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TupacsTattoo ago

I wonder what the endgame is too. I just hope we’re not being played by both sides across the middle.

I’m personally ready for some folks to go to jail. PERIODz

pby1000 ago

The end game better be taking control of the Federal Reserve, and putting a bunch of people on trial. Those found guilty need to hang.

Certainly Trump sees what a horrible deal the Federal Reserve has been for this country.

ESOTERICshade ago

The end game better be taking control of the Federal Reserve

That is the ONLY move that will free humanity and the world. Trump surrounded himself with Goldman Sachs bankers in his administration. He is also surrounded by Chabad through Jared Kushner. To say that Chabad is bad news does not even scratch the surface. I have even seen Chabad referred to as possibly "the head of the illumaniti snake." Kushner has a lot going on in that big 666 addressed skyscraper that people are not taking into account.

One being some very interesting microchips in a deal through Lucent Technologies. Lucent is interestingly close to Lucifer. Jared's brother is also a very interesting dude to say the least.

Zionism, and especially Chabad, is ABSOLUTELY against the teachings and principles of Christ and there is no questioning that. They hate the teachings of Jesus like it is a plague because it is the blueprint for freedom, kindness, and love.

People are blatantly ignoring things they find uncomfortable but there is wisdom in looking into the abyss because WE CANNOT FIGHT WHAT WE CANNOT ACCURATELY SEE.

pby1000 ago

I am looking at this. I am not a fan of Kushner, and he is probably a plant to get close to Trump. I am not sure how much say Trump, or any other President, has in selecting his cabinet. I am willing to bet that the incoming President is told who to appoint, or else. Trump does not strike me as being someone who takes orders. I recall that he had a conflict with the CIA before the inauguration. This was significant to me because I assumed he was discovering how things really are. Very few people know what they are getting into when they become President. I imagine someone who served as VP would have a clue, but Trump came in never having served as a politician before. Based on what Trump says, he is and never will be a politician. LOL.

I have heard of Chabad, but I have not looked into it. I think I saw that name mentioned in another post sometime recently. It would be interesting to see how Chabad falls into the power structure.

I will look at your links.