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srayzie ago

Wtf? Up until now I thought maybe you were onto something. Now I think YOU are the one that is disinfo. I just read the craziest theory and I can't believe that this was even upvoted.

Do you really believe that Tory Smith had those abilities? Or that maybe he was a past victim who believed in his mind that what he thought was true? You seem to believe everything he said. Is this some sort of joke? He didn't have super powers.

When it comes to Senate Anon, WIC and HLI being the same person, I don't know. But how the hell does that have to do with Tory Smith? He obviously suffered from mental illness, possibly caused by prior abuse. But if you are believing he truly had all these powers then you have some serious issues.

Just because anyone of these people hate Paul Ryan or Mike Pence, it does not mean they are related! Is one of your theories that Tory Smith didn't really die and is now HLI? I kept falling asleep while reading this because it was bedtime. Am I just royally confused because this is blowing my mind?

This crap is what makes Pizzagate look like a conspiracy theory. Posts like this.

SoberSecondThought ago

It's possible that I was a bit too sarcastic, and that gave you the impression that I believed him. But no, I'm saying he was acting. The whole thing, almost three years of it, was a con aimed at pulling in religious/spiritual people who believe in Satanic abuse, and making them suspicious of Mike Pence. And then spreading stories about Mike Pence being a pedo around the Internet.

He didn't die. He made a final video where he wheezed and said his enemies were overpowering him, and then his colleague at Galactic Connections said he was dead.

This is the same scam they pulled back in the 1980s. There was a danger that their relatively small-scale Satanic abuse operation (for elites only) would be revealed, so they hyped it up into a gigantic panic, where every kindergarten and daycare was suddenly suspect. They made it sound like there was a Satanic coven on every block. Most of those cases were eventually dismissed or overturned, and it left the impression that the whole business was completely unfounded.

This is an updated version of that campaign, really a continuation of it. It's a tool to discredit Mike Pence, because they are afraid that Mike Pence will reveal what he knows about their real, continuing operation. I'll be posting the final instalment of my report in a few hours. Get some sleep and see what you think of that before reaching a final judgment.

srayzie ago

Tory has a variety of spiritual gifts. He can "read" a person's DNA from a distance and learn all sorts of things about them. He can heal diseases. He can communicate with aliens and angels.

After I made my comment saying how ridiculous that was, you decided to edit...

EDIT: I'm being sarcastic in the next few paragraphs. Tory has no special powers, and he is not mentally ill. It is an act.

First of all, you don't know if he was an act, if he was mentally ill or if he was a victim of abuse. You say "it is an act" as if it's fact. So in my opinion, the first person you have slandered in this post is Tory Smith. DISINFO.

Ok, so now that you say, you are being "sarcastic" in the next few paragraphs, let's go over some things.

There is just one constant in this bewildering struggle, and his name is Mike Pence.

How is that relevant? People talk crap about politicians ALL THE TIME. you can obviously tell that he's "special". Many times these people hyper-focus on certain people, groups, dates, etc excessively. My career was working with mentally disabled children, and then moving on to work with mentally disabled adults and mentally ill adults. My brother works with mentally ill children. I know how much they hyper-focus.

When it comes to Tory Smith, in my opinion, it's safe to say that he doesn't have powers. So could be mentally ill. He could have always been that way, or it could have been caused trauma or mind control. Or, like you said, he could be acting. However, one can simply watch some of his videos and clearly see his health declining rapidly week by week. His face starts sinking in. His physical appearance changes drastically over time. His voice becomes weaker. That IS NOT AN ACT. You can't fake that. Therefore, he didn't live on and end up being HLI, WIC, Senate Anon or anyone else. That is false and is very disrespectful to Tory Smith's memory.

I don't know enough about the people you are accusing of being the same person, so I don't have an opinion on rather they are the same person or not. However, I also don't know you. From what I have seen so far, in my opinion, you are spreading disinfo and smearing peoples reputations based only on your opinion. Or possibly you are purposely doing it. How would you like that done to you? You could very well be the paid shill. What you are doing is something a paid shill would do. Maybe these people you are discrediting are revealing things you don't want revealed. Who knows.

I find what you are doing is very suspicious. You hyper-focused on these people. You've checked dates as if you're some private investigator. You are building your case as if you're a prosecutor. You seem to be fishing for something you can use to back your theory up.

Ater reading your "series" so far, you are coming off cocky by acting as if you did strategic planning on these suspects that you zeroed in on and planned your moves up ahead of time, trying to get them to take the bait. Yeah, it's easy to say that later and come off like you are this brilliant investigator. But, why have you been putting so much time into them instead of Pizzagate? Why would you go thru all this time and work just to throw names under the bus? You keep adding new people to the list.

You aren't fooling me.

SoberSecondThought ago

Did you read my Day 8 post before deciding all this, as I suggested?

Not trying to dodge your arguments, I just want to save both of us some time and confusion.

srayzie ago

No because it was posted an hour ago. I will go look now.