doubletake ago

A wonderful salutation to this Yoichi, ASolo, a celebration. i've got to catch up on the last few, but Yoichi is an enigma. been listening to him for years on rense, and a few years ago he was involved in exposing child traff in SE Asia. a Negroponte was involved. He is also in awe of the work going on over here and other boards, the citizen investigation, as we are all beginning to do. The 5th Estate?

YingYangMom ago

"When you're hunting elephants, don't get distracted chasing rabbits. - Mitch Fincher

Let's stick to chasing down the Occultists, child-trafficking, pedophile elites... chicken and pizza lovers.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Could be related. He had a lot of images, it looks like, and is a minor celeb.

Did you make a thread?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Were they PG-related? Lots of free-range pedos out there.

herbsmoke ago

truth spoken

MickeyDee ago

Yoichi Shimatsu who is Editor at Large at the 4th Media is a free lance journalist based in Hong Kong. He is former Editor of the Japan Times Weekly. Mr. Yoi is a former Tsinghua University lecturer. He's been regularly writing to several global media outlets including US, China and so on. He's been frequently sitting on CCTV News, Blue Ocean Network TV and other global media outlets in China, Hong Kong and other countries. In my humble opinion he is the most erudite person writing on the subject of pizzagate (that I have seen so far).

ASolo ago

If David Seaman was serious about journalistic integrity, objectivity and fairness in media why isn't he attacking those institutions that have suppressed all of his hard work like those that Yoichi Shimatsu has written about, primarily snopes, washington post and times? Why isn't David commenting on the clinton foundation's ties to the UN, operation gladio, and 9/11? Why isn't Mr. Seaman referencing any of the auxiliary findings that have spread like a web revealing a much darker, much bigger nebulous of criminal organization than what Mr. Seaman is willing to admit, or just does not know?

I am also very concerned for Rense and Yoichi's support for trump.

herbsmoke ago

these are good questions but it's obvious seaman is not really for the truth because he is a zionist

Warnos44 ago

Someone get this guy an editor. He has a nice way of putting things together but his wordage is off. Could be the next big thing with someone being him fine tune it.

draegspir ago


Beaucephus ago

Good interview with Yoichi

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

It's not actual Jews. It's Kabbalists. The Synagogue of Satan.

That's like equating every Catholic with top-level Jesuits, or every Muslim with Wahhabist terrorism.

madhatter67 ago

This is exactly it....Fundamentalist left hand path philosophy is the problem....And even comes in atheist form too!

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Someone contact him and make sure he's got proper safety protocols in place. I don't want to lose any more journalists.

Her name was Monica Petersen.

Astrodreamer ago

Another point. The Catholic Church is virtually built on pedophilia, since celibacy inevitably means that the priesthood is and always has been a refuge for closeted perverts. Pedophilia is an accepted part of many Islamic cultures (since they regard women as mere chattel); US military men have been warned not to interfere with the Afghan military's boy rapes. Americans and Europeans have gone for boy sex to Morocco, to Turkey, where it's perfectly acceptable, for hundreds of years. Get a grip.

Astrodreamer ago

talmud creates pedos: Don't be an idiot. Jews don't read the Talmud, and it's full of contradictions. Some of it was obviously written by lunatics with their own 'preferences' but it is not a source of laws Jews are supposed to obey (unlike Sharia). Google Talmud pedophilia for numerous debunkings of these quotes. Do you even know which Talmud they are found in? There are two Talmuds. Why don't you read the whole thing before you decide what it's all about rather than passing along quotes chosen for you by other bigots. Fact is Jews value education more than any other group; they are 'people of the book'. Hence they have always had an edge on the rest and risen to positions of monetary power, since they were denied political power. I might add that your diatribe is not directly related to pizzagate research. NB, the Podestas, Alefantis. the Clintons, Hastert are not Jewish.

Astrodreamer ago

IF . . . IF... we are to believe Chris Crocker then Yoichi has an over-active imagination. He went from Crocker's possibly mistaken appearance on the visitor's log quickly to the conclusion that Crocker and Alefantis spent much time with Obama, and from there to sexual insinuations. It's quite possible that he exaggerates the significance of Alefantis's third visit without Crocker, which he claims shows Alefantis as leader of Obama's gay Stazi blackmail/spy ring. On the other hand, the explanation of the 'hotdog stand in Hawaii' may hold water, and I still cling to the idea that JA is #49: DC's most fashionable panderer.

sunajAeon ago

This article on Snopes just pisses me off-fuckers are working for the goddamned Israelis!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

You should check out his work regarding Aaron Swartz.

Zorox ago

Dont know where to post this, but according to @millenial_falcon He has decided that Donald Trumps Tweet "Donald Trump on Twitter: "Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents -- fast trial, death penalty." [Oct 8th, 2012]"

Is Not related To Pizzagate. Not Only did He Delete That Post, But Also One mentioning Dyncorp . . . Guys, Have At It. Im done Here. The Investigators Should Deem what Is Relevant Or Not By Voting. Not Simeone On A Fucking Power Trip. God Forbid We Try To Save The Kids Huh?

anonentity ago

Heard of him getting sued by anyone lately? He cant be that off the mark then.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Actually, a looot of Hasids in NYC got busted for pedo shit pretty recently. Those dudes are freaks and running a Mormon-like cult and acting with impunity using religious intolerance as their shields, just like the Vatican, etc.. Seriously, is every Abrahamic religion down to cover up for child rapists/pro-pedophilia for thousands of years? That's a fairly scary fucking thought.

Scoundrel ago

OMG thanks for introducing me to him. WOW.

Birdzeyeview ago

real name Cathy Odgers

you are welcome

Beaucephus ago

No. Yoichi is a man as evidenced by his interviews.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Why are you outing someone who is on our team?! Delete this post!

Astrodreamer ago

Thank you! A New Zealand journo now located in Hong Kong whose muckraking contributed to the resignation of NZ Minister of Justice in 2014. She exhibits fashionable anglo leftist anti-semitism, and a snowflake might find her homophobic. But she's quite clever and full of good stuff. Her speculations about Podesta's family background are rather loose. One might go through her articles and submit to her a list of statements that need sources.

VieBleu ago

No egofagging please even on behalf of "someone else".

wellington33 ago

Look. I'm pretty sure that MORE than 50% of what you are saying may be true, but what YOU CAN'T understand is that IF YOU WANT to defeat that kind of tyranny, YOU CAN'T go overthere blaming the jews because how the world works. WHY can't you understand that? Even if you are right, if you dont try to be a little bit smarter, you are gonna it shit dude. Even if holocaust is real or not, the WW2 happend, they have Hitler now, if you go overthere under the Hitler's flag, you have already lost. Why are you so stupid man? You nazi people will eat shit for the next century because you can't accept history.

You are NOTHING without a leader. Just a chicken without head.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Late one night scouring YouTube for any new pizzagate info, I came across Yoichi's interview on Rense YouTube. I was blown away. I thought I knew a fair amount about the subject and the characters involved but Yoichi blew everything out of the water. I read every article in his pizzagate series that night and check daily for updates. Yoichi, if you're reading this, HUGE RESPECT to you. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I know it takes a toll on your soul. You are also spot-on with everything you said on the interviews regarding the Illuminati. I hope your voice reaches those still in the dark.


Is that the interview where Rense talks all over Yoichi and doesn't let him express a single complete idea?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Not the one I first heard, it was Yoichi 90% of the time talking about pizzagate, illuminati, gov, he was great.

johnson444 ago

You're a russian hacker too !! Who trolls comment sections trying to keep things serious !! I'm onto you !!

ASolo ago

Yes. Well. Indeed I am glad that this topic has generated some discussion. I too, feel that Yoichi's ability to condense and analyze this material, combine it with his own experience in the field of child abuse investigation, and write it out in a format that puts it all into perspective has been an invaluable asset, making connections no one else has dared. That is just simply called good journalism. However, not many, as Mr. Shimatsu has pointed out several times, can even navigate the screen of a mobile phone let alone sit down and write some real material.

I have followed Yoichi for several years now, having been profoundly affected by his revelations on Sandy Hook, I am actually quite surprised his work has not received more attention than it has.

But this is not all about high praise for Yoichi's work, however much I agree with almost everything he writes. I do understand, as a journalist, you are not going to get everything right one-hundred percent all of the time. This is not a critique of the crux of the body of Mr. Shimatsu's work, but I have had some friction as to the sincerity of his intentions only because of a few notable references in his employment history and a couple of possible factual errors:

There arose a disagreement about an area off of Koloa Landing, Poipu beach, where the alleged “hotdog stand”, a codeword for underage male prostitutes, was. I have a source that knows Poipu Pier very well that states that the only hotdog stand there is in a strip mall called a "PukaDog" (although it is understood podestas email could be totally metaphorical) He states that what Yoichi writes about the entire island is untrue, that homosexuality is highly frowned upon and that there is no area for any 'male prostitutes' to loiter. "Hawaiians are extremely attached to a machismo in their culture and that there is no thriving methamphetamine and rent boy situation anywhere near that pier, or for the entire island of Kauai for that matter". He further states that according to another source in the health industry of Hawaii that radiation has not changed cancer rates on the islands, that "the local rates of heart-failure and cancer, while high, have not changed since Fukushima."

He went on to cite a possible motive for questioning the validity of Yoichi's work:

Yoichi Shimatsu Former editor of The Japan Times, which is owned by Nifco, who's CEO is

CEO Toshiaki Ogasawara, also Chairman and Publisher, The Japan Times Ltd.; Chairman, Nifco Inc..

Mr. Toshiaki Ogasawara is a member of the Trilateral Commission Trilateral Commission Members

Well Mr. Shimatsu, I do not intend to offend, I only seek clarity in an otherwise vast sea of disinformation. Personally, in my own opinion as a matter of support I can not see any agenda written into your material above and beyond a condensation and collation of the material that this VOAT/Pizzagate citizen investigation has uncovered thus far, but there are, ... other pressing matters we might be able to discuss... later. Let me just ask you, tip your hat if it is white. I am only trying to hold you to the same standards you yourself would ask of any other journalist when you write, "One of the hallmarks of a great crusading editor is ethical impartiality, the ability to be as critical of criminal behavior among one’s own side, meaning family, friends and political allies, as toward foes in an opposing faction or interest group. Partisan coverage is, in essence, propaganda, a hit job prompted by biased self-interest, usually in the service of the powers that be."

Please Mr. Shimatsu, reassure your reading public that you are not a mere propagandist for the powers that be.

charmeuse ago

I don't have any personal knowlege of the meth/rentboy scene at Poipu, but what I am aware of is that Kauai has very possibly the most corrupt police force in the islands, and so who knows how many rackets are actually in play there.

VieBleu ago

Well said. I wonder i this isn't the most sophisticated misdirection psy op yet.

"Everybody look at Shimatsu" stuff doesnt sit well with me either. This is egofagging and not tolerated on a lot of forums.

johnson444 ago

He's a russian hacker !

MaryWolf ago

some good vids with Yoichi Shimatsu on pizzagate


Rense is an awful interviewer. It's a shame that to hear Yoichi you have to listen to Rense drowning him out with his own half-baked formulations.

ravensedgesom ago

thank you for this his investigative abilities are extraordinary

listenandsee ago

K dude, well this place isn't about your personal soap boxes. This is about pizza, and I don't think we should be looking ourselves to other theories that discredit us.

charmeuse ago

Shimatsu seems to be an excellent investigator with some real inside sources.

Who is Shimatsu? Some info: From the site: "Yoichi Shimatsu who is Editor at Large at the 4th Media is a free lance journalist based in Hong Kong. He is former Editor of the Japan Times Weekly. Mr. Yoi is a former Tsinghua University lecturer. He's been regularly writing to several global media outlets including US, China and so on. He's been frequently sitting on CCTV News, Blue Ocean Network TV and other global media outlets in China, Hong Kong and other countries. "

He writes about Pizzagate:

He loves the work all of the citizen investigators are doing!

Astrodreamer ago

Or is Shimatsu Cathy Odgers?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Is there any reason to think that he is?

VieBleu ago

I'm curious, does he consider himself a Christian?

NeedPolyGF ago

A true Jesus follower is not a conventional Christian. They believe in eternal Hell and in fearing God. We believe in temporary hell and loving all. Jesus born of a virgin likely meant born in the sign of Virgo. He was apparently born on about Sept 11, Virgo.

VieBleu ago

So are you saying Shimatsu is a Jesus follower?

daddysdarlin ago

**Hear Hear, and three cheers!!! Bless you and thank you for all your hard work!!! We very much appreciate you and wish you much luck in your continuing investigation! Be safe and again thank you!!!

hyderflare ago

He's an independent journalist most notable for his work in recent years on the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster.

reasonedandinformed ago

Interesting video by Rense with Yoishi about media collusion, especially by NYT CEO Mark Thompson (background covering up the scnadal in UK at BBC), posted 6 days ago:

DefenderOfTruth ago

His site is a turn off visually. Too many ads and the website is not laid out well. I haven't read all the articles which may be good.

charmeuse ago

Rense has the ugliest site on the internet. It is so bad, it almost seems deliberate...

zzvoat ago

His work is critical to this effort but/and he tends to be verbose. I wonder whether there would be any value in parsing out and listing the main points he makes in each article. Then, combine those into one list.

bopper ago

The Holocaust is sacrosanct. Can't touch it, laws against questioning it just makes you more curious.

Astrodreamer ago

Go ahead and question it, but examine the evidence yourself -- there are literally thousands of published memoirs of Jews who survived the camps and the ghettos. It's absolutely true that Jews have taken advantage of their victimhood in disgusting ways, but the facts are clear: there was a Holocaust.

bopper ago

I hear you. "Facts" are what people are having problems with nowadays, there has been so much disinformation. If you were to tell me the "facts" are clear about the moon landings, that would not quell my suspicions concerning the subject. The more you delve into things nowadays the more you see the "facts" aren't always "facts." Anyway, It would take more time than I'm willing to invest, to examine it, that's for sure (holocaust). But I would like to. For it to be illegal to study it because you have questions and doubts is Orwellian nonsense. (I do believe there was persecution and camps etc., but what exactly these camps were and how many died in the alleged holocaust I don't know ... I hear the census statistics at the time do not jive w/ the numbers killed, but whatever, I haven't the time.)

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Mr Yoichi Shimatsu, please come and do an AMA with us.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Regarding holocaust denial, I don't know own what to believe anymore. I saw this video some time ago. Have a look

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Don't believe anyone. Go do your own research.

Freemasonsrus ago

I've been in denial for a while. Try living in S. Florida and it'll cure you from thinking they're innocent.

cayenne-peppe ago

Try this, the greatest film that will ever be made unless we win:

UglyTruth ago

One criticism is of Yoichi's humanism regarding his endorsement of state arrest in the name of protection. There's an important philosophical disconnect between Saint Augustine's church-state (with its attendant paedophiles) and the the ethical base and reason of the common law.

listenandsee ago

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that if we want this investigation to be taken seriously, we can't have our information coming from a site that looks like no matter how legit some of the stories are. He has a whole pro-Hitler article that denies the Jewish Holocaust. I'm not worried about criticizing Jews, but the stories this guy runs make him look ridiculous.

rhy ago

Not to me they don't. Have you looked at the holocaust evidence yourself? It's pretty shaky.

NeedPolyGF ago

If you look into the Holocaust online, you can find good reason to doubt it very much. I found that Hitler and the Nazis didn't want war, weren't prepared for war and tried to avoid war. It was FDR and Churchill who insisted on war. The people in the German camps were starving at the end of the war because all Germans were starving, because the Allies bombed their infrastructure so thoroughly that vital supplies could not be transported to the people. Hitler had gotten most of the Jews safely out of the country before the war had really started.

zzvoat ago

*Parroting political Zionist talking points should be banned from this sub!


You are the fanning the flames, here, perhaps hoping to get this post deleted. And it may work, as it always does.

Enough of the anti-semitism trope and bogus claims of holocaust denial in this subverse! No one legit has ever said it didn't happen. After researching it - beginning with Israeli scholars! - there are numerous questions and inconsistencies. In a free society, no questions should be out of bounds -- certainly not illegal, which it is in Europe!!

I understand completely what you are saying about the At first blush, it seems very "out there," New Age-y," and not professional looking. I honestly think that, in this case, we need to go where the truth is, regardless.

wellington33 ago

That video is the exact reason of why you can't go overthere blaming the jews, because they have a ton of power. You need to outsmart them, if you can't, blaming on them will only damage #pizzagate.

YingYangMom ago

"If you don't have the power to cut off the hand that your enemy tends towards you, then kiss it."

listenandsee ago

I would like to see this post down voted or ignored because I think there are better platforms to use this information than his kooky, crazy looking site.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Leave this thread if it offends you so... Many of us stand behind what has been said. Agree to disagree and move on...

listenandsee ago

That's fine. I'm simply pointing out that this is going to discredit the information, and I sincerely believe the pill is hard enough to swallow without all the extra surrounding it.

thisisnotagame ago

Not only is Yoichi's articles the most informed I've read, they are fun to read. Because of his style, not the topic.

spez_dispenser ago

He's done some amazing research into Aaron Swartz as well.

Astrodreamer ago

Then there's this, from : I don't have the time and I'm not interested in investigating any story authored by Yoichi Shimatsu. He's an Illuminati approved (Japan Times), controlled-opposition/disinformation troll who has been spinning the Japan radiation hysteria hoax since Day One. He uses articles like this (about Swartz) to elevate his credibility quotient and "good guy" status among Rense readers. Since reporting on pedophiles and satanists is an easy highway to travel in 2013, I expect we'll read more heady accusations in the coming weeks . . ..

herbsmoke ago

the pacific ocean is very very contaminated by fukushima you fucking obvious shill

Astrodreamer ago

Aaron Swartz was Jewish.

carmencita ago

What? Very strange. One of the items on the list to read is a blog by Nancy Lanza written in Jan. 2013. Nancy Lanza was also the name of the mother of Adam Lanza the supposed shooter at Sandy Hook. Very good article, but I am wondering about this person. I know that there are writings of people that claim that person is still alive. What gives? I have believed for quite a while that there was something other than a suicide by his own hands. This hits the nail on the head.

listenandsee ago

He has a lot of things that are very hard to imagine being true (not pizzagate related) and that are anti-Semitic and unsourced. I would be careful using his articles, especially to convince non-investigators.

It would be better, IMO, if people treated his info as leads and compiled their own properly sourced summaries here.

herbsmoke ago

the jews are fully involved in satanism and child sacrifice...yoichi is a journalist and follows the truth where it leads no matter how unsavory...

sunajAeon ago

Anti-semitic is a bullshit Zionist mind-fuck-control concept that should be relegated to the trash heap-now that I know who his enemies are I WILL make sure I read it, DESPITE YOUR PATHETIC WARNING TO THE CONTRARY-Fuck the Rothshchild Zionists!

Astrodreamer ago

Stuff like this should be removed. It has nothing to do with pizzagate, or pedophilia, and is vile and alienating and will not help a bit.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

What sunajAeon said is true, but it's expressed in a way which is overly emotive and "looking for trouble" rather than calmly sticking to facts. Smells shilly.

listenandsee ago

Thank you. Exactly.


The term 'anti-semitic' is redundant and should be avoided. Its function is to construct a wall of privilege around Jews that not only exempts them from fair and reasonable criticism but also helps suppress reporting and commentary on Jewish crimes. Anyone who uses this term seriously is aiding and abetting criminality simply because of the religion/race of those committing it.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Like the Anti-Defamation League of (this is the important part) B'nai B'rith?

BTW, it's not "the Jews" that are the problem. It's the Kabbalists, who are a Synagogue of Satan. Your buddy that goes to temple a few times a year isn't part of a worldwide conspiracy.



asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Well, I've studied the topic extensively, and I'm 100% sure you're wrong. If you think every single Jewish person is involved in a worldwide conspiracy, you need to do more research.

It's a small group at the top.


So have I. And you're wrong.

listenandsee ago

I agree in general with this statement. However, holocaust denial and promoting Hitler as a knight in shining armor are, I think, worthy of the term.

noreturn4me ago

Explain to me why the Jews never wanted the remains of their family members for proper burial, they only wanted the possessions taken from them including the gold from fillings? Why is it that Israel refuses scientist to go do real research and testing at the camps? Now did you know that Judea declared war against Germany in 1933 before Hitler even came into power? ( ( Bet you didn't learn any of that in your history class did ya!! There is a lot more going on with the Zionists than people will admit too. History is written by the victor, and who won after WW2? The Zionists did they took away Palestine started killing them and declaring war with every other sister nation in the middle east. But yeah those poor picked on Zionist and their anti-semite crap!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Hitler took office in January 1933; the declaration of war on Germany was in summer of 1933. So your sequence is a bit off on those two points. However, the declaration of war obviously was far before any "hot war" broke out, and puts the whole situation after mid-1933 in a much different light -- which is why it has been scrubbed from (((mainstream))) history.

noreturn4me ago

This is history:

January 1933 -- Hitler becomes chancellor of a coalition government, where the Nazis have a third of the seats in the Reichstag.

July 1934 -- After the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler becomes “Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor” and abolishes the title of President. (


False. Most of the leading Holocaust researchers are not at all 'anti-semitic' and most virtually bend over backwards to make that point, with endless apologising to Jews for the alleged anti-semitic crimes of the Third Reich. You shouldn't mistake mainstream propaganda for fact.

Sharipie ago

Do you ever get tired of waiting for all the naysayers to catch up with us? I do. If they don't believe the things we say or do its their problem. Right now we are finding that we've been on the right track all along and it turns out things are much much worse than we even imagined. So these people who go out on a limb like Yoichi or even David Icke should be listened to even if they seem way out there because chances are they're on the right track on many of the things they hypothesize.

listenandsee ago

Sure, but that does not remove the responsibility of his research that we then take and shape into an easily digested package for the larger audience, which is not.

Zorox ago

I read his articles... They are fucking SPOT ON.

justanotherpizza ago

I think the value of his writing is the synthesizing of many threads/discussions into a narrative. and of course the wide exposure to that websites visitors. That said, I find his style of writing to be a little meandering and unfocused. I would sift through his articles to see how he stitched together the narrative, and consider if the pieces can be put together even more coherently.

one caveat, and that is I am hesitant to endorse ANYONE, because this story obviously has struck a raw nerve in the body politic, and we have seen several attempts to dilute the effort, redirect the focus, introduce themes that can "crack" the storyline into competing narratives... the psywar aspect is just incredibly persistent. just encouraging healthy skepticism and discouraging attaching bandwagons to any external actors. Anyone is free to use what we create here, but we are independant, and should cherish that, and consider it a strength.

Zorox ago

ITA with all you said. I like being on this side, but i also relish that we have peeps who can put it together for the mainstream. What we all have dug up here is surreal and its no wonder people think its fake. We all DO sound insane, unfortunately.

However, the storied facts are getting more and more people involved in believing this. Its gained traction, and thats a good thing.