KEK555 ago

You can do this with literally ANYTHING.

You know what I see when I search " "fellow white people"" on Google? Many more white people show up than actual Jews!

You're just a cherrypicking Nazi faggot who needs to be shoah'd.

Crensch ago

You can do this with literally ANYTHING.

Prove it.

You know what I see when I search " "fellow white people"" on Google? Many more white people show up than actual Jews!

I see no evidence of this, just a claim that it happens. Try again, Moshe.

You're just a cherrypicking Nazi faggot who needs to be shoah'd.

Jews need to have bounties on their heads until they no longer exist.

KEK555 ago

It's not that hard:

What I mean by "You can do this with literally ANYTHING" though, is that you can pick out a specific word or phrase from people, jews for example, and then show that to say that all Jews are like that.

There are around 15,000,000 Jews worldwide.

OF COURSE you'd find many "Fellow white people" posts from not even 1/10000th of all the Jews in the world.

Just like if I searched up criminal records of people with the last name "Gonzales", for example, and found let's say 150 cases of bank robbery , doesn't mean that all people with the last name "Gonzales" are bank robbers, that's ridiculous.

But you and the rest of voat do this with much more than Jews.

Post a few GIFs of black people committing acts of violence and then all of a sudden Voat thinks they're all like that.

BUT... by that logic I could find and compile GIFs of people wearing Green Shirts committing acts of violence, does that mean ALL people who wear green shirts are violent? Of course not.

Your "evidence" is sad.

Crensch ago

What I mean by "You can do this with literally ANYTHING" though, is that you can pick out a specific word or phrase from people, jews for example, and then show that to say that all Jews are like that.

Jews aren't white, and there aren't many of them, but the number in this submission shows a pattern of behaviour suggesting that JEWS have an ulterior motive.

Just like if I searched up criminal records of people with the last name "Gonzales", for example, and found let's say 150 cases of bank robbery , doesn't mean that all people with the last name "Gonzales" are bank robbers, that's ridiculous.

Bringing up spics as if stats on them have anything to do with whites.

But you and the rest of voat do this with much more than Jews.

Jews are genetically inferior, narcissistic, low-IQ, low-EQ subhumans. They're nepotistic, and have proved that without the gibs from the US, they couldn't even have their own country. You're parasites that need exterminated.

Post a few GIFs of black people committing acts of violence and then all of a sudden Voat thinks they're all like that.

Or, you know, crime statistics showing that the nigger-run places of the US are the worst, and without them, the US would be the 2nd safest country in the world.

BUT... by that logic I could find and compile GIFs of people wearing Green Shirts committing acts of violence, does that mean ALL people who wear green shirts are violent? Of course not.

Jewish semantic and syntactic bullshit doesn't work here, Moshe.

Your "evidence" is sad.

You couldn't even find my Malcolm X quotes WHEN I GAVE A LINK TO THE SOURCE VIDEO.

You're a clown.

KEK555 ago

Hope you take a genetic test and find out that you're a jew.

That'd be hilarious, a kike in denial like I once was.


Crensch ago

Hope you take a genetic test and find out that you're a jew.

Then I will infiltrate Jewish organizations and Israel. I'll cause rot and discord and leak your secrets to whites. When all your organizations and funding collapse, and bounties are put on your heads, I'll hunt you to the last man. Once I'm the last Jew, I'll live-stream as a SLIT MY OWN THROAT.

That'd be hilarious, a kike in denial like I once was.

You're a parasite on the only race that'll ever take us off this rock before a global extinction event. You will be dealt with.


I'll hail the man that becomes the Hitler character you Jews made up.

KEK555 ago

Whatever. Good thing for me, Fascism will never become popular enough for the "day of the rope" that you masturbate about.

The only thing good about fascism is the music, everything else about it is retarded.

Crensch ago

Whatever. Good thing for me, Fascism will never become popular enough for the "day of the rope" that you masturbate about.

It's so hilarious that you Jews always think this, despite being kicked out of (sometimes violently massacred out of), what was it, 900 countries in the past?

You NEVER see it coming, because you refuse to believe it can happen.

The only thing good about fascism is the musicYouTube, everything else about it is retarded.

I find this hilarious. In 20 years, if Voat is still around, I'll masturbate to Jews like you acting like everything's OK, since you'll all be dead.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nice compilation.

See this video in case you haven't already, its top post right now:

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Hasbara probably does pay pretty well, with American tax dollars...

Then again this level of Jewish trickery/pundit prostitution is uncalled for, they should get real jobs, but after 1,000's of years of being parasites to the point of being kicked out of over 100 countries, they really probably can't work a real job.

sLnTsRvC ago

Absolutely amazing how many tweets start with "Dear White People" or "Fellow White People"

weeds-in-the-garden ago

And I thought I took a huge dump after chipolte this afternoon. Obviously you put the pile of shit in the pot this evening.

Crensch ago

Nah, it's Jews with the shit fetish. I just put a gas chamber inside of a gas chamber, so I could gas Jews while I gas Jews.

Chimaira92 ago

Fun fact:

The Canaanite tribe of Isreal use to worship the Moabite god, Molech (otherwise known as Chemosh) in Baal Peor by defecating on the alter and over the idols, sacrificing children and many other fucked up things...

St. Jerome reported that statues of Baal-Peor he encountered in Syria depicted the god with a phallus in his mouth.