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carmencita ago

How do we tell our friends and relatives about this? I am not going to frighten them yet with this info. They will never believe it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Tell them that Racine, Wisconsin is the secret hub, model, and "root" for the real elite that control every aspect of the world, and that we need to shine the light on Racine.

When they question why Racine, you can ask them if they have ever heard of Pilgrims Society, Committee of 300 or Council of 13, or if they know where Sustainability and Agenda 2030 began.

If they still question it, ask them why no one will talk about Racine, Wisconsin and why Paul Ryan became the most powerful man in American politics.

carmencita ago

Paul Ryan is a Kingpin of Racine. Of course there are many others, but he is a Main Cog. What do you think of Randy Bryce the "Iron Man" also running against Ryan. He is a Union Man so I am wondering about his being hooked up to the Mafia as well and supported by NARAL. There is quite an article about him in Mother Jones.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Randy Bryce is a corrupt criminal in bed with the rest in Racine working with the mafia and now defunct Social Justice League of Racine under Soros' control. Parties do not matter in Wisconsin. It is all an illusion. They are all corrupt. Even Paul Nehlen cannot be trusted. He is the Alex Jones and Donald Trump of Racine County.

carmencita ago

I sensed that as I read the article. Even though they tried to normalize him, the fact that there are tainted and fixed elections in Wisconsin, kept nagging at me. Anyone running at this point in Wisconsin, especially Racine are highly suspect.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Let's just say Randy Bryce and the newly elected mayor Cory Mason are virtual nobodies who will sell out the world for a base level salary and a lunch meeting with the Johnsons. The last mayors were no different, and only one ended up in prison so far. The last one ran away with his tail between his legs after Comey and Lynch obstructed RICO investigations that linked to the Johnsons and Clintons.

carmencita ago

What scumbags. Selling even their families off. If they think their families will be spared, the are sadly mistaken. They will stab their own Mother in the back. I noticed when we discussed the DEW and not being able to drive cars, you asked us to come to Racine. How do we gt there? I cannot figure it out, for they say any one with electrical cars or computerized, will not be able to drive. We think there may be a False Flag on Nov. 4th. in Oklahoma. We have found an ad asking for Crisis people thru Nov. 2nd.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is a real threat, and one of many contingency plans. They would not be investing in bunkers without reason.

We must stop their agenda by any means necessary. We don't have much time, and the fastest path to enlightenment is through Racine, Wisconsin.

Prepare for everything. A $500 car now may be worth much more soon. Water, food, ammunition, camping gear, and survival skills are critical.

Never sell your soul. Never take the Mark. Value the will to resist. 2 + 2 = __.

4_InquiringMinds ago

A $500 car now may be worth much more soon

The car won't be worth squat. If the grid goes down so do gas stations. If you store gas and try to get on the roads which will be littered with doa vehicles you will be a target. So no gas cept what you have stored and siphon from doa cars, congested roadways, being a moving target. None of this is logical thinking. Unless of course you are one of the bad ass like in the survival movies.

Now if ppl realized their connection to each other/which often happens in times of crisis then banding together to produce food and protection then there is a prospect of survival. Otherwise what you do have stored you will be in the position of having to fight off raiders while also attending to heat, gathering rain water etc. We need to understand that we need each other and spread that message which will do a lot more than meet in racine to save the world.

Now if there is some temple of doom in racine that if destroyed would stop the satanic cabal then better get on it and not wait till the apocalypse if you really believe it is that close. Acting after the fact is counter productive.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Then we won't bother wasting our time trying to Save you.

What do you really know about Racine, Wisconsin? We assume from your open ignorance and disdain for the Truth that it is very little.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I know what you have shared and many thanks for that. Certainly suggesting ppl learn to come together locally in a time of crisis does not equate to open ignorance and disdain for the truth.

My opinion on traveling during a time of apocalyptic conditions is what I consider prudent. It's not like this is a new idea. Ppl hitting the road to get to racine just doesn't seem safe. In apocalyptic conditions there would be roving gangs/you are looking at rape, torture, the very least having your vehicle with all contents stolen and being left in the middle of rotting corpses with no supplies or weapons. The safest course of action is to shelter in place and band with neighbors.

As for wasting your time trying to save me...again, the most prudent course of action in a crisis is not looking for someone to save you/it's about being clear headed, assessing resources locally and taking care of things not only to save yourself but others. Most ppl are good/decent folks. This shows time and time again. Ppl do care about each other and go to great lengths to help others in need. It is the false sense of separation that the cabal encourages.

With some practice that facilitates being clear, centered (meditation, tai chi, aikido, prayer etc) the clarity one possesses can be an anchor point for ppl that are confused. Staying calm is paramount.

I really don't understand the hostility of your reply. It's as if anything that goes against your narrative is ignorant. That is not what discussion about ideas entails. @carmencita and I have agreed to disagree on a few issues but it never devolved into hostility. We have each learned/expanded/by looking at the other's viewpoint.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the answer, and you should know by now we are telling the Truth about everything. We are showing the way. We are connecting the pieces. We are offering aolutions. We are contacting authorities. We are contacting politicians and journalists. We have organized multiple private investigations, and we have many more developments in progress. It would be insane to declare what we have about Racine if it were not the Truth. We know it is the Truth. It is not confirmation bias.

That is precisely why your comments were so surprising after ongoing communciations where you acknowledged we were correct about so many things. We are not doing this for fun or for a joke. Everyone's life is at stake. Their souls are at stake. We don't take that lightly.

You are also assuming some things that you do not know. We need more high level military, intelligence, and industry contactts, but we wouldn't push away media or film contacts or anyone who wants to shine the light on Racine. We are not doing this for money. We don't need or want money. This is about the Truth and Saving the world. Nothing else matters.

We only advocated for meeting in Racine when all other communications fail. If you have a better idea, please share it. If you would rather meditate than fight we respect that. If you still believe in our corrupt courts and law enforcement, please find one high level official who can be trusted to invwstigate and prosecute everyone involved to the full extent of the law both in America and abroad as they elude jurisdictions.

If you are on the side of Good and Truth some of the time, pllease either be on the side of Good and Truth all of the time.

When you find one other person anywhere who has openly claimed that they have discovered the "root" and headquarters of the entire system that leads to Global Enslavement in a small mid-American city, please let us know.

Racine is the root. Racine is rhe Truth. We have many things in the works. Posting comments here and freely communicating with many people including you is one of them.

We are asking for your help.

4_InquiringMinds ago

We only advocated for meeting in Racine when all other communications fail. If you have a better idea, please share it.

Already did/shelter in place/stay centered/band together locally/help others.

If you would rather meditate than fight we respect that.

Venture a guess that most here are not skilled in combat. Mediation or whatever keeps one centered would be of benefit/clear focus would be imperative in an apocalyptic situation.

Racine is a center of corruption. How taking it down will collapse all of it worldwide/without any more specifics can't see how that would work. Take one hub down/they have others. It's not clear at this point what solutions are being offered other than shine the light and contact ppl that might be able to help. Even if it is the headquarters surely they have contingency plans/would not seem logical otherwise.

All I'm saying is when I look at it all things are not adding up. You say you have plans in the works we don't know about. Good, but asking me or anyone to take that on face value is not really very fair now is it?

If you are on the side of Good and Truth some of the time, pllease either be on the side of Good and Truth all of the time.

Where did this even come from? Would venture most here are on the side of good and truth all of the time. Ppl by and large are decent folks who just want to live their lives in peace.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the root and model for Global Enslavement.

Racine is also the root and model to unravel the entire system by showing the world the real Truth.

All we need to do is expose the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and Sustainability so the world knows the real meaning and their real plan - Global Enslavement.

When you pull back the curtains, the Wizard is much less intimidating. Racine is the Emerald City.

This is the Ultimate Truth that must be exposed to all before it is too late.