

@jangles @Dressage2 @carmencita @ESOTERICshade @darkknight111

SoberSecondThought ago

I'm not sure what your point is. I've never accused you of anything, and in fact I have never mentioned you. I haven't mentioned @Jem777 either, or @9217. I was asked privately a few days ago if I thought @Jem777 was a sockpuppet and I said no. I also think you may have made a typo because @Ang23 doesn't seem to be an account. I've certainly never mentioned @Ang23, much less accused he/she/it of being a sockpuppet.

I've never mentioned Tavistock, positively or negatively, in my time here. Jimmy Comet mentioned it when he was harassing me, and I quoted him in yesterday's post. He said go research Tavistock and leave him alone. I don't conclude from that remark that Tavistock is fake. I'm sure Tavistock should be researched more. It just isn't relevant to the project I'm working on.

@Vindicator has expressed some support for my arguments. I suppose since you are frequently fighting with her, you might think that means you are somehow fighting with me. But it doesn't.

The only thing that I can see us having any conflict about, is that you seem to support @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. I'm not 100 percent sure because @WIC is actually a separate account with no activity on it. But okay, if that's your complaint about me, then I would appreciate it if you would wait for tomorrow's post before concluding anything. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

LOL, "her"?

SoberSecondThought ago

Sorry, I guess I got that wrong.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are not @WIC either.

Many others before you questioned us, and through ongoing messages and research they eventually realized we are telling the Truth. You will someday also.

new4now ago

Ty, will keep this in mind

merrymaxmas ago

7 part story, JK Rowling can learn from this smelly sock, or did he ? :-)

merrymaxmas ago

Read my posts.

witch_doctor1 ago

Everybody know that Mike Pence was sent back from the future to help Dr. President and foil Tim Kaine...this Indiana stuff is hogwash.

merrymaxmas ago

Rambling bollocks. So the only problem is a few (alleged) sockpuppetaccounts ?. I am reassured. World saved, where can i subscribe like or become your patreon? I just checked your "body" of work: not impressed. WIC and HLI (which i would, although seemingly quite erudite, pack much easier in the cointelpro corner) would even disagree on some vital points, voila another proof of your astute theory ? That you say to spread the "work" over many posts to gain attention and create suspense, while children are in danger, doesnt need to be commented. Your Titus Frost quote is another highlight. So maybe YOU are a SOCK of his ? It SMELLS bad either way ! WIC (if he/they are real) shouldnt waste time arguing with you. Alone that WIC would mention Wellerstone, who is (the good audio parts at least) almost scrubbed from Youtube and many points he/they mention(s) are far more coherent, no matter if one likes the religious wording, than your rambling.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you. We can be questioned all day, but all we are interested in is the Truth and stopping the agenda of eternal enslavement. We do not care what religions are involved, but we do care about the freedom of religion and the freedom to die.

We hope they keep digging and eventually learn the real Truth. At least Paul Wellstone knew part of the Truth about the Clintons' plan for Iraq, and the collusion between Cargill, DuPont, Monsanto, Dow, SC Johnson and many others involved. We did not agree on everything but Paul knew we spoke the Truth long ago.

witch_doctor1 ago

"rambling"...Hi pot, I'm kettle...

new4now ago

Well I for one am tired of Racine Racine, Paul Ryan Paul Ryan

Been wonder why the "WE's" keep harping on it, playing it over and over and over, I couldnt figure why

Looking forward to feeling stupid in your next post

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the key to the Truth, but this premise that we are HLI, US Senate Anon and now Tory Smith is absurd.

new4now ago

I have my own opinions

I take all posts with a little salt

I find many interesting posts here, but am usually looking for back ups

You use the same words so frequent, like a script, that I have been watching your posts

Maybe if you expanded a bit, outside of Racine, I wouldnt be wondering about you

Patterns mean a lot to me

Yes, you could be repetitive to make your point, but it's having the opposite reaction on me

I am still watching, so havent written you completly off

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have reported on many other connections outside of Racine, but Racine is the "root" and model of the real agenda.

Look into SC Johnson's global locations and partnerships from their involvement in Haiti to their control of Ghana to their ties with Dutch and British Royalty theough the Pilgrims Society. In relation to Paul Manafort, look into their ties with the U.S. Ukraine Business Council. Look at their ties to Rotary, Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation. Or look at their ties to Jacksonville and the Mayo Clinic, or Epic Systems, Abbott, Solvay, Bayer, DuPont, Cargill and others. It is endless.

Look into Poway, California and Tom DeLonge, Travis Barker, and ties to Evan McMullin, Mitt Romney and Warren Jeffs. DeLonge is closely tied to Podesta and Peter Lavenda which leads to the partnership between LDS, Jesuits, OTO, Scientology and Kabbalah.

What else would you like is to cover?

DomKeyhote ago


Since discussions are to advance solutions, and the likes of you and @esotericshade refuse the final solution -- evicting the Jews, practicing kabbalist or otherwise, of the West and confiscating their ill-gotten wealth -- you are in effect STRINGING PEOPLE ALONG AND IT IS EGREGIOUS

ESOTERICshade ago


DomKeyhote ago

Where I come from it's considered bad form to shit on a solution when you're miles away from suggesting any alternative.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The only solution is global enlightenment in the race between the Truth and AI. Kabbalah is absolutely involved, but it is part of a bigger coalition that also includes Jesuits, LDS, OTO, Scientology and other groups. It is part of the agenda for one world currency and one world religion. In Racine they created a model for collective control called the Racine Interfaith Coalition ran primarily by the Racine Dominicans.

We know all about Ashton (Chris) Kutcher's involvement in the real agenda. He is one of many actors involved linked with Guy Oseary, Ron Burkle, Mark Cuban, Peter Thiel, the Emanuels, John McCain and others in the chain.

The Truth has no limited scope.

new4now ago

Racine is French for Root

You name a lot of groups involved, but that can be said for a lot of cities

As for the Johnsons, easy to assume they are eyeball deep withe the Lizards

Racine Johnsons are just an extended arm of the family, I wouldnt call that the root

I'll tell ya what the ROOT is in the Us, its the day Ben Franklin and his group set foot here

I said I was on the fence, but if you keep coming at me, I will confirm and write you off

new4now ago

Your play on root bothers me

Vindicator ago


Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine means Root. It is the direct translation and origin. It is also built around the Root River that leads to the largedt fresh water sources in the world.

Racine is also the hub and model for programs involved such as Sustainability, Community Policing, Vaccination, and Art in Embassies that all play a role in the new world order agenda.

Factfinder2 ago

Please provide your actual research (a link, not just another one of your undocumented assertions) that Racine is the model for the Art in Embassies program.

Are you confusing that program with the National Endowment for the Arts, which the Johnson Foundation claims to have "conceived?"

The Art in Embassies program was established by the State Dept.

As a side note, this is a research site, meaning participants are expected to do research and document their findings here. Instead of doing this, you make repeated assertions and push us to do the research that will prove you are correct. "Look into" this, "look into" that.

We don't work for you, and unless you can prove that you are in a position to have useful inside knowledge, your assertions have zero value.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Here is one link for you that outlines how SC Johnson in Racine was the primary corporation that forged the Art in Embassies program. They also control the international airport and harbor in Racine.

Factfinder2 ago

Thank you for the link. I don’t know why you think SC Johnson “forged” the Art in Embassies program. It participated in the program after it was formed by the State Dept., according to your link. Nonetheless, I appreciate the link and it is an interesting connection.

Now please provide documentation of your claim that the Johnsons “control” the airport and harbor in Racine. I find no people named Johnson on the Airport Committee or the Harbor Commission, but you might be aware of other controllers. Please be specific and provide links.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

For Art in Embassies, SC Johnson did not create the program they gave it real legitimacy which allowed it to expand.

"The Johnson collection, by contrast, was demonstrably 'not propaganda', and I thinks its impact will be immense."

The Johnsons control everything in Racine including the airport and harbor, and are the primary corporate user of the airport for international flights, with its own cuatoms office. The Johnsons also were the key donor to develop the harbor including millions for the festival site along the lake.

" Rooney was always trying to grow support for his big ideas. And then the late Sam Johnson came aboard, wanting to help spark a renaissance of Downtown, and he started the Downtown Racine Development Corp."

"DRC sponsored a gathering of county supervisors and city aldermen at SC Johnson’s Council House to talk about what could be done. Committees were formed and consultants were hired, and those consultants devised the idea for Festival Park. Rooney was then County Board chairman."

Look into the Yarber family for more ties to Batten airport trafficking to Wingsread and ties to the Nelsons drug trafficking out of the Dells who also have a private island by Epstein.

When you pull the purse strings you don't always have to have a seat at the table for everyone to do what you say. Everyone at the table knows who they work for.

Factfinder2 ago

As you know, the purpose of Art in Embassies was to show the world that capitalists have an appreciation for more than just making money. Murrow thought the Johnson collection would prove that. Yes, it's a globalist agenda but not really nefarious at that point unless you have some other info.

I give up on you. You still have not shown how "the Johnsons control everything in Racine, including the airport and the harbor, and are the primary corporate user of the airport for international flights..." I'm sure this is true in a relatively small town where SC Johnson is a huge corporate presence. HOW are they controlling the airport and port? Donations for a festival site along the lake, if true, is not suspicious unless you can show that the festival site is being used for nefarious purposes.

If you're serious, YOU will look into the Yarber family, etc., etc., and provide some documentation. I'm finished with you.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You claim you give up on us when you never supported us in the first place. You have never been interested in the facts. That is why your name is factfinder2.

If you are done with us, now we can get to know you better. We have a few questions for you.

Do you believe that human trafficking and drug trafficking are real?

Do you believe human and drug trafficking are happening in the Racine, Wisconsin area?

Are you familiar with the programs in Racine to address human and drug trafficking and who is involved?

Do most secret societies have a public facebook page where you can find their members and meeting documents?

Do you support child rapists?

Do you know who the wealthiest family is in Wisconsin and what they sell? Do you know what they pay for water and taxes?

Do you support pedophiles? Do you support pedophile mayors? Do you support adultery? Do you support criminal mayors?

Is bribery a crime? Is embezzlement a crime? Is extortion a crime? Is fraud a crime?

Is it acceptable for officials to stalk children and make death threats against witnesses of criminal activity committed by other officials?

Do you think people are willing to do bad things or look the other way for money?

Do you think it is unusual for all of the top city and county officials in a city under 100,000 to resign following allegations of extreme criminal corruption and abuse?

Do you know the process for searching diplomatic packages?

Do you know what the mafia is?

Do you think it is acceptable to murder 50,000 children in India from a vaccine?

Do you believe that child abuse is not nefarious?

Do you support Sanctuary Cities and open borders?

Do you think Agenda 2030 is positive or negative?

Do you show all your cards when you play poker?

Do you care about anyone else and want to keep them safe from harm?

Do you know anyone who was murdered for knowing the Truth?

Why are you trying so hard to hide the Truth?

mooteensy ago


Tanngrisnir ago

I remember FBI Anon said early on that he thought HLI was a larp and not a real insider.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yes, he did, several times...beginning in AMA #4 for sure, question #2 IIRC.

merrymaxmas ago

I think it is really astounding how easy people are distracted. Maybe the repetition on WIC`s part (here i think @esotericshades had a valid point, although the complexity of the global "interaction" of people with nefarious intentions, is obviously not to be seen easily, so repetition might be seen by some as necessary) could be toned down for sure. @jem777 @9127 @angbe23 On the other hand the sheer volume of information, most of it which can be confirmed by simple MSM searches, provided by WIC and the fact that his/her picture is certainly more realistic than that HRC is scared of Paul Ryan or Mike Pence and would order MediaMatter to start this convoluted sockpuppet "campaign", lets me conclude SHILL in regard to the OP.

SoberSecondThought ago

HLI, you must be running out of existing alts to draw upon, if you have to resort to a 1-day-old account to deliver your message. People see through that really fast, and it's hardly worth my arguing with you.

But I am kind of interested still in whether Brock told you the full story. Your use of a disposable shill account, at this stage, reinforces my suspicion that you might not actually know. It smells like a stalling tactic. You're not going to try and counter this latest move of mine with WIC or @ababcb until you see where I'm going.

And I'm guessing the HLI account is just never coming back. Very tricky to condescend to someone who knows more than you do.

witch_doctor1 ago

" lets me conclude SHILL in regard to the OP." Hello member for 1.2 days...yeah, the downvotes are me..

merrymaxmas ago

Nice handle ..

Tanngrisnir ago

I'm hardly convinced on WIC or on the supposed sock puppet accounts. But I agree that High Level Insider is not an ally.

merrymaxmas ago

Limited hangout like most of the social media types in my opinion.

MurrisRiley ago

FBI Anon told us that Tavistock is the center of this and in that we find the Messiah.

mooteensy ago

I believe this is still true. Most normies haven't heard much, if anything, about Tavistock.

derram ago

None :

Paul Manafort Indicted: Hillary Clinton Still Free - YouTube | :


Tory Smith: The Bush, DARPA, CIA, Child Trafficking Report for October 9, 2015 - YouTube | :


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