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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We bet our lives and our souls that Paul Ryan is the real sockpuppet working for his global masters and that your theory is absolutely wrong.

Paul Ryan is to DC as Ashton (Chris) Kutcher is to Hollywood. They are the corrupt boy scout front men covering up the true Evil going on behind the curtain.

Paul Ryan is a traitor who was given information by his own constituents who were victims and witnesses to extreme corruption and abuse involving his donors and the most powerful people in his district. He obstructed RICO investigations along with Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch and others that linked to the Clinton Foundation and other elite groips.

The real swamp is in Paul Ryan's backyard - Racine, Wisconsin.

srayzie ago

I agree with you here and if anything, all of this has made me believe more in what you are saying about Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you and anyone can see from our history that we have never tried to discredit anyone else, and support anyone seeking the real Truth. Our only motive is the Truth and our message has been consistent the entire time we've been posting here and elsewhere.

If you read our entire history of comments and the escalating attacks against us you will see they are very afraid of the real truth being exposed and Racine, Wisconsin is the weakest link to the entire system.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Racine, Wisconsin is the weakest link to the entire system.

Can you elaborate on why you say this? Would they not have hubs all over the US, Europe and elsewhere? Would they risk it all by having one place that can take it all down? It doesn't seem logical but I'm willing to listen to a logical explanation of how this would be so. Shining the light on racine just doesn't seem logical. Lots of places that are mired in corruption have the light shined on them and nothing happens.

I have searched online for other racine posts and all that came up was one from last spring on lunatic outpost which simply commented on a racine post you made here. Why is this not being discussed on all the major conspiracy sites...there are so many where it would 'seem' to be of major importance if one is focused on shinning the light.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Our posts on Reddit pizzagate were part of the reason why it was shut down. That is also why we do not post submissions here in order to keep voat alive for as long as possible. We do not trust Reddit and we do not trust you either, Rose.

We don't take this lightly. You betrayed our trust and are now joining in the hit job on us. Congratulations I hope you feel proud of yourself for working for the criminal corrupt Elite planning to enslave the world.

Is it because we didn't respond to all of your nonsense emails? Or were you trying to infiltrate and become our friend from the beginning only two joints on the year-long planned attack against us?

You should be ashamed of yourself Rose but we're positive that you aren't.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Even tho I never post my name in comments, only in pm's, you have taken it upon yourself to 'out' me. This crosses a forum line and you know that.

I'm fine with that~but what does it say about you? Is this how you respond when someone questions your information? I have always been very civil in questioning and sincere in my inquiries.

Your actions speak volumes~now who is it really that betrays trust?

4_InquiringMinds ago

I've decided to ping this so some ppl can see your response to an honest inquiry. One member saw this, one who gave you support, and said your response was scary. Indeed it might be a veiled threat to dox me. I don't really care, nothing to hide~but you crossed a line, a line that any forum member knows about. As the member said to me it doesn't matter if there is disagreement with another member/would never divulge personal information. It's um, an honor code.

@carmencita, @srayzie, @ESOTERICshade, @mooteensy

srayzie ago

I can see why that would come off scary. This is the first time I've ever ever seen WIC appear angry. I don't know the whole back story. I can't really talk because I did that to my enemies Equineluvr and Donkeyhote after they threatened me.

I'll just be the go between and tell WIC that could scare someone. So don't use names. I'd say to you that I would be pissed too. But don't worry because it's on your first name.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

She is lying to turn the community against us exactly like equinluvr did Either she has relationship issues and got mad because we stopped replying to her private messages or she is partnered with this other person who is calling for our murder.

This is scary. We are the ones risking our lives. She is the one targeting us and supporting a psychopath who is calling to silence and murder us. We do not know who either of them are and we believe they have malicious intentions so we do not care about their feelings or forum etiquette.

We don't see anyone else here saying they found the root of all evil in a town under a hundred thousand people. That puts a pretty big target on some people. We have more information but our lives and our sources' lives are already in danger.

SoberSecondThought ago

This is scary. We are the ones risking our lives. She is the one targeting us and supporting a psychopath who is calling to silence and murder us.

This is a pretty desperate move on your part, dude. It might buy you a few hours of sympathy, but not much more. Anyone wanting to check what I actually said can go here. Not exactly psychopathic, am I? I just want what everyone on this board wants, for the criminals associated with the Clinton gang to be punished. And I'm doing exactly what you're doing. You accuse me of working for them, and I accuse you of working for them. People can judge who is right.

But here's the big difference between us. In the past day or so, I've posted some very specific accusations about your methods and history. I've challenged you to refute them. And in this back-and-forth a few hours ago, you admitted that I've got your method and history exactly right.

  1. You take credit for the work of other researchers, just like HighLevelInsider and SenateAnon.

  2. You post long, rambling, content-free comments that just repeat over and over that you have "sources" or that "Rotary is involved". When challenged, you always fall back on arguing from authority. You just know and we have to take your word for it.

  3. Neither you, nor the folks you have conned into helping you, have ever found one single concrete piece of evidence showing that Paul Ryan is corrupt, or a traitor, or anything of the sort. Your evidence for Racine being a hub of evil, when we trace the handful of links you supply, turns out to be trivia like a municipal politician taking a $1,000 cash donation and not having a receipt for it.

After more than 1,000 comments you've still got nothing.


Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are deranged and dangerous. We know exactly what you're doing. We know the Truth and we know that you are running a desperate and malicious smear campaign against us calling for our murder.

We are not going to post everything we know here. We have plenty of evidence. We have plenty of witnesses. We have plenty of sources. Everything we have posted since the beginning is the Truth.

Racine is the ultimate litmus test, and you are a lying evil piece of garbage.

Again your entire hit campaign is based on the false premise that we are high-level Insider and also US Senate Anon and also Torrey Smith and also fog dryer and others. You claim Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are good guys and you know nothing about Racine whatsoever. You are trying to diminish and dismiss a RICO case that we know much more about than you ever will. It leads to the Clinton Foundation and other foundations, DNC, Rotary, secret societies, corrupt officials, corrupt corporations and an evil global agenda.

You are a despicable human being.

If there is nothing to hide about Racine why would you run a year-long planned malicious smear campaign to silence the Truth?

Mej777 ago

Exactly see above. I called them out for attempting to force your hand it is a sick game....they want exposure of evidence to see what you have. Then they will send clean up crews and get rid of the witnesses...

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are exactly correct again! Thank you.

SoberSecondThought ago

We are not going to post everything we know here. We have plenty of evidence. We have plenty of witnesses. We have plenty of sources. Everything we have posted since the beginning is the Truth.

You are trying to diminish and dismiss a RICO case that we know much more about than you ever will.

Everything you have posted since the beginning is contained in these quotes. You just keep posting variations of the same statement, over and over. You know but you won't say how you know. You know everything, supposedly, but you share absolutely nothing. No names. No dates. No dollar amounts. Witnesses and victims by the billions but no specifics, ever. Not a single fact that wasn't provided by other people.

deranged ... dangerous ... desperate ... malicious ... lying evil piece of garbage ... despicable ... malicious

I sense you might be building up to faking your own death ... again. <snicker>

But the record clearly shows that I never threatened you. I absolutely reject the notion of using violence against you in any way. I am a law-abiding citizen who delegates the use of force to the proper authorities. I just said I would count it as a victory if I read one day that your criminal associates got rid of you.

Also for the record, my campaign never aimed at silencing you. It aimed at exposing, humiliating, and neutralizing you. Given your fumbling cooperation over the past few days, we are well along that road. Nothing would please me more than for you to keep posting your claims here forever. I don't want you silenced! Heavens no! I want you to keep talking, for as long as you are dumb enough to do so. I just plan to be on hand to, ahem, Correct The Record. So tell me again about Racine. I like it when you do that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Also for the record, my campaign never aimed at silencing you. It aimed at exposing, humiliating, and neutralizing you. Given your fumbling cooperation over the past few days, we are well along that road. Nothing would please me more than for you to keep posting your claims here forever. I don't want you silenced! Heavens no! I want you to keep talking, for as long as you are dumb enough to do so. I just plan to be on hand to, ahem, Correct The Record. So tell me again about Racine. I like it when you do that.

After this and the rest of this same comment I didn't post it is now spanking clear that you are working for the bad guys. Your whole story was a fishing expedition on behalf of some worried criminals. I knew this whole enterprise of yours stunk from the beginning I just wasn't sure what you were fishing for. Now we know....