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Crensch ago

What, exactly, is it that you're saying here?

argosciv ago

That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.

I'll be happy to expand upon this in a research submission to v/pizzagatewhatever, but, not very happy that Assange calling out SA(over twitter) was removed from v/pizzagate, by @Millennial_Falcon, while a "crypto jew" bait thread is left up.

Crensch ago

That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.

What do you mean by this, though.

not very happy that Assange calling out SA(over twitter) was removed

Sounds like it's link-worthy.

argosciv ago

What do you mean by this, though.

In short, it is just another misdirection from the truth of who is really behind all this. Shills use it to fool genuine researchers.

Sounds like it's link-worthy.

See above, all of my research and the submission MF removed.

Crensch ago

In short, it is just another misdirection from the truth of who is really behind all this. Shills use it to fool genuine researchers.

Again, you've managed to not explain what people are very obviously unsure of with your words. Try context, and stating your position, and the exact issue that you're speaking about.

Your words are constantly ambiguous on too many points for someone to decipher your meaning.

See above, all of my research(most notably, part 9) and the submission MF removed.

I'm not going to 'see above', and the link you gave me objectively has fuck-all to do with child-fucking and trafficking


argosciv ago

I did say I'd expand in v/pizzagatewhatever

Crensch ago

Nobody knows that you're expanding, though.

argosciv ago

What more do you want from me and where/how would you have it posted, such that it isn't removed?

Crensch ago

Clear communication of what the fuck this means:

Just wanted to pop my head in here to say that I can (and in due time, will) absolutely fucking decimate the "crypto jew" bullshit being constantly thrown around.

We have some shills and genuine users here, who believe it to be true, but, they are simply wrong.

And what side you come down on whatever it is. The way you write tells us nothing.

and where/how would you have it posted, such that it isn't removed?

I assume you're changing the subject to the linked submission - how about something actually about child fucking/trafficking and not about people starving?

argosciv ago

Hey, settle down a bit, thought we were having a civil discussion here.

Clear communication of what the fuck this means:

No short answer, requires another submission or 3+ to pgw. But, seeing as how I've already identified them... Ottomans/Saud and their ancestors.

And what side you come down on whatever it is.

Your turn, lol, please clarify.

The way you write tells us nothing.

With respect, hogwash. But, will expand as always.

I assume you're changing the subject to the linked submission - how about something actually about child fucking/trafficking and not about people starving?

Changing the subject? Fuck no, it's all related. I did read somewhere, I think a thread in v/pizzagate even, about the childfucking/sodomy and such and it's relevance - I can absolutely pull that in, absofuckinglutely, I'm surprised my root of corruption research hasn't touched on it yet. Pretty sure I've alluded to trafficking at least once? I'm genuinely not sure on that one...

Seriously though, if you want more, fine, but, no need for the angry italics.

Crensch ago


Any idea what this faggot is on about? Won't explain what this means:

That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.

Without some Jew-tier beating around the bush. Is this user a sane alt or something?

argosciv ago

For the love of...

Start with the spanish fucking inquisition. I'll get to it in my own time.

Crensch ago

No. How is "crypto Jew" crap incorrect. Nobody gives a fuck if you want to pretend to be some long-winded historian.

argosciv ago

If you won't read any of my research, I'm not spoon feeding you here. I don't know if you're riling me up as a joke, or if you're genuinely trying to be a cunt to dissuade me from posting any more of my findings - but that seems pretty counter-productive if you do actually want the explanation.

If you're done with the respectful part of this, then I'm just gonna walk away for now and hope I don't come back to a ban.

Crensch ago

If you have issues with your feefees getting hurt, then maybe you should fuck off to rEddit or something.

History in no way refutes the fact that Jews are at the center of damn near every cancerous idea or behaviour plaguing civilization right now. So whatever it is you think you're proving here really isn't going to do much of anything. Our current problem is Jews, and, historically, Jews have been a problem in civilized societies.

Just because other pedos need to be put down, that doesn't make Jews any less culpable.

argosciv ago

feelings? psh, respect is respect.

I didn't say they're any less culpable, did I? See you

Crensch ago

That's sure as fuck what it sounded like, faggot, which is why I WANTED CLARIFICATION, YOU FUCKING IMBECILE.

argosciv ago


Crensch ago

No, I'm reading just fine, you're writing like a goddamn Jew, though.

argosciv ago

Now that one actually didn't make sense, what even?

Crensch ago


That the "crypto jew" crap being thrown around, is incorrect - woefully so.




How about I do so through an interpretive dance? Oh, and some multiple submissions on historical shit that has nothing to do with anything?

Faggot. Humans can explain their positions in AT MOST a paragraph, and don't need to send someone link-hopping for it.

argosciv ago

Now hang on, that's not fair to make up a statement from me...

Humans can explain their positions in AT MOST a paragraph, and don't need to send someone link-hopping for it.

Isn't that ad hominem? The implication being that if I can't write it in one paragraph, I musn't be human?

Do you really want 10,000+ characters written in a single paragraph?

Crensch ago

@Rotteuxx @gabara @ExpertShitposter @kevdude @Trigglypuff

This faggot both doesn't know what ad hominem fallacy is, and cannot state his position in under 10,000 words.

ExpertShitposter ago

Your ideas suck and there are no crypto jews, but if you try to debate me i wont read anything you say.

Sounds like a jew to me. Its also how the communist over at talk. And Jews invented communism.

Whew lad. @argosciv i recommend gas therapy.

argosciv ago

for some reason I didnt get a notification for the ping here, sorry for the delayed reply.

I didn't say I'm not open to debate, I said there's a few users around who I won't listen to on the subject - the reason for that is because said users have proven that they don't know what they're talking about, or, worse, they do know that they're full of shit, yet continue anyway.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah they've been pretty active this weekend, had one debating me on crematorial oven capacities this morning.

Crensch ago

Isn't that ad hominem?

No, it's not. It's insulting you by insinuating that you're not human, then explaining why I came to that conclusion.

In no way was my insult a basis upon which my arguments stood, so no, it was not ad hominem.

The implication being that if I can't write it in one paragraph, I musn't be human?

That's an insult, you fucking subhuman. Humans can do X, you apparently cannot, you are not human.

Ad hominem would be "you are not human, therefore you're wrong".

For someone that writes as if he thinks he's got some knowledge, you really failed keeping up the facade here.

Do you really want 10,000+ characters written in a single paragraph?

Humans can summarize their position, subhumans do what you're doing right now.