anonOpenPress ago

You've just shared something very important, in several ways important. Thank you!!

RebelSkum ago

Just doing what I can to help others who might encounter rogue Mj12 and ocarina bots

DarkMath ago

"Why, however, was the link between Laura Silsby and Max McCoby targeted this time around?"

There was a big story this week about a child trafficking ring down in Haiti:

And that always brings up bad memories.

I'm not sure these people realize they're attracting a lot of attention when they do stuff like this. They'd be better off just pretending nothing's wrong until the public forgets and moves on to something else.

They're their own worst enemy to be honest. Given that fact resonates so historically I've gotta break out my European History Degree and explain what I think the fuck is going on here.

What we're watching unfold in slow motion over the past few months is the Deep State's Battle of Hastings. And ironically at the Battle of Hastings you never want to be the English. You really really really want to be the French. The irony is the other bookend of this cluster fuck sees Hillary's "Basket of Deplorables" comment dove tail so nicely with Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" and the sexual depravity echos the Marquis de Sade. And class warfare and sexual depravity are the last thing you want to wave in front of an ever growing army of deplorable shit lords ripshit at the Ancien Régime.

The French victory at the Battle of Hastings was a fluke. The English had a superior position and superior numbers it being a "home game". But the French had one advantage. The English got TOO aggressive. Instead of just sitting back and chilling on the top of Senlac Hill they saw William the Conqueror execute a tactical retreat back down the hill after discovering shooting arrows uphill is a fool's errand. In a fit of over-confidence the English broke ranks and pursued the French down the hill.

Well we already know shit flows down hill, so does military advantage. Always keep the high ground. After the English gave up the high ground the French had their way with them. The rest is history.

Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.

RebelSkum ago

Agree 100%. Not every web admin is going to be able to catch attacks and analyze the traffic causing it, but I have been quite fortunate in that regard. If anything it helps me determine what is really worth further looking into though, so it's not exactly working to the advantage of the attackers.

Dat Streisand Effect

DarkMath ago

One thing I'm 100% sure of is the Vault 7 leak is going to create an entire new industry of technology "cleanliness". People will start demanding proof their tech devices are free of IC parasites.

The first thing you'll see is lawyers write up a tech buyer's bill of rights that each tech manufacturer will have to accept on the pain of being sued out of existence.

2017 is the Deep State's Battle of Hasting. The entire world is shifting on its axis and will never be the same. We'll probably see a return to the throne of the last truly English King before we see technology that's not been "spy proofed" before purchase.

Tanngrisnir ago

Anyone have any idea of what the source could be in Georgetown, Florida? I've been doing research into the state and I still know no dirt about that area.

RebelSkum ago

Definitely curious myself.

Tanngrisnir ago

It could be a spot where they ship in trafficked victims since it is on a beach. Not sure where they would store them though

Tanngrisnir ago

Very good write up. I learned quite a bit.

VieBleu ago

4 days ago I reported a bit of unusual activity when some users and I spotted that suddenly a slew of 1 month old posts began showing up in the "Hot" category first and second page of this main v/pizzagate page - about 2 dozen old posts were catapulted forward, and were most likely hit a great many times in order to make such old posts "Hot" and replace newer posts.

Bot army practicing on v/pizzagate? Only the developer can look at the back end so to speak and no mod thought it was worth actually looking into unfortunately.

RebelSkum ago

Very plausible. I had a feeling bots were influencing the Reddit post so it wouldn't be impossible to imagine. Good catch though.

AngB23 ago

Someone on Twitter dumping all kinds of info/files. Not sure if this stuff is real but people may want to look

ThePuppetShow ago

You should make a thread and stop spamming everyone elses with an unrelated topic.

AngB23 ago

Since it ties into DAMN near every thread we are posting about that's why I did it. Did you even look?

YingYangMom ago


At the exact same time the Wiki was experiencing a massive surge in users being directed from a Reddit post on convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby. This makes the fourth major cyberattack against the Pizzagate Wiki following attacks on the original Pizzagate Review, the Wiki's DynCorp page and the Wiki's Stratfor page.

Apparently this "distributed search engine" felt the need to assault my Franklin Scandal, Max McCoby, Laura Silsby and other pages with thousands upon thousands of 0-byte requests from different IPs.

Curiously enough, for many hours the only users able to connect to the Pizzagate Wiki were from Georgetown, FL.

Why, however, was the link between Laura Silsby and Max McCoby targeted this time around? For posterity, here is what is written in Max McCoby's section for the Pizzagate Wiki on Laura Silsby's page, which was the epicenter of the attack:

Connection to Max Maccoby and James Achilles Alefantis

James Achilles Alefantis is friends with Michael Maccoby. Michael's son, Max Maccoby, is a Director of Friends of the Orphans, the charity Laura Silsby was given children from while in Haiti.(22), (23) , (24) This same Max Maccoby also represented James Achilles Alefantis and David Brock for an $850,000 blackmail case.(25)

Laskar ago

Money is clearly not a problem for them.

That's a hint.

RebelSkum ago

Money and time. As I sit there coding to stop it all I can't help but wonder who has this many resources for a site that has cost me maybe a hundred or so dollars to run this long.

Laskar ago

I can guess who has the money. We are not allowed to speak about it, even on VOAT. It is really sickening.

I hope you continue your good work.

AngB23 ago

Thanks for posting...very good read

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Internet of things.

you can put a bot net on security cameras now. Pretty soon every appliance will have a bot net on it.

fun times ahead.

RebelSkum ago

Even microwaves and fridges can be part of the botnet :(

sugarskull ago

Brilliant! Wish I was all fancy like that. Me barely makes my way on the interwebs tho.

9217 ago

Awesome article as always!

Can't believe they called the bot MJ12.

educate_yourself ago

the other person to reply thinks ur talking majape ur talking the original maj12 tho and how on the nose they are being right?

RebelSkum ago

Yup. The bots were coming from a scam org called Majestic 12. Spooky, eh?

educate_yourself ago

yea boiiiii those conniving cucks

Nadeshda ago

Right? Majestic Apes oh dear I mean 12... ☺️

artfullyours ago

My thoughts exactly!