Tyranny-News-Network ago

It's good to finally be able to provide some insight to others in this subvoat. I reached out to the OP with a request to communicate. Some of his analysis was interesting enough to want more.

He immediately accused me of being HLI and began insulting me. Sooo, I responded with my name, rank and serial number as well as my cell # and told him to call anytime. He responded with more of the save.

What did I learn from the experience? Obviously HLI would be unable to expose himself to complete identity verification, which I did. So unless the OP is stupid he knows that. His persistence at repulsion to communicating with me is likely strategic, and obviously deceptive. There are a few possibilities here, none of them good. Take your pick. I've chosen to suspect that he's just a Net celebrity; not a spook or paid influence peddler. But not all that intent on fixing Pizzagate or anything.

Anyone who knows me or my group, IMS knows we don't like to waste time. That includes getting into flame wars. When a project or relationship goes sour, we're our. So, I'm out of whatever OP is doing. Just thought others would be curious.

Sorry SST! Beep, bop, boop.

SoberSecondThought ago

Dude. If you were deliberately trying to boost my credibility, and show just how desperate HLI is getting, you couldn't do anything better than this. Everyone on this forum understands that you don't Skype or have phone conversations with total frickin' strangers, and that it is very impolite even to ask. I don't care who you are, or who you claim to be. You could be Walter Cronkite or Mahatma Gandhi, you're still not getting my phone number.

As I told you in my message, you don't roleplay a normal person very well. You just go right to the creepy and inappropriate stuff.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Cronkite and Ghandi were both tentacles of power. But I'm sure you're expertise goes far beyond Pizzagate related talking points. Hmm.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

So I ask you again, how DOES a normal person contact you about collaborating with a much larger group? I'm curious because I do this work full time and I've been described as many things, but never creepy. OH wait. Even asking this is impolite too, correct?

SoberSecondThought ago

I made it clear early on in this series that I don't have collaborators, and that for security reasons I work entirely through Voat and avoid other platforms. Did you not read that?

Want to know one of the most phony and creepy aspects of your contacts so far? You claim to be interested in my work, but you have yet to name anything specific that you liked, or any reason why I would need to respond. Your "much larger group" is known first and foremost as Sandy Hook truthers. What does that have to do with my project? Why would I want to collaborate with you? Why would you want to collaborate with me? In your first message, the closest you came to an answer was saying this:

I think coming together to execute a simple, phased plan will achieve our key goals.

In my reply I mocked this as pathetic, because it is. What goals? When did they become "our" goals? And why in God's name would I start by placing my safety in your hands, before I even knew what the goals were?

The entire purpose of your message was a futile and poorly executed attempt to dox me. Period

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Not one word of what I've said is a lie. But fair enough. You don't wish to work with others. Isn't that all you needed to say? It would have saved you from accusing me of being HLI.and now of attempting to dox you. And did you miss when I said I didn't want to waste your time and respected your privacy?

I'd be happy to message you what I sent to my group with specific references to your analysis.

My point is, there's no way in hell you'd be approved for membership in our group at this point, but I'd prefer you and others understood what really just happened.

mooteensy ago

Normal people do the research themselves. It's incredibly empowering and liberating. Try it sometime!

pig_lifter ago

Do you gus think these people changed their email address? Perhaps send some disinfo emails to pedo Herb pretending to be reliable sources** arguing against his better judgements. **(look at emails where he's CC'd and pretend to be one of those random CC people, and change the L to a capital i somewhere if possible)

Vindicator ago

@SoberSecondThought, when you say planning for a cover-up began in 2013, what do you think they were covering up? Was this a run-up to the election, or to control the narrative regarding things like Benghazi?

SoberSecondThought ago

There's a huge context for events in 2013 that I haven't written anything about as yet. These things take a lot of time to compose, and I've mostly had to stick with micro details so far. I'll take a brief stab here at setting that context.

I think that the biggest problem the pedosadists were facing in 2013 was that their machine was aging and falling apart. That's still their problem, only now made far worse by Trump. Partly this is because of the Clintons, partly it's just the passage of time.

When Bush Sr. rose to power, he did it over decades, with a lot of care and self-discipline. He was already rich, and had all the right connections. He put in his time as director of the CIA, and VP to Reagan. But to keep things stable from one election cycle to the next, he needed to partner with some Democrats. I guess because they were already working with the CIA in Mena, and he already knew they were pedosadists, he chose the Clintons. By comparison, though, they were strung-out hillbilly carpetbaggers with no contacts, no family wealth, and zero self-discipline. Bill was expelled from his Rhodes scholarship at Oxford for raping a girl. That set the pattern; they would just take stuff, and do stuff, and leave it to someone else to cover for them. Like pardoning Marc Rich, or Hillary taking $200,000 in furniture from the White House. Or firing William Sessions as director of the FBI, and killing Vince Foster the very next day.

Bush Jr. was nowhere near the equal of his father, but he had a bunch of old-guard guys in his administration who helped him keep everything more or less together for the crime syndicate. Now, clearly the plan was for Hillary to follow Bush Jr., but she was nowhere near the equal of Bill in politics. Riding a wave of mistrust, Obama grabbed the presidency. The result was 8 years of divided government like America had rarely seen before. Obama didn't even bother trying to line up Congressional support, because he wasn't going to get it. He just issued executive orders. He was trying to make peace with Iran, and the price of that would have been to let Assad stay, and to let the Shiites control the pipeline that would be built through Syria. But the compromise that was forced on Obama was that he had to take Hillary as Secretary of State for the first term. She ran around frantically making deals, selling uranium to Putin, selling foreign policy to the Saudis, ripping off Haiti, and so on, much as if she was president.

And of course, during this same period we had the 2008 financial crisis, and the Tea Party, and the collapse of the Democrats at the state level, and the Berniecrats. Both parties were in bad shape in terms of credibility or power. Both were facing internal revolt.

It's not clear to me whether Hillary intended to stay for Obama's second term, and then her health problems plus Benghazi forced her out, or if she always intended to leave after 2012, to prepare to run in 2016. Either way, the situation in February 2013, after her last day in office, was that the pedosadists were at their weakest and most vulnerable since about the mid-1970s. People all over the world, and in domestic politics, knew that the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate was running out of gas. For the first time in 32 years, they didn't have any key federal positions. Obama was corrupt, sure, but he wasn't running the global child-sex auction. He wasn't exposed in the same way as the Clintons. And who knew what would happen in 2016? Clearly, Chelsea or Jeb weren't going to just walk in and carry on.

It was in this context that Snowden made his big 'reveal' in early June. I think there were a number of people who saw the global reaction to Snowden and said, 'Now or never,' and put together a plan to bring the machine down, as I described in my Day 8 post.

There are a lot of nuances to the Glenn Beck video that I haven't gotten to yet. They will be the subject of my next big submission. But just to jump ahead a bit and mention one: Pence and especially Ryan are Tea Party sympathizers. On the face of it, neither of them owe much if anything to the old GOP establishment -- not even the usual political debts of party fundraising. According to Wikipedia, Ryan has brought in less pork for his district than other Republicans, as a matter of Tea Party principle. Beck is likewise way closer to the Tea Party than to old-money Republicans, and of course all three owe nothing at all to the Democrats or the Clintons. We can be skeptical about this and say they're still crooks, all politicians are crooks, and we don't trust them, sure. But while bringing down the old order would wreck lots of people in the GOP, and would wreck lots of Democrats, it seems clear that it would only advance their careers, as well as those of other Tea Party newcomers. They would have been heroes to a lot of red-state voters.

I'm open to the argument that the Tea Party also auctions kids for ritual sacrifice. But someone has to provide some sort of actual evidence for that. It's kind of like the media saying that Trump voters are violent racist thugs, but somehow never having actual video of them beating black people. Instead all the video is of them waiting patiently in mile-long lineups, in the rain and cold, to cheer for Trump.

I'm not buying the line that WIC and his sockpuppets keep putting out, that everyone is automatically blackmailed. If you believe that, then you have the burden of explaining why the government keeps shutting down over budget gridlock, and why there even is a Tea Party, and why Bernie was allowed to run, and countless other questions. Their control has never been that good. For a long time it has been barely good enough, and now it isn't even barely good enough.

ESOTERICshade ago

If you believe that, then you have the burden of explaining why the government keeps shutting down over budget gridlock,

It doesn't shut down, The social security checks keep right on rolling. Its a dog and pony show to make it look like there isn't enough money when the truth is that trillions in hard assets have been taken over and replaced with debt.

Other than that I never thought I would say this after reading that last Forest Gump novel but what you just wrote here was interesting and accurate.

Vindicator ago

Great summary of your thoughts, Sober. Thank you.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are full of shit. AGAIN. You ran a sensational headline with a mishmash of old information that has been dug over a thousand times. With a mishmash of your HLI and Tory Smith disino.

And you did every bit of this discombobulated shit just to take a whack at Wisconsin Is Corrupt because you are desperate to protect Paul Ryan because Racine is his district. This was your sole reason for showing up here with your lame drivel. The third sentence of your lame attempt went straight for Wisconsin Is Corrupt in an effort to tie him to your BS.

Then you go on and on about old hat we dug through a thousand times. Finally pick up HLI again at the end and don't tie anything to anything.

The thing that makes your schtick so transparent is the fact that you have no way to tie Wisconsin Is Corrupt to your crazy story so you just have to throw his name in there and hope that somehow it sticks.

All you are doing is drawing more attention to Racine and people won't forget these attempts. You stay far, far, far away from the details of Racine when you do this because you are trying to figure out a way to discretit Wisconsin Is Corrupt without having to discuss Racine itself.

You better be careful or you are going to piss people off and get a major dig going on this subject. You are lucky you have not triggred one already. You are fooling with a crowd of experts and they see what you are doing. If you get this hive stirred up they will turn Racine's business upside down and there will be very little left untouched.

Its your ball game....

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, apparently we have to do this yet again. We'll start by linking to my previous rebuttal, which was addressed to you. I'm going to urge anyone who still needs convincing to read through not only my post, but all your comments, to confirm that you never answered any of my charges against WIC.

  1. That he lied repeatedly, claiming for example that Ryan "paid his respects" to a mobster, except WIC offered no evidence that the man was a mobster, or that he came from a mob family, other than their having an Italian surname.

  2. That he refused to supply actual evidence, saying that it came from "sources" and "witnesses" that had to be protected. He claimed to be an insider with access to secret FBI RICO investigations.

  3. That he spread demoralizing and totally unsupported claims that "the swamp will never be drained," in the very same fashion as HighLevelInsider.

  4. That he refused to explain why no other conspiracy site has ever said anything about Racine whatever.

  5. That he occasionally jumps from merely being a special FBI insider to also claiming knowledge of the Singularity and the afterlife, and that nobody calls him on this credibility-shattering move, least of all you.

  6. That he and you have both managed to totally avoid acknowledging the Milwaukee recount lead that I supplied.

You better be careful or you are going to piss people off and get a major dig going on this subject. You are lucky you have not triggred one already. You are fooling with a crowd of experts and they see what you are doing. If you get this hive stirred up they will turn Racine's business upside down and there will be very little left untouched.

Oh Lord. This is what you're going with? I already volunteered to support this effort, provided anyone ever bothers to make it. In my rebuttal I posted a list of 67 random "leads" that WIC posted over a four-day period. To WIC, supplying a lead consists of declaring, like a divine oracle, that "Kabbalah is involved," or "the Club of Rome is involved," without any specific allegations of wrongdoing. An investigation of that random pile of names isn't going to get very far, no matter how many people turn out. But I doubt many will. WIC's own defense by this point is numbingly repetitive, as this quote from the link above shows:

The RICO cases involved all of these people and many more. The entry point was based on extreme racial discrimination and segregation but that was only the tip of what was involved and it led to many foundations and secret societies including the Clinton Foundation.

I already posted the link to the original civil RICO case, showing that it involved a few tavern owners and was properly dismissed. WIC keeps asserting that he knows all about a secret criminal RICO case, including that Paul Ryan obstructed it. This is unresponsive. Saying "many secret societies were involved" is insultingly stupid at this point. WIC cannot just claim, "I know things that nobody else knows, accept them on my authority as the Truth or you will never be Saved."

Gilderoy ago

Thanks for laying this out so cogently and well. I always wondered why the Podestas and Sandlers were so cozy, and this makes perfect sense.

I believe Susan Sandler is Herb's daughter. She's married to Steve Phillips.

From Steve Phillips' Wikipedia page:

Steve Phillips is a New York Times bestselling author, national liberal political leader, civil rights lawyer, and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. Phillips is founder and chairman of PowerPac+. He is also founder of PowerPAC.org. Phillips currently splits his time between San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

SoberSecondThought ago

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. One more creepy footnote to the story.

mooteensy ago

I'm a little confused, bear with me. What exactly does all this mean? Sandler pulls all the strings?

SoberSecondThought ago

No, only certain financial strings. Podesta is the chief of staff for the Clinton machine -- the consigliere if you remember the Godfather movies. He's the guy ordering killings, setting up major blackmail or extortion, and so on. Podesta has a large money machine, the Center for American Progress, which is mostly funded by normie Democrats. He also has consulting contracts with the Saudis and the Russians, and a lot of other stuff.

Meanwhile Brock is in charge of social media strategy. He's their disinfo expert, their meme warrior. He has his separate money machine, again mostly funded by normies.

Sandler is important to both men, because as a wealthy pedosadist, he will pay for things that the gang needs to do that cannot easily be explained to the normies. When Brock developed the plan for covering up the Glenn Beck whistleblower incident, he needed Podesta to approve the plan, and to confirm to Sandler that he should pay for it.

However, both men are also greedy bastards who exploit their positions in the machine to get rich personally. So they aren't necessarily completely honest with Sandler about how they use the money that he gives them.

ESOTERICshade ago

We know all that. I guess we need to find out how Paul Ryan hooks into this maybe?

derram ago

https://archive.fo/V8CUB :

Brock resigns from Hillary Clinton PAC - POLITICO

This has been an automated message.

Mej777 ago

You wasted everyone’s time and lost all credibility by calling out sock puppets according to you.

The Herb Sandler story was outed in detail over 8 months ago. Those researchers were banned. Never trust you or read your info again. Sloppy Seconds when the risk is not so high....

SoberSecondThought ago

Hmm, according to @NeedleStack, you're a sockpuppet yourself.

If I understand your complaint here, you're saying that I'm correct about Herb Sandler, but I'm just not reporting anything original. It's nice of you to confirm it. But you're also saying that the people who originally posted this info were banned? So you won't be proving any of this. Hmmm.

Mej777 ago

Here you go on one of many on Herb Sandler from 7 months ago that lays out everyfact and more from some who gave up long ago.

His details and the researchers involved worked very hard. You and your shill bot armies can take a hike. Sloppy Seconds


@ASolo @ESOTERICshade

SoberSecondThought ago

This is all very interesting stuff. I think @ASolo maybe uses bold a bit too often, and packs too many topics into a single submission. I would have left Chabad Lubavitch for a separate submission, and focused just on financials. But those are very minor criticisms. It's great research! Thank you @ASolo!

However, I think you're missing the point if you believe any of these four prior posts make my post unnecessary. In the first one, we do get a ton of information about the activities of the Sandler Foundation, such as their using ACORN to go after Wells Fargo, and that is awesome. But there is nothing in that one specifically about David Brock's illegal slush fund at Media Matters, or where it came from. Knowing that the Sandler Foundation donated to MM a decade ago does not help very much with that investigation. We need to look at his personal donations starting in 2014, which @ASolo (meaning no disrespect) did not do. We need to look at his interactions with David Brock and John Podesta just before those donations, and again @ASolo never investigated that. The second submission, mentioning Aaron Dover, is similar. It covers many of the same facts as the first, and it doesn't cover the key facts that I point to. It's sad that Aaron Dover died, but it isn't really relevant to what I'm doing in this project.

The other two posts you cite, by other people, are similar as well. Yes, they talk about Herb Sandler and his emails. I did say that those were infamous emails and that everyone has heard of them. But these posts don't make any connection between Sandler and an illegal MM slush fund, or between the slush fund and the current disinfo campaign that is going on right here at /v/pizzagate. (I see that the one from 9 months ago discussed whether Kathy Tate knew anything about the pedosadist stuff, and came to the same conclusion I have, that she was an innocent.)

The point of research is to make specific connections on specific topics. My topic is not ACORN or the crash of 2008, and it is not Chabad Lubavitch or Saturday Night Live skits. They're all really interesting and valid topics for investigation, they're just not what I am working on. If @ASolo feels that I have somehow misused his research, or claimed credit for it that I do not deserve, I'll certainly listen. But I suspect he's just going to nod and agree to the perfectly obvious fact that my submission uses different sources, and mentions specific donations and emails from Sandler that his submission does not (and vice versa). Plenty of room here for everyone to get credit. We're all working on different parts of a large puzzle.

ASolo ago

I don't want to get in between what Mej777 and you might have going on. I respect him/her and the research he/she contributes and really don't exactly know where she/he was coming from but do appreciate the reference, but you are right, your contribution is still in another area however similar the names are and any follow up investigation into the Sandler's is completely warranted and welcomed, and is only a continuation and evolution of all of this work. Mej777 meant well I'm sure.

I did enjoy this thread as well, any exposure of this sadistic clan is welcomed, these Sandler's, Sussmans and all these sneaky, underhanded old monied elite meddlers must be exposed.

Mej777 ago

Not trying to bring you in @ASolo there should be no middle but this guy spent the last week tearing down several researchers who have been here from the beginning. I have pointed out repeatedly his posts are regurgitated ideas he learned from others Work and gives no credit. He calls me a liar and prove it constantly which is a cointel tactic.

I responded this time because of all the work I know you did on this as well as the Aaron Dover part where you are among the few that paid attention to his death and sacrifice.

Mej777 ago

And here is an earlier one exposing this thread 10 months ago.


Mej777 ago

And another one 9 months ago


guyslade ago

Is it not funny how they say none of this is real, but they need to have a defense fund set up. Especially from one boyfriend to another. (STP)