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elitch2 ago

Q is Trump.

Troll level - 6 gorillion

bopper ago

According to Dr. Jerome Corsi, Q is highly trained, high level military intel, trained in psychology, and this is the reason for the release of info a little at a time, so that it can be assimilated and distributed. To drop all info that they have, at once, is not tenable and not wise. Redpilled folks can handle it, but these revelations that are coming are for everyone.

For example, what if I walked up to someone (even an open minded person who embraces other "conspiracies"), and told them flat out, in one fell swoop, hey, we never went to the moon. I would be shut down. That's too much at one time. The person would have to be "led," and slowly take the same journey others took, until that light bulb moment takes place for them, as it did for others. Something like that.

As many on here want others to embrace some of the truths and controversies surrounding Hitler and the Nazis and the alleged Holocaust, yet they want to shove it down others' throats, and not allow others the same time and study they took themselves in these matters of discovery process. (Nazi Germany is just an example.)

hopeforall ago

It's very possible we never went to the moon. In the rush to prove superiority against the soviets they may have faked a moon landing so it's plausible, except for one thing, the laser reflector. People can do their own experiments and point their own lasers at the point on the moon where the reflector is located and get back a reflected light beam. The distance from earth to the moon can be measured by sending pulses of laser light to the reflector and measuring the timing of the pulses as they return.

I think most people are very open minded and can discuss and debate things the way I just did, so don't underestimate people. The elites do this all the time, they think of the rest of us as sheep.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's very possible we never went to the moon.

I'm not sure what the truth is about going to the moon but there is ample evidence of NASA faking space footage.

NASA Fails Again & Again

hopeforall ago

That is weird. It's like some messed up green screen. Honestly I don't know. Some things just seem too big of a technological challenge, even now like going to the moon and the ISS. I often wonder if the shuttle orbiting earth was one of the first real space launches in history, and the manned missions prior to that like the moon landings were in fact faked. At the time the US was competing with the soviets for technological supremacy. The Soviets even had their own plans to go to the moon with a craft of similar design to the Apollo Lunar Module, but they cancelled the launch.

Maybe neither nation could really go to the moon as it proved too difficult but NASA didnt want to admit it, and never did. Maybe they wanted to show up the Soviets to discourage them from trying to keep up with the US.

I think the unmanned missions and satellite launches are real, I just wonder how far away from Earth manned missions have really gone, if at all. But I don't understand why they are trying to fake the ISS missions, when it's supposed to be a joint effort between the Russians, USA, and European countries, the cold war is over so why do they want to deceive the public?

ESOTERICshade ago

The weirdest part to me is that they claimed they "lost" the technology required to go to the moon. That does not wash at all.

But I don't understand why they are trying to fake the ISS missions, when it's supposed to be a joint effort between the Russians, USA, and European countries, the cold war is over so why do they want to deceive the public?

NASA has been caught faking stuff many times. I don't know how many of their claims are false and how many are true. I can only guess the reason they lie is because NASA is used as a funnel for money. Maybe they use that money for black projects. This lady certainly seems to think so. She has some good videos on her channel about the California fires too.


hopeforall ago

Black budget.