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SoberSecondThought ago

Sorry, but that doesn't qualify as proof to me. I wonder if you've confused the timestamps on two messages.

At midnight, Q posted his "nobody is sleeping" message (#618 in the github archive). But his "Coincidence?" message (#621) is timestamped at 9:09 in the morning. That's five hours after Trump. I'm not 100 percent clear on how the timestamps are created, so these might not be the actual times that things happened. However, so far these messages certainly don't prove what you want them to prove.

If anyone is curious about my explanation for who Q actually is, you can start here and work back through my 12-part series on the subject. Basically, he's the same guy I've been chasing and exposing since October. He works for David Brock, and he is engaged in a frantic, last-minute cover-up for the June 2012 Glenn Beck whistleblower episode. I have offered details on his finances, who he reports to, and why they want to cover up what happened in 2012. I've already exposed his other "insider" sockpuppets -- Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and Tory Smith

I realize that people feel insulted and incredulous when I say this. I try not to make a constant nuisance of myself in Q threads. But it's the simple truth. Q is just a variation on the same trick he's been pulling for several years now. He's not even using new language. For example, his recent reference to the Council on Foreign Relations goes back to when he pretended to be a Senate staffer (the "Senate Anon" LARP). It's all old, recycled BS.

The Q LARP was a desperate move, and it is going to backfire on them, which is why I don't come into Q threads every day to try and debunk them all. I'm content to let this play out. What you all should really be interested in, is why they're so scared of having the Glenn Beck whistleblower story get traction on social media. Because they are really, really scared of that.

ESOTERICshade ago

If anyone is curious about my explanation for who Q actually is, you can start here and work back through my 12-part series on the subject.

Your explanation on who Q is, is also bullshit, because you included me in the people you think are Q, and about 15 other forum posters you claim are all the same people and a troll named highlevelinsider. I don't know exactly what your game is but i'm on solid record believing that Q is a fraud from the very beginning.

I disagreed with you about Wisconsin Is Corrupt and you have been bombing me every since. I am not Q, do not believe in Q, and I never have.

SoberSecondThought ago

I disagreed with you about Wisconsin Is Corrupt and you have been bombing me every since. I am not Q, do not believe in Q, and I never have.

Anyone who is curious about why I think this particular sockpuppet is part of the network of sockpuppets can go here, where I gave a detailed and up-to-date assessment of your bizarre behavior. You didn't just "disagree" with me about WIC. You accepted his utterly bogus claims without any evidence, including having top-level inside info on FBI investigations, and speaking for God. You had also previously accepted the bogus claims of HighLevelInsider. You were called out as a shill by the mods long before I came on the scene. And when I showed WIC was lying, you dodged all the evidence.

You're trying to salvage this particular sockpuppet so as to have at least one long-term ID to play around with that has a reputation for being skeptical. And I haven't been "bombing you every," I've gone very easy on you because I don't really care how many people you take in with this Q nonsense. The last time I openly challenged you was 23 days ago. But you're Q / Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider / Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt / Tory Smith.

ESOTERICshade ago

You had also previously accepted the bogus claims of HighLevelInsider.

I gave him hell all the time for trying to talk people into spying on rich and powerful people.

You didn't just "disagree" with me about WIC. You accepted his utterly bogus claims without any evidence

The crux of your whole fucking story was that Glenn Beck was going to blow the lid off pizza gate. I pointed out that Glenn Beck is a "carnival barker" and it pretty much burned your theory.

This is where you admitted that Glenn Beck was a carnival barker and a con man, but he was the crux of your theory. So your credibility to call me Q is full of shit. I am not Q, don't like Q.

And when I showed WIC was lying, you dodged all the evidence.

You didn't prove shit to me. I just happen to disagree with you. I will continue to do so and its not your problem what I think about WIC

You're trying to salvage this particular sockpuppet so as to have at least one long-term ID to play around with that has a reputation for being skeptical.

Utterly ridiculous. If I was Q I would not work so hard against myself. I might be the most ardent and sensible anti Q person in the forum and I do a good job of debunking Q. I would not do that if I was Q.

The last time I openly challenged you was 23 days ago. But you're Q / Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider / Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt / Tory Smith

You also accused @think- and me of being the same person, along with about 15 other people in this forum. I don't know if you are a shill or just schizophrenic. Just leave me out of your Q nonsense. I will continue to debunk Q's false ass and you can continue being a schizo.

SoberSecondThought ago

ME: You had also previously accepted the bogus claims of HighLevelInsider.

ESOTERICshade: I gave him hell all the time for trying to talk people into spying on rich and powerful people.

No, actually, I went through your comments in great detail here and showed that while you made a brief show of not trusting HLI, you agreed with him and he agreed with you the vast majority of the time. Remember? You get stoned and then you start dropping words from your sentences and forgetting what happened. You did implicitly disagree with him about going to the police, this one time. But you didn't specifically call him out for it. The strongest criticism you ever made of HLI was mocking him for his choice of camera.

Me: You didn't just "disagree" with me about WIC. You accepted his utterly bogus claims without any evidence

ESOTERICshade: ... it's not your problem what I think about WIC.

Sure it is, because while you were defending him, you were accusing me of being a shill. Go back and look. You accused me of being a shill for Paul Ryan, and a Satan-worshipping pedophile, long before I accused you of being a shill for David Brock. And you and WIC never offered any evidence against Paul Ryan, or any evidence of a big conspiracy in Racine. Nothing whatever, as I showed over and over.

ESOTERICshade: The crux of your whole fucking story was that Glenn Beck was going to blow the lid off pizza gate. I pointed out that Glenn Beck is a "carnival barker" and it pretty much burned your theory.

What you want to say is that since Beck has cried for the camera, since he has sometimes used theatrics to get his message out, this means that you know his entire June 12 whistleblower story is complete bullshit. You know that there was no whistleblower, and there was no "ally" who the whistleblower reached out to, and none of it happened. Right? Because Beck deliberately crying on-camera for effect--years before or after June 12, 2013--is completely irrelevant unless it PROVES that there was no whistleblower on June 12. Nobody gives a goddamn about Beck crying if there actually was a whistleblower.

So this is not actually an argument, it's just you claiming to have psychic powers. Try dealing with what actually happens on the video from that day instead.

ESOTERICshade: You also accused @think- and me of being the same person, along with about 15 other people in this forum. I don't know if you are a shill or just schizophrenic.

You keep complaining about this as if what I'm doing is unreasonable. I suppose there might be a few people who don't grasp this point, but most people do. David Brock has a guy who comes here every day to spread disinfo. He uses a bunch of sockpuppets to accomplish that goal. If Pizzagate is real, then these two points are also true. The existence of a guy working for Brock who uses sockpuppets on Voat is absolutely beyond question -- otherwise why the hell are we all here?

I showed that the guy controlling @HighLevelInsider and Senate Anon was also using @ababcb. He screwed up and forgot what information he provided using which sockpuppet, and I caught him. So having established that Brock's guy likes to pose as a phony "insider," I then went after another phony insider, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. And you defended WIC, no matter how absurd WIC's claims got.

From the perspective of a reasonable person, I might be wrong about you specifically being a sockpuppet, but I'm neither a shill nor a schizophrenic. It's official /v/pizzagate doctrine, agreed to by all the mods, and the majority of members, that there are shills here working for Brock. The only question before us is whether you, @ESOTERICshade, are one of them. So quit acting like it's some kind of astonishing delusion on my part to look at the abundant evidence of you shilling.

Me: You're trying to salvage this particular sockpuppet so as to have at least one long-term ID to play around with that has a reputation for being skeptical.

ESOTERICshade: Utterly ridiculous. If I was Q I would not work so hard against myself. I might be the most ardent and sensible anti Q person in the forum and I do a good job of debunking Q. I would not do that if I was Q.

I'm sure some people have fallen for this argument (hi there @Vindicator), but it's not actually a very good one. The point of disinfo is to spread confusion, to prevent the real truth from being talked about. That doesn't require the person spreading disinfo to be consistent or even coherent. When @HighLevelInsider wrote long essays about the history of his secret society ("3"), and how it went all the way back to Plato, and how Kennedy was a member but got assassinated, it didn't matter that he frequently made no sense, or contradicted himself. It only mattered that he got people to waste time on his stories rather than digging into James Alefantis threatening Ryan O'Neal's life, or raping one of his employees.

Similarly, you oppose Q, but then you post mind-bogglingly obscure stuff like a 7-part series on Clive Davis and Satanism, or how maybe we didn't go to the moon, or the Kushners implanting 666 chips in everyone. And those are all just from TODAY. This is the sort of stuff that all the "insiders" have posted. You waste everyone's time speculating that "Lucent" has something or other to do with "Lucifer," and then you complain about me being completely irrelevant and delusional?

While we're discussing stuff that you consider irrelevant, would you care to express an opinion about the Milwaukee recount? Or about John Boehner? Can you explain how watching videos about Clive Davis is more relevant than evidence of Hillary Clinton committing an actual crime?

See, call me egotistical, but I think the fact that HLI and Senate Anon and WIC all stopped posting is evidence that my theory about the whistleblower is right. And I think the timing here is really interesting.

Let's think back to October 28, when you started doing Q. Funny coincidence: October 27 was Day 4 for me, when I had outed those three "insiders". The very next day, a new "insider" starts up, and he only posts on /pol/, not on Voat, so I can't catch him making humiliating errors with his sockpuppets. On Day 7, October 31, I reveal that the guy controlling all those "insider" sockpuppets is "Tory Smith," and I show everyone his face (your face). So amazingly, on November 1, Q begins what he describes as the biggest info drop in American history. He predicts riots, martial law, activation of the National Guard, Trump fleeing to a safe location, mass arrests. And he has kept up the LARP, day after day, relentlessly stirring up Trump supporters to the point where fricking InfoWars has headlines about Q Anon.

So yeah, I think that you're Q, and that you are frantically spreading every kind of confusion you can think of, to put off the day when my expose starts to get attention on social media.

(@Vindicator, look at the dates. Think about the sort of pressure that this guy was under. Think how scared he was, literally hours after I showed the world his face and voice.)

Vindicator ago

(@Vindicator, look at the dates. Think about the sort of pressure that this guy was under. Think how scared he was, literally hours after I showed the world his face and voice.)

SST, you've made many interesting observations. However, I think it's a danger to oversimplify things by conflating users. I think we all tend to do this, once we start looking for shills, for the sake of our own comfort. It's easier to think there's one guy out there running a bunch of alts and role playing than to think there's an army of shills we're up against.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. What matters is what we can document is true. And for the sake of that end, I don't see evidence that whoever is posting as Q is "frantically spreading every kind of confusion". I judge by fruits, and the fruits I've seen coming from Q are renewed curiosity and research, an upsurge in engagement, surging confidence among investigators and ever-increasing clarity about the scope of corruption and what is being done about it.

We will soon know whether Q is our friend or foe. He's made too many specific assertions which will either bear fruit, or fall flat.

SoberSecondThought ago

Fair enough. We certainly will see.

srayzie ago

You are a trip. I really think you have some mental illness going on. I argued with you at the same time. Feel free to get a refresher and see my comment here. I was amazed that you were blaming a dead man.

I am a big time Q follower. @ESOTERICshade has always NOT been. We’ve disagreed on Q from the start. So for you to now say this seals the fricken deal. You are whacked out of your mind with your weird theories. I’m surprised you haven’t said I’m one of the 15 others you claim are in this group!

You have ZERO credibility. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them a Highlevel Insider or a WIC sock puppet!

If you have any questions, just go back and read my comments to you. I’m not wasting another day arguing back and forth with you. It’s like talking to a wall. You need help.

SoberSecondThought ago

Hey there srayzie.

You are a trip. I really think you have some mental illness going on.

Okay, but then I have to ask: Wasn't mental illness your defense for Tory Smith? You didn't find it suspicious that he accused Mike Pence of raping and killing children every second day, month in and month out, because you believed he had PTSD or some such. That made him a sympathetic character in your mind. He wasn't a shill, he wasn't slandering Pence with horrifying bullshit to protect child rapists and cover up the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode. No, he was just nuts. Because only someone mentally ill would claim to speak for God, right?

So for example, take that woman who helped Tory Smith find an audience -- Alexandra Meadors of Galactic Connection. Unlike Tory Smith, she used her real name. And she's still doing her scam. What's her excuse, do you think? More PTSD? More terminal cancer? She writes long letters from God and then reads them out as if God literally dictated them to her. She actually collects donations for that, and sells "quantum entanglement essences," whatever those are supposed to be. Such blatant lies! Don't you find that disgusting -- ripping off insecure and naive people by pretending to be a divine priestess?

Just trying to clarify your complex definition of mental illness here, ma'am.

You have ZERO credibility. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them a Highlevel Insider or a WIC sock puppet!

I haven't accused everyone who disagrees with me of being a sock puppet for David Brock's guy. I mean, obviously! Vindicator disagrees with me, that isn't a problem. You disagree with me. You accuse me of being a shill, you call me mentally ill -- and yet somehow I resist the temptation to accuse you of anything. What's up with that?

ESOTERICshade ago

Similarly, you oppose Q, but then you post mind-bogglingly obscure stuff like a 7-part series on Clive Davis and Satanism,

Thanx for noticing my reall good post. I'm gonna post it here again because its a good one.

Everybody should watch Clive Davis and get a clue about the Hollywood Satanism. You are good advertising.

From the perspective of a reasonable person, I might be wrong about you specifically being a sockpuppet, but I'm neither a shill nor a schizophrenic.

Now you sound sober because I am not Q and I have never had any faith in Q.

While we're discussing stuff that you consider irrelevant, would you care to express an opinion about the Milwaukee recount? Or about John Boehner?

Not interested in either of those. So, nope.

See, call me egotistical, but I think the fact that HLI and Senate Anon and WIC all stopped posting is evidence that my theory about the whistleblower is right. And I think the timing here is really interesting.

Fine with me.

On Day 7, October 31, I reveal that the guy controlling all those "insider" sockpuppets is "Tory Smith," and I show everyone his face (your face).

roflmao...Tory Smith died.

Q begins what he describes as the biggest info drop in American history. He predicts riots, martial law, activation of the National Guard, Trump fleeing to a safe location, mass arrests. And he has kept up the LARP, day after day, relentlessly stirring up Trump supporters to the point where fricking InfoWars has headlines about Q Anon.

Wow we finally agree on something. Q is a larp. Would you like to go out on a date now that we are BFFs?

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator thought it was funny the last time you said I was Q and he probably still does. You are a fucking lunatic and I probably won't even read all this bull shit. You are either here to get people to fight or you are crazy. Go the fuck away and let the grown ups talk.

SoberSecondThought ago

You are either here to get people to fight or you are crazy.

Nah, neither of those claims stands up. I let the Q nonsense run for weeks at a time without saying boo. If I wanted to pick a fight, would I do that? And I don't sound the least bit crazy to anyone but you and srayzie.

You know why I'm here. And every so often you find yourself shrieking in all caps at me, because nothing you say or do changes the situation:


One of us is severely stressed out, and has just about lost his mind. One of us has time on his side and genuinely doesn't give a fuck. I leave it to the reader to judge which is which.

ESOTERICshade ago

One of us is severely stressed out, and has just about lost his mind. One of us has time on his side and genuinely doesn't give a fuck. I leave it to the reader to judge which is which

You mean as much to me as a bug. I wrote in all caps to make a point. You could not make me shriek if you wanted to. I could care less about your Glenn Beck worshipping ass.

ESOTERICshade ago

Let's think back to October 28, when you started doing Q.

@srayzie you want to hear something funny? The lunatic now thinks I am Q! roflmao

srayzie ago

@Vindicator, I told you @SoberSecondThought was a shill. Now he says ESOTERICshade is Q!

Vindicator ago

He's had that opinion for a while. It doesn't make him a shill; he could simply be wrong. One of the goals of Shareblue and Cointelpro is to sow distrust among community members -- often by getting them to see shills everywhere. Sober may be experiencing that. It's an easy trap to fall into.

srayzie ago

@Bopper who would have thought that all this time that ESOTERICshade was Q 🤣

srayzie ago

What?! 😂🤣 If you are Q then you sure can’t stand yourself and you spend a lot of time telling people that you’re a LARP! Haha.

This person is a brilliant researcher 🙄 Confirmed now! LMAO!

ESOTERICshade ago

What?! 😂🤣 If you are Q then you sure can’t stand yourself and you spend a lot of time telling people that you’re a LARP! Haha.

The entertainment from sobersecondthought just keeps getting better. Be careful because people that disagree with sober get put on the list of people who are Q. You might be next!

srayzie ago

That’s what I told him! I’m surprised I’m not on the list! LOL

ESOTERICshade ago