Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 2 and 3: Needs examples to support claims of pigs throughout the film.

alloutwar ago

wtf are you talking about? I gave examples. Did you not read?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't have time to thoroughly read every single post, especially the long ones, so I must have missed it. Generally when you are citing examples of something from a film or video, it's best practice to include timestamps. Most of your post is discussion of the general symbolism of pigs, so it was easy to miss the instances you cited from the film.

3141592653 ago

Please hear me out.... tbh, I loved that movie when I saw it, although it was years ago. My take is that Natalie Portman plays a young girl who has clearly been sexually abused by adult men in the past... perhaps raped, perhaps forcibly prostituted. She does not have parents, and certainly has never had a healthy relationship with an adult male-- one that is not sexually abusive. Tragically that is all she knows of love, attention and just trying to survive. Thus when she meets Leon, her behavior follows accordingly. Throughout the movie, he tries to do right and be a pure father figure to her. In the end, that is successfully achieved - they form a healthy, non abusive bond. She has a father figure and learns it is possible to have that relationship without being sexually exploited at the same time.

alloutwar ago

Yes but the point is that they are sexually exploiting a child for a movie. This shouldn't be allowed. Her attire, her sexual seductive nature shouldn't have been on film at all. A novel would be bad enough but actually using a child in little slutty clothes professing love and attraction to an old man is not okay, in any way, at all. Her parents put their foost down when it came to a scene where he walks in on her in the bathroom and she opens her towel saying, it's okay. Times are changing, we are all waking up now and seeing, hey...that's not okay. Why didn't we realize that before?

3141592653 ago

Good points. I did think the clothing went too far, for starters

alloutwar ago

I'm not sure I want to watch that.

3141592653 ago

Please don't :(

alloutwar ago

Okay, I take your word for it.

12016473? ago


GreenDell144 ago

The pig thing, perhaps in part: It’s because we are the pigs. It is based on a kind of a myth that connects to scripture... during times of apostasy, evil religions from neighbor nations would seep into the countryside. Altars and sacred poles would appear in high and secret places. Somebody was doing evil sacrifices and burning incense to some evil pagan diety. It was unknown who the culprit was. It may be, that to further debase the nation, sacrificed humans were charred and then sold as barbecue pork. No one could no the difference. In a twisted mockery of the manner that the priests were sustained by being allowed to eat some parts of the animals that were offered to YHWH at the temple, evil priests would consume what they sacrificed in secret, and furthering in their evil, sold it to an unknowing public. Supposedly, then, when one evil king or perhaps another person later repented (perhaps Mannassah, who was perhaps Hitler-level evil and later forgiven; but still condemned the entire nation as a consequence of his evil influence) and shared the truth of the matter. Thus pork was avoided at all costs. The ban on pork thing goes WAY back to Leviticus, but we could speculate that it was added later, or that human sacrifices from the days of Nimrod were possibly sold in the market as pork. Either way, Jesus lifts the ban on unclean foods later.

God is mocked when we, His loved creations, are portrayed as pigs; more so when we are sacrificed and consumed by evildoers. I have often wondered if Jesus intended a message to The Enemy by placing the evil spirits in pigs. Those spirits feared ultimate destruction at the hands of Jesus, but Jesus wouldn’t take that matter into his own hands, as it had already been set for an appointed time, it seems (Jude 6 and 2 Peter 2:4). Trippy.

I am just speculating, but these are some of the things I have dug up about pigs in religion. Most of what I wrote here comes from Jewish tradition and comments on the Old Testament. I was thinking about looking into the origins of the Muslim against pork. I wonder what is to be found.

Thanks for posting. I liked that movie when I was a kid. Now it grosses me out.

alloutwar ago

Interesting, thanks for the input. The bible also talks about throwing your pearls (of wisdom) before the swine (ignorant people). The director might be trying to shine a light on pedophilia as well but it's still there, in the story and thereby promoting it.

blackfyre_rebel ago

Podesta emails - tons of mentions of PIG ROAST.

alloutwar ago

Interesting thanks. I'll have to check it out.

derram ago :

Léon, O Profissional HD 1080p (Legendado- versão do diretor - sem censura) - YouTube

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senpaithatignoresyou ago

Here is an article on Egyptian sacrifice of pigs to the moon:

Why have you assumed that all sacrifice involves the loss of life? Are you familiar with the cult of Astarte? a cult that required girls to be held hostage and deflowered by strangers? The astarte cult also practiced ritual castration and transgenderism.

There was a reason why the Greeks and the Romans hated the Phoenicians. There is a reason why the Romans utterly destroyed that civilization while conquering others.

Anyway, Who was the director and the writer of this movie? It looks like we need to scrutinize their connections and associations.

pby1000 ago

Does anyone have a really good source on the Phoenicians?

sgd1971 ago

There is a series on YouTube called, "Ancient Civilizations" & a few of those discuss the Phoenicians in great detail. Hope it helps.

pby1000 ago

Thank you. I will look. I read that one goal is to recreate the society that the Phoenicians had- open pedophilia and ritual human sacrifice, among other things. I want to know what else to look for so I can help stop it.

alloutwar ago

Luc Besson is the director and you're assuming I'm assuming there is loss of life with sacrifice. ;)

I simply wrote down some connections of pigs in mythology as James Alefantis is really into mythology. I wasn't aware of that cult, just wrote it down for others to look into as I have limited time. That's an interesting connection though thanks.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

That's an interesting connection though thanks.

That's the problem with pizzagate, tooooooo many connections. Someone mentions a cult, then 10 more pop up. You say "which one?" Someone mentions a pedophile in Hollywood, you say "Which one"?