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Disappointed ago

has suggested flairs

This was someone else originally, maybe @Vindicator.

Vindicator ago

The beauty of the approach in the first link -- flair the rule violation and leave up for 24 hours -- is that it radically shifts the burden to the user themselves.

Right now, the mods are always the bad guys, with heavy pressure from above* if things aren't removed immediately that violate the rules, and heavy pressure from users if things are summarily removed. Our ruleset is somewhat contrary to the freewheeling expression beloved by Voat at large. Your average Old Goat coming in here to contribute something they think we might be interested in, and getting removed for rule-breaking, is usually shocked, and often complains to ProtectVoat. Understandably.

*Also understandably because of that anti-rule culture clash, @kevdude @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion must ensure mods aren't abusing the rules. (Hence the downward pressure lest we mods make the rules look bad).

Mods do get caught in the middle, though, and the beautify of the 24-hour-flair is it involves the whole community and the user in "Removals".

So, O's...when can we start this experiment? @think- and I wanna try it out!