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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are real. We are honest. We are telling the Truth.

We are exposing the real agenda that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. It is real. Agenda 2030 is only part of the plan on the policy side.

Out motive is the Truth. His motive is to distort the truth and turn the community against. He cherry picks his arguments based on lies and misinformation.

This person based claims he has been planning this attack against us for a year while we have been doing nothing but providing the Truth. His main premise was based on the lie that we are also High Level Insider and US Senate Anon and Tory Smith and fog dryer and others. He also claims Tory Smith was not reallly sick and instead hired a team of makeup artists to fake his illness.

It may be a coincidence but this guy started right after Soros dumped another $8 bilion into his evil empire.

Everything we have said is true. This person has a malicious agenda to have us silences and murdered.

Sam Johnson and SC Johnson were instrumental in creating the agenda of Sustainability with Bill Clinton. Ine of their main partners was John Jeffry Louis of the Plgrims Society whose heirs are deeply involved and also tied to John McCain. Johnsons also were major contributors to McCain and hedge their investment to protect both sides of the corrupt establishment. Look into the Johnsons international locations and partnerships with Cargill, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto, Bayer, Abbott, Solvay and other corrrupt companies in the circle. Curt Johnson was assaulting his daughter and others and was also a key executive at Cargill and Diversey (now Sealed Air in the Carolinas). Johnsons own the most advanced mosquito labs in the world and profited from the Zika experiment. Their partners the Rockefellers own the patent to the Zika Virus. The global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Racine is linked with the Knights of Pythias and run by Johnsons, Racine Dominicans, Freemasons, Rotarians, RAMAC, rhe mafia, and a long line of corrupt politicians.

Since we exposed the corrupt and pedo politicians in Racine they have resigned, retired, changed positions or moved away at a staggering rate.

Verify it however you wish. The last 2 mayors, the last 2 city administrators, plus city attorneys, city council members, the police chief, county executives, the district attorney, and many more. The RICO cases involved all of these people and many more. The entry point was based on extreme racial discrimination and segregation but that was only the tip of what was involved and it led to many foundations and secret societies including the Clinton Foundation. All elections in Wisconsin are rigged or manipulated in one way or another. It is common knowledge. Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts in the nation.

We also exposed the fake organizations pretending to solve the problem of human trafficking including The Fight to End Expolitation, I-94 Project, and Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Ashton (Chris) Kutcher backed out of events when it was exposed. Racine is a model sanctuary city with a major trafficking problem.

We also exposed the corrupt Racine Social Justice League linked to Soros who then disbanded.

The Clintons use Racine as the model for Community Policing and are closely linked with Jeff Neubauer who is a major player in DNC circles. His sister Kristin Bauer van Straten is a hollywood star known for playing wvil roles and is well connected in Scientology circles. Jeff is now working with the Johnson's on global education reform through a corrupt organization called higher expectations which is now linked with the corrupt Foxconn and Amazon deals in the area. The Podestas are from nearby area in Northern Illinois and Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics after meeting the real players in Kenosha and Racine.

We can add more later this is just off the cuff on a Friday morning.

Believe who you want. One of us is trying to save the world by exposing the real truth and the real agenda through the weak link of Racine, Wisconsin and the other is on a year-long malicious attack and agenda to silence the truth about Racine, Wisconsin.

Do you want to be Saved or Enslaved? We know the Truth and it leads to the real Emerald City of Racine, Wisconsin.

captainramius87 ago

Yes or no... Is Trump a part of the corruption? Is he just a giant distraction for the real people in power to sneak away and avoid detection?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have very credible doubts about Trump.

Either he is corrupt and. Mason, or he is allowing many more innocent lives to be subjected to torture, abuse, stalking, death threats, and murder while he plays 33D chess.

Racine, Wisconsin is Trump's litmus test and so far he has failed.

ESOTERICshade ago

WIC that is one of the best posts I have ever seen of yours. I am almost sorry I just called for this thread to be deleted now because you are solidly kicking some major ass with your reasoning in that post.