ASolo ago

This is going on this thread for bot cross reference:

Pizzagate Wiki vs. Robot Army: How a Reddit post about Laura Silsby and Max McCoby broke the Internet

Even though Maccoby is misspelled.

ASolo ago

Now if I was her in that cult would I be exposing myself? No I am not lol

Sermo_Ludere ago

I saw you cited source above. It is confusing, however when each post is not sourced, as the sequence of comments listed default ranks to higher ratings, thus situations like this can arise where the work comes of as being original.

And that person is crazy BTW...

Good posts, and research.

ASolo ago

Did you mean L Darkmoon or the author of that piece?

Because for me, I want to make the CLEAR distinction in my understanding of events is that we CANNOT accept the same old diatribe that it is ALL JEWS involved with this worldwide conspiracy. Hence my editing to include the chabad lubavitch organization. I HAVE to make that distinction because ultimately that is what all of the intricacy of the "Jewish" problem IS, it is SO COMPLEX because it is an infighting of the different 'tribes' of Israel, one specifically, that decided to retain the belief system of the 'olden gods' and continue the licentious and barbaric practices that particular god demands of it's adherents. AND IT IS HIDING WITHIN JUDAISM FOR A REASON, to demonize and scapegoat entire portions of relatively 'innocent' Jewish people (just as those misled in christianity and islam) once again just as it had been done in WWII.

It's already been a touchpoint in the media already, anti-Jewish sentiment being whipped up again. I believe certain powers are gearing up to reveal the blackhats and whole swaths of Jews will be swept up in the malee just as it had in hitlers germany AS A SACRIFICIAL OFFERING (along with all the other denominations that are going to get caught up in WWIII).

If people intimately understood the grand chessboard and see how intricately they laid the groundwork for the antisemite case, and how deeply they have engrained themselves in each and every religion it would be very easy to illustrate that there is a satanic cult hiding in religion and eating it out from the inside, and that in many instances the antisemitism clause and misunderstanding has enabled them to hide even deeper.

Sermo_Ludere ago

Wut? Kan Daek aka Candice is crazy.

I am acutely aware of the distinctions between Jews, Israel, Khazarians, Kabbalists, and Chabbad Lubavitch.

ASolo ago

I'm a little lost on this discussion for a sec, who is this Kan Daek?

Sermo_Ludere ago

Candice aka Kan Daek... a cult loon who posts everywhere.

ASolo ago

OK... yes, LOP, I was trying to put those pieces together, I was subconsciously reminded of her because she uses the same logo as that lash darkmoon. Yeah I am familiar with that Kan Daek.

Sermo_Ludere ago

'She' is likely part of the USAF disinfo group behind Ashtar Command, the 'Alliance', and myriad other 'good alien god' psyops, as her historical volume and span of posting depicts someone 'on the job'. Sorry to side track.

ASolo ago

Oh no, I totally agree, seems to fit that bill precisely.

ASolo ago

Ok, cool. Yeah I didn't intend on you taking it personally I just wanted to record that here on this thread as a matter of record for everyone to see.

Sermo_Ludere ago

Of course.

I am from a different realm of the internet, so voat and reddit IMHO are far less 'versed' in conspiracy history, basics, and holistic analysis. That is not meant to insult any readers, merely an observation from someone who has spent years in a more subject-specific class of online communities.

That being deep, long range conspiracies, and how they are related to religion, mysticism and 'mystery school/secret society' gnosis and symbolism. As I recognize you (ASolo) to be from as well.

ASolo ago


ASolo ago


Same template after Project Paperclip





ASolo ago

In Mel Gordon’s Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin, we enter a depressingly sordid milieu akin to the subterranean world of the sewer rat: a world which owed its existence in large part to German Jewry. Without Jewish money and influence, such a world would never have come into being. Nor was there anything the Germans could do to extricate themselves from this artificially created hothouse of erotomania and sexual deviance in which they now found themselves ensnared.

There were no fewer than 17 different prostitute types in this Jew-created brothel city: eight outdoor types and nine indoor ones, each with their specialities and slang terminology.

Outdoor prostitutes: (1) Kontroll Girls: legal prostitutes checked for venereal disease. (2) Half-Silks: part-time amateurs with day jobs as office workers, secretaries and shopgirls; evening and weekend workers. (3) Grasshoppers: lowly streetwalkers who gave handjobs and standup sex in dark alleys. (4) Nuttes: Boyish teenage girls who worked for “pocket money” after school without their parents’ knowledge. (5) Boot-girls: dominas (or dominatrices) in shiny patent leather boots who offered to stamp all over their clients. (6) Tauentzien girls: Chic mother-and-daughter teams, fashionably dressed, who offered their services to men who wanted threesomes. (7) Münzis: Heavily pregnant women who waited under lampposts (very expensive, since they offered an erotic speciality). (8) Gravelstones: hideous hags with missing limbs, hunchbacks, midgets, and women with various deformities. “The most common German word for them was Kies. In other accounts, they were referred to as Steinhuren.” [16]

Indoor prostitutes: (1) Chontes: Low-grade Jewish prostitutes, mostly Polish, who picked up their clients in railway stations. (2) Fohses (French argot for “vaginas”): Elegant females who discreetly advertised in magazines and newspapers as private masseuses and manicurists. (3) Demi-castors (or “half-beavers”): Young women from good families who worked in high-class houses in the late afternoons and early evenings. (4) Table-ladies: Ravishingly beautiful escorts of exotic appearance who came with the reserved table in an exclusive nightclub. Clients had to be fabulously rich in order to afford the cultured conversation of these high-class call girls who accompanied the caviar and champagne and who later unveiled their charms in a sumptuously furnished chamber of delights. (5) Dominas: Leather-clad women, athletic and Amazonian, who specialized in whipping and erotic humiliation. They were often found in lesbian nightclubs which also catered for kinky males. (6) Minettes (French for “female cats”): Exclusive call girls who offered S&M fantasy scenes, foot worship, bondage, and enforced transvestism. They worked in top class hotels. (7) Race-horses: Masochistic prostitutes who let themselves be whipped in “schoolrooms” or “dungeons” liberally supplied with instruments of torture. Clients were carefully screened to make sure they didn’t go too far. (8) ‘Medicine’: Child prostitutes (age 12-16), so called because they were prescribed as “medicine” in pharmacies. All the client needed to do was tell the pharmacist how many years he had suffered from his ailment (e.g., 12), without mentioning what ailment it was, and request the color of the pill he preferred (e.g., red). He was then escorted to a cubicle where his “medicine” awaited him: a 12-year-old redhead. (9) Telephone-girls (often billed as “virgins”): expensive child prostitutes (ages 12-17) ordered by telephone like a takeaway meal; the nymphettes were delivered by limousine or taxi. [17]

ASolo ago

It is worth noting that one of the world’s worst serial killers, Peter Kürten, committed all his crimes in Germany during the 1925-1930 period.

This was of course the heyday of the Weimar Republic when the German people lay completely under Chabad Lubavitcher domination and when the first dress rehearsal for the later Sexual Revolution of the 1960s was arguably being run.

Significantly, when asked what his primary motive for murder was, Kürten replied: “to strike back at an oppressive society.” [11]

This was a society in which the serial killer was to become a popular icon, enough to create a whole genre of sensational sex crime literature. (See book title on left). [12]


British historian Sir Arthur Bryant describes throngs of child prostitutes outside the doors of the great Berlin hotels and restaurants. He adds: “Most of them—the night clubs and vice resorts—were owned and managed by Jews. And it was the Jews among the promoters of this trade who were remembered in after years.” [13]

Arriving in Berlin during the hyperinflation crisis (1923), Klaus Mann—son of the great German novelist Thomas Mann—remembered walking past a group of dominatrices:

Some of them looked like fierce Amazons, strutting in high boots made of green, glossy leather. One of them brandished a supple cane and leered at me as I passed by. ‘Good evening, madam,’ I said. She whispered in my ear, ‘Want to be my slave? Costs only six billions and a cigarette.’ [14]

10-year-old children turned tricks in the railway stations. A group of 14-year-old Russian girls, refugees from the Red Terror in Stalin’s Communist slaughter house, managed to make a lucrative living in Berlin as dominatrices. Little girls were freely available for sex not only in child brothels and pharmacies but could be ordered by telephone and delivered to clients by taxi, like takeaway meals. Particularly bizarre were mother-and-daughter teams offering their services to the same client simultaneously. Mel Gordon writes: “One French journalist, Jean Galtier-Boissière, described, in sickly pornographic detail, the creeping horror of feeling a nine-year-old girl’s tiny, but proficient, fingers stroking his upper thigh while the broken-toothed mother covered his face with hot sucking kisses.” [15]

ASolo ago

PROOF the exact same TEMPLATE is being used on the US:

"Basically, the Chabad Lubavitch Movement is connected with ... the God Baal..

Chabad Lubavitch is the MYSTICAL, ESOTERIC and SECRET SOCIETY of Judaism that is 'The Synagogue of Satan' that 'Yeheshua' or 'Jesus' told of that was the Sanhedrin and Pharisees, those 'Jews that call themselves Jews but are not' that Jesus warned were carrying on the Babylonian worship of pagan gods, necromancy, magick and blood-letting. They are an eastern european cult that has hidden within judaism and have used flocks of their own believers as scapegoats time and time again throughout history. This is not an antisemitic thing this is a reality everyone is going to have to face once again when the U.S. and the world start demonizing ALL Jews because of the actions of a few USURPERS within the religion.


We've seen this kind of immoral conditioning before:

No account of the Jewish Question in Germany can be complete without some mention of the tidal wave of sexual immorality that was to engulf the country during the period of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) following World War One. This also happened to be the apogee of Jewish power in Germany. Every single sphere of major influence had now fallen under Chabad Lubavitcher control.


Dr Karl Wiehe, in his Germany and the Chabad Lubavitcher Question, is painstaking in the details he provides:

Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity….

The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life [however] was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.

It was Chabad Lubavitcher who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals.

The Chabad Lubavitcher sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family. [2]

Wiehe provides the following useful facts and statistics:

In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Chabad Lubavitcher Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Chabad Lubavitcher writers, though Jews made up less than 1 percent of the German population (0.9o%). A quick look at the names of directors, producers, stage managers, actors, script writers and critics, “revealed everywhere an overwhelming preponderance of Jews.”

A cursory survey of the film titles, Wiehe tells us, shows us that the Chabad Lubavitcher had only one thing on the brain: sex. Here are some typical titles: “Moral und Sinnlichkeit” (Morals and Sensuality); “Was kostet Liebe?” (What is the Price of Love); “Wenn ein Weib den Weg verliert” (When a Woman loses her Way); “Prostitution” (Prostitution); “Sündige Mutter” (Sinful Mama); “Das Buch des Lasters” (The Book of Vices).

“The sensational titles correspond to the sleazy contents,” Wiehe complains. “All wallow in filth and display with cynical frankness the vilest scenes of sexual perversion.” [3]

Light entertainment (revue/burlesque) was a Chabad Lubavitcher innovation. The revue theaters, all concentrated within great cities such as Berlin, were owned and run almost exclusively by Chabad Lubavitchers. Shows consisted of little more than excuses for sexual titillation involving the display of the female form in lascivious dances that were to degenerate later into striptease and scenes of public masturbation. “In these revues,” Wiehe notes indignantly, “the uninhibited sex drive surrendered itself to disgusting orgies. All life was reduced to a common denominator of lust and its satisfaction. Chastity and self-discipline were mocked as old-fashioned prejudices.”

The Chabad Lubavitcher Jews had managed, in the space of a mere fourteen years, to bring about a major “transvaluation of values” [4] in Weimar Germany. The vices of the past were now its virtues. The only vice that remained was chastity.

A glance at the revue titles is again sufficient: “Zieh dich aus” (Get Undressed); “Tausend nackte Frauen” (One Thousand Naked Women); “Die Sünden der Welt” (The Sins of the World); “Häuser der Liebe” (The Houses of Love); “Streng Verboten!” (Strictly Forbidden!); “Sündig und Süss” (Sweet and Sinful). [5]

Finally, there was the rich field of sexology: a new science consisting largely of dubious “case histories” purporting to reveal the depraved sexual habits of various anonymous patients. In order to give an air of academic respectability and erudition to these masturbatory fantasies—thrilling adventure stories involving necrophilia, bestiality and handkerchief fetishism—the more exciting details were often given in vulgar Latin “in order to exclude the lay reader.” [6] However, it was not long before the Latin was diligently translated into the vernacular for the benefit of the unlatined lay reader, thus defeating the purpose of the prim “schoolmaster’s Latin”.

Wiehe reels off a long list of Jewish sexologists who he claims were in the forefront of writing such salacious treatises that were no more than pornography masquerading as science. Drs Magnus Hirschfeld [7] and Ivan Bloch [8] were the star writers in this field, their books still read avidly today by a gullible public hungry for details of the bizarre, the kinky and the perverse. Drs Ludwig Lewy-Lenz, Leo Schidrowitz, Franz Rabinowitsch, Georg Cohen, and Albert Eulenburg are some of the names Wiehe mentions.

Here are some of their depressing titles: “Sittengeschichte des Lasters” (The History of Perversions); “Sittengeschichte des Schamlosigkeit” (The History of Shamelessness); “Bilderlexikon der Erotic” (Picture Lexicon of Eroticism); “Sittengischichte des Geheime und Verbotene” (The History of the Secret and the Forbidden). And here are some of the titles published by Dr Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute of Sexual Science in Berlin [9]: Aphrodisiacs, Prostitution, Sexual Catastrophes, Sexual Pathology, The Perverted. Wiehe describes all these books as “the filthy publications of these pseudo-scientists”, all of them written by Chabad Lubavitcher authors and published by Chabad Lubavitcher publishers. He continues in the same acerbic vein:

These books were allegedly supposed to be scientific treatises, their ostensible purpose being to “educate” the broad masses about the dangers of sexual excesses. Under the guise of science, however, they speculated in the lust and lower instincts of their audience. Criminals, prostitutes and homosexuals took center stage in their repertoire. One looks in vain for any known non-Jewish “sexual scientist”! [10]

Wiehe points out that masturbation, hitherto a hole-in-corner vice, began to be shamelessly promoted for the first time in Weimar Germany by Chabad Lubavitcher -run organizations. He mentions Dr Max Hodan, Chabad Lubavitcher medical officer for Berlin, and ticks him off for circulating a booklet recommending regular masturbation for the working classes.

Yes, yes, sorry, in my frenzy I forgot to cite, thanks for the correction.

ASolo ago

Jordan's King Abdullah to Pave Way for Antichrist?

Al-Mahdi is the redeemer of the Muslim world who will usher in the final Caliphate which will last 7-9 years before the return of Jesus Christ. YM believes King Abdullah II of Jordan will play the role of a false Al-Mahdi who will prepare for the return of the antichrist, David Mayer Rothschild.

ASolo ago

Another link to the Franklin boy-prostitution rung and the Clintons:

“The investment funds behind Zango, based in Bellingham, WA and Tel Aviv, included:

  • CE Unterberg Towbin: The investment arm of bankers Thomas Unterberg and Robert Towbin.

    • Unterberg had earlier partnered with L.F. Rothschild (unrelated to the European dynasty) to form CE Unterberg.

    • Robert Towbin is a former investment manager for Lehman and also for the Stephens Bank of Little Rock, Arkansas, which was involved in Bert Lance’s BCCI Bank based in Atlanta and Pakistan.

  • Stephens also controlled Worthen Bank, which handled the finances for the Mena Airfield cocaine shipments under Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.

  • Stephens Bank was also fingered in the CIA theft the Inslaw PROMIS bank-transfer software, which enabled illegal seizures of transferred funds, as exposed by the late investigative reporter Sherman Skolnick and Danny Casolaro.

  • CE Unterberg was sold to the Franklin Savings Bank, which was subsequently caught up in the child-sex scandal involving Senate pages and sex trafficking and murder


ASolo ago

”In November 2006, Zango conceded to FTC regulators who determined: ‘Federal Trade Commission charges that they (Zango) used unfair and deceptive methods to download adware and obstruct consumers from removing it, in violation of federal law.’ It was a victory for Symantec and McAffee, which discovered that Zango programs were disguised by a serial number similar to those of operating software in PCs. Kaspersky, meanwhile, simply blocked Zango, which unsuccessfully tried to sue the security software company.”

”Warner Brothers canceled its contract with Zango after concerns were raised that children viewing Warner Bros. content could be exposed to X-rated ads for pornography. Israelis are well-known to be a leading force in kiddie porn for pedophiles, gay BDSM and other sick forms of entertainment”.

“For more than one year after the FTC ban on Zango, continued to quietly distribute the undesirable software, apparently to collect private data from its visitors, as discovered by Alex Eckelberry of Sunbelt Software. It turned out that the core operations at Zango was purchased by Blinkx, a search engine for online video. Blinx new CEO is a Sri Lankan graduate of Cambridge Suranga Chandratillake, who was a manager at Morgan Stanley’s netdecisions and anondesign projects.”

PC Mag Australia says this about Blinkx version 3.0: “As with previous versions, you don't have to request a search explicitly. Communication between your local copy of blinkx and blinkx's search servers is encrypted. For local security, this version adds strong separation between content belonging to different user accounts—one user cannot see files indexed by blinkx for another user.” Sound dodgy enough for you?

My riff continued: “Take notice of the X at the end of blinkx, and it’s starting to look like a kiddie-porn delivery system for bankers. From MIT Technology Review: ‘ Blinkx does not merely search the text or tags associated with a particular video. Instead, Chandratillake’s technique employs speech recognition, neural networks, and machine learning to create transcripts of the world’s videos; then, the words spoken in the videos can be searched.’ Just say little boy’s penis or baby girl, and see what’s called up.” That is, called up from the Dark Web.

”Ben Edelmann’s Darker Side of Blinkx raises the obvious issues: ‘How exactly does Blinkx make money? How much comes from the legacy Zango and AdOn businesses that consumers and advertisers pointedly disfavor? Why are so many of Blinkx's metrics out of line with competitors? The investor statements raise many questions but offer few answers. I submit that Blinkx is carefully withholding this information because the company has much to hide.’”

”And the same questions apply to Another issue raised is about Mikkelson’s defense of Scytl, a Spain-based producer of online voting software and ‘election modernization’ systems now used in several U.S. states. The major investors in Scytl (pronounced sight-tel) are Balderton Capital, Nauta Capital, and Spinnaker SCR.”

Then I listed the principals in this suspect technology:

  • Suranga Chandratillake, owner of Blinkx, is a senior partner in private equity Balderton Capital.

  • The director of Nauta's American operations is Dominic Endicott, who went from Cluster Consulting to Booz Allen Hamilton where he oversaw the wireless practice.

  • one of the Balderton Capital partners, William Evans, is on the board of directors of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG in Switzerland, the holding company for the dynasty’s industrial investments.

My conclusion is simple: "" is, in short, an online hitman for the Deep State. If his prostitutes-researchers are covering up for Pizzagate, then that’s a pointer to his website operation's probable involvement in kiddie porn. This suspicion is not baseless due to Mikkelson's business ties with Zango and Blinkx. The Pizzagate crowd-search is not over yet, because Jimmy Comet aka James Alefantis is yet to be charged and convicted of his crimes, the pedophiles at Poynter Institute are yet to tracked down, and their cover-up agent Mikkelson has only recently being exposed as an S&M freak.

Oh, you naughty boy, David. Now for twenty lashes and the deep pegging that you’re been longing for, bend over and beg me: “Please, Mistress Eryn, do it gently”.

Yoichi Shimatsu is an investigative reporter who pursued and exposed high-level the “Killing Fields Pedophiles” with the U.S. State Department and MIT Media Lab who repeatedly abused Cambodian orphans, average age of 10 years old.

ASolo ago

Billionaires James & Tom Steyer

There isn’t anything strange or unusual about using walnut sauce on pasta, especially, for a fine, rich (billionaire) and cultured man like Steyer. James‘ brother is billionaire Tom Steyer. I suspect that both are interested in religion and theology. And, the Steyer brothers’ blood money in combination with George Soros and other Zionists are behind covert funding of Black Lives Matter. The Steyers’ father was Roy Henry Steyer, a law partner of Sullivan & Cromwell. Sullivan & Cromwell should always raise a lot of red flags. It was the CIA MK ULTRA Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles‘ powerful and clandestine law firm. The elder Steyer (Lt. Roy H. Steyer, USNR) was an OSS Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor. The Dulles brothers used their law firm partners to collaborate with and cherry pick SS-Knights of Black Sun and Nazis for Operation PAPERCLIP.

My Dear Lord. These are the BLOODLINES of the operators and conductors of the Vatican SS Nazi Ratlines, and the Guardians of Himmler’s– THE DEVIL’S GOLD. Don’t get it twisted. Of course, Jim Steyer knew exactly what Podesta was talking about. Podesta was the Steyer brothers’ advisor and teacher. Podesta was taught straight out of the Vatican and its vast ancient library. In ancient Satanic rituals, The Son of the Vatican goes all the way back to the secret mystery Greek Cult of Oxyrhynchus.

ASolo ago

The Dominionist 'faith' like that of the Dallas Dealey Plaza Salvatore Cruz and his mk'd son Teddy closely resemble the mysticism of the cabalah.

Paula White, preacher of 'prosperity doctrine' of evangelism, CLOSE CHRISTIAN ADVISOR TO DONALD TRUMP, contains heavy old testament proscriptions.

ASolo ago

This, will eventually bring me around, once again, to the Silsby/Maccoby/Alefantis connections.

ASolo ago

Depravity exemplified! Silsby, Puello, Adrien, Catholic, Jewish, Christian connections

It is getting to the point with this saga, I don't even know what to title these posts anymore! The deeper one digs into the story of Haitian child kidnappers, the more twisted the tale is.

I have pretty well made it clear, based on what I have read, my opinion is that Laura Silsby and Jorge Puello attempted to engage in the trafficking of the Haitian children. Isaac Adrien also participated.

Just want to cover a bit more on Silsby first.

Edwin Coq, lawyer for 9 missionaries said "Laura Sislby knew she could not move the children without proper documentation. " I believe she did know but the opportunity provided for her by the disaster was to great an opportunity to let pass.

Silsby "believed" she had all the documentation she needed, all obtained in Dominican Republic. Regardless of what she believed, how could she really think that anyone in the Dominican could have the authority to allow her to take Haitian children? Clearly she had to have known that was not the case.

The Dominican consul in Haiti, Carlos Castillo, told the AP on Thursday that the day the Americans departed for the border, Silsby visited him and said she had a document from Dominican migration officials authorizing her to take the children from Haiti.

No word on who the Dominican migration officials were.

Castillo said he warned Silsby that if she lacked adoption papers signed by the appropriate Haitian officials her mission would be considered child trafficking. "We were very specific," he said.

This does verify what the lawyer Edwin Coq is contending. Therefore Silsby knew she did not have appropriate documentation and was told without it, she would be trafficking in children. Since Silsby was engaged in trafficking why would that have bothered her?

I'm guessing here, but it seems sensible, she did not think that crossing the border out of Haiti was going to be an issue. Given the circumstances. It seemed she was more concerned with entering Dominican Republic. So here is Silsby at the Haitian border, with the stolen children. With no authorization from anyone in the Haitian government to move the children. Haitian police stopped the Americans’ bus at the border before it managed to cross. And who does Silsby make a call to? This is Isaac Adrien's account, he came to light in the previous post. I believe he was part and parcel of this trafficking ring, and once caught, he started spilling the beans.

"She called Jose, the guy's name was Jose." "Who's Jose?" "He was a policeman at the Dominican border." "Is he Haitian or Dominican?" "Dominican he came and talked to the Haitians but they would not listen to him."

Aha, "Jose " a policeman at the Dominican border!? Or so claims Isaac Adrien. But, I do wonder could this Jose be- Jose Hidalgo? Who is Jose Hidalgo?

Jose Hidalgo was the real estate agent who brokered the deal between the Dominican Catholic Church's Bishop Julio César Amaro Corniel and Laura Silsby

Goodness gracious, just what we all need to see right now, the Catholic Church, because they don't have enough trouble with pedophelia.

The Catholics leased forty-five rooms of their Education and Training Center located in the town of Cabarete on the northern province of Puerto Plata to the organization New Life Children's Refuge. Silsby also bought land in the hamlet of Yagua Magante section of the town of Gaspar Hernandez, Espaillat province. Silsby's so called orphange. I covered that in another post. I don't know if this is the Jose she called, or if it was another Jose. I imagine Jose is a common name in the Dominican so one can't be sure. What is interesting though? The deal between Silsby and the Catholic Bishop.

When asked by reporters to identify who the policeman was it was reported that the missionaries: "declined to answer that question and instead they responded by breaking into singing hymns"

I wonder who led the followers into the sing song?

"Later team leader Laura Silsby conceded she knew a man she described as a Haitian policeman she also said she knew another man she described as a Dominican coast guard."

I guess in the smuggling business it is very good to know law enforcement officals, by land and by sea. It is also good to know "fixers" and Laura Silsby knew a fixer. Meanwhile, online forum comments by Dominican Legal Blogs (posts by Dominican and expat lawyers) reveal the matter-of-fact view that "Puello is a buscone (fixer) who had probably been hired previously by the work the DR-side of their enterprises."

Apparently he is a man of many hats...

Jorge Puello aka Jorges Torres Orellana, according to reliable sources is a daven (prayer). "According to reliable sources Jorge Torres Orellana davens (prays) at the Chabad in the Dominican Republic. ( I covered his connection to Chabad in a previous post)

You know what else Jorge Puello aka Jorges Torrel Orellan is? He is a pimp! From Haiti and Dominican to Miami, Florida

Get ready for this:

Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of America


*according to HaitiVox this appears to be a front company linked to a prostitution /online escort recruiting service.

Ana Ramirez is Jorge's wife

His wife, Ana Josefa Ramirez Orellana, has already been arrested and charged with sex trafficking by Salvadoran police. The two allegedly operated a brothel out of their home.

I want to look at something else, that will bring us full circle back to Isaac Adrien

Isaac Adrien was reported in some places to be the coordinator for Haiti House of Blessings. I see no mention of him at the website. He was however raised as a child around that orphanage.

This reporting of the Haiti House of Blessing connection brought a denial from the founder of the orphanage. Missionary wrongly linked to Orphan Drama

But Phillip Murphy says he has no connection to the group and that the arrested Americans may have caused heartache for parents of the Haitian children.

He was incorrectly identified as "a Baptist minister, Philippe Murphy, who runs an orphanage in the area" of Fermathe, Haiti.

Isaac Adrien took Silsby's group to House of Blessings, which houses about 20 children, but the director, Joana Jean Marie Desir, turned them away, Murphy said.

Now if Isaac Adrien had really been the coordinator of the Haiti House of Blessings, would the director turn them away? "She locked the door and said no, we don't know who you are," he said. (Philip Murphy recounting) No luck at the orphanage so Adrien conveyed the offer of Silsby's group to gathered villagers, acting as a translator, and because of that connection, the villagers assumed they could trust the Americans, despite a warning from Desir not to, Murphy said.

"We lived there so long and people knew us, and when they saw Isaac with them, they assumed we were part of that (group)," he said.

Of course, we can't be sure if Philip Murphy is telling the truth or not. But, what does seem correct is Isaac Adrian used a connection to this orphanage to gather up children, on behalf of Laura Silsby, to be trafficked.

This episode, should have any sane and rational person asking themselves serious, very serious questions about the roles played by organized religion in this world.

Whether Catholic, Baptist (christian) or Jewish, the hierarchical religious organizations are perfect covers for any and every manner of nefarious evil doings. Including pedophilia, child prostitution and the trafficking of humans possibly for organs. None of it can be dismissed.

ASolo ago

What would be the likelihood that Jorge Puello Torres , a wanted child-trafficker, who pretended to be a lawyer to defend another child-trafficker Laura Silsby, be connected to the Friends of the Orphans ? Remember: there are 760 orphanages in Haiti.

Torres is part of the Jewish Chabad Movement. Chabad also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch. It is an ULTRA Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Torres served in the U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit. He worked undercover with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. Torres founded the DR Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Community in 2007, the Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of El Salvador in 2008, and the for-profit Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of America in Florida in 2009. (about a mile from Miami Int'l Airport)

Torres used the Jewish Chabad network as a cover to smuggle sex slave women and children internationally. Torres’ sex ring was exposed when** three young girls, 14, 15, and 16 escaped from the house and went to police** to report they had been forced to pose naked to promote the sex business. Multiple passports were found in the house inside a Sephardic Jewish community in San Salvador, including one in the name of Sephardic Jew Jorge Torres Orellana.[14] Torres looks like a CIA/Mossad Op.


Jobew1 ago

as an aside, how weird looking is brock in that 2000 pic? btw, rehoboth beach is in delaware. nice work though

ASolo ago

Thank you for that correction.

Beachside at the Summer Capital

Just one look at a snapshot taken in the year 2000 of Barney Frank as flatulent as Jabba the Hutt and the dumb grin on Peter Rosenstein’s face reveals the leering indecency of Rehoboth Beach. Leaning in, right next to The Barn, is a wide-eyed David Brock, with a black leather choker around his fat neck and the stare of an undisguised psycho. There’s astonishing resemblance to Charlie Manson.

Now nearly 17 years later, after he bet on the wrong horse, Brock’s pledging to raise bundles of cash to fund a “leftist Breitbart” that will thump Trump. If I recall correctly, Andrew Breitbart died mysteriously, collapsing on the pavement in LA. Go ahead, Davey, be the leftist Breitbart and drop dead, too.

An early death might actually come as a relief for the anxiety-ridden operative. As posted earlier at, Fox News reported: “Sussex County (Delaware) property records show (Brock) took out a $273,000 mortgage to buy the pale yellow colonial and carriage house for $606,666 in 1995. As the converted inn, built in 1793, continued to rise in value, Brock refinanced his loan on at least two occasions. Records show he had a $1.44 million mortgage on the property, as well as two more loans against the home totaling just over $500,000. Brock received $1,587,500 for the home on May 25, 2010, in a sale to McLean, Va.-based Vardell Realty Investments.”

The Fox News report, by Perry Chiaramonte, continued: “The Rehoboth Beach home was torn down months after Brock sold it, amid much community opposition, so the buyer could divide the parcel and build two homes. It remains a vacant lot.” It is beyond suspicious that a 207-year-old historic house, with more than $1 million in resale value, would be ripped down. Realtor Michael Vardell has kept an unusually low profile for a real-estate agent. His addresses varied from Charlestown, South Carolina, to Bethesda, Maryland, and McLean, Virginia, towns that are associated respectively with the U.S. Navy, Walter Reed Army Hospital, and the CIA. Was Vardell involved in setting up safe houses and disposing of the bodies?

The house sale was preceded by a property dispute with ex-partner William Grey. That legal conflict diclosed key dates about Brock’s relocation from Rehoboth Beach to the nation’s capital. In 2005 Brock started to date James Alefantes in Washington DC; in 2007 Brock removed some of his belongings to live with his new partner in D.C. while keeping his domicile with old partner Grey, and then in 2010 Grey filed a legal complaint against Brock, who by then had finished moving out the furniture.

How does Brock’s time-line correlate with the biggest sex-crime case in Delaware’s history? Perhaps not by coincidence, in 2004, the receptionist at a pediatric clinic in Lewes, just 7 miles from Rehoboth Beach, filed a complaint with Sussex County police over pedophilic acts committed by Dr. Earl Bradley against his underage patients from Dover, Delmar, Easton and Rehoboth Beach. There were other citations, including from a local police officer, as discussed in the Wilmington WBOC news article “Red flags consistently missed for accused pedophile doctor.”

In his Disney-themed office, the 6-foot 225-lb doctor forced more than 100 children to perform sex acts inside the Pinocchio exam room. After his arrest in December 2009, Bradley refused to cooperate with investigating detectives, and that raises the question of whether he was protecting accomplices in a child-sex ring. A police raid on his home turned up 13 hours of edited kiddie porn that he had recorded with a video camera.

Did David Brock leave town after receiving warnings about parental complaints against “America’s worst pedophile”? Did Dr. Bradley supply young children to woo his powerful and wealthy funders? Law enforcement was, no doubt, stymied and delayed by the code of silence within the local gay community in this Summer Capital, Washington’s vacation resort by the beach. To put another question right up front: Were there bodies more recent than the Revolutionary War buried under the colonial carriage house? Why else would that valuable historic structure, sold by Brock be demolished without any attempt at resale?

Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff?

Jobew1 ago

more excellent info.

djpepe ago

Indeed!! here Yoichi Shimatsu mentions Sandler in a coherent story about what happened the days before and after the infamous domino handkerchief: " - the Martha’s Vineyard cheese pizza, pasta and dominoes parties (with underage girls, boys and S&M domination) hosted by John Podesta’s patron Herbert Sandler and a Swiss bio-engineering billionaire, who are major funders of the Center for American Progress (CAP), the group mostly closely linked with the Comet Ping Pong Pizza pedophile ring. "

Go directly to the section were he acknowledges our hard work:

A Black and White Handkerchief

This series on Pizzagate has so far given short-shrift to the infamous “handkerchief” email from Susan Sandler, daughter of a wealthy Jewish banker, to his paid lackey John Podesta. Since there’s still puzzlement among many visitors to reddit, 4chan, VOAT and other posting sites about that message, we’re doing the decryption.

djpepe ago

For a very well organized piece of journalism about all the info discussed in this board I highly encourage reading the great work by Yoichi Shimatsu for Rense . I am revisiting it because he has new info. In addition, I will check these Sandlers.

ASolo ago

Ok. It's Time To Seriously Talk About Yoichi Shimatsu's Work On Pizzagate

Fully sourced links for all 9 essays HERE:

PizzaGate Is A Giant Step For Investigative Journalism

Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff?

It Takes A Spillage...Of Blood... To Awaken PizzaGate - Pt 3

Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway Child Porn & Macedonia Fake News - Part 4

For Anyone Who Still Believes Snopes Is An Abuse Victim Pizzagate 5

Strange Days In The Snopes-DHS-ICE Underworld - PizzaGate 6

Pedophile Savile Haunts The New York Times - PizzaGate 7

Capriccio For A Sausage Fest By Chef Alefantis - PizzaGate 8

A Cloud Over Amazon-WaPo (& Trumped-Up In Moscow) - PizzaGate 9

The Clinton Imbroglio In Haiti-Balkan Black Magic - PizzaGate 10

Main Link:

Jem777 ago

Really incredible work. This is the most important in depth understanding given as of now to explain " the Jew who is not a Jew" scripture. These part of the Synagoge of Satan. This is where we see Soros & Rothschilds and Illuminati families. They are the Jews who are not Jews as Jesus says. This is obvious by their support of Hitler and their genetic link in 2013 to the Ashkenazi line. If Trump is linked to this line why are Soros & Rothschild & Hollywood...old money and new money against him. Satan has one goal how does this fit in?

neo50 ago

Thank you for the interesting, yet disturbing, read. I didn't know there were two NWO's, but it's makes sense when I read the articles and I can see we're right in the middle of their diabolical plan. And it's going just as they had planned it.

ASolo ago

Precisely. The game is much bigger than most can imagine and they are very much so using huge alchemical magical formulas to bend and sway society to their will. As an example of their Hegelian Dialectic, pitting Communism against Capitalism, after so many years, will eventually produce what the short term goal of the elite want for the worlds populace in the form of a 'democratic socialism' - which will be the short term cloak for an eventual, worldwide, dictatorial fascist, centralized government and religious center they call Israel.

Another example, it has been proven that BOTH World Wars were intentionally MANUFACTURED EVENTS as a REASON FOR SACRIFICE to their GOD BAAL, the direct result of that was the first inception of Israel as a state by the Balfour Declaration in 1948. It is being shown that not only was Hitler a bastard Rothschild, or at least with enough Jewish blood in him to ba called jewish, along with a cabinet that was not only primarily 'jewish' (askkenazi;sabbatean) and homosexual, organized his concentration camps along lay lines and SACRIFICED 1/3 of 'their own people' as conscripted by their GOD to grant them favors, which came in the form of the inception of Israel. The same template is being used to SOFTEN AMERICA UP FOR THE SAME PROCESS. Except they have mainlined and streamlined it..... In todays America the majority of the population do get the luxury of expensive art, furniture and valuables and has been replaced by junk from walmart and prefab homes, so that when the cleanup comes it will be much easier to take away just the things they need to take away without much more of a mess.

So anyway yeah I digress,'s Ken has a very keen eye for the kinds of details that the Occulted Powers are using to slowly but surely complete 'The Devils' greatest TRICK, making us believe there never was such a thing.

neo50 ago

Wow, I thought I was woke up but it seems I need to do some more waking. I thought Trump was going to be our knight in orange armor but after reading what his Dad was into, I'm not so sure. Trump will be the white-hat NWO rescuing us from the black-hat NWO we know about. I am praying I'm wrong and Trump really does have the best interest at heart for our country.

I'll look more into the Redefining God site. When people say, "the Devil's in the details", that can be taken literally in this case.

ASolo ago

The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making sense.

Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OccultedPowers’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OccultedPowers’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order). (halfway down the page)

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

The Bush/Clinton Freemason/Nazi/Jew Cabals have been ALLOWED to exist as intentional transformers, destroyers and patsies for the real cleanup crew and real NWO white hats, Rome. They will be the ones to roll out the new slavery tech to make sure none of us are former black hats. Trump just happened to get picked to be the one to usher the NWO in for the elite, as did Hitler.

Jem777 ago

Okay I am studying all the links you have listed. I never dismiss anything even if some part might challenge some preconceived notions. There is no doubt about the Chabud involvement with Jared Kushner. Obviously this was not brought up by HRC for a reason. I agree with you whole heartedly on the issue of Zionism &"fake Jews" which has been proven genetically in 2013. This proves involved mystics (Satanists) actually infiltrating Judiasim who studied the Torah (0ld Testament) with mystic schools and mystic practices that were presented in oral teachings originally later called the Talmud. This was a gross representation of Judaism and including acts of pedophelia and even sacrifice I believe. Additionally at this time the practice of Kabbalah became popular and was once again a Jewish mystic school involved with very dark things. Madonnah is one of the most famous Kabbalist and had a plan with a well know occult leader to perform a giant occult ritual the night of Nov. 8 after HRC was elected President...calling her "mother of the earth" sorry I just vomited.

The kaballist all over the world are so anti-Trump it is embarasing to watch. They have orhanized Facebook events to organize witches, kaballists, etc. to have mass seances and perform rituals and hexes on Trump.

Again wondering why these well know Kabbalist are attacking Trump with such Vigor if he is one of them. I am paying attention to your research on his family. Have you already discovered his father Fred's brother John Trump was an MIT engineer and part of the National Defense Research Committee. They were working on the automin bomb in WW11. Trump's uncle was a brilliant engineer and highly regarded military strategic mind. In 1947 Nikola Tesla litteraly the founder of the atomic bomb and many other top secret intelligence systems. Tesla was found in 1947 by a maid at a hotel. The FBI was called immediately to secure his work& experiments. The FBI called John Trump (Fred c. Trump brother) who was an engineer at MIT to examine the Tesla property and documents. There are a lot of questions regarding what they found or took. Or who was involved. The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a short time later ending WW11.

I am not defending Trump if he is dirty. He obviously played dirty at times to get where he is. The question is did his family play with power brokers an old money but stayed out of the absolute filth of child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, etc, I would rather he stand before the American people and say "yes I was" brownstoned" as long as it wasn't a young child and then expose all of them and the horror show they are hiding. If the worst the have is some favorites for building permits and some female spy hitting hi up. Bring it on. The American people are smarted than this

ASolo ago

Also, yes, JARED KUSHNER is a very dangerous, diabolical man.

Just the STRANGENESS of how him and his 'wife' are INFILTRATING the WHITE HOUSE, WHEN NOBODY ELECTED THEM, is overwhelming.

ASolo ago

Your inferences about John G Trump spur and inspire an entirely new angle of research that I know will undoubtedly, yield some very interesting results, and probably not in Trump's favor either. Just from the short wikipedia dossier on JG Trump and his work on radar tells me he has had extensive experience working in and around the navy's oni. His after military work at MIT is also a red flag. I sincerely appreciate your contribution above, I was unaware that a brother of the current orangutan we call POTUS had a brother that was so intelligent. One of the first observations I made in reviewing his life history was that Fred C put John G through college, no small feat in those days, so there had to be money rolling in from somewhere and we all know where Fred C was getting his money, real estate and obvious dealings with the mob and influential jewish landowners, so in that sense we can estimate that John G's education right from the beginning wasn't as above board as per say a hard working middle class man. We can even infer that the monies the entire family were working with were illicit in the sense that the families fortune was made from selling horsemeat steaks and prostitutes at The White Horse Inn in Washington state. It seems ol Poppa Drumpf had some vision for his sons. It also seems Ol Fred Drumpf made the right friends while being a salooner as well. Something though, within the Drumpf's timeline, with the entire family, tells me that there is an MK factor or at least something dark and sinister winding up through the entire family. However, I do believe the the current president's 'MK' training came in the form of being groomed by his 'mentor and great friend' Roy Cohn. I will begin to introduce some of the research found about Mr. Cohn in this thread shortly.

One thing is for sure in my mind Jem777, there are NO 'good guys' at the top and Donald Trump is HEAVILY invested in the game I illustrated above, to what extent, is still just being discovered, but it does NOT look good. Neither one of the candidates we were prodded into supporting has what it takes to actually DO something for this country, and I believe the America's conscience somehow knew this, but the people's deep seated conditioning, once again exploiting the peoples need for drastic and real change, of hope, was manipulated into supporting a complete golem of a man.

Jem777 ago

Okay I give you your points and thank you for not shutting me off for having additional information. Like you I want truth. Am willing and able to hear it even when it contradicts my own understanding as evidence is applied. Like you I had many of the same inclinations but have done extensive historical and biblical research as well.

I also have personal witness testimony myself to provide and an additional 1st person eye witness testimony to the inner circle of Hitler & top SS members. This witness story has never been told & was given to me in 2010 when she was 80 years old. This witness died in my presence after her year long struggle and death bed confessions. This was done verbally over a year period and in documents. The stories shook me to my core and made me realize how much history has been edited or twisted.

I share this with you only to say names & identities are not what they appear especially in the period following 1948. Many Nazi war criminals were brought to the US & given new identities. Of course this happened Under Operation Paperclip but there are others who infiltrated and gained the height of power. They have not been revealed...yet.

Regarding John Trump being summoned by the FBI to examine Tesla's documents. I think this is a crucial research point. Historically it is a monumental occurrence. Tesla and his role and inventions during WW11....His death leading the FBI to call none other than John Trump (not Donald's brother but his Uncle) who was an accomplished MIT professor, but worked for the exclusive part of the military called the National Defense Research Council? Not sur of exact name I will check.

This group was so exclusive little is known but involves the atomic bomb (I believe )or nuclear bomb possibly now.. researching this now. The leader at that time was Vandeveer Bush.

Now this is interesting. There is no known relation of V. Bush to George H. W. Bush or their families. Think about those odds at the height of WW11 in the height of military power. John C. Trump is called upon to examine documents by the FBI relating to issues such as weapons of war. He is advising the US governments most sensitive military operations led by a Bush whom no one has ever heard of even to this day for the most part. And the famous inventor and Serbian Nikola Tesla is the dead man.

No one brings this up in the election. No MSM. No researcher. The Clinton's & Bushes & Obama actually trash Trump's family name.

DTrump brought it up several times stating " I did have an uncle who worked at MIT" but nobody wants to talk about that.

These are oddities to me. I hope you will continue to pour out your findings. I look forward to it. I will as well as I have some things to list and maybe all of us together can bring out truth.Thanks again for your reply

alley401 ago

Why are you even on here then. This is well researched information trying to get to the bottom of some very serious issues.

alley401 ago

These people have so many foundations to cover expenses for their weird activities. Just bilk the public and set up a foundation to launder the money. Figures Biden's son covered up that the worst pedo in history was a procurer for the elite. It's all connected like a spider web of sickos in power. Just leave the kids alone you sickos. Great report.

ASolo ago

Beau Didn’t Jest

Pedophile influence and gay silence were so pervasive along the Eastern Shore ( that Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden refused to run as a shoo-in candidate in the by-election for his father’s vacated senatorial seat in order to prosecute Earl Bradley. The younger Biden, who in childhood was injured in the head-on car collision that killed his mother and older sister, understood that life is serious and not some meaningless game. He could not watch further harm done to innocent children. His undivided dedication, knowing the dark forces he was up against, resulted in 14 life sentences for the child rapist.

Before the verdict, however, Beau Biden suffered an unexpected relapse following earlier surgery for a brain lesion. He was then given massive radiation “therapy” at Bethesda hospital, and died of complications from a brain tumor in 2015. Current medical opinion indicates that brain tumors usually do not kill the patient if treated in time, and he was under close observation by his doctor. Beau Biden should still be alive and well. Something was rotten in Delaware.

Today, in hindsight after the Pizzagate scandal, the question needs to be raised. Was Beau Biden, with his clear path to the presidency, the target of a sophisticated medical assassination? According to columnist Maureen Dowd, Beau on his deathbed pleaded with his father to run for the nomination to prevent the corrupt Clintons from coming back to power.

Over the past year, the murder threats against candidate Donald Trump along with the suspicious deaths of Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, Joe Montano, Victor Thorn and John Ashe in campaign 2016, raises the matter of who’s running the assassination operation? To that query one might add: how does a paranoiac lunatic with armed bodyguards like David Brock, who was committed to a psychiatric ward in 2001, command so much donor money and political influence? Though not Jewish by birth, he was adopted into a Jewish family, which accounts for his identity crisis. Why should Washington be so afraid of him just because he stares like Charlie Manson?

Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff?

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

I have to say that this is INCREDIBLE work!

the banned SNL skit has George Soros in it, must watch!

EDIT: That is not the only reason to watch it, but SNL really had the whole thing figured out but because it is wrapped inside of a comedy show and presented that way it isn't taken seriously enough....

BerksResident ago

Big upvote

Singleservename ago

Not much new here for longtime investigators but excellent writeup of facts.

The Sandlers are the worst of the worst.

ASolo ago

Yes, troll, I'll bet you had a ton of time to even read and digest it, it was up no less than a minute after your shill ass decided to criticize it.

ASolo ago


According to ex-officials of the now-defunct ACORN, the Sandlers gave money to ACORN and other activist groups to safeguard their economic interests. (CRC senior editor Matthew Vadum discovered this development and reported on it in his book, Subversion Inc., published by WND Books in 2011.)

ACORN members say the Sandlers funded ACORN so it would “go out and attack their primary competition, Wells Fargo.” Marcel Reid, who had been a member of ACORN’s national board, said that demonstrators were hired to take to the streets to demand an end to the supposed predatory lending practices of the Sandlers’ top competitor in the subprime mortgage market at the time, Wells Fargo.

Many ACORN members participated in the actions against Wells Fargo believing that they were part of a legitimate campaign against predatory lending. In reality, it was just another protest-for-hire operation, sources said. The Sandler Foundation gave close to $11 million to ACORN affiliates from 1999 through 2008. It paid $7.7 million to the ACORN-affiliated American Institute for Social Justice in that period and $3.2 million to Project Vote in 2007 (which was an ACORN affiliate).

Of course most of us have known that The Sandler Foundation has been the major contributor to Podesta's Center for American Progress (CAP), that is not the shocking part, although it is as relevant as ever considering the following revelations.

THIS, should give you your first clue: Mrs. Sandler was a trailblazer. “The daughter of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and Russia, [she] exploited her keen analytic skills to become Dominick & Dominick’s first female executive in 1955 and joined Oppenheimer & Co. as a savings and loan analyst in 1961.

Foundation Origins

The Sandlers established the San Francisco-based Sandler Foundation in 1991. On its website, the foundation describes its mission as being “a catalyst to strengthen the progressive infrastructure, expose corruption and abuse, advocate for vulnerable and exploited people and environments, and advance scientific research in neglected areas.” As of the end of 2014, the Sandler Foundation had made charitable grants exceeding $700 million, with the majority of the funds distributed since 2006.

Legally, the foundation is not the same kind of entity one normally thinks of as a foundation. Places like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations are “private nonoperating foundations,” but the Sandler Foundation is a “type 1 supporting organization,” which puts it in the category of a 501(c)(3) public charity. The biggest practical difference this makes is the significantly higher limit on tax deductions that donors can claim if they funnel money into a supporting organization, rather than a private foundation. When the Sandlers were deciding how to finance their philanthropy, the difference between the two types of giving vehicles would have had a lot of zeroes in the number, and the couple chose the side that kept those zeroes in their favor, but that's not all, and not the only reason.

The law requires supporting organizations to name the organization supported. In the Sandlers’ case, it is the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties.

The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, undoubtedly, has affiliations and interrelations with the Chabad Lubavitch Society at San Francisco.

"Basically, the Chabad Lubavitch Movement is connected with ... the God Baal..

Chabad Lubavitch is the MYSTICAL, ESOTERIC and SECRET SOCIETY of Judaism that is 'The Synagogue of Satan' that 'Yeheshua' or 'Jesus' told of that was the Sanhedrin and Pharisees, those 'Jews that call themselves Jews but are not' that Jesus warned were carrying on the Babylonian worship of pagan gods, necromancy, magick and blood-letting. They are an eastern european cult that has hidden within judaism and have used flocks of their own believers as scapegoats time and time again throughout history. This is not an antisemitic thing this is a reality everyone is going to have to face once again when the U.S. and the world start demonizing ALL Jews because of the actions of a few USURPERS within the religion.

"Donald Trump's father Frederick C Drumpf was a close associate of the "corrupt powerful New York political fixer and power broker attorney, Abraham (Bunny) Lindenbaum", a top Zionist."

"Big Time NY Real Estate Lawyers, Bunny Lindenbaum, and his son, Sandy Lindenbaum were high priests of the secret ultra orthodox Lubavitch Movement."

"Lindenbaum and Fred C. were clandestinely using state funds to build the Chabad Jewish power base in Brooklyn which is world headquarters for the entire movement. Lindenbaum and Scandalous Fred C. were clandestinely using HUD and state funds to build a haven and Jewish power base in Brooklyn for the Eastern European Mystical Hassidic Chabad Lubavitch Jews at enormous and substantial profits at the taxpayers’ expense.."

According to the Chabad Lubavitch radical theology, the non Jew “infidels” must be exterminated, adding “may the name of the wicked rot.”

"Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this: Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants – men and women alike – would engage in bisexual orgies. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of “mother earth.”

The natural consequences of such behavior – pregnancy and childbirth – and the associated financial burdens of “unplanned parenthood” were easily offset. One could either choose to engage in homosexual conduct or – with child sacrifice available on demand – could simply take part in another fertility ceremony to “terminate” the unwanted child."

Donald J Sussman and Other Oddities

The Opportunity Institute, a new nonprofit policy and advocacy organization in Berkeley that is designed to take advantage of what co-founder and civil rights advocate Christopher Edley, Jr. called a “special moment of opportunity in the education arena.”

The Opportunity Institute, is another Sandler Foundation current project by Susan Sandler after the passing of her father, headed by Christopher Edley, Jr, who is a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, or the Boule' (the secret societies of the African-American race loyal to the elite) , that seems to take on the role of co-facilitator in childrens education from ground zero.

Berkeley is a known center for mk-ultra mind control experiments and far left liberal ideologies that helped shape the 60's countercultural 'revolution'.

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

Amy Wyss, Hans daughter, co-founded the Twirl Toy Store in Taos, New Mexico, that uses the mind control/pedo swirl.

Donald Sussman, another big Clinton Foundation donor, who resides in the secluded and uber elite islands off the coast of Maine with worldwide personalities that have had a wide array of influence over the panopticon of international economics and politics like Prescott Bush, The Dupont's and IBM's Watson. His art tastes are as big as his wallet, I wonder how interested he is in the styles of art like those of James Alefantis, Tony and John Podesta?

JesusRules ago

Wow, great work!


SNL skit started using the language of the emails:

Please add it if you think that the language is not accidental. This is how propaganda works. I have never heard "fly in some pasta" said on TV or IRL, in my entire life, until now.