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Mickgoestojail ago

Denied - Subverse 'pizzagatemods' requires 10CCP to downvote (Subverse Min CCP Downvote 2.4)

There's no reason to have this set at 10 other than to allow some to vote and others not. Set it at 10000 so noone can downvote or use the other setting that lets you exclude a sub from v/all without limiting voting.

argosciv ago

Plot Twist:

If you don't like what someone says here, don't upvoat them, simple - it works just as well for determining which comments are being praised by readers who don't reply with their thoughts.

Disappointed ago

The point is someone has been downvoting in prior threads and now since the voat admins changed things no one else can downvote either. So lets eliminate the possibility of anyone downvoting and its fair.

argosciv ago

So lets eliminate the possibility of anyone downvoting and its fair.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

@Vindicator @Crensch @Millennial_Falcon @VictorSteinerDavion @Honeybee_

Disappointed ago

Here's an example.

This is about the v/pizzagatemods sub not v/pizzagate. If you raised to to 900 or 10k like MgtJ said then no one can do that.

argosciv ago

Here's an example.

What am I looking for there?

If you raised to to 900 or 10k like MgtJ said then no one can do that.

Yes I see that, hence the fleeting thought to trial it over in pg.

Disappointed ago

What am I looking for there?

That someone/s was able to get 10 ccp before the restriction was put in, so they can downvote. That means effectively they have two votes that allow them to shove down things they don't like and vote up things they don't. If votes don't matter in this sub and it isn't being done for shady reasons then there is no reason for not changing it. I get it could be a reflex action of someone as well.

argosciv ago

Umm, people DO get downvoated in here. The mods can downvoat but they do it VERY sparingly from what I can tell(okay, fine, it's an assumption). I've copped a couple, but, if the rest of us had the usual voating power here, this sub ceases to be a place for moderated and rational discussion.

In fact,

I have never seen such restraint from moderators of anything... look at the shite they leave up - they're not abusing their downvoats/power, if they wanted to do that, why not just remove even the "X is a pedo enabler mod" submissions?

Disappointed ago

I'm not advocating the rest of us get downvote power, I'm advocating that no one does. What can be fairer than that?

JusticeforAaron ago

If you think this place is legit and fair, you are naive. It's becoming very clear to me what's going on here.

Disappointed ago

I like to give people a chance before I write them off. It's a simple fix to change it and not changing it will make things very clear, for me at least.

I've already removed myself as mod of v/protectvoat because I think this whole drama is hypocritical. How can we hold others on voat to minimal moderation standards if we are arguing the fine print here and preventing what could be decent submissions from being posted? I've spent a fair time reading through the deleted submissions here and I'm not happy at all with the anal reasons given on lot of them. I'm pretty surprised by this even if you might not be. I've thought very highly of the people I've modded PV with and defend them everywhere. Don't think either I'm willing to engage with you in shitting on them now either though. I'll wait and hope they prove me wrong.

dragonkiller ago

Don't think either I'm willing to engage with you in shitting on them now either though. I'll wait and hope they prove me wrong.

I can tell that you are serious, smart, and trying to help, but don't be surprised when they disappoint. Disappointment and making unfair decisions is their primary track record.

Disappointed ago

Sometimes good people can get caught up in things over time. It's never easy to take a balanced look from outside when you are under fire. I have faith in them until they prove to me that my faith has been misplaced. I'll see this through though until I think whats being done is fair.

dragonkiller ago

I have faith in them until they prove to me that my faith has been misplaced.

Good luck bro :) You gonna need it :)

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't expect anything from you and I don't expect you to do anything but think it out for yourself. You have no idea the time and energy I had invested in this. You likely wouldn't care but I gave up everything to support this. If I was to count my labor, it would likely be at least $100,000 worth of time, at least. I've been involved a long time here and elsewhere.

Disappointed ago

I get you. I modded that sub for well over two years and fought long battles and a lot of time to keep power mods from shitting on users. It wasn't an easy thing. I'll wait and see what happens here.