srayzie ago

Starting on day 7, it became very clear that this was a paid shill. I have been going back and forth with this poster who continued to ping me and argue their case. Do not believe him. He is lying. He is spreading disinfo. It's very clear starting on day 7.

Yesterday he pinged me again. I am going to paste my comment here so that you guys can read what I have to say before you believe this shill.

I am going to repeat this one more time. What I am about to say PROVES this person is lying.

For those of you who do not know Tory Smith, he was a YouTuber that started posting in 2015. I think some of his earliest videos got deleted. Supposedly he was abused as a child and it continued into adulthood.

If you were to watch his videos, you would clearly see that he was mentally ill. Possibly from past mind control or something of that nature. I will explain why. He made videos regularly exposing child trafficking.

He would name names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking. The White House, Congress, Pentagon, Military, Air Force, SOCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, and the Pence's...

He focused a lot on Mike Pence because Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana and Tory Smith lived in Indiana.

The reason I say I think he was mentally ill, is because he would also make other claims. SoberSecondThought posted this himself so knows this.

He uses these gifts to make a mind-boggling number of accusations. His core claim is that there are 41 secret trafficking centers around the world, created by the Bush family and run jointly by the CIA, FBI, DARPA, NSA, and various alien reptilians, insectoids, 'tall whites,' non-physical spirits, dark entities, Nazi war criminals, and so on. In these centers, high-ranking people can pay to rape and murder children (he cites a price of $41,000 per child). These are abducted in the tens of thousands from all over the world, by the Chinese, Queen Elizabeth, the Air Force, NATO, the Rand Corporation, the Vatican, the Los Angeles city council, and countless others. Tory has named hundreds of people as guilty of child rape and murder, including the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, James Comey, Dick Cheney, 70 U.S. Senators, and so on.

John Brennan (former head of the CIA) is a shape-shifting alien who has personally assassinated Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston's daughter, Paul Walker, Antonin Scalia, and Robin Williams, using a stun gun. He had to shoot Michael Jackson 42 times with the stun gun to give him a fatal heart attack.

Tory is also a martyr of the first order. First, there is the torment of him psychically viewing and relaying the details of countless thousands of child murders, often including the names, ages, and favorite foods of the kids. He is "injected with weapons-grade anthrax daily" by DARPA. He has been raped in 14 of the 41 centers, including three times by Rand Paul(!), but has somehow managed to survive. The government also continually interferes with his computer, supposedly making it hard to upload his videos on a regular schedule (although 202 videos in eight months seems pretty regular).

This is pretty exhausting and loopy stuff to watch, and I have not by any means viewed all 202 of his videos.

I used to watch some of his videos because he tripped me out. I felt bad for him. I watched the poor man slowly deteriorating physically. He thought he was being poisoned for exposing everything. I think it was probably cancer or something.

SoberSecondThought said...

It's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary ClintonYouTube. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

Wow. Whatever. These aren't even comparable. So I gathered some pictures to prove that Tory Smith was seriously dying and that it wasn't an act. His health declined very rapidly the last 3 months of his life. Here are 3 images.

I could NOT BELIEVE his response.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

WTF? You can read our comments back and forth starting here.

Here are a couple of videos showing you Tory Smith's health declining rapidly.

December 2015

July 2016

This person continues to tarnish the name of a man that died. The poster even says he has no proof that Tory Smith didn't die. So he is basing his claims (this ridiculous series that he investigated for a year) on something he can't prove. On something he ADMITS HE CANNOT PROVE! On something that anyone with a brain can look at and see that the man was clearly dying. It wasn't an act. It wasn't makeup. He clearly lost a lot of weight and was getting weaker and weaker every week.

I have stated over and over that I don't have an opinion on rather or not HLI, WIC, and everyone else is the same person. I am not defending them. What I do know is that what this poster bases his claims on is a LIE. He's working very hard to discredit posters from here, reddit and 4 Chan I believe. This is DISINFO and a limited hangout. This person has lost all credibility. He continues to write me trying to prove he's right and tries to use his manipulation tactics taught to him like I'm stupid. Analyzing me and my thought process. It didn't work. It won't work.

I'm tired of wasting my time having to repeat myself because this PAID SHILL won't accept defeat. He fucked this project up. His gig is up. He isn't getting his October bonus check. He needs to put in some applications somewhere else because he SUCKS. He didn't expect someone to know all about Tory Smith. Well, he FAILED.

I encourage anyone believing this "series" to not base your opinion off of anything to do with Tory Smith because he may have talked about some of the same topics as HLI and the others. Tory talked about MANY things like that.

I find it sick that he continues to slander the name of someone who died and cannot defend himself. Tory Smith had loved ones. The shill poster is so disrespectful and heartless.

If he doesn't have solid proof, like he admits, he should STFU and not post this crap here. Go back to the drawing board. I think this person needs to be banned from the Pizzagate sub. I can't believe that this has gone on now for what? 11 days?!

So that I don't have to waste all my time continuing to repeat myself every time this shill pings me, I am just going to save this and paste it every time. I have better things to do. The only reason I'm commenting right now is that I don't want you guys fooled by a deceptive shill that disrespects the dead and cannot accept defeat.

SoberSecondThought Save your manipulative comment tactics for someone else. I'm schooled in psychology. I am onto you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Did this all blow up in his face and now he is cutting his losses and obfuscating the "conclusion"?

Yes. The shill sobersecondthought got pounded. It will probably go and work up another story and try to do better next time.

ESOTERICshade ago

When you go on an extended raid into enemy territory you want quite the opposite: To make them burn as many sockpuppets as possible, and be stuck with them. It takes months to build up a sockpuppet to the point where Voaters won't yell "shill" at it.

Interesting how you know that. You just burned three yourself. You also planted the idea that WIC should be banned. And then graciously stated that you didn't want WIC banned.

The hilarious part of this ploy is that WIC never even came close to doing anything he should be banned for. If anybody should be banned it is you and your sock puppets.

FIRST THREE POSTS. As we all know in a lot of forums a shill post often is the first post because its an important position to help set the mood of readers. This was a playbook move.

People like you give me hope.

Amazing. Thank you.

I've enjoyed your posts. Thanks

Amazing! Its amazing how you noticed Glenn Beck didn't cry on cue this time!!! Amazing!!!

That one made me snort coffee on my keyboard. roflmao

4_InquiringMinds ago


May be some child trafficking happening there too?

Can't see any reason why they would be one of the few places it's not going on/it is darn near everywhere best I can tell.

Here are my thoughts and I have a good repertoire so I know you will take this for what it is.

I don't know if SST is on the level or not. How can any of us know who is real and who is not? The propagation arm of the cia is large and skilled. Anyone can create a fake persona.

I have found some interesting correlations in what SST has offered. Some of it I'm not familiar with as I don't know much about many key players on the global scene...too many to keep up with.

Beck has always struck me as a lunatic but then I've only had brief exposure.

Ryan strikes me as a garden variety corrupt politician. My bias is I don't trust any of them including Rand, Tulsi, Trey. They have said things that don't jive with what I think is 'right' but that is my subjective impressions. However I have not see 'evidence' so far (and I stress evidence) that any of them are into sra. Same goes for Pense.

SST said to @Vindicator via Day 8 that he would have 2 separate submissions on what can be done to help. Some of the suggestions he briefly mentioned looked to have promise. If SST does not follow thru with that/have already posted in this thread I expect to see those suggestions/then his motives will in question/but not for the obvious reasons that he is a troll etc. What we do need is suggestions that will help further the cause. As Vindicator said...

I personally couldn't give two shits if pedocrats are few or many; I am going to keep at this until they are exposed and purged. One thing I know is true: they are definitely weak -- because that's what vice does. It enslaves, stupifies and weakens. Corruption is it's own downfall, ultimately. They won't prevail.

These are my sentiments to a T.

Tory...and this may upset folks here but here goes...I watched some of his tubes last night/read about him on the galactic site he was aligned with/read about a conference where he and his gf reportedly looked like on drugs. Everyone seems to feel sorry for him/well, most everyone. What I see is a man who made a lot of tubes and in them not only went off on the deep end with claims that are so outrageous I find it hard to believe anyone could take him seriously but someone who spread so many vile accusations it boggles the mind. He did seem to have it in for Pense and from what I can gather the Pense is a pedo did originate from him/or so his followers credit him for anyway.

Now if he is disinfo what better way to further division than to start one rumor after another? The cannibal cabal has two fears, that we awaken to our true selves and that we unite.

The galactic mumbo jumbo is imho one of the ways ppl are steered away from discovering who they are in truth. The whole line of mumbo jumbo and dna activation fosters the belief that you are seperate from who you are in truth and have to have something special happen to you so you can reunite with your true self. Troy claims his dna was activated and he is fully conscious.

Some ppl think he was murdered, some think AIDS, some think cancer...and SST thinks it is makeup. Who can really say? Whatever the case I can't see all the outpouring of sympathy for someone who spread so many lies and vitrol in the name of spreading truth. His message does nothing to further our awakening to who we are in truth and coming together in unity (the galactic thing). Further it dis-empowers us as a collective bc we need alien saviors...when in truth we each have the power to 'save' this world when we awaken. As our numbers grow we create an alternate matrix of love that has more power than the fear matrix that is so prevalent at this time. Fear feeds the cannibal matrix. Tony's message promotes fear.

As far as wic...we got along fine until I disagreed on the Apocalyptic racine roadtrip. I posted about that just awhile ago. Since then any time I disagree with him he is hostile, abusive and resorts to character assassination as evidenced by today's comments but certainly not limited to today. He/they paint themselves as saviors, use savior language, save or won't save some of us, have plans that none of us are privy too...we just need to keep 'shining the light'. Well sure, lots of ppl have some far fetched ideas, we've seen it all grin but the way in which wic goes into attack mode when questioned is to me a clear sign that something is not right/and not right in a very big way. His attacks go way beyond being passion about his cause. I would gently suggest you consider that~ is all I'm trying to say. Our united goal should be to end this exploitation of children that has gone on for centuries and then some. Until we as a species care for and protect our own there is no hope for that care to extend to the animals and planet which are also being raped daily.

Just read your 2 comments to me while in the process of sending this so realize this reply is mute.


ESOTERICshade ago

you and I have a good repertoire so I know you will take this for what it is.

Of course

Some ppl think he was murdered, some think AIDS, some think cancer...and SST thinks it is makeup.

I agree that makeup does amazing things. He lost tens of pounds, cheeks gaunt, for my eyes he is a clearly ill man.

As far as wic...we got along fine until I disagreed on the Apocalyptic racine roadtrip.

WIC has a short fuse and that does not help. His delivery has been sorely lacking in the past but I think I am seeing improvements in that. He said something interesting lately which was "the worst thing about halloween is the truth." We know what that means, some kids got tortured and killed. My gut tells me WIC might be a local Racine person or something similar and knows more than is safe to admit. Who knows, just a gut feeling.

SST's "proof" of anything at all is that he is a master slueth manipulator hero who maneuvered about five or six alts, who are all one person, into making mistakes which somehow crazily enough proves WIC is an evil person that should get killed in prison. Who is WIC a danger to by claiming that Ryan's district is corrupt? WIC needs to die in prison for claiming Ryan's district is corrupt? Really? Those are the measured words of desperation.

WIC has nothing to lose but getting hurt or killed. On the other hand Sober's gang could go to prison and be known child traffickers. One of these is not like the other. SST has claimed over, and over, and over that WIC is all these people for what reason? Because WIC should die in prison thats why. Thats pretty fucked up.

WIC just "has" to be five other people because SST says so, Glenn Beck didn't cry on cue, and WIC is keeping good people like Pence, Ryan, and Glenn Beck from ridding the nation from pedos.Oh, and James Alef is stalking SST as well. This is Forest Gump tier. SST badgers the shit out WIC for proof and this is all SST brings to the table?

What a crock of shit if I ever saw one.

Anyway, thanx for the reply. Just wondered if you were seeing something I didn't see. Even if WIC were wrong SST's reaction to it is wacky, over the top, and convoluted in my opinion. Chat with ya later tator :)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is so much human trafficking in Racine they created three fake organizations pretending to investigate it - The Fight to End Exploitation, I-94 Project, and Racine County Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Three of the main sponsors were Racine Dominicans, Racine Community Foundation, and Superboss with ties to Tom DeLonge, Blink-182 and Penn State University. They also had ties with a Living Light Community Church, Racine Interfaith Coalition, and Racine Social Justice League and others involved in the circle of corruption. Ashton (Chris) Kutcher backed out of events and they rolled up the entire campaign when they were exposed as a cover up for thise involved in trafficking and criminal corruption. It is no coincidence that Mayor John Dickert resigned with many others and they pulled out all the stops including national coverage to get the new corrupt mayor in place through the DNC.

ESOTERICshade ago

Obviously something is going on in Racine because they sent a dedicated shill here to discredit you. If anything I think this will cause people to take a closer look at Racine because this shill did such a silly job its pathetic. I was serious when I said I have not seen a loopy word salad like this on a lonnnggg time. The whole "year long investigation" is so nonsensical that it became entertaining. I literally started almost laughing out loud a couple of times even though this situation is not funny.

ESOTERICshade ago

So I've used up my two weeks' vacation, and I'm going to have to scale back my visits. Back to my day job and my family.


I don't believe you. I think this went so horribly that its not doing you any good. Your "year long investigation" got debunked so bad it became entertainment. Your sincerity is fake in my opinion. This is one of the loopiest word salads of unrelated incidents and people I have seen in a long time.

If the best you can do "in your year long investigation" is defend Paul Ryan, smear his detractors, and defame the memory of a mentally ill Tory Smith who probably died, and use Glenn Beck to bolster your credibility, then you not only failed but you are cruel.

I also believe this effort of yours is paid for or that you work for a special interest group. I think these three or four usernames that don't post here regularly that oddly rushed in pretend to be your supporters came as a package deal. This is all fake.

These are the results of your "year long investigation." (what a joke)

ESOTERICshade wrote:

In order for your theory to hold water Paul Ryan would have to be one of the good guys and Glenn Beck would have to not be a lying lunatic.

sobersecondthought replied:

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water. I never said Glenn Beck was a perfect human being. He's a showman, a carnival barker, an agent of persuasion.

ESOTERICshade replied:

Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic. Have you seen this off stage camera footage with Glenn Beck rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub under his eyes to generate tears for the camera, and laughing because it is burning his eyes? Yes, the lunatic lying Glenn Beck rubs Vicks under his eyes so that he can pretend to cry for the camera.

Video of Beck rubbing Vicks vapor rub under his eyes so he can cry for the camera. Prepare vomit bag, you might need it.

The result of your NOT "year long investigation" rests on Paul Ryan being an honest man and for Glenn Beck to be credible. You said so yourself.

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water.

You failed. Tell Paul Ryan to clean up his corrupt district instead of sending newbies like you here to be his shill. I bet you won't get your bonus for this debacle of a con job.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Day 8 @Vindicator said...

But how do you see your expose changing things? What are we not doing that we should be?

You replied...

Okay, so I am planning to spend a whole day just on ways for activists and researchers to exploit this, and a day just on ways for journalists to do so. I'm too tired to dig up all the links and such tonight.

Is that still the plan? Some good suggestions were mentioned in that thread. This series seems incomplete unless you intend to follow up with the above.

ESOTERICshade ago

Is that still the plan? Some good suggestions were mentioned in that thread. This series seems incomplete unless you intend to follow up with the above.

Please don't encourage it :)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This fake person 4 inquiring minds tried to befriend and infiltrate us, and when they failed they partnered with SoberSecondThought (who was advocating for us to be silenced and murdered). Even after this person was proven to be a fraud and part of a malicious hit campaign they both continued to attack us and tried to silence us, turn the community against us, and get us banned.

Do not trust 4 inquiring minds.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh good lord, your delusions of grandeur are amusing. Yesterday you told me to apologize and repent. Are you the savior? You do say your group is going to, if successful, save the world.

We got along just fine until I questioned the logic of your 'apocalyptic racine road trip.

Apocalyptic Roadtrip

I'll let the comments speak for themselves. If you are questioned, challenged on any information you become hostile, resort to character assassinations and take a savior persona (repent) and who you will and will not save (I'm not the only one you decided not to save). I notice a savior language through out all your comments/key words/enlighten/TRUTH in caps/souls at stake/Save you with S in caps/Never take the Mark~and many more keyword references in your comments. This 'looks like' someone implying they are a savior. A savior that asks to 'shine the light' and leave the details up to him/her/them, just know 'they' have many plans in the works/and we are on the verge of global enslavement which by the way could even prevent us from entering heaven (from another recent comment you made). Let's not forget the eminent doom you keep mentioning. That really smacks of a religious persona claiming some divine knowledge. What is that doing on a pg forum? Inquiring minds~

For the record didn't know who SST was till this series and have not read all of them yet. Which of course you will refute but could care less. After all, you are not going to save me so I have to deal with that crushing blow and that should take the rest of my life grieving over that mistake.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt 0 points (+0|-0) 16 days ago

It is a real threat, and one of many contingency plans. They would not be investing in bunkers without reason.

We must stop their agenda by any means necessary. We don't have much time, and the fastest path to enlightenment is through Racine, Wisconsin.

Prepare for everything. A $500 car now may be worth much more soon. Water, food, ammunition, camping gear, and survival skills are critical.

Never sell your soul. Never take the Mark. Value the will to resist. 2 + 2 = __.

[–] 4_InquiringMinds 0 points (+0|-0) 14 days ago

A $500 car now may be worth much more soon

The car won't be worth squat. If the grid goes down so do gas stations. If you store gas and try to get on the roads which will be littered with doa vehicles you will be a target. So no gas cept what you have stored and siphon from doa cars, congested roadways, being a moving target. None of this is logical thinking. Unless of course you are one of the bad ass like in the survival movies.

Now if ppl realized their connection to each other/which often happens in times of crisis then banding together to produce food and protection then there is a prospect of survival. Otherwise what you do have stored you will be in the position of having to fight off raiders while also attending to heat, gathering rain water etc. We need to understand that we need each other and spread that message which will do a lot more than meet in racine to save the world.

Now if there is some temple of doom in racine that if destroyed would stop the satanic cabal then better get on it and not wait till the apocalypse if you really believe it is that close. Acting after the fact is counter productive.

[–] Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt 0 points (+0|-0) 13 days ago

Then we won't bother wasting our time trying to Save you.

What do you really know about Racine, Wisconsin? We assume from your open ignorance and disdain for the Truth that it is very little.

[–] 4_InquiringMinds 0 points (+0|-0) 13 days ago

I know what you have shared and many thanks for that. Certainly suggesting ppl learn to come together locally in a time of crisis does not equate to open ignorance and disdain for the truth.

My opinion on traveling during a time of apocalyptic conditions is what I consider prudent. It's not like this is a new idea. Ppl hitting the road to get to racine just doesn't seem safe. In apocalyptic conditions there would be roving gangs/you are looking at rape, torture, the very least having your vehicle with all contents stolen and being left in the middle of rotting corpses with no supplies or weapons. The safest course of action is to shelter in place and band with neighbors.

As for wasting your time trying to save me...again, the most prudent course of action in a crisis is not looking for someone to save you/it's about being clear headed, assessing resources locally and taking care of things not only to save yourself but others. Most ppl are good/decent folks. This shows time and time again. Ppl do care about each other and go to great lengths to help others in need. It is the false sense of separation that the cabal encourages.

With some practice that facilitates being clear, centered (meditation, tai chi, aikido, prayer etc) the clarity one possesses can be an anchor point for ppl that are confused. Staying calm is paramount.

I really don't understand the hostility of your reply. It's as if anything that goes against your narrative is ignorant. That is not what discussion about ideas entails. @carmencita and I have agreed to disagree on a few issues but it never devolved into hostility. We have each learned/expanded/by looking at the other's viewpoint.

[–] Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt 0 points (+0|-0) 13 days ago

Racine is the answer, and you should know by now we are telling the Truth about everything. We are showing the way. We are connecting the pieces. We are offering aolutions. We are contacting authorities. We are contacting politicians and journalists. We have organized multiple private investigations, and we have many more developments in progress. It would be insane to declare what we have about Racine if it were not the Truth. We know it is the Truth. It is not confirmation bias.

That is precisely why your comments were so surprising after ongoing communciations where you acknowledged we were correct about so many things. We are not doing this for fun or for a joke. Everyone's life is at stake. Their souls are at stake. We don't take that lightly.

You are also assuming some things that you do not know. We need more high level military, intelligence, and industry contactts, but we wouldn't push away media or film contacts or anyone who wants to shine the light on Racine. We are not doing this for money. We don't need or want money. This is about the Truth and Saving the world. Nothing else matters.

We only advocated for meeting in Racine when all other communications fail. If you have a better idea, please share it. If you would rather meditate than fight we respect that. If you still believe in our corrupt courts and law enforcement, please find one high level official who can be trusted to invwstigate and prosecute everyone involved to the full extent of the law both in America and abroad as they elude jurisdictions.

If you are on the side of Good and Truth some of the time, pllease either be on the side of Good and Truth all of the time.

When you find one other person anywhere who has openly claimed that they have discovered the "root" and headquarters of the entire system that leads to Global Enslavement in a small mid-American city, please let us know.

Racine is the root. Racine is rhe Truth. We have many things in the works. Posting comments here and freely communicating with many people including you is one of them.

We are asking for your help.

[–] 4_InquiringMinds 0 points (+0|-0) 13 days ago

We only advocated for meeting in Racine when all other communications fail. If you have a better idea, please share it.

Already did/shelter in place/stay centered/band together locally/help others.

If you would rather meditate than fight we respect that.

Venture a guess that most here are not skilled in combat. Mediation or whatever keeps one centered would be of benefit/clear focus would be imperative in an apocalyptic situation.

Racine is a center of corruption. How taking it down will collapse all of it worldwide/without any more specifics can't see how that would work. Take one hub down/they have others. It's not clear at this point what solutions are being offered other than shine the light and contact ppl that might be able to help. Even if it is the headquarters surely they have contingency plans/would not seem logical otherwise.

All I'm saying is when I look at it all things are not adding up. You say you have plans in the works we don't know about. Good, but asking me or anyone to take that on face value is not really very fair now is it?

If you are on the side of Good and Truth some of the time, pllease either be on the side of Good and Truth all of the time.

Where did this even come from? Would venture most here are on the side of good and truth all of the time. Ppl by and large are decent folks who just want to live their lives in peace.

[–] Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt 0 points (+0|-0) 12 days ago

Racine is the root and model for Global Enslavement.

Racine is also the root and model to unravel the entire system by showing the world the real Truth.

All we need to do is expose the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and Sustainability so the world knows the real meaning and their real plan - Global Enslavement.

When you pull back the curtains, the Wizard is much less intimidating. Racine is the Emerald City.

This is the Ultimate Truth that must be exposed to all before it is too late.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Your post ahows your desperation. We revealed your true agenda.

We are trying to save the world with the Truth. You are trying to discredit us and you endorsed someone advocating for our murder.

We are real. We are relling the Truth and you know it. You are dirty and your game has been exposed.

We will never be compromised.

4_InquiringMinds ago

someone advocating for our murder.

Let's clarify that, SST said if you are one of the pedo's then he hopes someone will take you 'out' in prison. If you are not a pedo then he doesn't want you taken out/and he made that clear.

I have to wonder, since you keep harping on what he said if you are a pedo...your reaction to his comment is a bit um, defensive now isn't it?

Mej777 ago

@4_inquiringMinds I forgot to ping you on the post last night that rips to shreds everything @SST has said....I will do it now...He won't even stop by to answer for his pathetic shilling...

ESOTERICshade ago

Sobersecondthought is a pedophile protector. That is so obvious (to me anyway) that i'm not sure how you are missing it. One of these people is pointing to a very powerful politician's district and says there is child trafficking in it.

The other, sobersecondthought, has spent 12 pages crafting a tale worthy of Forest Gump in opposition and smeared the memory of an obviously mentally ill and physically declining man whom is probably dead from looking at the progression of his decline.

For me personally, this is so obvious, that it can't be missed. sobersecondthought called this 12 page fairytale A YEAR LONG INVESTIGATION. And this is it? Really?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Good try.

First he advocated to silence us, then he resorted to thinly-veiled death threats. You went right along with him.

You are despicable and are now exposed.

We are defensive about being murdered, and some of our sources have been murdered, had murder attempts, and have had many death threats.

This is very real and you are both very dangerous.

oftotc ago

As previously stated, for the most part, I am in your court on this series. I checked the modlogs; WIC is not banned. NBD, he established a rep and folk will see through his posts rather quickly now (if they're so inclined).

Here's the thing I cannot get over, in all of your posts: You conclude, without sufficient evidence, that one of the tier-one suspects comes to voat to interact with you personally. The suggestion is that you have had routine, person-to-person contact with his personality before; that your disdain for him is based on something more than just the forum discussions and PG data. That is dangerous or delusional.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

How can anyone be on the side of this liar who is advocating to have us silenced and murdered? See through what posts? Do you mean see the Truth we have been telling about Racine and the real agenda? No one has yet come close to proving us wrong. We know the Truth and your lies or ignorance is dangerous.

oftotc ago

I am not ready to converse with you yet, but when I do, keep your facts handy. We will either waken the PG goats to the evil you decry, or reveal you as disinfo. The thing about non-disinfo - it doesn't take mental contortionists to defend it. Keep your posts (not comments) in pgwhatever and I'll stay out of your way.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

So now you are telling us where we can and cannot post?

You are a fake.

oftotc ago

So now you are telling us where we can and cannot post?


You are a fake.

A fake what? You mean like a concern troll? Sorry, that particular slur needs additional language to be applied properly. But I'll answer your question if you'll just make your attack a little less vague.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are not really interested in the Truth. You are faking as if you are.

If you were, you would look into what we have posted about Racine, you would know it is the Truth, you would know we have posted zero submissions here but over a thousand comments without anyone able to prove us wrong, and you would not be advocating to silence us or relegate us to the pizzagate whatever back page.

We know more about Racine than anyone here, especially you.

Your motives should be questioned.

oftotc ago

we have posted zero submissions here but over a thousand comments

Thanks for the correction :-) I hate bad data too!

Your motives should be questioned

Well, duh! this is pizzagate. You had better form some sort of opinion on ^every gorram poster's (or commenter's) motives before following their lead.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Do not trust this person for a second.

This person is not a "citizen investigator", they are working on a malicious and deceitful agenda against us, and are set out to ruin voat and divide the community based on extreme lies and wildly absurd speculation. Do you notice his extra effort to make himself seem like a "normal person" with a job and a Netflix habit? Did this all blow up in his face and now he is cutting his losses and obfuscating the "conclusion"? Anyone on this site should question their motives, their integrity, and their honesty.

Many others here have pointed out their lies and agenda. They are trying to silence the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and advocated for our murder. They are praising Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan and claiming that we are Tory Smith and that Tory is not dead but rather had a team of makeup artists help fake his illness and death. It is one absurdity after another and this person is both deranged and dangerous. This new post rambles on and says nothing, only to diminish yesterday's and other previous responses that destroy his credibility.

Here was our last response to them that breaks down the situation very clearly. Notice how they are sucking up to mods and Putt. Does anyone wonder why?

We are real. We are honest. We are telling the Truth.

We are exposing the real agenda that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. It is real. Agenda 2030 is only part of the plan on the policy side.

Our motive is the Truth. His motive is to distort the truth and turn the community against. He cherry picks his arguments based on lies and misinformation.

This person based claims he has been planning this attack against us for a year while we have been doing nothing but providing the Truth. His main premise was based on the lie that we are also High Level Insider and US Senate Anon and Tory Smith and fog dryer and others. He also claims Tory Smith was not reallly sick and instead hired a team of makeup artists to fake his illness.

It may be a coincidence but this guy started right after Soros dumped another $8 bilion into his evil empire.

Everything we have said is true. This person has a malicious agenda to have us silences and murdered.

Sam Johnson and SC Johnson were instrumental in creating the agenda of Sustainability with Bill Clinton. Ine of their main partners was John Jeffry Louis of the Plgrims Society whose heirs are deeply involved and also tied to John McCain. Johnsons also were major contributors to McCain and hedge their investment to protect both sides of the corrupt establishment. Look into the Johnsons international locations and partnerships with Cargill, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto, Bayer, Abbott, Solvay and other corrrupt companies in the circle. Curt Johnson was assaulting his daughter and others and was also a key executive at Cargill and Diversey (now Sealed Air in the Carolinas). Johnsons own the most advanced mosquito labs in the world and profited from the Zika experiment. Their partners the Rockefellers own the patent to the Zika Virus. The global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Racine is linked with the Knights of Pythias and run by Johnsons, Racine Dominicans, Freemasons, Rotarians, RAMAC, rhe mafia, and a long line of corrupt politicians.

Since we exposed the corrupt and pedo politicians in Racine they have resigned, retired, changed positions or moved away at a staggering rate.

Verify it however you wish. The last 2 mayors, the last 2 city administrators, plus city attorneys, city council members, the police chief, county executives, the district attorney, and many more. The RICO cases involved all of these people and many more. The entry point was based on extreme racial discrimination and segregation but that was only the tip of what was involved and it led to many foundations and secret societies including the Clinton Foundation. All elections in Wisconsin are rigged or manipulated in one way or another. It is common knowledge. Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts in the nation.

We also exposed the fake organizations pretending to solve the problem of human trafficking including The Fight to End Expolitation, I-94 Project, and Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Ashton (Chris) Kutcher backed out of events when it was exposed. Racine is a model sanctuary city with a major trafficking problem.

We also exposed the corrupt Racine Social Justice League linked to Soros who then disbanded.

The Clintons use Racine as the model for Community Policing and are closely linked with Jeff Neubauer who is a major player in DNC circles. His sister Kristin Bauer van Straten is a hollywood star known for playing wvil roles and is well connected in Scientology circles. Jeff is now working with the Johnson's on global education reform through a corrupt organization called higher expectations which is now linked with the corrupt Foxconn and Amazon deals in the area. The Podestas are from nearby area in Northern Illinois and Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics after meeting the real players in Kenosha and Racine.

We can add more later this is just off the cuff on a Friday morning.

Believe who you want. One of us is trying to save the world by exposing the real truth and the real agenda through the weak link of Racine, Wisconsin and the other is on a year-long malicious attack and agenda to silence the truth about Racine, Wisconsin.

Do you want to be Saved or Enslaved? We know the Truth and it leads to the real Emerald City of Racine, Wisconsin.

Why would they be so hellbent on silencing or distorting the real Truth about Racine? Notice how he goes back to Brock and Alefantis much like the false flag shooter to frame pizzagate and narrow its scope.

This is much bigger than a pizza place and much bigger than pedo crimes and blackmail. This is about a system of global control through global criminal corruption. The real agenda is population control and modern slavery. Paul Ryan is not a good guy and neither is this "person".

Research for yourself. What we are telling about Racine is the Truth and he is desperate to hide it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is not funny. This is not a joke. This is real.

You failed miserably and then you resorted to death threats against us. Now you are trying to manupulate other users and mods here against us to silence us, even Putt.

There is nothing funny about this or your death threats against us in a pathetic attempt to silence us. Your handlers likely fired you, and now you have to turn tail and hide or create 12 more names to upvote yourself.

The Truth will all come out. Racine is real and you are really dangerous.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We see your cowardly downvote and fake endorsements. It is pathetic.

TimeOutofJoint ago

I've enjoyed your posts. Thanks

Redpillsallaround ago

Amazing. Thank you.

BugCatcherChris ago

People like you give me hope.