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Cc1914 ago

Let me get this straight .. because some of Tory Smith Videos referenced some things that are hard to believe you think he was lying? ( not saying I believed it all) Then here's the ROJ, are you saying that they are innocent ?

SoberSecondThought ago

Both good questions. I'll just deal with Tory Smith here. If you haven't read my Day 7 post, you should.

What gets people like @srayzie about my criticism of Tory Smith is not that he said unbelievable things. He said so many weird and contradictory things that no one could possibly believe them all, and nobody does. The problem is that many people honestly believe that he was mentally ill, possibly as a result of abuse, and that he died of natural causes last year. I sympathize with this view, and as I said to @srayzie, it's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary Clinton. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

My theory is that "Tory Smith" was not mentally ill, but a paid operative of David Brock working to spread stories about Mike Pence as part of a cover up of the June 2013 Glenn Beck whistleblower event. He kept up the act for years, because Mike Pence is a massive threat to the pedosadists. He faked his death in July 2016 because two things had happened. First, sometime in the spring of 2016, the Clinton gang realized that Mike Pence would probably be Trump's VP nominee. Their plan to isolate Pence had not worked, at least as far as Trump was concerned, and so they began to wind down the time-consuming and relatively risky Tory Smith show by having him act increasingly ill. This could have been reversed if they turned out to be wrong and Pence was not made VP at the Republican convention in July.

Then the second event that caused them to change their plans was the hacking and release of the DNC emails. This was a huge threat, and "Tory Smith" was needed for other disinfo projects. Now, I have a typo in a previous comment on this. I said that the timing was set by the Podesta emails. But it was the DNC ones. The DNC knew, well before Wikileaks released their emails, that they had been taken. Thus David Brock's disinfo team would have known that they had new challenges to deal with coming soon.

At 4:10 am on July 10th, Seth Rich was assassinated. A few hours later, HighLevelInsider made his first appearance on /pol/. HLI spent many hours on /pol/ during July 10, 11, and 12, establishing his audience. (Of course many /pol/acks dismissed him, but enough listened to make that particular LARP worth doing.) Then on July 13, "Tory Smith" gave his last performance. HLI continued to hold AMAs through the rest of July and August. On July 15th, Mike Pence accepted the VP nomination and resigned as governor of Indiana. On July 24th, Wikileaks released the DNC emails.

@srayzie has challenged me to prove that Tory Smith faked his death, and to establish an ironclad connection between him and the various sockpuppets that I have exposed here on /v/pizzagate. I wish I could prove it, but sometimes an investigation has to go forward without hard proof.

Remember when Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich reported that the Secret Service had told them that Hillary has Parkinson's? That was a situation very much like this one. There is no blood test for Parkinson's, no MRI scan, nothing like that. The only way to diagnose it is by long-term observation. So not only could Jones and Cernovich not prove that the Secret Service had told them anything, it didn't matter because even if they could, nobody could prove for certain that she really had it. Months went by and their claim remained unproven, until the 9/11 anniversary ceremony. Then (a) she collapsed on camera, and (b) there was a still photo of her doctor with her in the crowd moments before, administering a neurological test (having Hillary squeeze her hand). Their excuse that she had pneumonia is partly true, because Parkinson's patients often have chronic non-infectious pneumonia. But you don't bring your doctor with you to an event, and do neurological tests, if you just have pneumonia. So thanks to a citizen with a cellphone, we finally had our proof. A photo of "Tory Smith" walking around would accomplish the same result here. Sorry I don't have one.

But I've pointed to some circumstantial evidence for "Tory Smith" being alive that I think is very strong. On Day 2 of this series, my second submission was being slid. It was a busy news day, but there were three submissions pushing it down that were from accounts that (a) had been created on almost the same day that HLI came to Voat (May 20), and (b) had been inactive for the five months since then. Suddenly they wanted to talk! All at once!

What was really surprising, though, was that two of the submissions, put up a few minutes apart by @polwarrior1030, talked about "Blue Avians" and "Galactics". These are entities that Tory Smith talked about all the time, and that showed up every day in his YouTube comments.

Fill yourself with happiness, gratitude and appreciation and SAY IT WITH ME: Thank you galactics and blue avians for closing down the child trafficking operation.

Say it with me cuz we need more arrests. Thank you God for arresting all the child traffickers. Pray with the end visualized so god knows you mean it!

Now, if you study the submission and comment history of @polwarrior1030, that individual never mentioned Tory Smith, or Blue Avians and Galactics, in the past. I cannot find a single example of anyone mentioning the Blue Avians and Galactics on /v/pizzagate before. Yet on the second day of my project, just entirely out of the blue, we get two very suspect threads sliding my submission, from an inactive account, that both go on and on about them. I think HLI/Senate Anon/Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt/Tory Smith was in a bit of a hurry, and made a mistake. He needed a topic to distract people, and reached back to something he was familiar with. Because he didn't have anything better suited, he used an old, inactive account in a revealing way. And when I mentioned that there were bogus submissions sliding my project report, he made another mistake. He deleted them.

None of this proves that the guy who made the Tory Smith videos is still alive and posting here using @HighLevelInsider, @ababcb, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and a half-dozen other alts. Not definitively, the way a photograph of him would. But you have to admit, it's quite a string of coincidences.

srayzie ago

I am going to repeat this one more time. What I am about to say PROVES this person is lying.

For those of you who do not know Tory Smith, he was a YouTuber that started posting in 2015. I think some of his earliest videos got deleted. Supposedly he was abused as a child and it continued into adulthood.

If you were to watch his videos, you would clearly see that he was mentally ill. Possibly from past mind control or something of that nature. I will explain why. He made videos regularly exposing child trafficking.

He would name names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking. The White House, Congress, Pentagon, Military, Air Force, SOCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, and the Pence's...

He focused a lot on Mike Pence because Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana and Tory Smith lived in Indiana.

The reason I say I think he was mentally ill, is because he would also make other claims. SoberSecondThought posted this himself so knows this.

He uses these gifts to make a mind-boggling number of accusations. His core claim is that there are 41 secret trafficking centers around the world, created by the Bush family and run jointly by the CIA, FBI, DARPA, NSA, and various alien reptilians, insectoids, 'tall whites,' non-physical spirits, dark entities, Nazi war criminals, and so on. In these centers, high-ranking people can pay to rape and murder children (he cites a price of $41,000 per child). These are abducted in the tens of thousands from all over the world, by the Chinese, Queen Elizabeth, the Air Force, NATO, the Rand Corporation, the Vatican, the Los Angeles city council, and countless others. Tory has named hundreds of people as guilty of child rape and murder, including the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, James Comey, Dick Cheney, 70 U.S. Senators, and so on.

John Brennan (former head of the CIA) is a shape-shifting alien who has personally assassinated Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston's daughter, Paul Walker, Antonin Scalia, and Robin Williams, using a stun gun. He had to shoot Michael Jackson 42 times with the stun gun to give him a fatal heart attack.

Tory is also a martyr of the first order. First, there is the torment of him psychically viewing and relaying the details of countless thousands of child murders, often including the names, ages, and favorite foods of the kids. He is "injected with weapons-grade anthrax daily" by DARPA. He has been raped in 14 of the 41 centers, including three times by Rand Paul(!), but has somehow managed to survive. The government also continually interferes with his computer, supposedly making it hard to upload his videos on a regular schedule (although 202 videos in eight months seems pretty regular).

This is pretty exhausting and loopy stuff to watch, and I have not by any means viewed all 202 of his videos.

I used to watch some of his videos because he tripped me out. I felt bad for him. I watched the poor man slowly deteriorating physically. He thought he was being poisoned for exposing everything. I think it was probably cancer or something.

SoberSecondThought said...

It's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary ClintonYouTube. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

Wow. Whatever. These aren't even comparable. So I gathered some pictures to prove that Tory Smith was seriously dying and that it wasn't an act. His health declined very rapidly the last 3 months of his life. Here are 3 images.

I could NOT BELIEVE his response.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

WTF? You can read our comments back and forth starting here.

Here are a couple of videos showing you Tory Smith's health declining rapidly.

December 2015

July 2016

This person continues to tarnish the name of a man that died. The poster even says he has no proof that Tory Smith didn't die. So he is basing his claims (this ridiculous series that he investigated for a year) on something he can't prove. On something he ADMITS HE CANNOT PROVE! On something that anyone with a brain can look at and see that the man was clearly dying. It wasn't an act. It wasn't makeup. He clearly lost a lot of weight and was getting weaker and weaker every week.

I have stated over and over that I don't have an opinion on rather or not HLI, WIC, and everyone else is the same person. I am not defending them. What I do know is that what this poster bases his claims on is a LIE. He's working very hard to discredit posters from here, reddit and 4 Chan I believe. This is DISINFO and a limited hangout. This person has lost all credibility. He continues to write me trying to prove he's right and tries to use his manipulation tactics taught to him like I'm stupid. Analyzing me and my thought process. It didn't work. It won't work.

I'm tired of wasting my time having to repeat myself because this PAID SHILL won't accept defeat. He fucked this project up. His gig is up. He isn't getting his October bonus check. He needs to put in some applications somewhere else because he SUCKS. He didn't expect someone to know all about Tory Smith. Well, he FAILED.

I encourage anyone believing this "series" to not base your opinion off of anything to do with Tory Smith because he may have talked about some of the same topics as HLI and the others. Tory talked about MANY things like that.

I find it sick that he continues to slander the name of someone who died and cannot defend himself. Tory Smith had loved ones. The shill poster is so disrespectful and heartless.

If he doesn't have solid proof, like he admits, he should STFU and not post this crap here. Go back to the drawing board. I think this person needs to be banned from the Pizzagate sub. I can't believe that this has gone on now for what? 11 days?!

So that I don't have to waste all my time continuing to repeat myself every time this shill pings me, I am just going to save this and paste it every time. I have better things to do. The only reason I'm commenting right now is that I don't want you guys fooled by a deceptive shill that disrespects the dead and cannot accept defeat.

SoberSecondThought Save your manipulative comment tactics for someone else. I'm schooled in psychology. I am onto you.

@Vindicator @ESOTERICshade @Carmencita @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt @mej777