EmeraldRoses ago

Go away troll

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for your reply :)

kestrel9 ago

Just curious, which leads and do you still believe W_I_C is an org?

I'm assuming none of these brought up anything interesting:

This is just a preliminary dump of leads that need further investigation. No conclusive implications intended. Knights Of Pythias - www.pythias.org Affiliated with Knights of Khorassan. An al-Qaida tied fraternity. http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/editors-weekly-what-media-wont-tell-you-about-khorassan

There is a lot of unnamed industry around the Root River in close proximity to many churches.

St. George Serbian Orthodox. In an area of primarily German, Polish and Dutch 3rd and 4th gen immigrants.

Many marinas and parks on the shores.

Racine Art Museum

Paul H. Harris Rotary - Chicago law practice

Batten International Airport

Baby Express? - lol its just a large municipal-type garage 998 Carrol st.

Beth Israel Sinai Congregational

Racine Masonic Center

Ill update the post if any of these places turn up anything interesting. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2036840

Mej777 ago

Correction that is @Jem777 you are fighting moron. Read backwards like the good satanist you are. @Mej777 is my only alt ever and it is not permanent I don't hide behind fake profiles...

srayzie ago

I think Tory Smith probably believed what he was saying. I used to work with the mentally ill. It could be schizophrenia that we're seeing. Or he was just a very traumatized person.

My issue isn't with him. It's the fact that the poster is using Tory to base all this on when it's obvious this man was withering away and dying. To say it was makeup and make him look like a bad person when he can't defend himself is just cruel. It also shows this person has no credibility because their evidence was shattered.

I post here every day.

ESOTERICshade ago

You claim that Brock paid someone who appears mentally ill and seems, even according to you, completely without credibility, to smear Pence?

You just keep blowing it over and over. You may as well give it up.

srayzie ago

This is pretty exhausting and loopy stuff to watch, and I have not by any means viewed all 202 of his videos. But if you make the effort to scan through any random dozen or so of the videos, or even just read the titles, you will notice a not very subtle theme.

You scanned thru a dozen or so videos and you claim that Tory Smith talked about blue Asians and galactic ALL THE TIME. You don't exaggerate much do you?

So it seems to me that this whole theory is based on the fact that Tory Smith used the words blue aliens and galactics? Do you not realize how laughable that is?

srayzie ago

No, I'm calling WIC a liar because he told a bunch of lies. He also hasn't offered any evidence, but that's a separate issue (see below). When he says that the Johnson family donated to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, he's lying. When he says Glenn Modrigrano is a mobster, he's lying. When he says Rotary are major donors to the Clinton Foundation, that's a lie. When he implies that he posted the info about the mayor of Racine and Curt Johnson, that's a lie. The lies matter, just as the lack of evidence matters.

Yet, YOU even admitted that you cannot prove that Tory Smith didn't die. The man clearly died. You have a lack of evidence. A huge hole in your story.

You wasted a year on investigating and this ridiculous story is what you came up with? You took a year out of your life and spent days writing all this crap out and you are not paid? Ha. Yeah right. Please! ๐Ÿ™„

ESOTERICshade ago

I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

I bet you do, sobersecondthought, I bet you do. I don't doubt it. Which coven/clique of sadistic ritual abusers do you hang out with?

srayzie ago

Ok I commented. It took a while. Sorry.

LawofTruth ago

WIC is full of crap, writes the same prepared essay on every post

ESOTERICshade ago

At least WIC is naming real people and organizations that can be linked by various means, instead of talking about blue avians and space galaxies like sobersecondthought.

srayzie ago

Well I'm about to break it down for you.

ESOTERICshade ago

What was really surprising, though, was that two of the submissions, put up a few minutes apart by @polwarrior1030, talked about "Blue Avians" and "Galactics". These are entities that Tory Smith talked about all the time, and that showed up every day in his YouTube comments.

A lot of disinfo use blue avians and galactic space junk talk to confuse the naive and discredit people. Similar to what you are doing to WIC, BECAUSE WIC NEVER TALKS ABOUT BLUE AVIANS AND SPACE GALAXIES.

None of this proves that the guy who made the Tory Smith videos is still alive and posting here using @HighLevelInsider, @ababcb, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and a half-dozen other alts. Not definitively, the way a photograph of him would. But you have to admit, it's quite a string of coincidences.

The only COHENcidence here is that you are dragging together a bunch of unaffiliated people, claiming that they are WIC, in defense of Paul Ryan. You keep asking WIC for "evidence" and "proof" and you just admitted that you have NO PROOF.

Hallmark Saul Alinsky tactic that you are using.

srayzie ago

Those profiles and a man that is now dead both talked about "Blue Avians" and "Galactics".

That's great proof ๐Ÿ˜‚

ESOTERICshade ago

I know. I now feel stupid that I even skimmed the first few pages of this 11 page sneak attack. In hindsight it is all so obvious that this was just a shill sneak setup from the start.

srayzie ago

Me too. That's what they do. At first they try to gain your trust. Then start adding some disinfo in with truth. This person seems to have saved all the bullshit for day 7 and hoped nobody knew much about Tory Smith.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, sobersecondthought also discredited a clearly distressed man, Tory Smith, who may well be a ritual abuse survivor, and used this poor man in the nasty ploy. That shows a pure level of sadistic cruelty and disregard for human suffering that, dare I say it, only a sadistic abuser themselves, or someone working for them would do. just sayin...

This pics you posted of Tory Smith are evidence enough that this man was unders serious stress and that he wasn't faking being in a bind.

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you for saying that. I've been beating myself up for thinking SST's first post of the series was good research. There's no way that Tory was faking it and my heart goes out to him every time I watch one of his videos. The thought of anyone attacking him as SST is doing makes me sick to my stomach.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thank you for saying that. I've been beating myself up for thinking SST's first post of the series was good research. There's no way that Tory was faking it and my heart goes out to him every time I watch one of his videos. The thought of anyone attacking him as SST is doing makes me sick to my stomach.

Don't worry about it. It started as a complex ruse and quickly devolved into its own sadistic abuse ritual against the memory of Tory Smith. This is something that only a sick and twisted individual would do. Sick and twisted individuals are clever people, they have to be, in order to perpetrate and hide their sickness.

srayzie ago

I agree! Thank you.

ESOTERICshade ago


The OP, sobersecondthought is saying that Paul Ryan and Glenn Beck were in the process of pulling a hero move to save us from the pedos. But, unfortunately, people like WIC who think Paul Ryan is a dirty politician with crooked activity going on in his district, are messing up Paul Ryan and Glenn Beck's plan to rid the nation of pedos.

Paul Ryan critics are being accused of being alts of other people, liars with no proof, etc....

This whole 11 page dog and pony show is to paint Ryan as a hero, laughable using Glenn Beck as some sort of proof, while causing divisioin and distrust in the forum.

nameof ago

Merit Hunter what is YOUR worth before GoD? which is RIGHT NOW, your Valor in saving the helpless from suffering, what are your merits? Sharing Merits. Voat Kek! . someone wants to know of merits..... all merits....merit detail. Merit Inherent bruh.

Sackajahweeda ago

I didnt read it all but I can add a little to the part about the Johnson family and Mayo clinic supposedly being a lie...WELLLLL Jenny Johnson whom is of the Johnson clan LIVES IN PONTE VEDRA ..which is the beach area of Jacksonville very close in proximity of Mayo clinic. Their family is quite benevolent so it only seems logical that in their donating that it may have ended up going to Mayo considering that they have an eye (contacts) division right near the clinic too...just sayin.

ESOTERICshade ago

I wish I could prove it, but sometimes an investigation has to go forward without har d proof.

Oh, ok. So wic can't speculate about a high level politician because he has no "proof." But you can speculate all day with. NONE.

Hallmark shill tactic.

Cc1914 ago

Show me where WIC is 5 other people on here . I don't believe that . Also Paul Ryan isn't dirty?

ESOTERICshade ago

Also Paul Ryan isn't dirty?

According to sobersecondthought Ryan and Glenn Beck were in the process of pulling a hero move to save us from the pedos and evil people like WIC, who are critical of Paul Ryan, are fucking up our salvation.

Cc1914 ago

That's a laugh for sure .

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Usually they choose to group people with Alex Jones. This is a common strategy.

ESOTERICshade ago


@Millennial_Falcon @vindicator @VictorSteinerDavion @kevdude

nameof ago

@wisconsin_is_corrupt thought about it and it's is not cool. But...here's the Voat problem. Like Star trek crew on a mission but there's something affecting the air onboard making everyone a psycho....controlled opposition. @sobersecondthought not from here just talks Luke he knows us. Has us mistrusting so other Voat posters. Go away, but no stay...we need you. To let us know when there's something else going on you no like talk bout. Like let's see..so many things...David seaman is talking about podesta, the poedsta group , Donald Trump's funny tweets. Las Vegas dead witnesses. There's other news...on PIZZAGATE it's interesting stuff about Gidon Feen, thanks @angelafogo on fire is good. Fire fire fire the bosses. Don't let them let people waste our time!

SoberSecondThought ago

I never called you CIA. I did call you a sockpuppet.

nameof ago

https://ibb.co/i7RG3G. You called me a bunch of shit it's weird your weird you fuck up the dialogue that was going on you are a TRAITOR. So.. figure it out derangement and @srazie too. Psychopath.

nameof ago

You did call me CIA trained, you no remember? No credibility. No sockpuppet.

srayzie ago

Well pretty soon he will say me and @ESOTERICshade are on that list too lol. He keeps adding to the list ๐Ÿคจ I cannot believe there are all these upvotes. I think that it's fake accounts or whatever that is upvoting.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yep. This whole setup came with its own voting brigade.

ESOTERICshade ago

@cc1914 wrote:

Let me get this straight .. because some of Tory Smith Videos referenced some things that are hard to believe you think he was lying?

sobersecondthought is accusing WIC of being a guy named Tory Smith that did a bunch of youtube videos about galactic blue aliens and other crazy stuff. The guys health went down hill like crazy. Supposedly the guy is dead now. sobersecondthought says the guy isn't dead but is really WIC. Also says WIC is about five other people.

Tory Smith, who people are saying dies. According to sobersecondthought this was all done with makeup artists on a big budget and is really WIC.


sobersecondthought has proven nothing, uses Glenn Beck as on of his "proofs", and is here to defend Paul Ryan.

I have no idea why the mods don't delete this shit show. I guess we will all start threads attacking other members now and destroy what is left of this subverse.

Cc1914 ago

I really don't know what to think now. What he layed out makes me question the TS stuff . I have had TS on the back burner in my research for about a year now . I believed he was being tortured and believed him about MP . But then I had no support from anyone really on voat so I let it go .

srayzie ago

I posted pictures and video in my long comment here. There's no way that's makeup.

ESOTERICshade ago

sobersecondthought is here with the specific purpose of attacking someone (WIC) who believes that Paul Ryan's district has a town named Racine, Wisconsin that has a corrupt local government.

sobersecondthought is adamant that Tory Smith is WIC and has no proof.

sobersecondthought is a bullshit propaganda artist and has been allowed to create an 11 page screed designed to specifically attack a member of this forum they disagree with. Is here to defend Paul Ryan and smear Ryan's critics.

That is EXACTLY all this is about.

Cc1914 ago

Got it. Ok then .. I will continue to keep an open mind .

srayzie ago

People don't have to like WIC. But at least see the lies and disinfo this poster has been using. What if this is all just a smear campaign against some credible people that are exposing too much? Who knows. But all of this is based on a very unbelievable theory that he even admits he can't prove. I wouldn't want my name smeared over lies or things that can't even be proved.

EricKaliberhall ago

Excellent recap brother...

ESOTERICshade ago

First of all I am puzzled as to why this whole dog and pony show of yours was allowed to survive in this sub. I have seen threads better than this dog turd get busted for Rule 2 (Empiricism:) and why your carnival barker show is still alive is puzzling.

From the last dog and pony show thread of yours. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2218774

ESOTERICshade wrote:

In order for your theory to hold water Paul Ryan would have to be one of the good guys and Glenn Beck would have to not be a lying lunatic.

sobersecondthought replied:

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water. I never said Glenn Beck was a perfect human being. He's a showman, a carnival barker, an agent of persuasion.

ESOTERICshade replied:

Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic. Have you seen this off stage camera footage with Glenn Beck rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub under his eyes to generate tears for the camera, and laughing because it is burning his eyes? Yes, the lunatic lying Glenn Beck rubs Vicks under his eyes so that he can pretend to cry for the camera.


You just flushed it down the toilet. Don't know what you're on about. You have passed the "carnival barker and showman" stage long ago...

This is unresponsive to the question and violates forum norms.

It violates forum norms for you to concoct your fantastic story of WIC being HLI, SenateAnon, a guy that died who probably had schizophrenia, fogdryer, etc...just so you could drag a member of this forum (WIC) into it and attack him.

You crafted this whole Alice and Wonderland show just to provoke a reaction out of WIC so that you could attack him, and defend Paul Ryan.

So I'll say this one last time: This is the guy you're defending.

I'm not so much defending him as condemning you. You used this whole concocted story of yours to sneak up on everybody in this forum like a stealthy cat just to attack WIC. You took advantage of everybody here and are playing us for fools. You are here to create division.

I bow to his divine power as a galactic overlord to just make sh*t up

Utter horse shit. A confused man named Tory Smith was talking about aliens and galactic blue avians, NOT WIC. But you are smearing WIC with it by associating. You are a crafty liar.

WIC wrote and sobersecondthought quoted:

The result is not only Global Enslavement but Eternal Enslavement with transhumanism where they control whether you have the ability to die. They will remove all sense of individualism and free will, and all hope for an afterlife.

Why doesn't this smash all his credibility right on the spot?

You don't have to agree with WIC's religious implications and neither do I, but if you don't understand that the freaks in the think tanks that influence those that that run this world, the humanists and transhumanists, admit to a desire to use Artificial Intelligence on the entire human race then you are either dense or lying and pretending not to know.

He hasn't yet said Satan and Lucifer are aliens from Sigma Draconis, as Tory Smith did. But he will, in time, if you all keep giving him an audience.

Now you can see the future? Who gave you that ability? The blue avians from Galactic Star System 69 Sigma Draconious?

You are a fraud. I think you are either a member of Paul Ryan's staff or Share Blue or whatever.

This bullshit should have been deleted.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are real. We are honest. We are telling the Truth.

We are exposing the real agenda that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. It is real. Agenda 2030 is only part of the plan on the policy side.

Out motive is the Truth. His motive is to distort the truth and turn the community against. He cherry picks his arguments based on lies and misinformation.

This person based claims he has been planning this attack against us for a year while we have been doing nothing but providing the Truth. His main premise was based on the lie that we are also High Level Insider and US Senate Anon and Tory Smith and fog dryer and others. He also claims Tory Smith was not reallly sick and instead hired a team of makeup artists to fake his illness.

It may be a coincidence but this guy started right after Soros dumped another $8 bilion into his evil empire.

Everything we have said is true. This person has a malicious agenda to have us silences and murdered.

Sam Johnson and SC Johnson were instrumental in creating the agenda of Sustainability with Bill Clinton. Ine of their main partners was John Jeffry Louis of the Plgrims Society whose heirs are deeply involved and also tied to John McCain. Johnsons also were major contributors to McCain and hedge their investment to protect both sides of the corrupt establishment. Look into the Johnsons international locations and partnerships with Cargill, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto, Bayer, Abbott, Solvay and other corrrupt companies in the circle. Curt Johnson was assaulting his daughter and others and was also a key executive at Cargill and Diversey (now Sealed Air in the Carolinas). Johnsons own the most advanced mosquito labs in the world and profited from the Zika experiment. Their partners the Rockefellers own the patent to the Zika Virus. The global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Racine is linked with the Knights of Pythias and run by Johnsons, Racine Dominicans, Freemasons, Rotarians, RAMAC, rhe mafia, and a long line of corrupt politicians.

Since we exposed the corrupt and pedo politicians in Racine they have resigned, retired, changed positions or moved away at a staggering rate.

Verify it however you wish. The last 2 mayors, the last 2 city administrators, plus city attorneys, city council members, the police chief, county executives, the district attorney, and many more. The RICO cases involved all of these people and many more. The entry point was based on extreme racial discrimination and segregation but that was only the tip of what was involved and it led to many foundations and secret societies including the Clinton Foundation. All elections in Wisconsin are rigged or manipulated in one way or another. It is common knowledge. Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts in the nation.

We also exposed the fake organizations pretending to solve the problem of human trafficking including The Fight to End Expolitation, I-94 Project, and Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Ashton (Chris) Kutcher backed out of events when it was exposed. Racine is a model sanctuary city with a major trafficking problem.

We also exposed the corrupt Racine Social Justice League linked to Soros who then disbanded.

The Clintons use Racine as the model for Community Policing and are closely linked with Jeff Neubauer who is a major player in DNC circles. His sister Kristin Bauer van Straten is a hollywood star known for playing wvil roles and is well connected in Scientology circles. Jeff is now working with the Johnson's on global education reform through a corrupt organization called higher expectations which is now linked with the corrupt Foxconn and Amazon deals in the area. The Podestas are from nearby area in Northern Illinois and Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics after meeting the real players in Kenosha and Racine.

We can add more later this is just off the cuff on a Friday morning.

Believe who you want. One of us is trying to save the world by exposing the real truth and the real agenda through the weak link of Racine, Wisconsin and the other is on a year-long malicious attack and agenda to silence the truth about Racine, Wisconsin.

Do you want to be Saved or Enslaved? We know the Truth and it leads to the real Emerald City of Racine, Wisconsin.

captainramius87 ago

Yes or no... Is Trump a part of the corruption? Is he just a giant distraction for the real people in power to sneak away and avoid detection?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have very credible doubts about Trump.

Either he is corrupt and. Mason, or he is allowing many more innocent lives to be subjected to torture, abuse, stalking, death threats, and murder while he plays 33D chess.

Racine, Wisconsin is Trump's litmus test and so far he has failed.

ESOTERICshade ago

WIC that is one of the best posts I have ever seen of yours. I am almost sorry I just called for this thread to be deleted now because you are solidly kicking some major ass with your reasoning in that post.

fru_glo ago

aliens from sigma draconis, lol... reminds me of some other shills i've seen on here/twitter/reddit

fru_glo ago

wisconsin not sst

Cc1914 ago

Let me get this straight .. because some of Tory Smith Videos referenced some things that are hard to believe you think he was lying? ( not saying I believed it all) Then here's the ROJ, are you saying that they are innocent ?

SoberSecondThought ago

Both good questions. I'll just deal with Tory Smith here. If you haven't read my Day 7 post, you should.

What gets people like @srayzie about my criticism of Tory Smith is not that he said unbelievable things. He said so many weird and contradictory things that no one could possibly believe them all, and nobody does. The problem is that many people honestly believe that he was mentally ill, possibly as a result of abuse, and that he died of natural causes last year. I sympathize with this view, and as I said to @srayzie, it's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary Clinton. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

My theory is that "Tory Smith" was not mentally ill, but a paid operative of David Brock working to spread stories about Mike Pence as part of a cover up of the June 2013 Glenn Beck whistleblower event. He kept up the act for years, because Mike Pence is a massive threat to the pedosadists. He faked his death in July 2016 because two things had happened. First, sometime in the spring of 2016, the Clinton gang realized that Mike Pence would probably be Trump's VP nominee. Their plan to isolate Pence had not worked, at least as far as Trump was concerned, and so they began to wind down the time-consuming and relatively risky Tory Smith show by having him act increasingly ill. This could have been reversed if they turned out to be wrong and Pence was not made VP at the Republican convention in July.

Then the second event that caused them to change their plans was the hacking and release of the DNC emails. This was a huge threat, and "Tory Smith" was needed for other disinfo projects. Now, I have a typo in a previous comment on this. I said that the timing was set by the Podesta emails. But it was the DNC ones. The DNC knew, well before Wikileaks released their emails, that they had been taken. Thus David Brock's disinfo team would have known that they had new challenges to deal with coming soon.

At 4:10 am on July 10th, Seth Rich was assassinated. A few hours later, HighLevelInsider made his first appearance on /pol/. HLI spent many hours on /pol/ during July 10, 11, and 12, establishing his audience. (Of course many /pol/acks dismissed him, but enough listened to make that particular LARP worth doing.) Then on July 13, "Tory Smith" gave his last performance. HLI continued to hold AMAs through the rest of July and August. On July 15th, Mike Pence accepted the VP nomination and resigned as governor of Indiana. On July 24th, Wikileaks released the DNC emails.

@srayzie has challenged me to prove that Tory Smith faked his death, and to establish an ironclad connection between him and the various sockpuppets that I have exposed here on /v/pizzagate. I wish I could prove it, but sometimes an investigation has to go forward without hard proof.

Remember when Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich reported that the Secret Service had told them that Hillary has Parkinson's? That was a situation very much like this one. There is no blood test for Parkinson's, no MRI scan, nothing like that. The only way to diagnose it is by long-term observation. So not only could Jones and Cernovich not prove that the Secret Service had told them anything, it didn't matter because even if they could, nobody could prove for certain that she really had it. Months went by and their claim remained unproven, until the 9/11 anniversary ceremony. Then (a) she collapsed on camera, and (b) there was a still photo of her doctor with her in the crowd moments before, administering a neurological test (having Hillary squeeze her hand). Their excuse that she had pneumonia is partly true, because Parkinson's patients often have chronic non-infectious pneumonia. But you don't bring your doctor with you to an event, and do neurological tests, if you just have pneumonia. So thanks to a citizen with a cellphone, we finally had our proof. A photo of "Tory Smith" walking around would accomplish the same result here. Sorry I don't have one.

But I've pointed to some circumstantial evidence for "Tory Smith" being alive that I think is very strong. On Day 2 of this series, my second submission was being slid. It was a busy news day, but there were three submissions pushing it down that were from accounts that (a) had been created on almost the same day that HLI came to Voat (May 20), and (b) had been inactive for the five months since then. Suddenly they wanted to talk! All at once!

What was really surprising, though, was that two of the submissions, put up a few minutes apart by @polwarrior1030, talked about "Blue Avians" and "Galactics". These are entities that Tory Smith talked about all the time, and that showed up every day in his YouTube comments.

Fill yourself with happiness, gratitude and appreciation and SAY IT WITH ME: Thank you galactics and blue avians for closing down the child trafficking operation.

Say it with me cuz we need more arrests. Thank you God for arresting all the child traffickers. Pray with the end visualized so god knows you mean it!

Now, if you study the submission and comment history of @polwarrior1030, that individual never mentioned Tory Smith, or Blue Avians and Galactics, in the past. I cannot find a single example of anyone mentioning the Blue Avians and Galactics on /v/pizzagate before. Yet on the second day of my project, just entirely out of the blue, we get two very suspect threads sliding my submission, from an inactive account, that both go on and on about them. I think HLI/Senate Anon/Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt/Tory Smith was in a bit of a hurry, and made a mistake. He needed a topic to distract people, and reached back to something he was familiar with. Because he didn't have anything better suited, he used an old, inactive account in a revealing way. And when I mentioned that there were bogus submissions sliding my project report, he made another mistake. He deleted them.

None of this proves that the guy who made the Tory Smith videos is still alive and posting here using @HighLevelInsider, @ababcb, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and a half-dozen other alts. Not definitively, the way a photograph of him would. But you have to admit, it's quite a string of coincidences.

srayzie ago

My theory is that "Tory Smith" was not mentally ill, but a paid operative of David Brock working to spread stories about Mike Pence as part of a cover up of the June 2013 Glenn Beck whistleblower event. He kept up the act for years, because Mike Pence is a massive threat to the pedosadists.

Why in the heck would David Brock pay someone to spread lies about Mike Pence as part of a cover up if the person he was paying comes off as mentally ill? That would make him not credible. That's absurd.

srayzie ago

I am going to repeat this one more time. What I am about to say PROVES this person is lying.

For those of you who do not know Tory Smith, he was a YouTuber that started posting in 2015. I think some of his earliest videos got deleted. Supposedly he was abused as a child and it continued into adulthood.

If you were to watch his videos, you would clearly see that he was mentally ill. Possibly from past mind control or something of that nature. I will explain why. He made videos regularly exposing child trafficking.

He would name names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking. The White House, Congress, Pentagon, Military, Air Force, SOCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, and the Pence's...

He focused a lot on Mike Pence because Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana and Tory Smith lived in Indiana.

The reason I say I think he was mentally ill, is because he would also make other claims. SoberSecondThought posted this himself so knows this.

He uses these gifts to make a mind-boggling number of accusations. His core claim is that there are 41 secret trafficking centers around the world, created by the Bush family and run jointly by the CIA, FBI, DARPA, NSA, and various alien reptilians, insectoids, 'tall whites,' non-physical spirits, dark entities, Nazi war criminals, and so on. In these centers, high-ranking people can pay to rape and murder children (he cites a price of $41,000 per child). These are abducted in the tens of thousands from all over the world, by the Chinese, Queen Elizabeth, the Air Force, NATO, the Rand Corporation, the Vatican, the Los Angeles city council, and countless others. Tory has named hundreds of people as guilty of child rape and murder, including the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, James Comey, Dick Cheney, 70 U.S. Senators, and so on.

John Brennan (former head of the CIA) is a shape-shifting alien who has personally assassinated Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston's daughter, Paul Walker, Antonin Scalia, and Robin Williams, using a stun gun. He had to shoot Michael Jackson 42 times with the stun gun to give him a fatal heart attack.

Tory is also a martyr of the first order. First, there is the torment of him psychically viewing and relaying the details of countless thousands of child murders, often including the names, ages, and favorite foods of the kids. He is "injected with weapons-grade anthrax daily" by DARPA. He has been raped in 14 of the 41 centers, including three times by Rand Paul(!), but has somehow managed to survive. The government also continually interferes with his computer, supposedly making it hard to upload his videos on a regular schedule (although 202 videos in eight months seems pretty regular).

This is pretty exhausting and loopy stuff to watch, and I have not by any means viewed all 202 of his videos.

I used to watch some of his videos because he tripped me out. I felt bad for him. I watched the poor man slowly deteriorating physically. He thought he was being poisoned for exposing everything. I think it was probably cancer or something.

SoberSecondThought said...

It's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary ClintonYouTube. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

Wow. Whatever. These aren't even comparable. So I gathered some pictures to prove that Tory Smith was seriously dying and that it wasn't an act. His health declined very rapidly the last 3 months of his life. Here are 3 images.


I could NOT BELIEVE his response.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

WTF? You can read our comments back and forth starting here. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2218774/10932468

Here are a couple of videos showing you Tory Smith's health declining rapidly.

December 2015 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wCMljEmH5mY

July 2016 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh4sno9WgsU

This person continues to tarnish the name of a man that died. The poster even says he has no proof that Tory Smith didn't die. So he is basing his claims (this ridiculous series that he investigated for a year) on something he can't prove. On something he ADMITS HE CANNOT PROVE! On something that anyone with a brain can look at and see that the man was clearly dying. It wasn't an act. It wasn't makeup. He clearly lost a lot of weight and was getting weaker and weaker every week.

I have stated over and over that I don't have an opinion on rather or not HLI, WIC, and everyone else is the same person. I am not defending them. What I do know is that what this poster bases his claims on is a LIE. He's working very hard to discredit posters from here, reddit and 4 Chan I believe. This is DISINFO and a limited hangout. This person has lost all credibility. He continues to write me trying to prove he's right and tries to use his manipulation tactics taught to him like I'm stupid. Analyzing me and my thought process. It didn't work. It won't work.

I'm tired of wasting my time having to repeat myself because this PAID SHILL won't accept defeat. He fucked this project up. His gig is up. He isn't getting his October bonus check. He needs to put in some applications somewhere else because he SUCKS. He didn't expect someone to know all about Tory Smith. Well, he FAILED.

I encourage anyone believing this "series" to not base your opinion off of anything to do with Tory Smith because he may have talked about some of the same topics as HLI and the others. Tory talked about MANY things like that.

I find it sick that he continues to slander the name of someone who died and cannot defend himself. Tory Smith had loved ones. The shill poster is so disrespectful and heartless.

If he doesn't have solid proof, like he admits, he should STFU and not post this crap here. Go back to the drawing board. I think this person needs to be banned from the Pizzagate sub. I can't believe that this has gone on now for what? 11 days?!

So that I don't have to waste all my time continuing to repeat myself every time this shill pings me, I am just going to save this and paste it every time. I have better things to do. The only reason I'm commenting right now is that I don't want you guys fooled by a deceptive shill that disrespects the dead and cannot accept defeat.

SoberSecondThought Save your manipulative comment tactics for someone else. I'm schooled in psychology. I am onto you.

@Vindicator @ESOTERICshade @Carmencita @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt @mej777

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You keep insisting that @polwarrior1030 removed those 2 posts, if that were true we wouldn't be able to view them in the 'removed submissions log' as being removed by @Millennial_Falcon. Please stop with the disinformation.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, sorry, I didn't see them in the log.

Cc1914 ago

Holy crap! I never believed any of his angel/alien stuff , but like you said I sympathized with his plea because of all the other victims that have been ignored. I posted a few vids of TS back in 2016 but never was able to come to a conclusion myself .

srayzie ago

Please go see my comment. This person is a fraud

DomKeyhote ago

It's you who makes absurd leaps of judgement and calls shill like you know shit. Miss "I never knew people disliked Jews til voat lol" now every single post mentions them as principal players. You idiots make me post with an alt then Name the Jew with this account LOL I CANT EVEN SPOONFEED IT TO YOU

srayzie ago

What are you talking about when you say you post with an alt and then name the Jew with this account?

I wasn't lying. I wasn't into social media or forums so I never heard all this stuff about Jews. That's better than being a hater like you who is a Donkeyhote impersonator.

Btw, I knew you would comment. I guess you're obsessed with me like Donkey was or you are trying to play the part ๐Ÿคช

DomKeyhote ago

Fuck yeah I'm gonna comment bitch, you of all people can't call shill. You thought I was equine when I'm not and don't think I'm me when I am! LMAO!

srayzie ago

I didn't think you were equine because you aren't Donkeyhote you stupid faggot

DomKeyhote ago

Shut your trap, cunt. Nobody cares. Have you been enjoying the nonstop mentioning of Jews lately? They're all alts of mine

BerksResident ago

i responded to WIC months ago asking for more details to be given a dismissuve 'research it yourself', i looked on YT and nada... i totally support Sobersecondthought point of view he/she has put a lot of details in to support unlike the stuck record WIC

srayzie ago

I encourage you to read my long comment on this thread.