mralexson ago

What is a "crypto jew"?

argosciv ago

My original point wasn't about who you are, or your research.

The top part of the quoted text, was more a general statement. I didn't get the impression that you're disregarding what I was saying.

I've enjoyed chatting to you.


I hope you take my point on board, it would be a travesty if your research leads to something, and it's discounted because people think that you are a shill. Be careful:)

Someone once said to me 'Your reputation is priceless, guard it with your life'

That does ring a bell, but really, I'm not too fussed about my reputation - some will never believe me even with all the info at hand, can't change that. What people think of me, doesn't change the validity of the information. Whether I'm wrong or right, that is.

Crensch ago

I could get used to being a shark.

I still think this fucker is suspicious:

No, I'm not insulted here, I'm more just sick of the deliberate misunderstanding of my intent - given that I've gone to great lengths to prove who I am and why I'm here.

With Mr.Miyagi LARPing speak and hand-waving to his account history, instead of, say, a paragraph explaining, with links to the sources of his claims/points.

argosciv ago

Okay, let's be nice for just a moment, tell me what you'd have me explain in a single paragraph and I will actually try, for your sake.

Crensch ago

Just wanted to pop my head in here to say that I can (and in due time, will) absolutely fucking decimate the "crypto jew" bullshit being constantly thrown around.

We have some shills and genuine users here, who believe it to be true, but, they are simply wrong.

What "bullshit" specifically? Are you saying you'll attack the Jewish/pro-Jewish bullshit spewed here, or the anti-Jew stuff?

The only shills I know of here are pro-Jew and pro-Jew-propaganda. Do we agree on this point?

Other than that, realize that in a forum, you might have to prove who you are and why you're here in multiple threads - hand-waving to your history is kike-tier bullshit. Have a copypasta of links ready if you must, and tl;dr it as much as you can.

argosciv ago

What "bullshit" specifically? Are you saying you'll attack the Jewish/pro-Jewish bullshit spewed here, or the anti-Jew stuff?

Thank you for asking a question I can answer(not having a jab, I can't expect people to know the questions I need).

Okay, so, you've probably noticed that often times, when Jews are highlighted in something over in v/pizzagate, there's at least a few people who bring up the subject of "Crypto jews", which are allegedly Jews who willingly pretend to be of another religion, so as to hide their being Jewish, which is often assumed to be the inherent reason for any crime they may have committed - particularly in relation to abuse of children.

Don't get me wrong, I have a plethora of greivances to raise about Judaism in it's raw-text form...

The problem with "crypto jews", though, is that it was a fabrication whispered into the ear of some one, so as to further the Spanish Inquisition(or The Inquisition, whatever), it worked wonders... but here's the kicker... some jews were indeed acting as members of other religions, but, it was forced upon them against their will.

I will expand upon this in it's own submission. Not the upcoming Israel submission, though.

The only shills I know of here are pro-Jew and pro-Jew-propaganda. Do we agree on this point?

No, there are shills of all kinds, tasked with attacking different topics with a robotic set of talking points to slide and/or ridicule genuine inquiry/research. Some are here to be pro-jew, some anti-jew, some are tasked with other subjects. Two of the most sensitive topics seem to be Israel/Jews and The House of Saud, both open to a myriad of attacks, not least of all, "you're attacking jews but not muslims?" and "you're attacking muslims but not jews?", reminder: who does ISIL consistently refuse to attack?

Other than that, realize that in a forum, you might have to prove who you are and why you're here in multiple threads - hand-waving to your history is kike-tier bullshit. Have a copypasta of links ready if you must, and tl;dr it as much as you can.

Of course I realize that, hence making it very easy for anyone to track me down. Lol, hand-waiving... okay sure, I'll wear that, but it's not bullshit and I'm no kike(happy yet?)

Given the 10k character limit, I try to TL;DR as much as possible - yes I'm going to go right back and tidy the rest of my threads up too - don't think for a moment that I'm gonna stop with Saud/Ottomans and Israel, I have a shit list a mile long...

Crensch ago

Finally, an acceptable response. Thank you.

argosciv ago

oh you

argosciv ago

I was going to reply to this extensively, here, but, I'm going to save some of it for a private message...

The problem with your post is that it took the form of something that a shill would write. We’ve seen the same structure numerous times before, mostly with faggots trying to slide.

That is truly unintentional, at worst, I was going for eccentric...

JIDF are on voat. We’ve outed a number of accounts. Post something calling out Israel and watch the flies land in your thread.

(Bolding added for emphasis): No doubt(probably going right along with the "crypto jew" shit, so as to hide in plain sight)! Yes, that org is on my list of "fuckers", they actually somewhat recently came up with some sort of far-reaching relation(but a relation nonetheless) to my current line of research.

I would LOVE to do so(post about Isis-ra-el), believe me, the moment I have something concrete on them, I'll come down on them like the event horizon of an exploding sun... They've been on my list for a fucking long time, albeit for arguably baseless reasons in the early days.

Seriously though, if you bait people with a post, you cant get pissed if a shark bites.

Again, I wasn't baiting the people I pinged/responded to. The bait was for the dickheads who actively try to shit on my work.

We all do a lot of research. There are a lot forces arrayed against us. Sometimes we get caught up in the semantics, but usually those we debate have a point, especially on voat. It’s always important to take in new information, and reassess our point of view, like you said.

Then why on Earth, shit on the extensive effort I've gone to in my research? Why refuse to read it, but, then imply that there's nothing of value in it? Might not like this thread in particular, but, to infer that I never deliver or that everything I have already delivered, is devoid of context or relevance, is... I can't even think of the right word... it's not so much insulting or disrespectful... ignorant? /shrug

No, I'm not insulted here, I'm more just sick of the deliberate misunderstanding of my intent - given that I've gone to great lengths to prove who I am and why I'm here. I mean fuck, anyone here who takes 10 mins, can find my real identity... I'm even saying that publicly, like fuck, what more do you want, my phone number and address?(rhetorical, don't answer)

Just for information, there have been a few prominent accounts that recently made similar posts to your own. There is a concern about the level of infiltration on voat. It is really happening. Don’t get caught in the crossfire. If you are going to debate or debunk the JQ, dont grandstand. Its a common tactic used agianst us. I look forward to your post, feel free to ping me when you make it. I like a good JQ argument.

Y'know, I've actually noticed that my mannerisms are being adopted around here by shills and shitposters, it's fucking annoying, hence having to change my behavior on a constant. I absolutely share your concerns about the level of infiltration here, hence the preemptive announcement of incoming info and the strange behavior - it's self defense.

If I decide to continue posting my findings, I won't be pinging anyone to the "crypto jew" submission, I'm not even sure if it would be the immediate next submission or if it'd be further down the queue. I won't ping anyone because I'd rather see who opens the thread and reads it in full, of their own volition, given the reception here.

Thank you for explaining.

No problem, there's a little bit I left out here, but, I'll pm it to you and a couple others, so they can start to figure me out a bit better.

argosciv ago

I appreciate the sensible reply, thank you for taking the time.

Do you understand why statements like this are annoying?


It's a fairly SJW thing to do. Make a statement without any proof, links or reasoning for your argument. Then refuse to acknowledge counter arguments.

In the spirit of honesty, yes, I absolutely can see how it's a "fairly SJW thing to do", indeed, that was kind of the point... I'll even deconstruct the quoted part of my OP, to explain a little bit.

Title: "Enough of this!" - deliberately emotional on the surface, seemingly angry/aggitated, mostly as a joke but also to assure a few views and to imply that there is a problem beneath the surface.

Upon entering the thread, it opens with:

Just wanted to pop my head in here to say that I can (and in due time, will) absolutely fucking decimate the "crypto jew" bullshit being constantly thrown around.

A genuinely cheerful greeting, wherein I was simply letting readers know, that I've come across some new informaiton which I do intend to expand upon, asap.

I'm sure a certain someone(maybe even a few) will have plenty to throw at me on this subject... I won't be reading a word of it, nor responding to them.

This was bait... plain and simple, it was bait for a few users, who I will indeed not be discussing the JQ with. Perhaps Crensch and kev thought I was talking about them? No, I wasn't... the user(s) I'm talking about, know full well who they are and that's why they haven't had the balls to pop in here to contest me. Notice how I've given yourself, Crensch and kevdude "the time of day"? Well, that means the above quoted statement, was not directed at you or them.

The JQ is fairly well established on voat, and this type of argument is just kicking the hornets nest.

You're goddamn right there xD

Some would even say it's sliding. Now, I'm not making those allegations here, I'm just asking if you see how such a post can be misconstrued?

I dunno about sliding, that seems like a bit of a stretch given that it's one thread which I had really hoped to move on from immediately... but, you do make a valid point. I would merely stress again, though, that there was a reason for obfuscation - that reason being to throw off my detractors.

I agree with you in that it's not just one religion. However, to say that committing a crime excommunicates one from their religion of choosing is completely insane.

I don't recall ever saying that directly. Indeed, I have made at least one comment some months ago, pointing out exactly the inherent flaws in the Abrahamic religions. In fact it led to a rather aggravating debate with a user who has a very Weinstein-related username, who was refusing to acknowledge that Catholic/Christian priests(and Jewish abusers) have been perpetrators of or allowing pedophilia to go unpunished for centuries.

Does this inherently excommunicate them? No, I imagine that excommunication is a process presided over by "higher ups" in whatever hierarchy one's religion happens to have... However, the moment someone claims that their religion is one of peace, but then goes on to use their religion to spread hatred and violence... well, what exactly are they?

Muslims that kill themselves in jihad are doing so based on Islamic preaching and dogma.

Jews that harm goyim are doing so on Jewish preaching and dogma.

These are examples of extremists. "Not all Jews", "Not all Muslims", etc, are valid statements, though, it doesn't exempt the religion or extremists from criticism. I for one encourage everyone here to openly shine a light on the truth - even if that means realizing that it is not the case, that "jews" are at the top of the pyramid. They aren't, at least, not per my research(which has been and continues to be extensive). I know it's hard, but, even I've had to admit I was wrong about a few things along the way here, suck it up & push on to learn the truth; It's okay to be wrong, so long as you're willing to do your own research and actually learn more, when presented with new information which challenges previously-held beliefs.

In fact, midst Crensch accusing me of being a Jew(seriously, go fuck yourself, I don't hate Jews, but I absolutely am not one of them, nor a member of any religion) & making asinine comments about cyranide/gas-chambers, I've learned even more to bolster my understanding of who is actually at the top and pulling the strings of even the Jewish extremists/abusers. Because lo & behold, I actually do the reading and research... go fucking figure, ey?

Anyway, the point of this wasn't really to debate the JQ with you. My point is, that if you want to debunk the JQ or at the very least, debate it, then put forward an argument. To not do so, makes you look like a shill. You may say that you don't care, but perception will make others discount your arguments, that's if you actually put one forward.

I did try to make it clear that I absolutely will be expanding upon my claims, instead though, my words were misconstrued as shill/SJW nonsense. I think I already mentioned it in this reply, but, to reiterate, I was hoping to be short here, so that those who actively work to smear me, don't know EXACTLY what I plan to bring to the table. Obfuscation, etc.


Thank you for your reply, really, it's given me an opportunity to explain a few things.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Tweet reads, "The Saudi led war against impoverished Yemen that Obama, Clinton, Trump & Theresa may armed and Netanyahu fostered." No connection to pizzagate here, at least none that OP made clear.

argosciv ago

Uh, I don't have a problem with counter proposals. I just know that some are deliberately pushing it, while knowing it's wrong.

If they try to spew the same old drivel I've already seen spewn elsewhere, I won't be giving them the time of day that I'm giving you right now :P

EDIT: PS: none, fuck that shit

Blacksmith21 ago

"Crypto Jew" is a term made up by the Thelemites, the New Age Nazis, the deniers, etc. There is no such thing. It's a phrase where the Jew-haters can catch all they oppose. Podesta? Crypto Jew. Clinton? Crypto Jew. Alefantis? Crypto Jew.

Once one chooses to harm children in the name of a god, they cease to be part of any religion claiming good. They may choose to "identify" as a Jew, Catholic, Muslim, etc. but in reality, they have given their soul to Satan and whatever of the many religions it has stuck its claws into - OTO, Thelema, Masonic rites, Islam, etc. Find whatever sect of "religion" you like, and you'll find an offshoot which condones child abusing rites.

Crensch ago

Once one chooses to harm children in the name of a god, they cease to be part of any religion claiming good. They may choose to "identify" as a Jew, Catholic, Muslim, etc. but in reality, they have given their soul to Satan and whatever of the many religions it has stuck its claws into - OTO, Thelema, Masonic rites, Islam, etc. Find whatever sect of "religion" you like, and you'll find an offshoot which condones child abusing rites.

@kevdude @Trigglypuff @jewshekelstein1488 @gabara @heygeorge

Apparently muslims that rape aren't real muslims. Same with Jews... according to these fucking kikes.

Blacksmith21 ago

No dumbass. All religions have child rapists. Let's hear you carp on about the hundreds of millions of kid-fucking hadjis? Last count was less than 14 million Jews on this planet. If you are so concerned, roll with the 10% (very conservative) of male muslims, about 100, million or more who you know are dancing with boys, etc.

Waiting...that's 10X the size of the problem, if you accept that ALL Jews are pedos, based on the comments from Hitler's Fluffers.

Crensch ago

No dumbass. All religions have child rapists.

Some far more than others, and that seems to be what you're attempting to gloss over.

Let's hear you carp on about the hundreds of millions of kid-fucking hadjis?

Don't care.

Last count was less than 14 million Jews on this planet.

Your point?

If you are so concerned, roll with the 10% (very conservative) of male muslims, about 100, million or more who you know are dancing with boys, etc.

All muslims deserve death. What's your point?

Waiting...that's 10X the size of the problem, if you accept that ALL Jews are pedos, based on the comments from Hitler's Fluffers.

Jews are the biggest problem, because they push for letting the muslims in to civilized countries, LGBTBBQ rights, affirmative action, gibs, rights for subhumans, votes for subhumans, pro-communism and pro-israel organizations, have dual-citizenship while MAKING LAWS FOR THE US, and they run the child-fucking blackmail rings of the elites.

Blacksmith21 ago

First, go fuck yourself, racist. You aren't even an American, fuck stick.

"rights for subhumans, votes for subhumans" <<< --- Right there. Nazi shit. Nazi shit makes you one of them. Go fuck yourself, Obama fluffer.

Crensch ago

First, go fuck yourself, racist.

Race isn't a social construct, cuck. Niggers rape and steal and murder more than whites. Jews parasite and can't build anything on their own.


You aren't even an American, fuck stick.

I'm more American than any brown-skin or kike. The lot of you will be removed, many hanged and gassed.

"rights for subhumans, votes for subhumans" <<< --- Right there. Nazi shit. Nazi shit makes you one of them.

Nazis were too nice, try again.

Go fuck yourself, Obama fluffer.

Obama needs to hang live streamed on the internet, and at the 50 yard line of an NFL stadium with standing room only crowd.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Blacksmith21 only posts to pizzagate because he is a shitty cucked redditor.

Blacksmith21 ago

I only post to PG because I have a real life, job, etc. to attend to. Unlike basement dwellers like yourself.

ExpertShitposter ago

AHAHAHAH FAGGOT. First of all you're probably lying, and you post normal stuff as well, but on reddit. A place that kicked you out but you came back for more because you like the abuse you gay.

And if you dont're very busy so you spent hours per day uncovering fucking nothing? Ahahaha faggot, fucking fail.

Also, I'm shitposting literally from my office now, you reddit bitch.

Blacksmith21 ago

WTF are you talking about? Look dude - I know guys like you. The ones that accuse everyone of being a "Fag". Sorry man, I don't swing that way. Better luck in prison. I'm sure you'll find some love there.

ExpertShitposter ago

You got rekt son. No way out now. You're reddits bitch. Every day you take in that reddit cock and like it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Aren't you supposed to be in school? I'm not even sure WTF you are trying to say. Sorry, no time to argue with morons.

ExpertShitposter ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Yawn. Basement dwelling turd. Out.

ExpertShitposter ago

Repeat that same insult 6m more times NiggerSmith21.

Blacksmith21 ago

WTF are you talking about? Look dude - I know guys like you. The ones that accuse everyone of being a "Fag". Sorry man, I don't swing that way. Better luck in P-Town.

Crensch ago


If that's your position, I've got a shower with your name on it.

argosciv ago

Pfft, don't you coddle me! I've only been up like... 9 hours or some shit.

Crensch ago

Enjoy the bitter almond smell, Jew.

argosciv ago

hah, wait, I haven't even eaten almonds for... I dunno, a while I guess?

Crensch ago

Bitter almonds, you kike. That's what cyanide reportedly smells like. You know, Zyklon-B?

Get gassed, you stupid fuck.

argosciv ago

Drop the fucking attitude and I might be more inclined to believe you have better intentions.

It was funny at times and when less serious matters were afoot. You don't like me leaving context out, fair enough... you replace context with being a cunt, though. I have no time for that.

I said it early on in all this, adding in a bunch of obnoxious shit, turns people away even if they aren't pro-censorship - indeed, the anti-semitic shit plays right into the hands of the worldfuckers/ottomans/saud.

Crensch ago

Drop the fucking attitude and I might be more inclined to believe you have better intentions.

I don't really care what you believe.

It was funny at times and when less serious matters were afoot. You don't like me leaving context out, fair enough... you replace context with being a cunt, though. I have no time for that.

If you communicate dishonestly, I don't really care what you like or have time for.

I said it early on in all this, adding in a bunch of obnoxious shit, turns people away even if they aren't pro-censorship - indeed, the anti-semitic shit plays right into the hands of the worldfuckers/ottomans/saud.

So you're Jewish, and probably a nigger, too, so get to the back of the oven, faggot.

argosciv ago

I am not a Jew! xD

Pretty sure i got the shell anyway though.

Crensch ago

I don't believe you. You write like a fucking kike.

argosciv ago

Oh, I see... @Crensch

"Crypto Jew" is a term made up by the Thelemites, the New Age Nazis, the deniers, etc.

Not quite, adopted. It goes quite a lot further back than them.

There is no such thing. It's a phrase where the Jew-haters can catch all they oppose. Podesta? Crypto Jew. Clinton? Crypto Jew. Alefantis? Crypto Jew.


Once one chooses to harm children in the name of a god, they cease to be part of any religion claiming good. They may choose to "identify" as a Jew, Catholic, Muslim, etc. but in reality, they have given their soul to Satan and whatever of the many religions it has stuck its claws into - OTO, Thelema, Masonic rites, Islam, etc. Find whatever sect of "religion" you like, and you'll find an offshoot which condones child abusing rites.

Correctamundo, though, I'm pretty sure I've made my stance on Satan v "Satan"(falsely accused), clear in a few submissions. Won't go into that here, though.

Blacksmith21 ago

We can have a Satanic theological discussion all night. It's spitting hairs. Bottom line is all religions have been corrupted by one type of Satanism or another.

argosciv ago


argosciv ago

I don't care enough to resubmit THAT thread, doesn't mean I have to be happy about it's deletion :P

The take away here is that I can smash the "crypto jew" nonsense, through my research, which seems to parallel with Q and Assange

Blacksmith21 ago

I would second that. There is no proof that Jews molest at any higher rate of instance than any other race, religion, creed, etc.

This "crypto Jew" BS was a self-created, self-citationed load of crap ginned up by the disciples of Fetzer and other similar shitbags. They get money slid to them from the neo-Nazis, which get their coin from the DNC writ large.

What happens when we all start speaking out about the highly documented Catholic pedo crimes? Or the Muslim crimes?

The "crypto Jew" crowd uses a combination of yes-men shills, circuitous and ad hominem attacks and illogical thought process which cite nothing more than ancient religious texts.

We deal in fact here. Or so I'd like to think. I can pull up hundreds of citations of Christians, Muslims, etc., as well as Jews who have ruined the lives of countless children.

srayzie ago

I agree. I don’t think the Muslims are talked about enough. Look what they do in Saudi Arabia! I don’t think it helps to just focus on one group.

argosciv ago

Holy shit I just noticed how awesome your reply is...

@Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @Gothamgirl @EricKaliberhall

(repost because misspelled Eric)

(Click parent, do not worry about the rest of the hapenings in this thread, it's "old news" ;))

srayzie ago

Thank you. I replied to him.

argosciv ago

concern trolling? really? good grief kev...

No. Where was the explanation? Well, fair call, but where was the request for more? Others have been given that chance.

It's a very sensitive subject but if nothing else, a plethora of information has been brought to light thanks to tip offs from Q and my own research.

I don't directly link my research so as to avoid coming across as heavily biased, but, in my own ways I have reached the same conclusions as one Julian Assange, if we're to assume for a moment that he's alive and well...

I don't mind at all that some jewish pedos are going down, that's great... but take a look at the comments, it's being hijacked.

argosciv ago

There was a link to the tweet, at the very least?

carmencita ago

You know my feelings. I commented on them many times and they have not changed. Anyone blaming any of our problems on one religion, race or sex is out of their mind or demented. There is a small percentage of people from all of these groups that have contributed to our problems, but to blame the entire group is insane. Go look in the mirror and know that whoever you see or are, there are people just like you that have done just what you are blaming on the Jews. Btw, I am German and went to school here in the USA. I had many kind and wonderful experiences with Jewish people that were very kind to me and others as well. I will not spread or feel hatred for any one entire group. As I said that is Insane.

argosciv ago


Though, I must say, there is indeed a single group of people responsible(over a ridiculously long period of time). I have identified them partially so far & now know even more about their origins. They are not jews.

@Crensch @kevdude

argosciv ago


Though, I must say, there is indeed a single group of people responsible. I have identified them partially so far & now know even more about their origins. They are not jews.

Crensch ago

What, exactly, is it that you're saying here?

argosciv ago

That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.

I'll be happy to expand upon this in a research submission to v/pizzagatewhatever, but, not very happy that Assange calling out SA(over twitter) was removed from v/pizzagate, by @Millennial_Falcon, while a "crypto jew" bait thread is left up.

Crensch ago

That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.

What do you mean by this, though.

not very happy that Assange calling out SA(over twitter) was removed

Sounds like it's link-worthy.

argosciv ago

What do you mean by this, though.

In short, it is just another misdirection from the truth of who is really behind all this. Shills use it to fool genuine researchers.

Sounds like it's link-worthy.

See above, all of my research and the submission MF removed.

Crensch ago

In short, it is just another misdirection from the truth of who is really behind all this. Shills use it to fool genuine researchers.

Again, you've managed to not explain what people are very obviously unsure of with your words. Try context, and stating your position, and the exact issue that you're speaking about.

Your words are constantly ambiguous on too many points for someone to decipher your meaning.

See above, all of my research(most notably, part 9) and the submission MF removed.

I'm not going to 'see above', and the link you gave me objectively has fuck-all to do with child-fucking and trafficking


argosciv ago

I did say I'd expand in v/pizzagatewhatever

Crensch ago

Nobody knows that you're expanding, though.

argosciv ago

What more do you want from me and where/how would you have it posted, such that it isn't removed?

Crensch ago

Clear communication of what the fuck this means:

Just wanted to pop my head in here to say that I can (and in due time, will) absolutely fucking decimate the "crypto jew" bullshit being constantly thrown around.

We have some shills and genuine users here, who believe it to be true, but, they are simply wrong.

And what side you come down on whatever it is. The way you write tells us nothing.

and where/how would you have it posted, such that it isn't removed?

I assume you're changing the subject to the linked submission - how about something actually about child fucking/trafficking and not about people starving?

argosciv ago

Hey, settle down a bit, thought we were having a civil discussion here.

Clear communication of what the fuck this means:

No short answer, requires another submission or 3+ to pgw. But, seeing as how I've already identified them... Ottomans/Saud and their ancestors.

And what side you come down on whatever it is.

Your turn, lol, please clarify.

The way you write tells us nothing.

With respect, hogwash. But, will expand as always.

I assume you're changing the subject to the linked submission - how about something actually about child fucking/trafficking and not about people starving?

Changing the subject? Fuck no, it's all related. I did read somewhere, I think a thread in v/pizzagate even, about the childfucking/sodomy and such and it's relevance - I can absolutely pull that in, absofuckinglutely, I'm surprised my root of corruption research hasn't touched on it yet. Pretty sure I've alluded to trafficking at least once? I'm genuinely not sure on that one...

Seriously though, if you want more, fine, but, no need for the angry italics.

Crensch ago


Any idea what this faggot is on about? Won't explain what this means:

That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.

Without some Jew-tier beating around the bush. Is this user a sane alt or something?

argosciv ago

For the love of...

Start with the spanish fucking inquisition. I'll get to it in my own time.

Crensch ago

No. How is "crypto Jew" crap incorrect. Nobody gives a fuck if you want to pretend to be some long-winded historian.

argosciv ago

If you won't read any of my research, I'm not spoon feeding you here. I don't know if you're riling me up as a joke, or if you're genuinely trying to be a cunt to dissuade me from posting any more of my findings - but that seems pretty counter-productive if you do actually want the explanation.

If you're done with the respectful part of this, then I'm just gonna walk away for now and hope I don't come back to a ban.

Crensch ago

If you have issues with your feefees getting hurt, then maybe you should fuck off to rEddit or something.

History in no way refutes the fact that Jews are at the center of damn near every cancerous idea or behaviour plaguing civilization right now. So whatever it is you think you're proving here really isn't going to do much of anything. Our current problem is Jews, and, historically, Jews have been a problem in civilized societies.

Just because other pedos need to be put down, that doesn't make Jews any less culpable.

argosciv ago

feelings? psh, respect is respect.

I didn't say they're any less culpable, did I? See you

Crensch ago

That's sure as fuck what it sounded like, faggot, which is why I WANTED CLARIFICATION, YOU FUCKING IMBECILE.

argosciv ago


Crensch ago

No, I'm reading just fine, you're writing like a goddamn Jew, though.

argosciv ago

Now that one actually didn't make sense, what even?

Crensch ago


That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.




How about I do so through an interpretive dance? Oh, and some multiple submissions on historical shit that has nothing to do with anything?

Faggot. Humans can explain their positions in AT MOST a paragraph, and don't need to send someone link-hopping for it.

argosciv ago

Now hang on, that's not fair to make up a statement from me...

Humans can explain their positions in AT MOST a paragraph, and don't need to send someone link-hopping for it.

Isn't that ad hominem? The implication being that if I can't write it in one paragraph, I musn't be human?

Do you really want 10,000+ characters written in a single paragraph?

Crensch ago

@Rotteuxx @gabara @ExpertShitposter @kevdude @Trigglypuff

This faggot both doesn't know what ad hominem fallacy is, and cannot state his position in under 10,000 words.

ExpertShitposter ago

Your ideas suck and there are no crypto jews, but if you try to debate me i wont read anything you say.

Sounds like a jew to me. Its also how the communist over at talk. And Jews invented communism.

Whew lad. @argosciv i recommend gas therapy.

argosciv ago

for some reason I didnt get a notification for the ping here, sorry for the delayed reply.

I didn't say I'm not open to debate, I said there's a few users around who I won't listen to on the subject - the reason for that is because said users have proven that they don't know what they're talking about, or, worse, they do know that they're full of shit, yet continue anyway.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah they've been pretty active this weekend, had one debating me on crematorial oven capacities this morning.

Crensch ago

Isn't that ad hominem?

No, it's not. It's insulting you by insinuating that you're not human, then explaining why I came to that conclusion.

In no way was my insult a basis upon which my arguments stood, so no, it was not ad hominem.

The implication being that if I can't write it in one paragraph, I musn't be human?

That's an insult, you fucking subhuman. Humans can do X, you apparently cannot, you are not human.

Ad hominem would be "you are not human, therefore you're wrong".

For someone that writes as if he thinks he's got some knowledge, you really failed keeping up the facade here.

Do you really want 10,000+ characters written in a single paragraph?

Humans can summarize their position, subhumans do what you're doing right now.

argosciv ago