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srayzie ago

I am pasting the comment I made on last nights post.

I will put my comments about Tory Smith in bold. My comment for today's post will be at the bottom.

You said...

Tory has a variety of spiritual gifts. He can "read" a person's DNA from a distance and learn all sorts of things about them. He can heal diseases. He can communicate with aliens and angels.

After I made my comment saying how ridiculous that was, you decided to edit...

EDIT: I'm being sarcastic in the next few paragraphs. Tory has no special powers, and he is not mentally ill. It is an act.

First of all, you don't know if Tory Smith was an act, if he was mentally ill or if he was a victim of abuse. You say "it is an act" as if it's fact. So in my opinion, the first person you have slandered in this post is Tory Smith. DISINFO.

Ok, so now that you say, you are being "sarcastic" in the next few paragraphs, let's go over some things.

There is just one constant in this bewildering struggle, and his name is Mike Pence.

How is that relevant? People talk crap about politicians ALL THE TIME. You can obviously tell that he's "special". Many times these people hyper-focus on certain people, groups, dates, etc excessively. My career was working with mentally disabled children, and then moving on to work with mentally disabled adults and mentally ill adults. My brother works with mentally ill children. I know how much they hyper-focus.

When it comes to Tory Smith, in my opinion, it's safe to say that he doesn't have powers. So could be mentally ill. He could have always been that way, or it could have been caused trauma or mind control. Or, like you said, he could be acting. However, one can simply watch some of his videos and clearly see his health declining rapidly week by week. His face starts sinking in. His physical appearance changes drastically over time. His voice becomes weaker. That IS NOT AN ACT. You can't fake that. Therefore, he didn't live on and end up being HLI, WIC, Senate Anon or anyone else. That is false and is very disrespectful to Tory Smith's memory.

Here are 3 images of Tory Smith. After looking at these, are you still going to claim it was an act?! Stop disrespecting the dead!

I don't know enough about the people you are accusing of being the same person, so I don't have an opinion on rather they are the same person or not. However, I also don't know you. From what I have seen so far, in my opinion, you are spreading disinfo and smearing peoples reputations based only on your opinion. Or possibly you are purposely doing it. How would you like that done to you? You could very well be the paid shill. What you are doing is something a paid shill would do. Maybe these people you are discrediting are revealing things you don't want revealed. Who knows.

I find what you are doing is very suspicious. You hyper-focused on these people. You've checked dates as if you're some private investigator. You are building your case as if you're a prosecutor. You seem to be fishing for something you can use to back your theory up.

Ater reading your "series" so far, you are coming off cocky by acting as if you did strategic planning on these suspects that you zeroed in on and planned your moves up ahead of time, trying to get them to take the bait. Yeah, it's easy to say that later and come off like you are this brilliant investigator. But, why have you been putting so much time into them instead of Pizzagate? Why would you go thru all this time and work just to throw names under the bus? You keep adding new people to the list.

You aren't fooling me.

Here is my comment to today's post...

I don't see enough proof to convince me that Paul Ryan is a good guy. I've read and heard too much. As far as Pence goes, you cannot prove that Tory Smith was the originator of the Pence being a pedophile rumor. The poor man is dead. Once again, here are 3 images showing Tory Smith's health declining I find it disgusting that you would tarnish the name of a dead man like this.

I don't know enough about the people you are accusing to make up my mind on rather or not they are the same paid shill that work for David Brock. But something about YOU stands out to me.

Let me first say that I have not been one that has looked into Racine. But have seen many here who have. However, I see that certain people have struck a nerve with you. I don't recall reading posts from HLI. I don't think he's a regular here. I do see WIC post here often.

This is what stands out to me. You are trying very hard to discredit @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

Here you speak of Paul Ryan

But the only person who could make that happen would be the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan of Racine, WI.

A handful of brave men nearly brought the whole thing crashing down in June of 2013.

So in other words, Paul Ryan of Racine was brave and wanted to expose everything. Wisconsin_is_Corrupt is a fraud?

What this says to me is that someone is trying very hard to take some heat off of Racine. If anything, this whole "series" makes me think that MAYBE THERE IS something about Racine that people should look at more closely. I never put a lot of thought into Racine before. But this has changed my mind.

SoberSecondThought ago

When it comes to Tory Smith, in my opinion, it's safe to say that he doesn't have powers. So could be mentally ill. He could have always been that way, or it could have been caused trauma or mind control. Or, like you said, he could be acting. However, one can simply watch some of his videos and clearly see his health declining rapidly week by week. His face starts sinking in. His physical appearance changes drastically over time. His voice becomes weaker. That IS NOT AN ACT.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

As for @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, I hope you'll look at his latest comments in this thread, and my responses. He's not exactly overflowing with evidence.

carmencita ago

Evidence? Like what? Charges? Really.. Are you expecting a town that is as corrupt and criminal as Racine to charge people? They get slaps on the wrist or just agree to resign. So many officials have been suspected of racketeering and sexual abuse that there is a constant parade of resignations. Yes, I too have researched. Do some yourself. WIC has given many clues. Do you not think that he and others like him are not in any present danger? As I said, do roll up your sleeves and do some digging yourself instead of asking us to do your work. That's what we do on here. Research. Yeah, it's not fun. It is hard work that can take days and weeks. Try it sometime. Here you go. Type in Rico and then Racine in the Search Vote section and now get going. @srayzie

srayzie ago

That is the most RIDICULOUS excuse. There are A LOT of videos of Tory Smith! You have lost every ounce of credibility in my eyes now. What makes you think this poor guy had hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Your only evidence...

*Tory Smith said that Pence was this sick evil person and talked about him a lot. YOU even admitted all the other crazy things the man said. Go back and read your own post. That alone would make his comments about Mike Pence NOT CREDIBLE.

*YOU THINK that the Pence pedo rumors was started by Tory Smith. There is absolutely no way to prove that.

*Tory Smith "supposedly died" around the same time as HLI started posting. Wow! Amazing!

*Tory Smith FAKED EVERYTHING! He lives on!

*Tory Smith had hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend to hire people to do his makeup and make him appear like he's slowly dying. He must have joined weight watchers too right? He must have had a good voice box. He went thru ALL OF THAT to make youtube videos?!

You have got to be fricken kidding me. Well, you need to make other plans because you aren't getting your bonus check. This gig is up.

@ESOTERICshade @Carmencita @Jem777 @mooteensy @2impendingdoom

4_InquiringMinds ago

That is the most RIDICULOUS excuse. There are A LOT of videos of Tory Smith!

The most I know about Tory is watched a few vids and when he stated there are rape lines where boys are lined up and raped at one time by hundreds of men he lost me. A child could not physically withstand that either bc of shock or his intestines would fall out. It defied all logic. His claims of being targeted with dark energy and 'they' were killing him also was not logical bc his claims were so over the top he would be inconsequential to 'them'. How did he start looking like he was dying? Makeup makes sense to me...I've been a movie buff and see transformations that are impressive.

Ppl that are a real danger are murdered, like Bill Cooper, in his front yard, or Hastings or so many others that are verifiable, oh, like Monica Peterson. Other so called 'hits' unless there is some verifiable evidence are open for speculation and examination. What is so wrong with examination? What is so wrong with speculation? Isn't that what research is all about?

srayzie ago

I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this again. Did you look at the pictures? You watched a few videos and this was your conclusion? If you watched them regularly then maybe you would change your mind. He got skinny and brittle. It was no makeup. Who the hell is going to lose all that weight, pay for makeup to appear sicker and sicker, just to make some fricken YouTube videos?!

Of course what he said wasn't logical. He obviously had some issues going on. He probably died of cancer or something like that. He could have been paranoid and seeing all these things because he was schizophrenic. I used to have to work with one woman one on one who was schizophrenic.

Normally I'm nice to people that are nice. But, if you honestly believe that Tory Smith faked everything, wore makeup and fake his death, then you are truly gullible. I've said all I'm gonna say about it. You can read it and see the pictures. I wasted so much time yesterday on this shill poster. The truth about Tory Smith is just too obvious. Believe what you want.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Appreciate your reply. I also considered cancer. I consider everything bc nothing is as it seems grin. I had also considered before yesterday that it might be makeup and a set up bc his claims were so over the top/was he nuts or something else. I didn't need this post to steer me in that direction/just found it interesting that someone else might have the same impressions/that's all. Didn't correlate Tory with HLI bc when he made the scene I dismissed him early on. Same with many of the anonys. When I see the levels that the deep state will go to nothing really surprises me anymore. They may have poisoned Tony to give some legitimacy to his outrageous claims...anything is possible.

Thank you for taking the time to reply and being civil...thank you very much.

srayzie ago

Thank you for being civil back. I felt sorry for him. That's why it made me so mad that the poster was tarnishing his name. He can't defend himself.

4_InquiringMinds ago

These are difficult times for all of us. Last night we placed candles throughout the woods with the words 'this is for the children'. When it was done I looked out over the woods and thought we are like this, little flames shining in the darkness, united in a common cause and yet feeling our way in the darkness bc nothing is clear. It would be the same with this post/as I see it/looking for patterns/trying to make sense of it all.

I could relate when the OP spoke of cognitive dissonance bc that exploration has been a passion of mine for many years. When I have a strong emotional reaction I know I have come upon a bias and to see past that bias is imperative if I am to see clearly. Emotional reactions are based on past experiences and the cabal uses that against us/we are creatures of habit. So even if something hits me the wrong way, or especially if that happens, then I endeavor to center myself and consider all possibilities.

Personally I have had questions about wic for awhile now. When I question his information he responds with hostility and character assassination. When I find links that do not support his claims or are 404 he gets very angry. What would that indicate?

Sure I wonder about OP's claim about Vindicator. I have a strong bias about Vindicator. So I am willing to consider all sides simply bc that seems to be the most prudent. It does not mean I agree with OP about this...simply willing to look at another perspective.

I also have a strong bias against Beck and Ryan.

It becomes a game of Clue for me (a favorite as a child). Consider everything and see what fits. I do believe that is what OP is trying to say.

Like I said, this time of the year is especially hard for those of us that have had our eyes opened. My heart has been so quiet thinking of all the children that were sacrificed last night. There is a fog that covers the woods today and it reminds me that we are still in a fog trying to see thru it. The candles in the woods reminded me we are all connected like little points of light/we are not alone and our numbers grow. What the cabal fears most is that we awaken to the true nature of who we are.

peace~and love to you

srayzie ago

I myself don't remember reading anything from HLI. WIC has always been polite that I have seen. I told the poster that I didn't have an opinion on the others. What did it for me was basing things off of a dead man because he shared some of the same opinions. Seeing him wither away and die only to have someone say it was all a fraud pisses me off. I don't even want to talk about him anymore because it makes me mad when someone disrespects the dead.

Peace and love to you too. Thanks for being nice.

SoberSecondThought ago

I can see I won't convince you, and that's okay. I was never going to convince everyone. So this response is really more for other folks who are still on the fence or trying to sort out their reaction.

What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. It's a very common, normal human reaction. I'm saying that a whole bunch of things you have believed for a long time (that WIC is a good guy, that Tory Smith was a harmless abuse victim, that Paul Ryan is a rat and Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic) are not true. Nobody handles that well. We're just not built to revise big chunks of our worldview all at once.

But please notice that people who aren't already invested in those same ideas (like @mooteensy, say) aren't reacting the way you are. They aren't indignant and incredulous. My hypothesis might be right, or wrong, but either way it's not making them climb the walls in sheer outrage.

What I am trying to say is that the people protecting the pedo elite know a lot about cognitive dissonance. It's in their bag of tricks along with the mockingbird press and MK Ultra techniques and everything else. They've been doing this for decades, and HLI/WIC/Senate Anon/Tory Smith is just the latest in a long line of manipulators.

The more emotional you are about something, the more careful you have to be. They use that.

ESOTERICshade ago

What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. It's a very common, normal human reaction.

Uhhh, no...What I am experiencing is someone spinning a hilarious tale of Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan being driven from the hero chairs. And dragging WIC into it, which is probably the intended target in the first place.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Awww how nice of you for your manipulative condescending advice. You're right. I won't be convinced by something that makes absolutely no sense. That's why I'm here. I'm not a stupid brainwashed puppet.

What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. It's a very common, normal human reaction. I'm saying that a whole bunch of things you have believed for a long time (that WIC is a good guy, that Tory Smith was a harmless abuse victim, that Paul Ryan is a rat and Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic) are not true. Nobody handles that well. We're just not built to revise big chunks of our worldview all at once.

I understand that you are upset. When someone doesn't fall for your tricks, it makes you get defensive. That's only normal. Maybe being a paid troll isn't for you. Have you tried putting in other applications?

Since your blood pressure is up and you aren't thinking clearly, let me help you. I never said that WIC was a good guy. I said that YOU are trying to discredit him. I don't even know the guy. But, he's been consistent and is by far more credible than you.

I obviously knew more about Tory Smith than you did. I guess you didn't expect that. I never said that he was a harmless abuse victim. That's your problem. You twist everything. You are doing a great job showing that you have no credibility. I most certainly didn't say he paid to have his makeup put on to look like he was slowly dying or his YouTube videos. 🤣 Let me clear my throat. Whew! That was priceless.

I feel kind of bad for Glenn Beck. I think he did want to say something. I remember that. He used to be more honest. He was forced to shut up. But I know too much about Paul Ryan. If what you had to say wasn't full of shit, then maybe you could have changed my view of him. I am open minded. However, I'm not dumb.

But please notice that people who aren't already invested in those same ideas (like @mooteensy, say) aren't reacting the way you are. They aren't indignant and incredulous.

Yeah, that would be so much easier for you right? Unfortunately for you, I do my homework. I don't just fall for what internet trolls try so hard to convince me of. You need more people like @mooteensy. People that aren't already knowledgeable in certain areas are easier to manipulate. I can see why you feel that way.

Don't worry. I am aware of tricks used by manipulative pedo protectors. I've read my shill handbook. But thank you for taking the time to give me advice. It helps seeing the different techniques shills use when backed into a corner.

@ESOTERICshade @Carmencita @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt

SoberSecondThought ago

I never said that WIC was a good guy. I said that YOU are trying to discredit him.

Well, yes. I am. But this is what I mean about cognitive dissonance, because I said very clearly, in my Day 4 thread, that I was trying to discredit him. And then in that same thread, you came along and made this helpful observation:

I noticed something. It may be nothing. But Wisconsin_is_Corrupt called James Comey "Jim".

So at that point, you were helping me discredit him. Or anyway noting something suspicious.

I don't even know the guy. But, he's been consistent and is by far more credible than you.

It would be great if you would read the exchange between him and me in this thread. I'm being mean and sarcastic to him, because I know who he is. But set that aside and just ask yourself: What research has he actually done? Where is it? Why can't he show me any of it?

srayzie ago

That was before you absolutely blew it and I realized that the whole thing was just a smear campaign. That should let you know that I'm not standing up for him because he's my friend. I don't follow the whole Racine thing. But from threads I've been on where I see his comments, he seems to know what he's talking about.

He's not my problem. You are, because I clearly saw what you were doing. If he's a shill, then he's definitely not so obvious like you are. What really set me off was you using Tory Smith. That was the most stupid example to use if you want to be believed. Even worse, it's mean. I'd like to get caught up on the real world now and not waste the rest of my day on you.

mooteensy ago

@srayzie I do my homework. Talk about condescending.

srayzie ago

If you did, you wouldn't believe a word that this fraud is saying. Don't be his puppet.

carmencita ago

Thanks for speaking up against someone that is trying to discredit and malign someone on voat that has spoken up many times when we call upon him to corroborated something we are writing up or researching on. We here on voat spend countless hours looking up and researching almost every day and sometimes all day. It is hard work and can be very sad and depressing at times. Anyone trying to tear someone down when they themselves sound shifty and disrespect someone that can no longer speak for themselves is none other than a shill in my book.

srayzie ago

It takes a shitty person to do this kind of thing for money.

carmencita ago

I would rather be poor than have to look at that face in the mirror every morning. But maybe it doesn't bother them.

srayzie ago

Me too! Look at what greed has turned people into. Like the elite!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Read our entire history of comments and do some real investigating. You dismiss it without researching anything because it supports your absurd theory that we are also high-level Insider and that Paul Ryan is a good guy.

ESOTERICshade ago

I agree srayzie. I suspect this might be a hit job on WIC.

Mej777 ago

Yes this is a hit job. Interesting that he says Vindicator supports my posts as does Milennial Falcon by allowing him to ramble on while actual witnesses and victims are banned. So they have to change names.

Interesting he shows up now to make Paul Ryan the hero....if Ryan or Beck who hatched this plan in 2013 against pedos why did they fight Trump so much which would have put the Witch herself in power. They actually sold their soul for HRC...ecspecially Beck.

I am actually aware of what Beck was told. He did not go forward because a few men in dark suits showed up to let him know personally to "shut the fuck up" or you and your family will be harmed. He got an in your face death threat.

Yes he lost it and his support for HRC was through force and threats to his life. You can't even see that which makes you a complete shill.

Beck is also part of the mouthpiece for the Mormon Mafia a CIA operation of Mitt Romney. He promoted Operation Underground Railroad on Super Bowl Sunday as a child sex trafficking sting run by "hero" Tim Ballard. That was all a rouse Opeartion Underground Railroad is a CIA child, drugs, weapons trafficking ring that got exposed by some of the very people who you mention and are banned.

They did a fake child trafficking sting on Super Bowl Sunday in Haiti, leaked it to Beck to change the truth of what had been uncovered.

Research who was arrested by Ballard and his one. No convictions.

You are a paid shill and disinfo agent trying to take the heat of the major players including Tavistock and its direct relationship to Racine/CIA and the Luceferian rings that run it all....

Spare us with these guys are beatable they mostly they blackmail, kidnap children place them in DUMBS, conduct human experiments and are involved in child rape and sacrifice according to rituals

Your attempt to minimize and convince everyone that a few of these bad apples can be handled and Lead people away from the control centers and groups to the lackeys who got caught is laughable.


@ESOTERICshade @Srayzie @carmencita @Dressage2 @Wisconsin_is_Correct.

This whole series should cause everyone to hyper focus on Racine. If he was a sock puppet or anyone else there would be no need to attack them (yes that is plural) in an 8 part tear down and promotion of Ryan or Beck. It is fucking embarrassing.

4_InquiringMinds ago


I am actually aware of what Beck was told. He did not go forward because a few men in dark suits showed up to let him know personally to "shut the fuck up" or you and your family will be harmed. He got an in your face death threat.

Yes he lost it and his support for HRC was through force and threats to his life.

Can you clarify? How did you come upon this information? This is not a challenge, just want to verify.

Mej777 ago

I am sure you would like to know butcas demonstrated repeatedly in this thread some people are attempting to draw out links that will expose the witness and/or victims to harm...

Honestly I have been notified yesterday they are working on re-locating me for protection because authorities believe I am in danger.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Right and wasn't looking for info that would identify. Just interesting how there is so much insider info that has to be taken on faith with no background just 'believe me, I have sources' which you would understand could be anyone saying anything.

Mej777 ago

If your life is really under threat you can tell by the poster. Mine is and I have dropped bombs but the ones I have that will end it quickly for me are so personal taking me out would be the next option.

So we are required to release breadcrumbs...and many of us have extreme PTSD from being gangstauked so this has been the only shot we have.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thank you for taking the time to clarify...appreciated :)

If your life is really under threat you can tell by the poster.

Yes, bc the poster mentions such.

Did a bit of reading on Beck and it seems like he has had threats to himself and his family a few times/or so he claims. I don't doubt threats are strewn about on a sop basis.

What I did read about his 'kinda' support of HRC was less support and more anti trump. When he converted to Mormonism in 99 it changed his views on many issues. However he voted for the independent candidate Evan McMullin. Since Beck was never anyone of interest had not researched his stand on this last election.

Thanks again~

carmencita ago

I agree with everything you have just written. I also remember the Underground Railroad Fake Set Up. And yes they are another fake group pretending to do good but participating in the very things we are trying to stop, child trafficking, drugs, etc. And yes it is easy to look that up too. Trying to make Saviors out of Ryan and Beck is laughable, at best.

srayzie ago

Yep! Paid shill.

carmencita ago

I could not agree more. A Shill Staring Us Right In The Face. The first thing that Stands Out, is that Paul Ryan is a good guy some how. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't think I have read anything shiftier in recent memory. I am not even going to get into the credibility of WIC or not. The rest of it speaks for itself. WIC needs to be researched in order for someone to really believe in what he is saying. You cannot just say he is a shill or a liar for that is a blanket statement. When you go into the background of Racine and find SRA and also people being forced out of business and paying to stay in business, you know it has deep mob connections. There also is information all over the internet about the control that Hoffa had, and his mob ties. We could go on and on. I Smell a Shell or a Rat, Same Thing.

srayzie ago

Did you read his comment to me about why Tory Smith looked sick??

carmencita ago

Yes! Total Shill. There are holes in many places. If your eyes are open you can see through them.