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SoberSecondThought ago

The story that emerged right after Comey's July announcement was that he and McCabe had rigged the investigation so that it never uncovered anything beyond the emails themselves. (For example, granting immunity to all four senior staffers, not questioning Hillary under oath.) That was what made rank and file FBI so mad, because whatever their politics, they knew that this was not how the FBI operates.

It's just my opinion, but I think Harris was mostly concerned with preserving the "Trump fired Comey to derail the Russia investigation" narrative. She wasn't worried that Comey had some utterly damning wiretap about a Democrat locked in his drawer. She wanted to fuel public suspicion that he had some utterly damning wiretap of Trump locked in his drawer (although she knows better).

The firing of Comey was certainly good news, and doing it while he was away from the office was the right move, but I would be very surprised if Comey left anything lying around among his personal communications that is essential to any case. I suspect that the real reason was to prevent him from having stuff destroyed or relocated that was NOT among his personal items. Take away his access, change passwords on the high-level vaults, so that stuff he knew of, but was not personally tied to, could be preserved. Also, Comey doesn't get to spin his dismissal to the FBI rank and file with an all-hands email.

In other words, I think Corsi was broadly correct, it was done that way on purpose; but Comey is too smart to hold dangerous stuff in his office safe.

DarkMath ago

"Comey is too smart to hold dangerous stuff in his office safe."

I agree. He's also too vain, arrogant and full of hubris to think his ass is getting off the hook. It ain't. James Comey's ass will be in jail and that's if he's lucky. Comey is guilty of Misprision of Treason. That carries the death penalty if Comey failed to act after finding even one tiny pubic hair of Treason by any in Obama's administration from 2013 until January 20th 2017.

That's a long ass fucking time. I don't think James Comey knows what's coming his way.

SoberSecondThought ago

There are some major unknowns here, but my theory about Comey is as follows:

  1. He knew that the Democrats rigged the primary against Bernie, using a variety of methods. The most damning evidence that the primary was rigged is statistical, see Election Justice USA for a detailed report that was headed up by a past president of the American Statistical Association. Then check out the work of Bev Harris on the GEMS election-tally software and how it has been rigged since at least 2004.

  2. Comey believed, along with nearly everyone in media and government, that Hillary was well ahead of Trump and would win. I don't need to source that claim, but if you want to read a reasonably good report on how the polling went so wrong, see Nate Silver's blog. Comey also knew that Hillary had the means to rig the election if she got into trouble. This is important. When he made his July announcement, and again when he sent his letter to Congress in October, he was betting that the Democrats would stay in power no matter how badly the public reacted to his statements. Prosecuting Hillary was a practical impossibility, and personal suicide for Comey given what she would do to him once she was in office.

  3. The Democrats did in fact rig the election, but they did it so late (starting about 9 pm Eastern on election day) that it wasn't enough to keep Trump out. See Bev Harris discussing this with Alex Jones the next night. She mentioned specific Democrat-controlled cities that were very late in reporting, presumably because they were "adjusting" the totals using the GEMS software. What is especially suspicious is the way that data from Milwaukee was handled in the Wisconsin recount. Harris specifically mentioned Milwaukee as one of the cities that took forever to report. During the recount, the rest of Wisconsin was more or less done, with minimal changes; yet as the deadline approached, Milwaukee was going slower and slower, and the interim hand-count totals were tens of thousands of votes out of line with the numbers generated by GEMS. (See coverage of the recount.)

  4. This was a result of panic and poor planning. Wisconsin was not a good state to rig because it had physical ballots. To rig it was dangerous; to rig it and then LOSE was disastrous. I don't know what Jill Stein believed or knew when she picked Wisconsin for her recount, but it was like flicking on a light and seeing cockroaches scatter. The only solution was to drag out the Milwaukee hand recount so that it wasn't finished by the deadline; then the secretary of state would be forced to use the original GEMS-adjusted numbers, and certify that the election had not been tampered with. See the work of Richard Charnin for more on all these issues.

  5. Incredibly, absolutely no one in the establishment media had any concerns about the recount being manipulated in this way. Less incredibly, the Trump administration didn't object either. I know for certain that they are aware of GEMS because Roger Stone has written about it. My guess is that it is like the firing of Comey and many other aspects of draining the swamp; they aren't raising hell about it because they're not ready to do so. (There are some internal frictions as well, since many staffers aren't Trump loyalists and would leak anything they said even in a closed meeting.)

  6. Firing Comey is the best evidence we have seen since the inauguration that Trump and Sessions really will go all the way. It will be incredibly traumatic and chaotic to prosecute half of Washington, but in the end I think they will do it. I don't want to try and guess who will actually get convicted or what sentence they will get. Once the arrests begin in earnest, there will be a lot of deal-making. Comey might manage to skate, simply by trading on what he knows. I'm not saying he should skate, simply that in a gigantic case of this kind, prosecutors are going to have to make deals.

Bottom line: This was like the starting gun for the next phase of the battle. Expect a lot of people to start positioning themselves to minimize damage to themselves, rather than protecting the pedocracy. They'll keep up the Russia narrative and the "White House is in chaos" narrative, but only a few really deranged people like Keith Olbermann believe it. From here onward, the timetable will be set by Trump, Sessions, Rosenstein, and whoever the new FBI Director is.

fogdryer ago

wissconsin is corrupt

said that racine Wisconsin is our key to pizzagate

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

" I don't know what Jill Stein believed or knew when she picked Wisconsin for her recount, but it was like flicking on a light and seeing cockroaches scatter."

It was beautiful to watch how Dem leadership didn't want there to be a recount, despite the fooled normo's donating MILLIONS in just days time. It took a long time to get them on board. I wonder why?

pbvrocks ago

Very plausible theory! WI very interesting and ty!

quantokitty ago

Excellent summarization. I'd just like to add one more thing: Most people (including me) were amped when Comey released that memo about the Cannibal Queen, but Comey was doing it FOR Killary. Remember that the NYPD had just found all Killary's emails on Weiner's computer and were in the process of going through them. There was enough on there for an indictment. Comey steps in and announces the FBI are looking into it. He pulls rank and stalls the NYPD investigation while he takes a look at things. Of course, he never did any investigation (as per his disastrous performance in which he admitted he didn't know anything about what Huma or her husband did with those emails), and then concludes there's not enough evidence for charges. Meanwhile, the NYPD's case was derailed for the past eight months. Oh, and the Russian hacking thing ... floating that Comey was investigating Trump was a way to keep from being fired. He & his cronies (the dems ... he was actively working for them) only pretended to be on the outs with him (staged fight). They figured that Trump wouldn't be able to do anything while an "investigation" was taking place so they kept pushing it. But there Trump goes and gets Comey on tape (twice) stating that Trump wasn't under investigation.

SoberSecondThought ago

Yes. That's what people don't get. Comey stepped in, both times, to delay action until after the election. He was trying to help Hillary (and himself).

quantokitty ago

Exactly! I was a little slow myself, but when I went over that timeline of Weiner/Huma Abedin ... ZOWIE! Finally, the lightbulb came on. Them bitterly complaining was all a joke that they probably laughed at over a Spirit Cooking dinner. Man, I'm feeling good about now. I mean, this is only May and this is being pulled off ... oh, and the other thing! I even suggested it myself, but a tweet of Cernovich confirmed that Trump told differing stories to different people. Now if something leaks, he'll be able to tell where it came from because each story was slightly different.

DarkMath ago

" the Trump administration didn't object either."

I think I can explain that. Field McConnell at Abel Danger thinks if Hillary had won the White Hats in the military would have stepped in and taken over. I think that's why Trump was so calm.

I've spent a lot of time the past 6 months researching all the gory details. I don't have proof or any inside knowledge. I just did some due diligence on a lot of the conspiracy theories out there that I always thought were absurd and frankly pissed me off about truthers. Boy was I wrong. The depths of depravity are stunning. We're talking very strong evidence JFK Jr was murdered. The Oklahoma City bombing was all Deep State's doing. Waco as well, they had to kill those kids because many had been rescued from Brownstone Operations. Sandy Hook was a complete hoax. I never thought in a million years Sandy Hook could have been a hoax. It was. The evidence is overwhelming. And there are tons more of these examples. The Clinton Foundation kept 98% of Haiti's relief money. Hillary sent Qadafi's sarin gas to ISIS for a false flag. The shit just goes on and on and on.

So basically it's worse than anyone could ever imagine and the Deep State take-down that looks to be just getting started will rock this country's foundation to the corps. I wouldn't be surprise if the entire government in DC completely collapses and Trump has to declare martial law within the DC city limits. It's going to be quite a show.

Dressage2 ago

Did you hear about Aurora /James Holmes case being a black psyop because his Daddy was ready to testify about LIBOR bank case. Made the Deep State nervous. The other is the Krim case in Manhattan. Rumor was sacrificed the kids and nanny by slitting their throats in bathtub. Nanny lives and has no clue what happened. Kevin Krim was involved in huge banking suit. He was set to testify. Remember what Dutch banker said, they will teach you to never speak of the banksters. Clinton Foundation was involved with Krim's bank. So Krim family sets up Foundation for dead kids, Lulu and Leo . Sheryl Sandburg and Adam Grant wrote a book titled Option B. And are involved in the Leo & Lulu Foundation. Sandburg is wrapped up with Clinton big time. They have another group under same umbrella called Sing For Hope. The partners of the group are two women. One of the women is Mohammad Yunus' daughter. Isn't it just cozy how these people seem to be intertwined?

DarkMath ago

Interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks for the reference.

SoberSecondThought ago

"the White Hats in the military would have stepped in"

I have heard several versions of this theory. The most plausible one comes from Steve Pieczenik, who made several YouTube videos claiming that a "soft coup" had taken place. But even Pieczenik, who is a sober and articulate guy, sounds very vague to me in those videos. I can't evaluate whether the story is true, because I'm still not sure what the story really is.

"I just did some due diligence on a lot of the conspiracy theories out there"

Yeah, I hear you. I have had to rethink several things this year as well. It would not surprise me if JFK Jr. was indeed murdered, and there are some interesting anomalies relating to the aftermath of OK City (a witness who died under questioning, stuff like that). I don't believe in Sandy Hook being a hoax, or Waco being deliberate, but I don't object to people investigating those things.

FBI Anon was very pessimistic, even haunted, in his assessment of the situation. He talked about going to war with the countries we have been manipulating, and civil war as well. He talked about having a suicide pact with his wife if Hillary got in. He was a very unhappy guy (assuming it was one person and those details weren't part of his cover). I have said in other posts that I think this will be more like getting the Mafia out of Sicily. The lawsuits will drag on for decades. Famous people will die under mysterious circumstances and all kinds of strange stories will circulate. I don't think it will require martial law, much less civil war, but of course I could be wrong.

EyeOfHorus ago

Since you're recently awoke, you may be interested in researching Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Birth Certificate . At best, Obama is a felony forger, at worst he is an illegal alien.

EyeOfHorus ago

One thing that Dr. pieczenik said last year that has always bothered me was his calling it a "civilian coup." Why "civilian" unless Dr. P considers the federal govt a military group?

Regarding sandy hoax. Check this somewhat entertaining review

stens ago

The Sandy Hook Hoax is a gun-grabbing false flag orchestrated by the CIA and DHS.

Please check out this video: Sandy Hook "Parents" Suspicious Behavior

DarkMath ago

"I don't believe in Sandy Hook being a hoax"

Wolfgang Halbig will relieve you of that belief in short order.

"FBI Anon was very pessimistic, even haunted"

After two hours with Wolfgang Halbig you too will be pessimistic, even haunted. I can assure you I'm no fool. I don't suffer fools gladly. I didn't believe it either. But I'm here to tell you that whole event was a straight up hoax designed to get an assault rifle ban through Congress.