IndependentInvest ago

I've just started looking into this as well, v/cakeoflight. Glad to know I'm not the only one. You don't mind if I tag along, and contribute, where I can?


If she is 'innocent in all of this' perhaps she will come forward voluntarily with some information about her experiences with the Sandlers and John Podesta.

cakeoflight ago

Please make sure the facts are spelled out that she said nothing about pizza or any other pedo code words? Her email mentions the hankerchief white w/black. Her website is scrubbed. So there's three satanic pedo code words and one missing website. Since you know her well enough to claim that she is innocent, ask her why her website is scrubbed and what the Field House is. Using an anonymous ID and telling people she is innocent in all of this doesn't exactly fly when someone is implicated in a suspicious thread of emails.

mixelplfft ago

what specifically is the FIELD HOUSE ?

cakeoflight ago

Best case scenario, it's a house in a field, or a house belonging to a family named the Fields. Worst case scenario, it sounds like it may refer to a place where they do their "work" - i.e., I'm out in the field (like a journalist) maybe where they film their freak shows for child porn and snuff films?

tjarco ago

please contribute to this thread NEEDS PROOF

VieBleu ago

don't you realize that thread called for harrassment of a private person? why do you support that? it was not a great thread of discovery, or evidence at all.


I didn't see a call for the harassment of anybody. What are you talking about?

VieBleu ago

Here is the permalink, see for yourself. NWO ass suggested that 100s of callers "ruin their lives for a bit", and wanted people to call and "ask them questions day in and day out." To me this is utter stupidity, or shillery.- ESP when the mods magically don't think this is doxxing anymore and refuse to remove the post. Trying to co-opt this effort IMO by ENCOURAGING online bullying. I don't want to be part of an online mob that innundates a real estate agent with harrassment - do you? I don't want idjuts calling and harrassing to discourage someone who might be friendlier otherwise or have some information that we miss out on because of amateur antics - do you?

cakeoflight ago

thanks - I posted one thing. I'll try to put the rest on there later.

checksandbalances ago

Her LinkedIn (; older archive says she works at Kendall and Kendall real estate in Martha's Vineyard ( and lets you look up licensing online, and Kathryn Tate is licensed as a real estate agent, 2007-2018:

cakeoflight ago
