jfa ago

"The holocaust didn't happen" is a classic example of a false premise. Your logic is faulty.

Crensch ago

It's a claim supported by the next couple of sentences.

Your reading comprehension is faulty.

Disappointed ago

Well it remains to be seen if as a user you have a voice or not.

Disappointed ago

Have a look at the submissions removals on the main sub. Take a good read of comments in each. Then take a look at the most upvoted comment in the rule thread. Mods here are not part of the community and are set apart. The community on sub is what keep its strong, mods and users alike.

One of our main goals is preventing the spread of PC-Driven Censorship to Voat. We watched self-righteous elitist powermods destroy the free speech environment that once existed on reddit. We will not allow that to happen to Voat.

We have to apply that even when we have some self-interest. No one is asking for spam to be allowed but genuine people are being put through th wringer just to put a post up. Just dispassionate deletion after deletion with "sorry, try again". It's easy to let the trolls win by being blinded by them and thinking everything is an attack but that mentality has gone too far here and normal users are being affected.

mralexson ago


DoNotTouchThePizza ago

Number 4, new mod. Thanx for making us put a target on our back after you don't get rid of the mod. Totally uncool. Now you can take it to the "lets talk about it phase" in which people won't speak up again except for the suck up argosciv, the one that does that blood drinking stuff that is always following you guys around, (shudder) , and probably some alts in favor of the mod. Something seriously stinks about the way this is all going down around here.

I want my comments added to my vote at the top of the page too. I want people to see how I feel about having to do this publicly.

Crensch ago

Also, in keeping with the trend of the shitstirrers here not being able to follow simple posting rules, your comment is not even under the proper submission.


@DoNotTouchThePizza - ZERO submissions, and 3 comments more recent than 29 days ago. Totally looks legit.

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my... the reply is even funnier...

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

Sorry I am not as active as you are. I read here every day but don't speak every day. I will start typing "nigger faggot" all day and become more impressive.

Crensch ago

I want my comments added to my vote at the top of the page too. I want people to see how I feel about having to do this publicly.

You mean this comment, made 29 days ago? You've made exactly 3 comments since.

Vindicator's new name is LOL. Stands for Lord Of Larpers. Dragging pizzagate into the swamp. Ultimately crensch, as board owner, is responsible for fucking up this sub so bad. Mil Falcon couldn't mop up a teaspoon of trash bag juice in a 10 story building without contaminating the whole building.

And no, I'm not adding your comment to the submission post because you're too scared of whatever it is you're scared of.

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

You mean this comment, made 29 days ago? You've made exactly 3 comments since.

No. This one. Thank you. :

Number 4, new mod. Thanx for making us put a target on our back after you don't get rid of the mod. Totally uncool. Now you can take it to the "lets talk about it phase" in which people won't speak up again except for the suck up argosciv, the one that does that blood drinking stuff that is always following you guys around, (shudder) , and probably some alts in favor of the mod. Something seriously stinks about the way this is all going down around here.

I want my comments added to my vote at the top of the page too. I want people to see how I feel about having to do this publicly.

JusticeforAaron ago

NO. He said he didn't read the other examples because he doesn't spend the time reading them. He just deletes them. You don't seem to read either. There are 2 posts about this where MF admits he doesn't read before deleting. There are no unsourced claims, he just failed to take the time to read the post.

Crensch ago

That subverse is going to soar, I tell you.

Crensch ago

It would have been easier to swallow if he had been a troll.

JusticeforAaron ago

You'd know all about swallowing and he is a troll.

JusticeforAaron ago

"I don't have time to thoroughly read every single post, especially the long ones, so I must have missed it."


there is the other The post is not fully deleted (it goes to removed submissions log). All OP has to do is copy and paste and identify the needed info. Do you expect me to be perfect and to spend 10 minutes thoroughly inspecting every single post? I'm going to miss things sometimes. To expect otherwise is just nonsense. Maybe have some appreciation that I've been doing this for a year, all the while wishing there were someone else to do it. I would rather be doing my part by continuing to expand the Executive Summary I spent weeks working on, but I'm not able to do that because nobody else seems willing to do the thankless job of moderating and take abuse from assholes like

ESOTERICshade ago

Do you expect me to be perfect and to spend 10 minutes thoroughly inspecting every single post?

Probably the 100th time I have seen him say he does not have time to be a mod, is still a mod. Makes perfect sense right?

JusticeforAaron ago

The purpose is to delete as much as they can obviously. If not, he would read them BEFORE he deletes.

ESOTERICshade ago

If not, he would read them BEFORE he deletes.

I can't argue with you there. He has stated over and over that his time is limited in his mod duties so we probably need a mod that can fit the time requirement and he is not cutting it. I have been watching @think- and I would like for him/her to be given a chance to mod. I think it would be an improvement over what we have.

JusticeforAaron ago

Anyone would be better than MF

argosciv ago

LOL! It took a minute but it just clicked, which one you mean.

"Run away! Run away!"

JusticeforAaron ago


That's all I remember for usernames but there are more. You've been proven wrong on everything now. I'm finished arguing with retarded children now.

JusticeforAaron ago

MF and your alter personality. I've blocked you now, go whine about it anon like the faggot you are.

argosciv ago

I had to read context for this one, FUCKING LOL at the penguin callback!

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't think it's possible for you to deepthroat him anymore than you already have.

argosciv ago

Hahahaha! I really wish you were at least a bit more on the ball - I much prefer a challenge.

"This guy don't wanna battle; he's shook"

JusticeforAaron ago

Like being an online bully with all your retarded friends, is actually clever. Keep beating off to dreams and delusions that you are smart by leaving memes and youtube vid posts.

argosciv ago



Like being an online bully


your retarded friends

In This Moment "Natural Born Sinner" (Official Audio)

Listen closely, to what I'm about to say:

I think I've had, just about enough, of your hypocritical ways.

Don't try to stop me now

argosciv ago

Buahahah! Bullying? Oh lord...

You almost had me for a moment there, almost thought you actually felt bullied.

You do seem concerned about something, though...

JusticeforAaron ago

He admits to not reading it fucktard.

JusticeforAaron ago

He admits that he made a mistake and didn't read it. Do you have some reading comprehension problem?

JusticeforAaron ago

I just gave you a site you retard.

JusticeforAaron ago

I was replying to 5 of you assholes without going through the links and expanding. The other link is listed above, if you are too lazy to find it I can't help you.

JusticeforAaron ago


Yup there is your proof of what they do. Just one case there. Check comments everyone.

argosciv ago

"I only have one account that I post with at a time and I don't care for your accusation. There are many that left and started other sites."

Smell that? Smells like spamalek...

Avatar - Smells Like a Freakshow (official video)

dragonkiller ago

"I only have one account that I post with at a time and I don't care for your accusation. There are many that left and started other sites."

Smell that? Smells like spamalek...

How pathetic. The satanic blood drinking misfit has to come suck mod dick to farm votes. You truly are a pathetic mother fucker argosciv.

JusticeforAaron ago

Fuck you are the little teens that post anon gossip here aren't you. Pathetic.

argosciv ago

LOL! Wait, so, you don't even know my age? My god, you are fucking TERRIBLE at this.

Prozak Ft. Tech N9ne & Twiztid - Do you know where you are?

JusticeforAaron ago

Of course I do, you're a teen trying to be a grown up. You love gossiping and speculating about other people and who is who.

argosciv ago

Buahahaha! You really, really are TERRIBLE at this!

In This Moment - Call Me

JusticeforAaron ago

That's what you act like. Now you go suck some more dick and I'm going to help kids...which is the entire point of PG, except here on Voat.

argosciv ago

LOL! You really think about the sucking of dick a lot, don't ya?

Oh noes, woe is you, you think I'm ignoring your concern for kids... or, you think I have no concern for kids? Either way, your concern is duly noted - you're still fucking terrible at this, Elmer.


JusticeforAaron ago

Here is one from MF, look at the comments https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2361678 he says he doesn't read through them before he deletes. I'm going to block you now that I've proven my points, go fuck yourself.

argosciv ago

Rule 1 shouldn't be removed.

Fundamentally speaking, if you remove it, the submissions can then be about anything, no?

I was going to suggest simply removing the word "directly", but, no; keep it, I stand by v/pizzagatewhatever as the place for "pratially/probably relevant", that said, perhaps a bit more oversight in pgw, would be good? Might be sticking my own foot in my mouth there, but, speaking genuinely :)


Blow me :P

But seriously guys, the rules are fine.

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't remember every fucking username over a months. One was citizeninvestigator now kindly fuck off.

JusticeforAaron ago

I only have one account that I post with at a time and I don't care for your accusation. There are many that left and started other sites.

JusticeforAaron ago

Fuck if I know but he did it a few weeks ago.

JusticeforAaron ago

It wasn't on this account but I noticed on another I had. I always get pissed off and leave for months, delete my account. Believe me there were many others that noticed and commented.

Mickgoestojail ago

Denied - Subverse 'pizzagatemods' requires 10CCP to downvote (Subverse Min CCP Downvote 2.4)

There's no reason to have this set at 10 other than to allow some to vote and others not. Set it at 10000 so noone can downvote or use the other setting that lets you exclude a sub from v/all without limiting voting.

Crensch ago

Found the setting I was missing earlier. Now not on /all and 0ccp required


Disappointed ago

Good stuff.

ESOTERICshade ago

There's no reason to have this set at 10 other than to allow some to vote and others not. Set it at 10000 so noone can downvote or use the other setting that lets you exclude a sub from v/all without limiting voting.

I have pointed that out to @crensch several times. All I get is crickets...

Mickgoestojail ago

It's fixed now I think.

Denied - Subverse 'pizzagatemods' requires 10000CCP to downvote (Subverse Min CCP Downvote 2.4)

ESOTERICshade ago

It's fixed now I think.

That is good. It needed to be.

ESOTERICshade ago

There's no reason to have this set at 10 other than to allow some to vote and others not. Set it at 10000 so noone can downvote or use the other setting that lets you exclude a sub from v/all without limiting voting.

You can get 50 up votes in this thread and the system will never give you those ten points you need to down vote. It won't add points with that function turned on. In the sidebar it will continue to read "zero" as your point tally. The reason given for doing that was to hide it from v/all so that the sub won't "bother anybody" but there is also a setting that allows "hide from v/all" so I find the reasoning dubious.

Even if there is no "hide from v/all" function why hide at all? Not cool.

Disappointed ago

@Crensch why cant this be changed? There was obviously someone downvoting stuff yesterday. If some can downvote and others can't its bullshit. If you need help with the settings I can send a screenshot.

Crensch ago

It can. I didn't see it as any kind of legitimate issue, and also was not really interested in esoteric's whining.

It's at 10000 now.

And @Mickgoestojail I did not see another option to keep this off of /all, but that might just be a combination of me not doing much moderator stuff and missing it, and also just waking up.

Mickgoestojail ago

I think raising the CCP is better anyway then noone can downvote in mod discussion sub, but it doesnt really matter much.

Crensch ago

Turns out my first change locked me out from another change for 48hrs, so I lied. I think it's both set to private and 10000 still.


Disappointed ago

I actually think its better how you have it now. Then everyone is on the same level and theres no fighting to downvote. Same result as the first option and less voting battles.

ESOTERICshade ago

I didn't see it as any kind of legitimate issue, and also was not really interested in esoteric's whining.

I am not a whiner I have been a very dedicated member of the pizzagate sub. I pointed out the fact that you had a rigged voting environment on a platform built around voting. Of course you don't see it as legitimate issue that you HAVE BEEN down voting people that cannot down vote you, because you are always right anyway.

Me, kevdude, and vindicator pointed out some things in the deleted submissions bin about a thread. From there you took it to shit show level all by yourself and pinged me into the situation at the top of a pinned thread.

You could have taken a different route and just done the right thing when we were tossing the details around in the deleted submissions bin. You turned this into a spectacle all by yourself but actually it turned out ok because it shined a light on your narcissistic tendencies.

Every single move I ever make around here is because I care about pizzagate and I have been fighting this war many years before the term "pizzagate" ever came along. To me you have been nothing but a narcissistic newcomer speed bump pain in the ass on a multi year journey. I was exposing child trafficking long before you ruined this sub.

argosciv ago

Plot Twist:

If you don't like what someone says here, don't upvoat them, simple - it works just as well for determining which comments are being praised by readers who don't reply with their thoughts.

Mickgoestojail ago

Denied - Subverse 'pizzagatemods' requires 10000CCP to downvote (Subverse Min CCP Downvote 2.4)

argosciv ago


Doesn't change a whole lot for me, no opposition here.

dragonkiller ago

If you don't like what someone says here, don't upvoat them, simple - it works just as well for determining which comments are being praised by readers who don't reply with their thoughts.

Says the little mod dick sucker who desperately ran to the mod sub to farm points in a safe place where he can't get down voted.

This is a voat day for the books. We have an admitted satanic blood drinker farming votes in a rigged mod sub where he can't get down voted. A place that is supposed to be helping children. Light a match to this place, fuck...

Admits to being a blood drinking satanist: (even catbox.moe put "barf" in the url)



He claims to be into "sex magic" and blood. Probably one of these Comet Ping Pong freaks.


Lures teenage drug addicted girls to his house and tries have sex with them and talk them into letting him drink their blood. He tells them he is a "magic dragon." (seriously, read what he wrote) A couple of those little drug addicted tweakers broke into his house a few weeks ago.

He constantly posts satanic music in v/pizzagate and pings a lot of other users to his satanic music concerts even though he knows v/pizzagate people hate it. He constantly pings the mods and tattles on people, shows the mods things people say, in an effort to get fights started between the mods and the users.

Disappointed ago

The point is someone has been downvoting in prior threads and now since the voat admins changed things no one else can downvote either. So lets eliminate the possibility of anyone downvoting and its fair.

argosciv ago

So lets eliminate the possibility of anyone downvoting and its fair.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

@Vindicator @Crensch @Millennial_Falcon @VictorSteinerDavion @Honeybee_

Disappointed ago

Here's an example. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2394295/11912553

This is about the v/pizzagatemods sub not v/pizzagate. If you raised to to 900 or 10k like MgtJ said then no one can do that.

argosciv ago

Here's an example. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2394295/11912553

What am I looking for there?

If you raised to to 900 or 10k like MgtJ said then no one can do that.

Yes I see that, hence the fleeting thought to trial it over in pg.

Disappointed ago

What am I looking for there?

That someone/s was able to get 10 ccp before the restriction was put in, so they can downvote. That means effectively they have two votes that allow them to shove down things they don't like and vote up things they don't. If votes don't matter in this sub and it isn't being done for shady reasons then there is no reason for not changing it. I get it could be a reflex action of someone as well.

argosciv ago

Umm, people DO get downvoated in here. The mods can downvoat but they do it VERY sparingly from what I can tell(okay, fine, it's an assumption). I've copped a couple, but, if the rest of us had the usual voating power here, this sub ceases to be a place for moderated and rational discussion.

In fact, https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/modlog/submission

I have never seen such restraint from moderators of anything... look at the shite they leave up - they're not abusing their downvoats/power, if they wanted to do that, why not just remove even the "X is a pedo enabler mod" submissions?

Disappointed ago

I'm not advocating the rest of us get downvote power, I'm advocating that no one does. What can be fairer than that?

dragonkiller ago

I'm not advocating the rest of us get downvote power, I'm advocating that no one does. What can be fairer than that?

He is a blood drinking satanist in this thread farming votes in a safe environment where he cannot get down voted because he gets down voted hard in the real world. He is a plague to pizzagate.



JusticeforAaron ago

You should post that in the pizzagatewhatever forum, people need to know about him.

JusticeforAaron ago

If you think this place is legit and fair, you are naive. It's becoming very clear to me what's going on here.

Disappointed ago

I like to give people a chance before I write them off. It's a simple fix to change it and not changing it will make things very clear, for me at least.

I've already removed myself as mod of v/protectvoat because I think this whole drama is hypocritical. How can we hold others on voat to minimal moderation standards if we are arguing the fine print here and preventing what could be decent submissions from being posted? I've spent a fair time reading through the deleted submissions here and I'm not happy at all with the anal reasons given on lot of them. I'm pretty surprised by this even if you might not be. I've thought very highly of the people I've modded PV with and defend them everywhere. Don't think either I'm willing to engage with you in shitting on them now either though. I'll wait and hope they prove me wrong.

dragonkiller ago

Don't think either I'm willing to engage with you in shitting on them now either though. I'll wait and hope they prove me wrong.

I can tell that you are serious, smart, and trying to help, but don't be surprised when they disappoint. Disappointment and making unfair decisions is their primary track record.

Disappointed ago

Sometimes good people can get caught up in things over time. It's never easy to take a balanced look from outside when you are under fire. I have faith in them until they prove to me that my faith has been misplaced. I'll see this through though until I think whats being done is fair.

dragonkiller ago

I have faith in them until they prove to me that my faith has been misplaced.

Good luck bro :) You gonna need it :)

JusticeforAaron ago

I don't expect anything from you and I don't expect you to do anything but think it out for yourself. You have no idea the time and energy I had invested in this. You likely wouldn't care but I gave up everything to support this. If I was to count my labor, it would likely be at least $100,000 worth of time, at least. I've been involved a long time here and elsewhere.

Disappointed ago

I get you. I modded that sub for well over two years and fought long battles and a lot of time to keep power mods from shitting on users. It wasn't an easy thing. I'll wait and see what happens here.

argosciv ago

Honestly, given the proposed purpose of this subverse, I'd say the fairest way is indeed that the subverse mods/owners retain the ability to downvoat and prevent others from having it, whether it's 10ccp or more, as a means of sending the message of "we severely disagree with what you're doing here, explain yourself or take a hike"

I'd be very VERY interested to see how it(no downvoating) goes in pg, but, the ship's well and truly sailed there if pg is to stay visible to all xD

Disappointed ago

we severely disagree with what you're doing here, explain yourself or take a hike

They can type exactly what you did there, there no need to have extra power to push comment to the bottom and their own to the top. Its a convenient way of having power over discussion.

JusticeforAaron ago

They have power over everything. Including what is seen and not. They clipped your downvoat because they don't want people to know how much they are disliked.

dragonkiller ago

They have power over everything. Including what is seen and not. They clipped your downvoat because they don't want people to know how much they are disliked.

edit, yes that is why they rigged the sub.

argosciv ago

That's the point, they do.

me, 2 months ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2250205

Check that shit out. Crench and I having it out, I didn't wanna play it their way, they didn't wanna play it my way, shit got taken way out of context by at least myself...

I was given ample opportunity to satisfy before getting any downvoats - the submission itself has none... eventually, Crensch had enough of me, downvoated and called for extra opinions as he(fuck ya, you're a he for now, @Crensch) was unsure about my motives/message.

Like I said, they're very sparing with using the power they weild in this subverse. Opinions aren't what get you downvoated by the mods here, it's about your presentation and willingness to explain yourself if asked.

Now, all this time later, check this out:

also me, 18 hours ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2395551

Feel free to ignore this, if you can see what I'm telling you. Mods, this isn't a shitpost <3

Notice the total lack of responses?

Crensch ago

I'd forgotten all about the first link.

The second link requires me to dig around to catch your meaning. I know it wasn't directed at me, but if I figured I'd respond anyway.

argosciv ago

/me giggles

I haven't forgotten the first one, at all ;)

I'll dm you the rest of this reply shortly, lol.

JusticeforAaron ago

They downvoated me a LOT here so you are full of shit.

argosciv ago

I think you missed some of what I said, again, not very good at reading are ya?

Disappointed ago

My mind is set on this, so let's just leave it at that. For mine, it's an abuse of power at best and a calculated measure at worse. I'd like to think it's just that @Crensch hasn't had it bought to his attention before. Now that he knows the options, we'll see.

Crensch ago

It's set at 10k.

@argosciv the subverse has been set differently.

argosciv ago

Just woke up, going over missed notifs now :)

JusticeforAaron ago

If you want an accurate assessment of what people think of @Crensch have a look at the pinned tweet in the pg forum WITH downvoats. Then you will see why they removed them here.

Crensch ago

The only thing that shows is that you and your ilk are butthurt enough to downvote the mechanism for change just to try and spite me.

Ok, I lied. It also shows that you're more than a little stupid.

JusticeforAaron ago

Oh believe me many more think you are more than a little stupid and butthurt yourself. Those aren't my downvoats.

Crensch ago

Oh believe me many more think you are more than a little stupid and butthurt yourself. I don't know those people but they see right through you and gave you downvoats.

Claim: There are more people that think X.

Next sentence: I do not know those people

argosciv ago

No worries, I mean no argument any more than to discuss casually :)

Disappointed ago

That depends what you are thinking.

argosciv ago

Fleeting thought to trial no downvoating in v/pizzagate

Disappointed ago

That would take it off v/all as well.

dragonkiller ago

Dude this argosciv guy is jerking your chain. He is a known jerk off in here farming votes in an environment that he can't get down voted in.

Disappointed ago

The votes up or down wont count in this sub after change in Voat policy about 6-9 months ago.

argosciv ago

Oh, that part flew by me... well that's why I like the limit of 10 and no gains, here. I like that this sub hits v/all, I try not to hijack it too often because the exposure and clean voating keeps things transparent. If you're heavily opposed to what someone says, but, can't downvoat them, you either voice yourself or suck it up, right?

dragonkiller ago

I like that this sub hits v/all,

No it does not you clueless satantic blood drinking asshole. That was the whole excuse for setting up this voting system. As usual you are fucking clueless.

Disappointed ago

The limit of 10 here is not high enough because at least one person here can downvote. That's not fair and easy fixed. You caan go up to 1k which no one will have.

Vindicator ago

Wouldn't it be great if people made most submissions this way? There would be so much more meat!

We have a few folks who do. But the reality is, most people are posting from their phones, on the fly, to participate in the community and something small against the pedocracy. They want to participate, but they don't want to take on a research leadership role.

I wonder what would happen if instead of trying to get there by removing everything that doesn't meet that standard, we do something to reward the posts that do? Maybe give them a blue ribbon flair or something and sticky them for a few days. Positive reinforcement instead of negative? Just brainstorming.

karenrussell63 ago


I think this would be a great idea. Less focus on removing valid posts because of a mistake in following rules, more focus on highlighting properly formatted posts. I'm thinking this would result in posts flared as meeting standards would get viewed and taken more seriously than posts without.

Would be more work for mods to add the flair but should make their jobs easier overall since it will give way to a sort of self moderation.

Excellent idea Vindicator.

Vindicator ago

Thanks. Check out the sticky I just put up. We're going to try a 24 hour edit window. As soon as think- is properly up to speed, and shit calms down around here a little, we can add the Blue Ribbon Research flair. I'm thinking maybe pick the best research post of the week and sticky it? Not sure...still mulling.

JusticeforAaron ago

Just stop deleting everything, you mods have run off so many good researchers. A lot have started their own sites or post elsewhere. How can we brainstorm and get a hive mind going when you interfere with everything?

think- ago

Maybe give them a blue ribbon flair or something and sticky them for a few days.

Nudging is a trend currently... ;-)

I think that's a great idea.

Considering that I wrote only comments in the first weeks and then posted link posts because I didn't have time to do a research post but wanted to contribute at least something that might be useful.

And I also like @Crensch's idea:

Have a master list submission of all the blue-ribbon posts, too. When one gets flaired/stickied, it goes in that submission.

argosciv ago

And I also like @Crensch's idea:

>Have a master list submission of all the blue-ribbon posts, too. When one gets flaired/stickied, it goes in that submission.

Oh you're fucking AWESOME! Cheers for the clever quote format! <3

Crensch ago

I love that idea, actually.

And yeah, I'm pretty far removed from the situation, so while I might have a fresh eye for bullshit being pulled, I don't necessarily have my finger on the pulse.

Fuck, that's a good idea man.

Have a master list submission of all the blue-ribbon posts, too. When one gets flaired/stickied, it goes in that submission.

Is there really nobody that wants to gather all the disparate pieces of info and put them together in a multi-level grouping of comments linking to each other?

JusticeforAaron ago

I'd like to know why a post, about a PROVEN child pornography publisher was taken down. Exactly wtf is an elite, if not a billionare scumbag with loads of Hollywood connections. Fuck you Millennial Falcon.

Crensch ago

I'd like some evidence for this claim.

JusticeforAaron ago

Google Brooke Shields playboy. Done.

Crensch ago

@Disappointed I know this will sound sarcastic, but is this normal?

Disappointed ago

Yes it is.

Crensch ago

Jesus fucking Christ.

Fuck me. Fuck.

@JusticeforAaron when I asked for evidence, I was asking specifically for evidence that Millennial Falcon wrongfully deleted a submission. The evidence for that would be a link to the submission itself, not a command to google an actress that was probably the subject of that submission.

Is the rest of Voat a non-average sample of people? Is that why almost every PG member I've come across has been so incredibly, demonstrably, embarrassingly wrong?

Not sure if my skull or my table is going to give out first.

dragonkiller ago

Is that why almost every PG member I've come across has been so incredibly, demonstrably, embarrassingly wrong?

crensch is never wrong according to crensch. shocking, not.

mralexson ago


Crensch ago

Rarely wrong, and I admit when I am.

Is it a reading comprehension issue, a lack of knowledge about logic and reasoning, or are you just stupid?

Vindicator ago

@Disappointed @Crensch -- this little exchange cracked me up.

Pretty sure the person you're talking to is being willfully dumb...and is an amalek alt.

Disappointed ago

What they are is a user, you have to take the trolls in stride. I had a user of v/linux that used to call me a shill, a dog, every name under the sun. They are your users, the good and the bad.

argosciv ago

used to call me a shill, a dog

Sounds like a bacon hater.

Disappointed ago

No, just an alcoholic.

argosciv ago

Oh jeeze, I'd almost prefer the bacon hater... almost.

JusticeforAaron ago

Yeah you suck too as a mod, you don't even read posts before you delete them.

Crensch ago

Got evidence for that claim?

JusticeforAaron ago

No because it's fucking deleted because you assholes are allergic to truth.

Crensch ago


It's your claim, so as you so eloquently put it:

Look it up under deleted submissions. You should know that it's there.

And look! I even gave you the link to the deleted submissions!

JusticeforAaron ago

You're probably a child molester like the rest of the mods. Whenever someone acts like you, that's what I conclude now.

Crensch ago

You're probably a child molester like the rest of the mods.

And the penny drops.

Whenever someone acts like you, that's what I conclude now.

Asking for evidence = child molester. Top notch work there, Columbo.

dragonkiller ago

Asking for evidence = child molester. Top notch work there, Columbo.

Everybody that disagrees with you is a troll, and alt, wrong, kike, nigger, faggot, or stupid. Whats the difference between you and what I just quoted? Nothing except that your vocabulary is stuck at 4chan level.

Crensch ago

Everybody that disagrees with you is a troll, and alt, wrong, kike, nigger, faggot, or stupid. Whats the difference between you and what I just quoted? Nothing except that your vocabulary is stuck at 4chan level.

Do you even read what you write?

How fucking stupid can you be? I asked for evidence and I get accused of being a child molester for it? What fucking good are you to PG if you can't provide evidence of your accusations, retard?

dragonkiller ago

How fucking stupid can you be? I asked for evidence and I get accused of being a child molester for it?

I didn't call you a child molester. I correctly stated that you think you are never wrong, which of course is wrong. This means that you are wrong by default when you wake up every day. This is simple logic beyond your ego's grasp.

Crensch ago

I didn't call you a child molester. I correctly stated that you think you are never wrong, which of course is wrong.

*I proved that false already. Do you need a link to where it happened, liar?

This means that you are wrong by default when you wake up every day. This is simple logic beyond your ego's grasp.

This doesn't show you to be anything beyond really, really stupid.

dragonkiller ago

This doesn't show you to be anything beyond really, really stupid.

What else do you do besides sit on the internet all day calling people stupid? Please don't link to your "claim to fame" thread about the holocaust that you cannot stop patting yourself on the back for. I knew Auschwitz was bullshit years ago and I too can teach a five year old that the doors were not gas tight in five minutes. etc....Why don't you actually do something meaningful like fix the problems in the pizzagate sub instead of stroking your ego all day at other people's expense? It would probably elevate your self image and you wouldn't be wrong every other breath telling everybody else they are wrong. There is a paradox there that an intelligent person such as yourself should be able to grasp.

Crensch ago

What else do you do besides sit on the internet all day calling people stupid?

I support my claims and accusations with evidence. Something you and your ilk seem incapable of.

Please don't link to your "claim to fame" thread about the holocaust that you cannot stop patting yourself on the back for.

Because it shows you and your ilk to be whiny bitches that can't even present something half as good?

I knew Auschwitz was bullshit years ago and I too can teach a five year old that the doors were not gas tight in five minutes. etc....

Speaking of patting yourself on the back...

Why don't you actually do something meaningful like fix the problems in the pizzagate sub instead of stroking your ego all day at other people's expense?

Do you see the vote count? A massive FOUR votes for the highest voted option. What problems are you speaking of? I won't do the trans-bathroom tier bullshit where some small vocal minority gets to dictate how this works to others. If there isn't more interest in this, nothing will change save maybe an introduction of flairs for posts that aren't completely fucking worthless. Flairs I expect won't used very much here.

It would probably elevate your self image and you wouldn't be wrong every other breath telling everybody else they are wrong.

You've not shown me to be wrong anywhere. At all. You just claim that I am, like the rest of your ilk here.

There are maybe 8 users here with an issue overall. You're going to need more than just being loud to change something here.

There is a paradox there that an intelligent person such as yourself should be able to grasp.

There is no paradox. I have not been wrong anywhere but with the link I provided, and you have been incapable of presenting anything even remotely reasonable as an argument.

Attacking me instead of the guy accusing me of being a pedo because I asked for evidence really shows exactly what you're here for. As long as it's against me, it flies with you.

Sounds like you're guilty of what your party is accusing me of.

dragonkiller ago

Do you see the vote count? A massive FOUR votes for the highest voted option.

Sure. I watched you get pounded into the mud for two days straight with down votes. But you are talking about your public voting thing. There is a reason they have curtains in a voting booth. There is a reason that unions set up anonymous voting situations. What you are doing is a showy spectacle and nothing more.

If there isn't more interest in this, nothing will change save maybe an introduction of flairs for posts that aren't completely fucking worthless. Flairs I expect won't used very much here.

I saw that idea and I agree with you on this.The flairs will probably just get jammed up and clog the pages. And also, honestly what you are doing seems more like swapping the lugs nuts around from the front to the back tires on a car with flat tires. What we need are changes that are more at the root level like a new mod. Tires need swapping instead of rotating the lug nuts. Its just busy work and won't go anywhere meaningful unless more root level changes are made.

There are maybe 8 users here with an issue overall.

naaaa, it is systemic. People won't speak out though because Falcon went through a spree of banning people left and right for a while. He banned @2impendingdoom simply for saying "there are some really good threads in the deleted submissions bin" and whack. Banned. He banned @TrishaUK and wrote as a reason "because it amuses me" and vindicator (i think) is the one that got TrishaUK unbanned. @commoner was a real good poster that got banned for trying to reconfigure his posts to meet Falcon's overly tedious specs, as he was instructed to do, and vindicator got him unbanned too. I don't remember all the others right off the top of my head and I won't take hours sifting through the lists hunting them down right now. People don't want to speak publicly.

I have not been wrong anywhere but with the link I provided, and you have been incapable of presenting anything even remotely reasonable as an argument.

Not trying to be an ass but self reflection is not one of your strong points. If you would turn that intellect inward and do some self examination you would be a force of positive change instead of a wrecking ball. I know you are smart enough for the task but that ego barrier has you ham strapped right now.

Attacking me instead of the guy accusing me of being a pedo because I asked for evidence really shows exactly what you're here for. As long as it's against me, it flies with you.

I'm not on the team that calls the mods pedos. Take it up with them.

Crensch ago

Not trying to be an ass but self reflection is not one of your strong points. If you would turn that intellect inward and do some self examination you would be a force of positive change instead of a wrecking ball. I know you are smart enough for the task but that ego barrier has you ham strapped right now.

There's exactly one of us with a link where we admit we're wrong.

I think you are mistaken.

dragonkiller ago

There's exactly one of us with a link where we admit we're wrong.

This is exactly what I am talking about. Admitting that you are wrong once in a blue moon so that you can point to it as evidence is pretty weak when you say you are never wrong all day. Geez, get your priorities off yourself and shoot that energy at something productive. You have a powerful intellect. If you can unchain it from that ego you could really do some good. You won't melt into a puddle of goo by admitting that you are wrong when you are wrong. It would take some work for you because you are so conditioned and robotic on the "never wrong" business but you would benefit from it.

Crensch ago

naaaa, it is systemic. People won't speak out though because Falcon went through a spree of banning people left and right for a while. He banned @2impendingdoom simply for saying "there are some really good threads in the deleted submissions bin" and whack. Banned. He banned @TrishaUK and wrote as a reason "because it amuses me" and vindicator (i think) is the one that got TrishaUK unbanned. @commoner was a real good poster that got banned for trying to reconfigure his posts to meet Falcon's overly tedious specs, as he was instructed to do, and vindicator got him unbanned too. I don't remember all the others right off the top of my head and I won't take hours sifting through the lists hunting them down right now. People don't want to speak publicly.

1) I don't believe you.

2) Because you have provided no EVIDENCE OF THIS.

dragonkiller ago

I don't believe you.

Because you have provided no EVIDENCE OF THIS.

Of course you don't because you don't want to believe it. @vindicator is the one that got them unbanned. He knows what happened. You spend most of your time saying "you are wrong and stupid" to people with no evidence so what the fuck? At least one of us is trying to stay in the truth and it is not you. Actually hell was raised and Falcon had to relent on 2impendingdoom but @vindicator got the others unbanned.

Crensch ago

Of course you don't because you don't want to believe it.

I don't believe things without evidence, but nice try.

@vindicator is the one that got them unbanned. He knows what happened.

I don't care what he knows. Support your accusations.

You spend most of your time saying "you are wrong and stupid" to people with no evidence so what the fuck?

YOU ARE WRONG AND STUPID but not because you're necessarily wrong, but because you do not provide any evidence for your claims when people ask for it.

At least one of us is trying to stay in the truth and it is not you.

"Oh, you dishonest mod! Why do you not believe my claims when I tell you that they're true?"

What the fuck is it that makes you think your position is defensible?

Actually hell was raised and Falcon had to relent on 2impendingdoom but @vindicator got the others unbanned.

Good for you, or something. More claims that you can't support.


dragonkiller ago


When vindicator checks in he can confirm it. You don't believe your own mods?

Crensch ago

When vindicator checks in he can confirm it. You don't believe your own mods?

No, I don't. Not with something this important or contentious. I believe EVIDENCE.

dragonkiller ago

No, I don't. Not with something this important or contentious. I believe EVIDENCE.

Interesting. crensch believes the mod when it is convenient. Refuses to believe it when its not. crensch is fucking falcon maybe, the same damn person, one and the same person, just maybe. Or, crensch and falcon are taking dirty money under the table to fuck this sub up and protect child rapers. Getting paid to stay off certain information. If they lose their power spot these nigger faggots lose their dirty money. Not sure but something is going on around here and that is for sure.

Crensch ago

Ask for evidence, get accused of all kinds of things.

Got it.

dragonkiller ago

You may as well get ready because this shit ain't over mother fucker, not by a long shot

dragonkiller ago

Ask for evidence, get accused of all kinds of things.

Got it.

Your bullshit ran its course nigger faggot asshole. You are not a victim but you are up to something dirty and that is for sure. Accusing people of shit all day fucking long and then suddenly is a victim. Typical jew bullshit. Oy vey dey accusing me! You worthless mother fucker.

Crensch ago

Ask for evidence, get attacked.

Got it.

argosciv ago

He done did crack the case! xD

JusticeforAaron ago

She* genius.

argosciv ago

care factor = 0

I haven't seen you say that anywhere, so, dun dun dun... I assumed your gender. OMGWTFBBQNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

JusticeforAaron ago

You, like the mods here, think you're pretty observant but dun dun dun...you aren't. Notice how every dumb person thinks they're smart? That's you.

argosciv ago

Hahaha, go eat some ham, Elmer.

JusticeforAaron ago


JusticeforAaron ago

Your behavior is enough evidence.

Crensch ago

I posit the opposite is more likely true. Your behaviour suggests you don't take any of this seriously, and are just here to fuck with the mods of the best surviving PG platform.

dragonkiller ago

the best surviving PG platform.

If you believe that no wonder this place is so screwed up.

Crensch ago

If you believe that no wonder this place is so screwed up.

Oh, then why are you here?

dragonkiller ago

Oh, then why are you here?

I was a user here a good while back for several months. I had to go back to work and lost my password because I didn't use it for so long. When I started tuning in again under this new name nothing had changed but only gotten worse. It is amazing the trash threads allowed to stay and the impossible barriers that have to be crossed to post something that is truly relevant. I have been noticing your serious lack of performance capability too. It is obvious that your ego has been riding herd over the real you for so long that the real you might not even be functional anymore.

Pretty sad actually because I can tell you are intelligent. Your ego has crippled your decision making ability to the point that it makes you detrimental to the project though.

Crensch ago

Oh, then why are you here?

JusticeforAaron ago

His responses aren't intelligent, they are infantile and abusive.

JusticeforAaron ago

You know what pisses me off? The fact that these researchers do so much work for NOTHING...no other reasons than to help find truth and help these kids and one of you fuckheads just come along and delete it for no reason. Go to hell.

Crensch ago

You know what pisses me off? The fact that these researchers do so much work for NOTHING...no other reasons than to help find truth and help these kids and one of you fuckheads just come along and delete it for no reason. Go to hell.

You know what pisses me off? The fact that you'd want the shills and trolls to be able to post BULLSHIT time-wasting posts all over the place because you sissies can't be bothered to explain yourselves in your submissions.

JusticeforAaron ago

The whole point is it's a community trying to help and you're the fucking opposite of being helpful. I submitted a url post that was perfectly understandable except to retards. Maybe you mods aren't intelligent enough to comprehend or observe.

argosciv ago

Oh I can assure you, he(or she, how dareth I assume... xD) is quite helpful indeed.

@Crensch, I love you mate, but, I gotta do this xD

argosciv - v/pizzagatemods: Enough of this!

Avatar - Vultures Fly (Live at Wacken Open Air 2015 / Proshot)

dragonkiller ago

Oh I can assure you, he(or she, how dareth I assume... xD) is quite helpful indeed.

An admitted blood drinking satanist sucking mod dick in forum that tries to protect children. And, getting up votes for it by the mods that get their egos stroked. Something wrong in here for sure.

JusticeforAaron ago

Very wrong. You need to post about this.

Crensch ago

I look forward to it, sir.

JusticeforAaron ago

"sir"...you guys probably do semen blood rituals together with kids.

Crensch ago

Shut up, VieBleu

argosciv ago

"sir"...you guys probably do semen blood rituals together with kids.

HAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, I love waking up to a good laugh.

Crensch ago

I PMd Disappointed asking if he trolled me with that response.

Still, even the base-level response to my OP was a bit mind-blowing for me.

JusticeforAaron ago

I'm not a mind reader.

Look it up under deleted submissions. You should know that it's there. Judge for yourself.

Crensch ago

For anyone reading, this link was added after my comment, and I was not pinged to it.

Crensch ago

I'm not a mind reader.

What claim of yours, exactly, do you think "Google Brooke Shields playboy. Done." is sufficient evidence to support?

Look it up under deleted submissions. You should know that it's there. Judge for yourself.

Are you not aware of the burden of proof, or why it exists?

If it were my job to prove you right, you could make any number of claims, hand-wave me to google or the modlog, and I'd have to exert many times more effort for each claim to find out if there's support for it or not.

Why would anyone do that?


"@JusticeforAaron raped a kid in 1990."

Then someone else would ask for evidence.

"Google Brooke Shields. Done"

That person could either tell me to go fuck myself, and to do my own homework, or he would have to spend hours, maybe days or weeks or months going through every google link to every mention of Brooke Shields in order to find out if my accusation was supported by that command.


It's your job to support your accusations, not mine.

JusticeforAaron ago

If you see images of Brooke Shields naked as a kid in a Playboy, that is proof he is a child porn publisher. This isn't rocket science.

If you were a mod there you would've seen a post with many upvoats recently on this.

Stop being so condescending. You really aren't any better than anyone else. Give it a rest and go take some chill pills if you can't do it mentally yourself.

Crensch ago

If you see images of Brooke Shields naked as a kid in a Playboy, that is proof he is a child porn publisher.

Look back on this nest. The only "he" you've mentioned is M_F. The pronoun "he" requires a valid antecedent - you're surely not saying the M_F is the child porn publisher, are you?

This isn't rocket science.

No, but it still seems beyond your mental capabilities.

If you were a mod there you would've seen a post with many upvoats recently on this.

That doesn't absolve you of your burden of proof. Or your burden of providing pronoun antecedents.

Stop being so condescending.

I'm being far more polite to you than I think you deserve.

You really aren't any better than anyone else.

Apparently I am.

Give it a rest and go take some chill pills if you can't do it mentally yourself.

The irony. @Vindicator can sides go to space over irony, or is that just from laughing?

argosciv ago

Fuck I love you xD

JusticeforAaron ago

beta cuck

argosciv ago

Lmfao! You take the statement way too literally.

JusticeforAaron ago

No, I see you sucking his dick.

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHAHA! You're imagining me sucking his dick are ya? Whatever floats your goat... xD

JusticeforAaron ago

You wish satanic blood/sex magick Crowley man.

argosciv ago

Still having trouble reading, I see... ah well, maybe invest in some glasses?

Vindicator ago

Definitely. Irony involves silent cackling.

JusticeforAaron ago

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd have no problem understanding he is Hefner, the publisher of Playboy. What a fucking idiot you are.

Crensch ago

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd have no problem understanding he is Hefner, the publisher of Playboy.

I knew that. But since you were being so dense about evidence of your claims about M_F and telling me to find it for you, I nitpicked the rest of your comments on principle.

Anyone should agree that he's a pedo if they've heard of the Brooke Shields edition; Hef is rather irrelevant here. The evidence you need to come up with are the deleted submissions you're accusing M_F and vindicator of wrongfully deleting.

JusticeforAaron ago

I linked it already.

Crensch ago

In an edit? I sure didn't see it.

JusticeforAaron ago

You don't notice much it seems.

Crensch ago

If you put it in an edit, but didn't link me to that edit, you're being dishonest in your discussion, and your conclusion here is, by extension, dishonest.

JusticeforAaron ago

My intent isn't to be dishonest. I edited it because you were whining like a spoiled kid about it.

Crensch ago

Edits don't ping me to them. New comments do.

Am I supposed to be a mind reader?

JusticeforAaron ago

How original. Just like your shill accusation. At least put a little more effort into it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Just so you know, justiceforaaron, you are sitting in a rigged mod sub where only the mod with accrued down vote points can down vote you. You can get 50 up votes in this thread but the system will never give you those 10 points you need to down vote, ever.

So, @crensch is admitting to having understood your comment, condescending you, and down voting you at the same time. Its a game.

JusticeforAaron ago

Yeah, @crensch is a troll mod abusing his power. Look at how many times he downvoated me here, he's a nasty person.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, @crensch is a troll mod abusing his power. Look at how many times he downvoated me here, he's a nasty person.

I'm not here to troll @crensch. I only speak up when I think I see something that needs to be attended to. crensch and I don't see eye to eye very often but at the same time I don't know you and I have no idea what your motives are. I told you about the voting situation in this sub because you needed to know. Other than that I don't know about your situation.

Disappointed ago

I'm wondering if any changes should be to remove rule 1, since determining relevance could be considered subjective, and within the realm of what should be voted on by the users. The users that now have the ccp to downvote much of the spammy stuff.

I agree but worth noting almost everyone I have seen comment agrees that the sub is still spammy to an extent and noone wants that. So maybe a relaxation of the rule. If in doubt leave it up or flair it. I really like the flairing idea. If you want to know how to flair PM me. It's very simple now and does not require CSS.

I think the "that is not common knowledge of rule 2 could be removed. Sorry, every factual claim needs a source

I believe people may be intimidated by all the hoops they have to jump through to post on the main sub. However you all decide to tackle that doesn't matter. What matters is you decide it needs to be tackled. Adding another hoop will discourage the average person even more. This is not paper to be marked or an exam to be passed. Its a message board on a small site that is fighting pedo elites. If ANYONE is interested in burning down pedos let them help.

Crensch you are smarter than the average bear and as such probably place demands on yourself that you expect to met. Understand that most average people just aren't built that way. You'll end up with smaller and smaller pool of users that meet the increasingly high demands to submit.

If in doubt leave it up. The user gets the benfit of th doubt. If it becomes a problem again, then address it again. No need to wait 6 months, we are live here and the action is broadcast simultaneously around the world.

dragonkiller ago

Crensch you are smarter than the average bear and as such probably place demands on yourself that you expect to met.

Please don't feed the monster :) It already thinks that everything that agrees with it is a shill, and alt, or just wrong.

JusticeforAaron ago

You guys call that intelligent?

Vindicator ago

Understand that most average people just aren't built that way. You'll end up with smaller and smaller pool of users that meet the increasingly high demands to submit.

This jives with my perception of what has already happened with v/pizzagate.

Crensch ago

Crensch you are smarter than the average bear and as such probably place demands on yourself that you expect to met. Understand that most average people just aren't built that way. You'll end up with smaller and smaller pool of users that meet the increasingly high demands to submit.

I appreciate the compliment.

You're right about my standards for myself, but I usually do not expect nearly as much from others; a bit surprising that people might consider this a high bar. I perceive it as menial, perhaps a bit tedious, but necessary to support claims. I believe you, of course, as I've never been great at judging such things.

Will take a bit to wrap my mind around it, but I find your words plausible, and likely more accurate than my own perception of the issue.

I'll add a flair option to the main post.

Thank you very much for your response; extremely valuable input, as usual.