Vindicator ago

Giving this a QAnon Storm Watch flair.

AdmirableNelson ago

It's truly "the best of times and the worst of times". It's easy to forget it's all real sometimes, but it is. And folks like us here and on the chans are the humble soldiers is this crazy, hidden war. Godspeed friends.

User890020 ago

The guy in he video got his timestamps wrong.

Q's post was AFTER POTUS's.

It wasn't 12:09 AM

Q's post was obviously REFERENCING the tweet.

bopper ago

I haven't heard that. Has he made a retraction? He's an honest guy and will if that's the case. The timestamps work for me, I got them from the Q board and the actual POTUS tweet. Q posted at midnight, Trump at about 5 the following morning.

User890020 ago

Q posted at midnight

You mean, 00:xx instead of 12:xx?

bopper ago

I'll check. If that's the case then the point of Q's comments would have been the "catch and release" part, referencing the catch and release of the Saudi Prince. Just as amazing.

rarepeeks ago

I'll check. If that's the case then the point of Q's comments would have been the "catch and release" part, referencing the catch and release of the Saudi Prince. Just as amazing.

So now that the time stamps may not be what you thought, you just change the meaning around to fit whatever you need it to fit to make a miracle out of Q? Using that logic that world makes no sense in a hurry. I do not understand that sort of logic. Honestly it is painful to watch.

bopper ago

Both points are referenced in the video. If one is wrong it does not invalidate the second. Correct? I chose, in my post, to emphasize only one of these. An admission of an error by a youtuber doesn't invalidate the plethora of evidence that supports Q. What is (seriously) painful to watch is Q bashers' "condemnation w/out investigation." If you (or anyone) don't have time to thoroughly check out the Q phenom then you should refrain from commenting. I understand that most / many do not have the time.

rarepeeks ago

If one is wrong it does not invalidate the second. Correct?

Well, with all due respect, I do not think so. When one "Q was right!" answer is found to be inaccurate people are just changing the answers to one they like better and there is no real proof of most of it other than confirmation bias. Not to mention the fact that if you are correct about who Q is with, that means Q is under the wing of government. The government puts out propaganda 24/7 to the public. That means the government has taken control of part of the truth community. That is not a good thing.

bopper ago

There is so much more to it, and you are missing out. But if you're w/ the "we are doomed and all is lost and Trump is compromised" crowd then Q is not for you.

But fair enough, I'm not going to be of further help to you, and vise versa.

rarepeeks ago

But fair enough, I'm not going to be of further help to you, and vise versa.

I'm cool with having a different opinion on it. We are still on the same team :)

bopper ago

Very good, thanks for being civil about it all :)

SoberSecondThought ago

No. He SAID that Q posted at midnight, but in the timestamp system they use on the github archive, that's 00:00. What he showed in his video was 12:09:31, or nine minutes after NOON. And that's not what it shows on the github archive now. It shows 09:09:31.

Q's post was indeed referencing the tweet.

bopper ago

I'll check, if that's the case then the point of Q's comment was the "catch and release" part, referencing the Saudi Prince having been "caught" and jailed, and was just now released.

SoberSecondThought ago

Sorry, but that doesn't qualify as proof to me. I wonder if you've confused the timestamps on two messages.

At midnight, Q posted his "nobody is sleeping" message (#618 in the github archive). But his "Coincidence?" message (#621) is timestamped at 9:09 in the morning. That's five hours after Trump. I'm not 100 percent clear on how the timestamps are created, so these might not be the actual times that things happened. However, so far these messages certainly don't prove what you want them to prove.

If anyone is curious about my explanation for who Q actually is, you can start here and work back through my 12-part series on the subject. Basically, he's the same guy I've been chasing and exposing since October. He works for David Brock, and he is engaged in a frantic, last-minute cover-up for the June 2012 Glenn Beck whistleblower episode. I have offered details on his finances, who he reports to, and why they want to cover up what happened in 2012. I've already exposed his other "insider" sockpuppets -- Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and Tory Smith

I realize that people feel insulted and incredulous when I say this. I try not to make a constant nuisance of myself in Q threads. But it's the simple truth. Q is just a variation on the same trick he's been pulling for several years now. He's not even using new language. For example, his recent reference to the Council on Foreign Relations goes back to when he pretended to be a Senate staffer (the "Senate Anon" LARP). It's all old, recycled BS.

The Q LARP was a desperate move, and it is going to backfire on them, which is why I don't come into Q threads every day to try and debunk them all. I'm content to let this play out. What you all should really be interested in, is why they're so scared of having the Glenn Beck whistleblower story get traction on social media. Because they are really, really scared of that.

rarepeeks ago

You are flat wrong about ESOTERICshade being Q. I have been watching ESOTERICshade post for a long time and I can guarantee you that this poster is not Q. ESO has pointed out a lot flaws in the Q scheme. I am glad too because someone needed to do it. I do not usually do it because I do not want to take the beatings from the people that believe in Q.

I watched this video too. If you hedge your bets using Glenn Beck as any kind of credible source then you need to go back to redpill school because you are naive.

Leaked Video Glenn Beck uses Vicks to fake Crying

ESOTERICshade ago

If anyone is curious about my explanation for who Q actually is, you can start here and work back through my 12-part series on the subject.

Your explanation on who Q is, is also bullshit, because you included me in the people you think are Q, and about 15 other forum posters you claim are all the same people and a troll named highlevelinsider. I don't know exactly what your game is but i'm on solid record believing that Q is a fraud from the very beginning.

I disagreed with you about Wisconsin Is Corrupt and you have been bombing me every since. I am not Q, do not believe in Q, and I never have.

SoberSecondThought ago

I disagreed with you about Wisconsin Is Corrupt and you have been bombing me every since. I am not Q, do not believe in Q, and I never have.

Anyone who is curious about why I think this particular sockpuppet is part of the network of sockpuppets can go here, where I gave a detailed and up-to-date assessment of your bizarre behavior. You didn't just "disagree" with me about WIC. You accepted his utterly bogus claims without any evidence, including having top-level inside info on FBI investigations, and speaking for God. You had also previously accepted the bogus claims of HighLevelInsider. You were called out as a shill by the mods long before I came on the scene. And when I showed WIC was lying, you dodged all the evidence.

You're trying to salvage this particular sockpuppet so as to have at least one long-term ID to play around with that has a reputation for being skeptical. And I haven't been "bombing you every," I've gone very easy on you because I don't really care how many people you take in with this Q nonsense. The last time I openly challenged you was 23 days ago. But you're Q / Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider / Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt / Tory Smith.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Now the strange @sobersecondthought thinks ESOTERICshade is Q. ESO shade has been the best Q debunker in the forum. I have not made up my mind if sobersecondthought is a shill or just incredibly incompetent. I watched the video of Glenn Beck using vicks vapor rub to pretend to cry for the camera. If Glenn Beck is what sobersecondthought thinks of as credibility then sobersecondthought needs a reality check and needs to quit trashing up this forum with nonsense. Glenn Beck for fucks sake....

Leaked Video Glenn Beck uses Vicks to fake Crying

You are just embarassing yourself now, seriously.

ESOTERICshade ago

By the way don't think I don't realize that the only reason you dropped your bullshit with my name in here was to bait me and try sew discord in the forum. You are transparent.

ESOTERICshade ago

You had also previously accepted the bogus claims of HighLevelInsider.

I gave him hell all the time for trying to talk people into spying on rich and powerful people.

You didn't just "disagree" with me about WIC. You accepted his utterly bogus claims without any evidence

The crux of your whole fucking story was that Glenn Beck was going to blow the lid off pizza gate. I pointed out that Glenn Beck is a "carnival barker" and it pretty much burned your theory.

This is where you admitted that Glenn Beck was a carnival barker and a con man, but he was the crux of your theory. So your credibility to call me Q is full of shit. I am not Q, don't like Q.

And when I showed WIC was lying, you dodged all the evidence.

You didn't prove shit to me. I just happen to disagree with you. I will continue to do so and its not your problem what I think about WIC

You're trying to salvage this particular sockpuppet so as to have at least one long-term ID to play around with that has a reputation for being skeptical.

Utterly ridiculous. If I was Q I would not work so hard against myself. I might be the most ardent and sensible anti Q person in the forum and I do a good job of debunking Q. I would not do that if I was Q.

The last time I openly challenged you was 23 days ago. But you're Q / Senate Anon / HighLevelInsider / Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt / Tory Smith

You also accused @think- and me of being the same person, along with about 15 other people in this forum. I don't know if you are a shill or just schizophrenic. Just leave me out of your Q nonsense. I will continue to debunk Q's false ass and you can continue being a schizo.

SoberSecondThought ago

ME: You had also previously accepted the bogus claims of HighLevelInsider.

ESOTERICshade: I gave him hell all the time for trying to talk people into spying on rich and powerful people.

No, actually, I went through your comments in great detail here and showed that while you made a brief show of not trusting HLI, you agreed with him and he agreed with you the vast majority of the time. Remember? You get stoned and then you start dropping words from your sentences and forgetting what happened. You did implicitly disagree with him about going to the police, this one time. But you didn't specifically call him out for it. The strongest criticism you ever made of HLI was mocking him for his choice of camera.

Me: You didn't just "disagree" with me about WIC. You accepted his utterly bogus claims without any evidence

ESOTERICshade: ... it's not your problem what I think about WIC.

Sure it is, because while you were defending him, you were accusing me of being a shill. Go back and look. You accused me of being a shill for Paul Ryan, and a Satan-worshipping pedophile, long before I accused you of being a shill for David Brock. And you and WIC never offered any evidence against Paul Ryan, or any evidence of a big conspiracy in Racine. Nothing whatever, as I showed over and over.

ESOTERICshade: The crux of your whole fucking story was that Glenn Beck was going to blow the lid off pizza gate. I pointed out that Glenn Beck is a "carnival barker" and it pretty much burned your theory.

What you want to say is that since Beck has cried for the camera, since he has sometimes used theatrics to get his message out, this means that you know his entire June 12 whistleblower story is complete bullshit. You know that there was no whistleblower, and there was no "ally" who the whistleblower reached out to, and none of it happened. Right? Because Beck deliberately crying on-camera for effect--years before or after June 12, 2013--is completely irrelevant unless it PROVES that there was no whistleblower on June 12. Nobody gives a goddamn about Beck crying if there actually was a whistleblower.

So this is not actually an argument, it's just you claiming to have psychic powers. Try dealing with what actually happens on the video from that day instead.

ESOTERICshade: You also accused @think- and me of being the same person, along with about 15 other people in this forum. I don't know if you are a shill or just schizophrenic.

You keep complaining about this as if what I'm doing is unreasonable. I suppose there might be a few people who don't grasp this point, but most people do. David Brock has a guy who comes here every day to spread disinfo. He uses a bunch of sockpuppets to accomplish that goal. If Pizzagate is real, then these two points are also true. The existence of a guy working for Brock who uses sockpuppets on Voat is absolutely beyond question -- otherwise why the hell are we all here?

I showed that the guy controlling @HighLevelInsider and Senate Anon was also using @ababcb. He screwed up and forgot what information he provided using which sockpuppet, and I caught him. So having established that Brock's guy likes to pose as a phony "insider," I then went after another phony insider, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. And you defended WIC, no matter how absurd WIC's claims got.

From the perspective of a reasonable person, I might be wrong about you specifically being a sockpuppet, but I'm neither a shill nor a schizophrenic. It's official /v/pizzagate doctrine, agreed to by all the mods, and the majority of members, that there are shills here working for Brock. The only question before us is whether you, @ESOTERICshade, are one of them. So quit acting like it's some kind of astonishing delusion on my part to look at the abundant evidence of you shilling.

Me: You're trying to salvage this particular sockpuppet so as to have at least one long-term ID to play around with that has a reputation for being skeptical.

ESOTERICshade: Utterly ridiculous. If I was Q I would not work so hard against myself. I might be the most ardent and sensible anti Q person in the forum and I do a good job of debunking Q. I would not do that if I was Q.

I'm sure some people have fallen for this argument (hi there @Vindicator), but it's not actually a very good one. The point of disinfo is to spread confusion, to prevent the real truth from being talked about. That doesn't require the person spreading disinfo to be consistent or even coherent. When @HighLevelInsider wrote long essays about the history of his secret society ("3"), and how it went all the way back to Plato, and how Kennedy was a member but got assassinated, it didn't matter that he frequently made no sense, or contradicted himself. It only mattered that he got people to waste time on his stories rather than digging into James Alefantis threatening Ryan O'Neal's life, or raping one of his employees.

Similarly, you oppose Q, but then you post mind-bogglingly obscure stuff like a 7-part series on Clive Davis and Satanism, or how maybe we didn't go to the moon, or the Kushners implanting 666 chips in everyone. And those are all just from TODAY. This is the sort of stuff that all the "insiders" have posted. You waste everyone's time speculating that "Lucent" has something or other to do with "Lucifer," and then you complain about me being completely irrelevant and delusional?

While we're discussing stuff that you consider irrelevant, would you care to express an opinion about the Milwaukee recount? Or about John Boehner? Can you explain how watching videos about Clive Davis is more relevant than evidence of Hillary Clinton committing an actual crime?

See, call me egotistical, but I think the fact that HLI and Senate Anon and WIC all stopped posting is evidence that my theory about the whistleblower is right. And I think the timing here is really interesting.

Let's think back to October 28, when you started doing Q. Funny coincidence: October 27 was Day 4 for me, when I had outed those three "insiders". The very next day, a new "insider" starts up, and he only posts on /pol/, not on Voat, so I can't catch him making humiliating errors with his sockpuppets. On Day 7, October 31, I reveal that the guy controlling all those "insider" sockpuppets is "Tory Smith," and I show everyone his face (your face). So amazingly, on November 1, Q begins what he describes as the biggest info drop in American history. He predicts riots, martial law, activation of the National Guard, Trump fleeing to a safe location, mass arrests. And he has kept up the LARP, day after day, relentlessly stirring up Trump supporters to the point where fricking InfoWars has headlines about Q Anon.

So yeah, I think that you're Q, and that you are frantically spreading every kind of confusion you can think of, to put off the day when my expose starts to get attention on social media.

(@Vindicator, look at the dates. Think about the sort of pressure that this guy was under. Think how scared he was, literally hours after I showed the world his face and voice.)

Vindicator ago

(@Vindicator, look at the dates. Think about the sort of pressure that this guy was under. Think how scared he was, literally hours after I showed the world his face and voice.)

SST, you've made many interesting observations. However, I think it's a danger to oversimplify things by conflating users. I think we all tend to do this, once we start looking for shills, for the sake of our own comfort. It's easier to think there's one guy out there running a bunch of alts and role playing than to think there's an army of shills we're up against.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. What matters is what we can document is true. And for the sake of that end, I don't see evidence that whoever is posting as Q is "frantically spreading every kind of confusion". I judge by fruits, and the fruits I've seen coming from Q are renewed curiosity and research, an upsurge in engagement, surging confidence among investigators and ever-increasing clarity about the scope of corruption and what is being done about it.

We will soon know whether Q is our friend or foe. He's made too many specific assertions which will either bear fruit, or fall flat.

SoberSecondThought ago

Fair enough. We certainly will see.

srayzie ago

You are a trip. I really think you have some mental illness going on. I argued with you at the same time. Feel free to get a refresher and see my comment here. I was amazed that you were blaming a dead man.

I am a big time Q follower. @ESOTERICshade has always NOT been. We’ve disagreed on Q from the start. So for you to now say this seals the fricken deal. You are whacked out of your mind with your weird theories. I’m surprised you haven’t said I’m one of the 15 others you claim are in this group!

You have ZERO credibility. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them a Highlevel Insider or a WIC sock puppet!

If you have any questions, just go back and read my comments to you. I’m not wasting another day arguing back and forth with you. It’s like talking to a wall. You need help.

SoberSecondThought ago

Hey there srayzie.

You are a trip. I really think you have some mental illness going on.

Okay, but then I have to ask: Wasn't mental illness your defense for Tory Smith? You didn't find it suspicious that he accused Mike Pence of raping and killing children every second day, month in and month out, because you believed he had PTSD or some such. That made him a sympathetic character in your mind. He wasn't a shill, he wasn't slandering Pence with horrifying bullshit to protect child rapists and cover up the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode. No, he was just nuts. Because only someone mentally ill would claim to speak for God, right?

So for example, take that woman who helped Tory Smith find an audience -- Alexandra Meadors of Galactic Connection. Unlike Tory Smith, she used her real name. And she's still doing her scam. What's her excuse, do you think? More PTSD? More terminal cancer? She writes long letters from God and then reads them out as if God literally dictated them to her. She actually collects donations for that, and sells "quantum entanglement essences," whatever those are supposed to be. Such blatant lies! Don't you find that disgusting -- ripping off insecure and naive people by pretending to be a divine priestess?

Just trying to clarify your complex definition of mental illness here, ma'am.

You have ZERO credibility. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them a Highlevel Insider or a WIC sock puppet!

I haven't accused everyone who disagrees with me of being a sock puppet for David Brock's guy. I mean, obviously! Vindicator disagrees with me, that isn't a problem. You disagree with me. You accuse me of being a shill, you call me mentally ill -- and yet somehow I resist the temptation to accuse you of anything. What's up with that?

ESOTERICshade ago

Similarly, you oppose Q, but then you post mind-bogglingly obscure stuff like a 7-part series on Clive Davis and Satanism,

Thanx for noticing my reall good post. I'm gonna post it here again because its a good one.

Everybody should watch Clive Davis and get a clue about the Hollywood Satanism. You are good advertising.

From the perspective of a reasonable person, I might be wrong about you specifically being a sockpuppet, but I'm neither a shill nor a schizophrenic.

Now you sound sober because I am not Q and I have never had any faith in Q.

While we're discussing stuff that you consider irrelevant, would you care to express an opinion about the Milwaukee recount? Or about John Boehner?

Not interested in either of those. So, nope.

See, call me egotistical, but I think the fact that HLI and Senate Anon and WIC all stopped posting is evidence that my theory about the whistleblower is right. And I think the timing here is really interesting.

Fine with me.

On Day 7, October 31, I reveal that the guy controlling all those "insider" sockpuppets is "Tory Smith," and I show everyone his face (your face).

roflmao...Tory Smith died.

Q begins what he describes as the biggest info drop in American history. He predicts riots, martial law, activation of the National Guard, Trump fleeing to a safe location, mass arrests. And he has kept up the LARP, day after day, relentlessly stirring up Trump supporters to the point where fricking InfoWars has headlines about Q Anon.

Wow we finally agree on something. Q is a larp. Would you like to go out on a date now that we are BFFs?

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator thought it was funny the last time you said I was Q and he probably still does. You are a fucking lunatic and I probably won't even read all this bull shit. You are either here to get people to fight or you are crazy. Go the fuck away and let the grown ups talk.

SoberSecondThought ago

You are either here to get people to fight or you are crazy.

Nah, neither of those claims stands up. I let the Q nonsense run for weeks at a time without saying boo. If I wanted to pick a fight, would I do that? And I don't sound the least bit crazy to anyone but you and srayzie.

You know why I'm here. And every so often you find yourself shrieking in all caps at me, because nothing you say or do changes the situation:


One of us is severely stressed out, and has just about lost his mind. One of us has time on his side and genuinely doesn't give a fuck. I leave it to the reader to judge which is which.

ESOTERICshade ago

One of us is severely stressed out, and has just about lost his mind. One of us has time on his side and genuinely doesn't give a fuck. I leave it to the reader to judge which is which

You mean as much to me as a bug. I wrote in all caps to make a point. You could not make me shriek if you wanted to. I could care less about your Glenn Beck worshipping ass.

ESOTERICshade ago

Let's think back to October 28, when you started doing Q.

@srayzie you want to hear something funny? The lunatic now thinks I am Q! roflmao

srayzie ago

@Vindicator, I told you @SoberSecondThought was a shill. Now he says ESOTERICshade is Q!

Vindicator ago

He's had that opinion for a while. It doesn't make him a shill; he could simply be wrong. One of the goals of Shareblue and Cointelpro is to sow distrust among community members -- often by getting them to see shills everywhere. Sober may be experiencing that. It's an easy trap to fall into.

srayzie ago

@Bopper who would have thought that all this time that ESOTERICshade was Q 🤣

srayzie ago

What?! 😂🤣 If you are Q then you sure can’t stand yourself and you spend a lot of time telling people that you’re a LARP! Haha.

This person is a brilliant researcher 🙄 Confirmed now! LMAO!

ESOTERICshade ago

What?! 😂🤣 If you are Q then you sure can’t stand yourself and you spend a lot of time telling people that you’re a LARP! Haha.

The entertainment from sobersecondthought just keeps getting better. Be careful because people that disagree with sober get put on the list of people who are Q. You might be next!

srayzie ago

That’s what I told him! I’m surprised I’m not on the list! LOL

ESOTERICshade ago


bopper ago

Sorry, but that doesn't qualify as proof to me. I wonder if you've confused the timestamps on two messages.

You can watch the video. I'm satisfied with the timestamps.

SoberSecondThought ago

The video very obviously shows a timestamp for noon, not midnight, as I explained in my other reply below. I'm following Q, yes, but I'm bored out of my mind by him because it's all the same bogus word salad that I've been reading for months now.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Just a question and not a refutation of this post. Does Twitter allow you to construct a tweet in advance and send later or schedule to send later?

If so, Q could be a group with backdoor access to Twitter. That would allow Q to see the tweet and post something related to its contents before it gets sent.

Just running through all the scenarios to prove Q IS or ISN'T legit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Just running through all the scenarios to prove Q IS or ISN'T legit.

Good thought. And the believers (not you) have a habit of using the word "legit." What is legit? Is it legit to spread disinformation as much as Q has? What good is it if Q is tied to the government if Q dispenses so much disinformation? I don't consider that legit.

Hortance ago

I think "Q'' has demonstrated he's (or they're) legit...and that some false info has been given....

What is Q really trying to do?

  1. Red-pill some, and keep support for Trump going....


  1. Speaking to the CABAL. There's no way they aren't monitoring Q tweets as rabidly as us. The lies are for them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Speaking to the CABAL. There's no way they aren't monitoring Q tweets as rabidly as us. The lies are for them.

Q is fooling the NSA, Mossad, and MI6 from a message board on 8chan. That is most absurd notion I have ever heard considering that nobody sneezes with intel knowing it.

I think "Q'' has demonstrated he's (or they're) legit...and that some false info has been given

You honestly think "legit" is spreding disinfo to the public? Q damn sure is not fooling deep state spooks, but only the the truth community. The propaganda is aimed AT US FROM THE DEEP STATE to lull us to sleep.

Q is part of the cabal and its obvious to those who look at the patterns of disinfo.

Red-pill some, and keep support for Trump going

Fool everybody and shill for Israel and Zionism, you mean.

Indigo9 ago

I really don't understand why ESO (or anyone who isn't in full favor of this Q thing) gets downvoated so fervently regarding his cynicism or skepticism of all of this. ESO is merely pointing out that the U.S. government (like most all govts.), and general elite population and their insiders (insiders such as Q, apparently, right?) are almost always compromised, well-paid and harshly threatened LIARS seeking to push their twisted agendas.

These grouplove Q threads shouldn't be so harsh to bash another's skepticism. We're all rooting for a big resolution, so healthy doses of skepticism towards those "insiders" is welcome and warranted, in my opinion. Then again, I'm just a lurker and binge reader in all of this, not a legitimate investigator, so what do I know? I only hope that the government doesn't get what they want for everybody: to conquer and divide us all- especially those of us who are redpilled. We need to stay indivisible and supportive even in conflicts of opinion. :/

ESOTERICshade ago

I only hope that the government doesn't get what they want for everybody: to conquer and divide us all- especially those of us who are redpilled.

Q has been great for dividing the truth community. Leaders and savior figures always do that in a group. It splits the group into the for and against, much like a two party political system. Was that an accident or was that the intention? I don't know but its happening. The strength of the truth community was always because it was decentralized and had no leader. Because it had no leader it could not be co opted and compromised.

Q being a leader figure has already done heavy damage and has consolidated some of the truth movement UNDER WHOSE CONTROL? THE GOVERNMENT GOD FORBID.

ESOTERICshade ago

There can be no doubt any longer whether Q is a high level POTUS insider or not.

Great. Now we have proof that it is a psyop being perpetrated by the Zionist Neo Con Republicans because Q lies constantly. If Q is definitely with Trump then we know for sure who the liars are. Its our government. What a surprise....NOT.

what is the endgame?

Apparently to lull the truth community to sleep and fool people into believing that the high level perps are being neutralized. Q has tried several tricks to get people to believe that the problem has been all but handled. The most blatant one lately was claiming that Soros had been taken to the "special place" at Camp David. Soros just got through heckling Trump when Trump went to Davos. I wish I had kept a running list of all the lies Q has told because I guarantee you its a lot longer than any truth he ever told.

Why anybody still believes this liar is beyond me to understand.

All of you that believe Q know that ALL mainstream media is filtered through the CIA but you still are hypnotized into playing along somehow. Everything that comes from the Whitehouse is blatant theater for our amusement. I think you know that too but for some reason you still fall for this.

I am bewildered by it and do not understand.

HugoWeaving ago

Just asking for clarification purposes...How are you demonstrating that Q posts first? Where are Q's drops officially being first seen? If you can provide timestamps or data like that, would be helpful.

Cuz it still could be debated the CHICKEN clucked prior to the crack of the EGG...

bopper ago

The time stamps have been clear, esp this one, but I'm not going to detail it out. (Just no time.) It would be helpful to watch the clip I posted. It's not long, and you can watch it on speed dial. Some time differences have been weeks apart, such as "Hillary is a puppet" and then Trump tweeting twice, "Clinton Puppets."

We have a very special place for GS (George Soros), then Trump a day later "Bethesda is a very special place." There are so many.

HugoWeaving ago

What I was asking is how are you determining which message came first -- Q or Trump? What is your source material for each? I'd like to understand. And for the record, sometimes it's in your best interest to make the time to explain things to people who need clarification. Potential allies, for example.

You want the masses to believe? You want some Great Awakening? Then help awaken the greatest in us all. Knowledge is power. And we're at war. You either arm us with the truth or harm us with false hope. Your choice.

bopper ago

I can't do it for you. You have to follow Q yourself. It's worth it. Stay up on his posts, I can give you the (easy) link if you want. Then listen to others "decode" (youtube clips esp of Jerome Corsi) what Q says, and see what the twitter sphere is saying and the subverses here (Great Awakening and Calm Before The Storm). It's easy but you have to take the time. When you actually see "live" Q posting and then POTUS tweeting the same thing then you'll be hooked. And the things Q is saying that are going on right now are mind-blowing. I'm a skeptic about many things, but I'm convinced the Q phenomenon is the real deal.

HugoWeaving ago

I'll take the (easy) link, please.

bopper ago

This one is searchable and updates itself, when Q posts something new it will automatically show, so I just check it from time to time.

Here's the Reddit sub where a lot of people go who aren't good with 8chan.

Here's the Qanon twitter link (just keep refreshing).

This video can get you somewhat caught up, fascinating, and any video (they're everywhere) with this Dr. Corsi guy in it is great.

If you stick w/ it you'll catch up quickly and easily and you'll be hooked. It seems like a game but it is real as can be.

cutelobster ago

You're using the pronoun 'he' for 'Q'. That can be disputed - the Q-posts are likely put together by a group of people. Different editors have been used - this is fairly obvious because the writing-style of the posts has radically altered at times. The Q-group likely is linked to the 'Trump-group' - yes, but that's hardly a surprise since the Q -group is always engaged in fervent Trump hero-worship. On one level, Q is just an unorthodox press-office. Also do we have to maintain the fiction that Trump is behind all his own tweets? He almost certainly has people doing that for him - most or all of the time.

upvoatinggoat ago

and the git hub is questionable

bopper ago

I'm using the pronoun he for convenience. Yes, Q apparently seems to be more than one person. Don't know if Q's posts have necessarily been "radically" different at times. Dan Scavino probably does Trump's tweets, after consulting w/ others (including POTUS).

As far as unorthodox press office, yes, and what a press office it has been, and continues to be, in terms of behind the scenes revelations. That's the crux of the matter, what of the revelations? (Being rhetorical.)

cutelobster ago

Fair enough about the pronoun, but plenty of people do/did think Q was an individual, perceived Q to be some brave broadcaster of truth from the heart of the beast. The Q-project is full of these slippery twists of language and perception. If I say to you, listen, there's this high-level official inside the Japanese government leaking explosive information - they don't have a real name they just call themselves after a symbol and they are using the language of riddles, it might all sound very glamorous and exciting - very John LeCarre. But if I say to you instead, listen there's a public relations team dispensing propaganda on behalf of the Japanese government by combining the Socratic method with social media, it doesn't sound quite as good. When we hear about someone 'leaking' information, we imagine they are taking a risk with their personal safety, doing something which may damage their bosses, like Snowden and Manning supposedly did. But Q is not leaking in that sense. What he/she/they/it is/are doing is government-approved. That was not the impression which was generated at the beginning (and I don't think that's an accident.)

think- ago

Again, there can no longer be any doubt he knows what Trump will tweet beforehand, and has proven so over and over again.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, since Q is Stephen Miller and team.

bopper ago

I believe Miller is certainly one of Trump's most solid of confidants. They are very much ideologically aligned.

think- ago

Yes. And he gained even more power and influence since Bannon left.

Unfortunately, I haven't saved it - somone did a language comparison between 'Q' and Miller and found the two were highly likely the same individuum. (Although Q's style seems to have changed recently, hasn't it?)

bopper ago

I haven't noticed so much the change of style but people have talked about it. That's interesting, the language comparison.

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Thank you to Brandon Judd of the National Border Patrol Council for his strong statement on @foxandfriends that we very badly NEED THE WALL. Must also end loophole of “catch & release” and clean up the legal and other procedures at the border NOW for Safety & Security reasons." :


This has been an automated message.

elitch2 ago

Q is Trump.

Troll level - 6 gorillion

jealoushe ago

Making Harambe proud

bopper ago

According to Dr. Jerome Corsi, Q is highly trained, high level military intel, trained in psychology, and this is the reason for the release of info a little at a time, so that it can be assimilated and distributed. To drop all info that they have, at once, is not tenable and not wise. Redpilled folks can handle it, but these revelations that are coming are for everyone.

For example, what if I walked up to someone (even an open minded person who embraces other "conspiracies"), and told them flat out, in one fell swoop, hey, we never went to the moon. I would be shut down. That's too much at one time. The person would have to be "led," and slowly take the same journey others took, until that light bulb moment takes place for them, as it did for others. Something like that.

As many on here want others to embrace some of the truths and controversies surrounding Hitler and the Nazis and the alleged Holocaust, yet they want to shove it down others' throats, and not allow others the same time and study they took themselves in these matters of discovery process. (Nazi Germany is just an example.)

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Wonder what Gen. Flynn has been doing with all this spare time he has?

bopper ago

Great point, never thought of that! (Of course most people believe Q is with the president everywhere he goes.)

Narcissism ago

"Q is trained in Psychology" - sure thats because he works for the CIA.

bopper ago

Military intel doesn't train in, and use, psychology?

Matt_Helm ago

We have gone to the moon many times but what you saw on TV from Apollo missions were training videos filmed in the secret warehouse you never saw real video from the moon because we go there in advanced anti-gravity space craft and NASA is just a front a big expensive TV show to hide the billions of dollars invested in our secret space force.

bopper ago

That's a theory I've never heard before. I do agree w/ the last part of your statement.

2impendingdoom ago

As much as I want 100% dumped now, there may be something to what you say. A year ago I would say holocaust deniers are crazy, but that video showing the repeated use of the phase 6million jews in newspapers starting in 1917 was very interesting.

ESOTERICshade ago

Here is the documentary. It is not five hours long. It is 3:45 minutes. This is a good documentary right here. Its an eye opener. The title is inflammatory because part of the title says "hitler was right" but don't let that throw you off.

One of the things I am not sure about is if Hitler was sincere, or if Hitler was a plant from the beginning, or if Hitler was a patsy and got used by the Zionists like a pawn in a game of chess, and this is one of the biggest questions of the war.

ESOTERICshade ago

As much as I want 100% dumped now, there may be something to what you say. A year ago I would say holocaust deniers are crazy, but that video showing the repeated use of the phase 6million jews in newspapers starting in 1917 was very interesting.

It gets even more interesting. The pretend Jews, the Zionists, were the ones who started shit with calm Jews that were nicely assimilated into German society and it was the Zionist Jews who threw the rest of their brethern to the wolves as a means to get to Israel through the Balfour Declaration and steal the oil fields of the middle east.

The best calculations I have seen is that the Zionists/Nazis (same people) were responsible for the death of over 200,000 nicely assimilated Jews and somewhere over 200,000 is probably closer to the real number.

Meanwhile millions of white Christians lost their lives through the fire bombings of Dresden and other cities, and to include all the war killings. The two main goals were to wipe out white Christians and to use the assimilated Jews as bait to get to Israel. After the war Chruchill went ahead and starved hundreds of thousands or millions more, nobody knows for sure how many.

I have a five hour documentary on it that is eye opening. Trying to find the link for it.

What is the video you are talking about? I might want it for my archive.

bopper ago

Yes, I know. The problem is that we've been deceived to such a great extent over so long a period of time, about so many things. And history is always written by the victors. The mental hoops we have to navigate and jump thru, the cognitive dissonance, when navigating these waters, is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes I just want to go back to sleep. But you can never go back.

Ignorance is bliss. And with the increase of wisdom comes sorrow.

hopeforall ago

It's very possible we never went to the moon. In the rush to prove superiority against the soviets they may have faked a moon landing so it's plausible, except for one thing, the laser reflector. People can do their own experiments and point their own lasers at the point on the moon where the reflector is located and get back a reflected light beam. The distance from earth to the moon can be measured by sending pulses of laser light to the reflector and measuring the timing of the pulses as they return.

I think most people are very open minded and can discuss and debate things the way I just did, so don't underestimate people. The elites do this all the time, they think of the rest of us as sheep.

dassaer ago

The size of the reflectors are too small (1m3) to be 'hit' from earth borne lasers and reflected. The surface of the moon can reflect laser light by itself (as research previous to moon landings has shown). As an aside can you find me the co-ordinates for these 'highly used' reflectors??

hopeforall ago

Huh. Nice work. I had thought about it. I wondered if it was posible for a beam that fine to be reflected off the the surface of the moon. It would have to be very reflective though.

dassaer ago

There is quite a bit of good info around about this, from memory i think they began reflecting lasers from the moon surface itself around 1962 or so and continually mapped out a lot of the best reflecting areas(coordinates). Also as other people have said, one of the more notable problems is the huge amount of spread from the beam as it travels to the moon. Trying to hit a target area of 1square meter on the moon, using a beam that covers a square km by the time it gets there , wether or not it 'pings' the reflector or not, will still be reflected back by the surface. It is more fantasy that sounds good until you really start investigating actual specifics.

Conclusion = In the simplest terms, No one can tell if its a reflector on the surface or the surface itself returning the beam.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's very possible we never went to the moon.

I'm not sure what the truth is about going to the moon but there is ample evidence of NASA faking space footage.

NASA Fails Again & Again

hopeforall ago

That is weird. It's like some messed up green screen. Honestly I don't know. Some things just seem too big of a technological challenge, even now like going to the moon and the ISS. I often wonder if the shuttle orbiting earth was one of the first real space launches in history, and the manned missions prior to that like the moon landings were in fact faked. At the time the US was competing with the soviets for technological supremacy. The Soviets even had their own plans to go to the moon with a craft of similar design to the Apollo Lunar Module, but they cancelled the launch.

Maybe neither nation could really go to the moon as it proved too difficult but NASA didnt want to admit it, and never did. Maybe they wanted to show up the Soviets to discourage them from trying to keep up with the US.

I think the unmanned missions and satellite launches are real, I just wonder how far away from Earth manned missions have really gone, if at all. But I don't understand why they are trying to fake the ISS missions, when it's supposed to be a joint effort between the Russians, USA, and European countries, the cold war is over so why do they want to deceive the public?

ESOTERICshade ago

The weirdest part to me is that they claimed they "lost" the technology required to go to the moon. That does not wash at all.

But I don't understand why they are trying to fake the ISS missions, when it's supposed to be a joint effort between the Russians, USA, and European countries, the cold war is over so why do they want to deceive the public?

NASA has been caught faking stuff many times. I don't know how many of their claims are false and how many are true. I can only guess the reason they lie is because NASA is used as a funnel for money. Maybe they use that money for black projects. This lady certainly seems to think so. She has some good videos on her channel about the California fires too.


hopeforall ago

Black budget.

4_InquiringMinds ago

so it's plausible, except for one thing, the laser reflector. People can do their own experiments and point their own lasers at the point on the moon where the reflector is located and get back a reflected light beam.

A plethora of information about the reported lasers left by the nauts. Might want to explore such. It's just a damn shame that nasa lost all the original moon landing data bc if nasa had not lost it then we could be going back n forth like a breeze.

hopeforall ago

The fact they claim they lost that information makes me think it could be fake. I mean how do they lose something so important? Either it's fake or they're just really incompetent.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I do hope you realize I was being sarcastic :)

Have you ever seen McGowan's site and his series Wagging the MoonDoggie? Dave is now doa/was in perfect health and then quite out of the blue came down with a fast acting cancer. While ppl do have such encounters and one wonders why if he was being taken out 'they' didn't do it sooner, still gives one pause. Perhaps, if he was eliminated, he was working on something else that needed to be silenced/I don't know. He was super nice. I wrote him once with a question and he was kind enough to answer altho he had no information on the subject.

For moi, after reading his series there is no way in hell I could even remotely believe the US went to the moon. It simply is not physically possible. He has lots of other series too that expose many things.

Wagging the Moondoggie

hopeforall ago

Yeah. It's not possible they just lost that information. Seems like this guy was trying to expose something.

4_InquiringMinds ago

The reason I have pause with Q is if you look at some core tenants from Q, military is our friend (war criminals) and martial law is good (nothing to be afraid of, trump et all are in control)...those two things alone should be very concerning (to say the least). There are many Q instances that are rather imho scary and the promotion of the savior motif is promoted in religions/we don't have to do anything, just keep the faith and the savior of whatever flavor will make everything alright. Q has a lot of references to keep praying. The strong religious tone of Q is another concern of mine. Humanity is supposed to evolve which requires each being to evolve and discover what being humane really means/not some savior that will make everything okay. Especially a savior that promotes the expansion of the military industrial complex and martial law. Look at the cabinet, look at the DOJ that has not managed to accomplish anything but going after marijuana and increasing private prisons. The whole immigrant situation that keeps the masses fired up isn't really about removing illegal immigrants (trump is increasing work vistas, H1B etc) but to usher in a national biometric ID for every citizen. Health care has always been about one payer (when there are a multitude of ways to make health care affordable) which will eventually lead to mandated vaccinations for all (including adults) and a 'pathway' (ck out England) when it is decided the person is no longer worth saving.

I don't think Q is a larp. I think Q is proving to be a very effective propaganda campaign.

“And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.” Aldous Huxley, 1959

ESOTERICshade ago

You hit the nail on the head 4_InquiringMinds. I think Q is dangerous. The references to martial law, the savior, etc....It should be enough to make any thinking person resist it. Q is harnessing the public to usher in a new cabal that certainly does not have the common person's best interest at heart.

hopeforall ago

The price of democracy is eternal vigilance is what John Curran said.

bopper ago

But don't let that reflector argument outweigh other evidence. I'm just saying, eliminate everything that is impossible, and whatever is left, however improbable, is the truth. For example, if you see that the preponderance of evidence is towards no moon landing, and you reach a point where you cannot deny it, then you would, or should, have to rest assured, that there is a suitable and reasonable explanation for the reflector situation, whether you know what it is now or not.

Such a knotty problem can be later unraveled.

elitch2 ago

Good point.

TupacsTattoo ago

I wonder what the endgame is too. I just hope we’re not being played by both sides across the middle.

I’m personally ready for some folks to go to jail. PERIODz

pby1000 ago

The end game better be taking control of the Federal Reserve, and putting a bunch of people on trial. Those found guilty need to hang.

Certainly Trump sees what a horrible deal the Federal Reserve has been for this country.

Indigo9 ago

I can only hope and dream that you are correct, but my gut feeling worries me that we are most definitely being played and the FR will not go to where it should be headed. Gotta stay somewhat optimistic, however!

ESOTERICshade ago

The end game better be taking control of the Federal Reserve

That is the ONLY move that will free humanity and the world. Trump surrounded himself with Goldman Sachs bankers in his administration. He is also surrounded by Chabad through Jared Kushner. To say that Chabad is bad news does not even scratch the surface. I have even seen Chabad referred to as possibly "the head of the illumaniti snake." Kushner has a lot going on in that big 666 addressed skyscraper that people are not taking into account.

One being some very interesting microchips in a deal through Lucent Technologies. Lucent is interestingly close to Lucifer. Jared's brother is also a very interesting dude to say the least.

Zionism, and especially Chabad, is ABSOLUTELY against the teachings and principles of Christ and there is no questioning that. They hate the teachings of Jesus like it is a plague because it is the blueprint for freedom, kindness, and love.

People are blatantly ignoring things they find uncomfortable but there is wisdom in looking into the abyss because WE CANNOT FIGHT WHAT WE CANNOT ACCURATELY SEE.

pby1000 ago

I am looking at this. I am not a fan of Kushner, and he is probably a plant to get close to Trump. I am not sure how much say Trump, or any other President, has in selecting his cabinet. I am willing to bet that the incoming President is told who to appoint, or else. Trump does not strike me as being someone who takes orders. I recall that he had a conflict with the CIA before the inauguration. This was significant to me because I assumed he was discovering how things really are. Very few people know what they are getting into when they become President. I imagine someone who served as VP would have a clue, but Trump came in never having served as a politician before. Based on what Trump says, he is and never will be a politician. LOL.

I have heard of Chabad, but I have not looked into it. I think I saw that name mentioned in another post sometime recently. It would be interesting to see how Chabad falls into the power structure.

I will look at your links.