Silverlining ago

I clocked stories of the rich building underground bunkers, NK having two satelites that could EMP the US, someone on youtube saying EMP [electromagnetic pulse weapons] is the worst threat.

Where is the benefit and for whom?

srayzie ago

Do you mean who would benefit by the US having an EMP attack?

Silverlining ago


srayzie ago

The Illuminati would benefit. Agenda 2021 and 2030 talks about MAJOR depopulation. They want to get rid of us that they see as below them. Then they can rule the world. That the plan for the New World Order.

Silverlining ago

No audience for the slebs, no slaves, who wants to live in a bunker? I can see "they" might want to run a second russian revolution type play in the biggest economy - see if they get it right this time. Wouldn't they want to get rid of the africans and asians first? There seem to be more of them and with less economic vaalue? If it's just a numbers thing.

srayzie ago

I can't even attempt to understand how these freaks think or why they do what they do.

carmencita ago I suggest we call our Congressmen and Senators and read the the Riot Act. The are playing with our lives.

fogdryer ago

I hear that..................that's how far gone they are...........................................what they fail to realize is that some of them will go down too. That's my piece of happiness

carmencita ago

They are not going to get away with this. We will not let them. Do not let their smoke and mirrors cloud you into thinking they will win. They are so far gone that they are and have made mistakes. That is our opening. We have to keep going and hope we catch the one thread that will unravel their sick plans. I have sent out the article to some friends and I hope it stirs them up.

Jem777 ago

Bush came out today and spoke lecturing Americans about turning inward that we need to maintain the "World Order"

Says nothing about Antifa thugs. Lectures fake white supremist thugs paid for by FBI & CIA like Richard Spencer and George Soros.

Obama supposed to speak later for first time. Put them all in jail..

Playing with our lives.

carmencita ago

With all these crazy things happening lately, I think they are panicking because we are finding out too many things, too much information and many are getting feisty and some even mouthing off on twitter. This can be good and bad, unfortunately. Whatever happened to your trip to DC, did it ever happen?

Jem777 ago

Working on it....threats

carmencita ago

I think it is more dangerous for any of us to pull that off now, than a few months ago. They really seem to be going off the rails. So much at once. I don't think it was planned so soon. Too much at once.

carmencita ago

I saw him on my local news. Was surprised as a Republican that he criticized Trump. They mentioned he never came out to criticize Obama and kept his silence. When one of his cohorts is Soros, Antifa would not be on his menu. Speaks volumes. We should start a new Meme Old World Order.

Jem777 ago

Yes. This is a big moment. Obama & Bush are going to go all out. Taking HRC out takes them out and they know it.

Smells like fear but we have to stick together as Americans. Let's start of Meme BanNewWorldOrder....I am going to tweet it.

carmencita ago

Great Idea. Maybe make a post around it and get people to join in.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Be careful of the fear porn. It is carefully used to keep ppl in fear bc fear feeds their matrix. Last night I was reading comments by are we really sure. It was a fascinating study in how psychological manipulation works. He would take a topic that is widely misrepresented/ie Tony's sculpture being a recreation of Dahmer's (which it is not). Other subjects that have been reported as fact which are also untrue he carefully dissects. As you get farther into his posts he starts manipulating things that are obvious/planting doubt...are you really sure/perfect name for mind controlling, altering. I started to ponder what if all of this 'project' is to test what is the most effective for manipulating the masses into accepting an illusion, one that is based on fear (their food).

I consider that we are in a petri dish being studied. The cabal needs the human masses to constantly feed their hunger and lets not forget to offer this to their deity who promises eternal life. Killing most of humanity off would diminish their battery sources. Keeping everyone running around in a maze, looking over their shoulders is beneficial for them and the agenda.

There is one thing that would shift all of this...that humans awaken to their true nature. That is the secret that has been so fervently guarded. That is the one thing that could bring them all down. It's not any specific thing or place that can stop this momentum. It is the growing awakening that they fear (reason the religions are so infiltrated).

There would not be so much energy invested in the systematic dumbing down and physical weakening of ppl if the end game was to just wipe most out.

Would they really go for all or nothing? Perhaps...but then the promise they think they have of eternal life would also be toast. While we talk about thinking outside of the box we might do well to see the boxes we are presently in (fear). The advances of quantum science are happening at such a fast clip. Within that quantum exploration is the answer to who we each are in truth. That is what the cabal fears most.


chabon ago

Going through old comments tonight -- found this one and it gives me hope. The idea that we might alert enough people to what's going on in Racine seems overwhelming -- but all over the world people are awakening in various ways to the Truth of Who they really Are. And yes, this is the secret that has been so closely guarded for millennium. The secret we have colluded in keeping from ourselves.

Also really like your take on are_we_sure, and agree with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt that we can learn, and use their models and tools strategically.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Their secret is based on the great deception of Sustainability, rooted in Racine, Wisconsin.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Evening wave

Just got in myself/nice long visit and leisurely dinner with a good friend. It's so easy to get so busy you keep putting off an evening of just chilling and solving the world's problems ya know? I even sent a Maxine comic quote...

The problem with the world is stupidity...why don't we just take the safety labels off everything and let the problem solve itself?

Last week so many ppl in a snit about Nov 4th. This is a vid (short) that you might like.

Want to Know What's Gonna Happen November 4th, 2017? NOTHING!

She mentions the fear too. We really have to see beyond that, otherwise we keep feeding the matrix. Waking up is like doing a dance with yourself. Moments of revelations followed by a period of assimilation, new neuropathways are formed and the old you catches up with the new you. Then a peaceful water time where you kinda rest before next series of ah ha's. I'm in the peaceful waters time, always a welcome respite. Those of us awakening bit by bit form an alternate matrix based on the truest kind of love. It's a vibration that is stronger than fear.

But alas, many ppl are addicted to fear. Fear produces an abnormal amount of cortisol and our bodies become accustomed to function on what amounts to rocket fuel and the bodies burn out prematurely. The cabal uses that energy (think batteries like the matrix) to sustain their power. It can't last. The very fact it needs 'food' is it's own downfall. Love needs no food/it simply is. It is who we are in truth. Not the I love you, I love this thing...but the creation source energy. We are so much more powerful than we ever imagined...but then it's all imagination isn't it?

chabon ago


I like most of what you say here -- pretty much everything except the Maxine quote. Cracked up at the video -- and think she's pointing generally in a better direction.

You describe the dance of waking up beautifully -- but you left out the part about getting sucked back into the Matrix periodically and struggling to become conscious of it -- and then consciously re-imagining that aspect you've 'discovered' -- i.e. see the snake is a actually a rope and laugh a cosmic laugh that you were so easily fooled. Again. It's a bitch. Cracking up here.

And yes, we must starve the Beast. Laughter and Love, utter joy and shared celebration of Being, exploration and discovery in fearlessness as we Remember -- the Beast cannot survive in such an environment. How do we spread the word that we slay the Beast with Laughter? and Love.

I like this from @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt: "Watch a scary movie twice. Suddenly it's not so scary. Take of their masks. Are you really afraid of George Soros or Hillary Clinton, or Harvey Weinstein, or Peter Thiel, or Mark Zuckerberg, or Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates, or Kristin Bauer van Straten? Fear of the unknown is what they thrive on. That is why they resort to deception, hence Sustainability. If the light was on Racine, Wisconsin, we could pull back the curtain and expose the true Wizard of Oz. Racine is the Emerald City. They are more afraid of us than we are of them."

For me this paragraph describes the intersection between what we're talking about here, and the Truth I believe they've found. (Capitalized because I think they're onto a multidimensional Truth, and I honor all they have done.)

I've had this imaginative thought for years -- that in the end it will be like an episode of Scooby-Doo -- where some fearless meddlesome kids figure out the plans and pull the masks off some ignorant, selfish people who forgot they were part of a Community.

I think @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt has indeed pinpointed their weak spot -- perhaps there are other spots. I don't know what to do about that, yet. Much of what they're sharing I've never really looked at before, and it's been a few weeks of a super steep learning curve. But I think, at least in part, a powerful response is Remembering that all the kids here (and there are only kids here) are something like sparks, or, better, rays from the Divine Source -- we're all God's Holy Children.

And from this place of Remembrance, helping others to Love and laugh, to relax and Trust, to be aware and conscious without falling prey to fear and outrage, and, as the I Ching puts it, "to make vigorous progress in the good."

And from there, perhaps: encouraging, and becoming, some intrepid meddlesome kids :)

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah, the IChing~a lifelong companion.

but you left out the part about getting sucked back into the Matrix periodically and struggling to become conscious of it -- and then consciously re-imagining that aspect you've 'discovered'

But you know, even in those times it never really goes back to the original set point does it? With each ah ha you change your set point and it gets easier to refocus/least ways that has been my experience. I can never really forget what I've seen. It's the emotional reactions that catch us by surprise/emotions are simply re-actions to something in the 'past'. The past is but a dream.

As far as exposing any place...that happens time and time again/the place will simply morph to somewhere else. This is something that needs to be tackled on a quantum level/metaphysical/beyond physical. So many are invested in the hologram of apocalypse so it carries a huge energy charge. Surfing the net is seeing all the ideas of hopelessness...and who best would benefit from that image? Who would put into mass consciousness the terms 'elite' and 'Illuminati' (illumined).

If we are to evolve we have to see our programming. Neuropsychology is a new field and explains so much of how our mind works/how beliefs form our realities. We have been conditioned to live in a constant state of fight or flight. We each have the potential to change that.

You might/or might not/like this explanation. It was one of those ah ha moments for moi where I started getting a handle on how to change my programming.

TED Talks with Dr Joe Dispenza

Personally I'm finding that when I started getting back to meditation, actually changing my vibration, things move rather quickly. Falling back into the fear matrix less and less and if I do getting out is much easier. Any time in my life I have made meditation a priority seeing another reality which is nothing like what I see 'normally' happens on a more regular basis. With all the guided meditations now (so many to chose from) it makes it even easier. I like easy wink.

There are some that want to 'fight the beast'...but what you resist/persist. Understanding the nature of energy and how it works is critical to shifting this reality.

chabon ago

Ah, the IChing~a lifelong companion.

I affectionately call the ones who respond to my coin tosses the Grandfathers.

Yes, the set point does indeed change. The floor gets raised and I don't fall as far, or stay down as long.

Dr. Dispenza embroiders my understanding on Norman Doidge's work, and a bit on Iain McGilchrist's as well. While I entirely disagree with his premise that mind is brain-based, and recoil from his comparing a living organism to a machine, the fundamentals of his technique are sound. I, too, have experienced them myself. (grin) From Doidge I learned that the brain changes -- that we're not locked into the beliefs we find ourselves encased within -- which allowed me to begin changing my own programming. And one of the overarching themes of McGilchrist's work is that the ways we've been thinking over the past two thousand years (that's as far as he goes, IIRC) have changed the physical nature of our brain. Enthusiastically recommend McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary if you haven't come across it yet.

As to this:

This is something that needs to be tackled on a quantum level/metaphysical/beyond physical.

Well, this is part of the nut of my current thinking. I'm inclined to agree with you, but am not fully persuaded (as you've noticed). To frame it in biblical terms: On the one hand, there is Jesus reassuring that He's got this, that we can rest in Him without anxiety or fear, simply Loving one another with the Love that flows from the Creator. On the other hand, there is all the talk of Battle, not against people but against the powers and principalities of darkness. As noted in my earlier comment -- there is actual struggle involved in evolving. Now, is this all inward? Or is there something which gets enacted in the physical world?

I agree that there is an elusive, shape-shifting, quantum quality to the evil we keep seeking outside of ourselves -- but does that mean there is never a time to hold people accountable for their actions? To establish and uphold just laws?

I suppose in part the answer lies in just how large a leap one can imagine humanity making in a single bound.

4_InquiringMinds ago

On Joe...he goes much deeper into it to my understanding anyway. Watched an 8 hour webinar (torrent), much more detail. While I am not impressed with the commercial aspect of his format (which seems to be more commercial these days) and I am not impressed with some of the folks he aligns with, still he is doing some very productive research. I only mentioned him as a intro/not knowing what you are familiar with. I will deff ck out McGilchrist. Have a friend who is retired/worked with brain injured children and SRA. She has recommended several others too.

Even if Joe is saying mind is brain based must have skipped over that bc I don't consider that/but I do see how people's minds seem to be a prisoner of their malfunctioning brains. When I interact with most ppl am very aware I'm interacting with a malfunctioning os. If you poke around points of accessing their heart and they pop out for a moment grin before the go back to the os looping.


I agree that there is an elusive, shape-shifting, quantum quality to the evil we keep seeking outside of ourselves -- but does that mean there is never a time to hold people accountable for their actions? To establish and uphold just laws?

I leave those questions to others. From my perspective this is a hologram. The 'reality' is wave forms that are perceived thru our senses. We create our reality on a moment by moment basis. Even something as simple as a hand moving thru space is not movement but a string of freeze frames. While I read this years ago/decades actually/never could quite wrap my viseral around it. My viseral now is we form beliefs when very young/we pick up telepathically from our caregivers and surroundings. It starts at the simplest level of forming what seems to be a solid reality/this is a tree, these are clouds etc. It is how we establish ourselves in the virtual. Layer on that other beliefs, right, wrong and so much more. These beliefs form patterns in our mind and we can in instant time create all that we see and experience. We are magnetic beings and draw to us every moment.

I have had altered states where none of the usual rules apply. Sure with the most excellent mind expanding drugs supplied by the cia during the 60's movement did a lot to further this, but I've had them as a child (no drugs) and since the 60's (no drugs). Sometimes I can trace how the altered state happened/other times it just pops in there. When in that state nothing that I stress over is even remotely relevant/everything changes.

I should add been exploring Seth (Jane Roberts) for a long long time. First exposure to parallel realities I said shit, can't even keep this one together and you're saying what?????? Was 10 years before I broached that again. I have had times shifted into a parallel, once with someone else who also saw it happen/and a key component was changed (for the better by far).

Because of conditioning we tend to perceive our individual realities as solid, entrenched in time. Each of us has our own bubble/when we come together we telepathically find a meeting ground so we perceive we are in the same room but it is all imagination...we are dreaming.

That's why holding ppl accountable, establish and uphold just laws is for ppl that are interacting at a certain frequency which suits what they are exploring at that point in 'time'.

IChing...the grandfathers/I like that. From earliest childhood I've called them the voices or the others/bc I've heard them all my life. Read Lynda Dahl's books, she calls them the committee and I liked it so much I use that term now too. In one of her books (she is also a fan of Seth) she talks about ppl seeing, disappearing a grove of trees, office building, even a mcdonalds lol. Since I've had the experience many times of something appearing or disappearing I could relate.

Secret Life of Plants was another milestone in my understanding. A fellow could grow a tree 3 years worth in 3 weeks/which gave me great hope for the decimated rainforest and all forest for that matter. Could never figure out how he did it/but now I can. It is simply learning the skills to form um, structures from the wave lengths. When we get past the patterning of this is how a tree looks, this is how it grows 'thru time' the morphing becomes easy to understand. In truth nothing grows or ages/that is all just conditioning to believe such. Every single thing is created on the fly.

I've been in simultaneous time once that I could actually recall bc that is where we exist. From that vantage point I could see how events decades apart were right next to each other and it is simply how it is arranged/and emotional (magnetic) responses to such that determine the charge of the 'memory'. When I came back in it was like picking one thread and slowing down my vibration to orient in this 'time/space'.

The hidden knowledge of who we really are is much more vast than is commonly considered. Our purpose and intention for being here is as varied as our numbers. This scenario of the battle of light vs dark has been going on here for as long as there has been 'time'/me thinks free will was a mistake lol. This virtual has had many resets/not just Atlantis. If it gets to crazy where ppl actually get to the point of nuking out of existence then a reset will happen before that. I hope the shift in consciousness happens bc I suck with stone tools.

chabon ago

Too late to start a proper response tonight, but this:

The hidden knowledge of who we really are is much more vast than is commonly considered.

Most firmly agreed.

srayzie ago

I don't see how this stuff is fear porn though. We are seeing things happening before our eyes. We know what they are capable of. We know about the NWO and the Illuminati. People are truly scared. That's why I posted here and not Pizzagate. This is a real concern and needs to be talked about. Are_we_sure is a freak. I don't listen to him. He just threatened Jem777 with something to do with Jeffrey Dahmer. I won't let him ruin things for the rest of us.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I think you missed the context of my post but that is perfectly a okay :)

srayzie ago

Lol ok sorry

4_InquiringMinds ago

My very good friend is a highly trained instructor in a number of fields/emt being just one. In is professional capacity he is personally involved with some of the top pediatricians in the country. As he relates, they are alarmed, beyond alarmed, at the autism rates. So I start in on my theory of vaccinations. He goes nope, it's not that/his medical contacts have thoroughly studied the correlation and vaccinations (as they stand, meaning ingredients etc) are not the cause. Well of course at this point I mentally label him nuts. I 'know' vaccines cause autism...and I also insert glyphosate. Again he looks and says nope. At this point I'm positive I have the upper hand/I know what's going on/he doesn't. Then he says something that completely catches me off guard (bc he's a bit more um, normalized in his approach to things). He says, no, it's something much more insidious that they are doing and the doctors cannot figure out what it is but it's not the obvious that we have though it was. He repeats himself very slowly with such a serious penetrating look in his's much more insidious.

So I started letting my 'box' expand. What if it's not the standard view of vaccinations causing autism. Of course many have pondered something being added to the vax but that is mostly relegated to the extreme spiracy crowd bc 'everyone knows' its the ingredients that have been tailored to certain groups/perhaps bc that is the direction we have been steered to. But according to my friend the top doctors in this field have looked at that (not all are part of the agenda and not all are paid off idiots)/so they are looking for something else. However there does seem to be general agreement that it is being manufactured intentionally.

I tend to form a belief based on current input that is evaluated by past impressions. Just recently started seeing my own tunnel vision. Parts of the tunnel open up but certainly have quite a ways to go/it's all new territory.

So in that context, being willing to look at all sides/what if the emt scare has been manufactured to keep the fear factor charged? One event after another keeps ppl fearful/which keeps the satanic cabal in a place of power. It is their food/their lifeblood if you will. It's the reason part of the sacrifice ritual includes fear from the victim. Looking at the history of satanism fear is the desired goal. There was a group in mexico (saw a movie based on events) that would kidnap ppl, torture so the potions made from their body parts carried the fear energy. Drug cartels would buy the potions for protection. Few cartels had a string of bad luck and blamed it on the potions blaming it on not containing enough fear.

So I consider that these stories of wiping most of us out might be a psyop. If you lust for power and fame that requires an audience. Few hundred thousand docile slaves is just not going to do it. Where would be all the consumers to buy all the 'stuff'. Where would be all the ppl to go to your concerts and scream when you appeared. Where would all the ppl be to read all the gossip columns that track your every fart?

Maybe there is another perspective...just maybe. Since I started following an alternate line of thinking 50 years ago many dates foretelling the end game have come and gone. Big dates where ppl were storing food and everything else you can think of. Time and time again the rumors the cabal is on the run and they might just wipe us all out.

We live in a constant state of fight or flight. We live in states of anxiety, depression, insomnia just to name a few. All this serves to keep us isolated and scared. What if that has been the agenda all along?

And what would happen if we really woke up?

Inquiring minds~

with love

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Watch a scary movie twice. Suddenly it's not so scary.

Take of their masks. Are you really afraid of George Soros or Hillary Clinton, or Harvey Weinstein, or Peter Thiel, or Mark Zuckerberg, or Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates, or Kristin Bauer van Straten?

Fear of the unknown is what they thrive on. That is why they resort to deception, hence Sustainability.

If the light was on Racine, Wisconsin, we could pull back the curtain and expose the true Wizard of Oz. Racine is the Emerald City.

They are more afraid of us than we are of them.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Did you ever consider make a website exposing Racine then posting via twatter, fakebook...sure censorship but if the hits keep on coming. Can't really shine the light from this little gathering. What is needed is a plan to go viral. If any in your group know marketing would be an excellent time to develop strategy.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have a strategy and are working on something bigger. We need help to shine the light on Racine. We know what to do from there.

4_InquiringMinds ago

But as I understand it from your posts you have been trying to shine the light on racine for quite some time. Maybe it's time to find another way to shine the light? Posting in these kinds of forums where everyone is basically in agreement on how things work only reinforces confirmation bias. Web searching so far for targeting racine as the root of it all doesn't turn up any hits cept for voat. Doesn't look like what you have been doing so far is effective.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is much you do not know.

What we have been working on is very effective. Soon you will find out. We know something the rest of the world does not, and there are much bigger things in the works.

Maybe you should try helping. Do you have any high level contacts we could employ in our process?

4_InquiringMinds ago

You know who I am...we have had many pm's. I'm very open in pm' you would know I don't have any high level contacts lol.

We each help in our own ways. We each have 'faith' in the ways we have chosen. That so many are endeavoring to help creates an energy field that does more to combat evil that most might realize.

I acknowledge that you believe racine is the key and shining a light on it will be effective. Perhaps linking up with others that have production skills to make a documentary that has the potential to go viral would be beneficial. I don't know anyone with production skills.

srayzie ago

It would be nice if we could simply tell ourselves that we are over reacting and to not be in fear because that's what the Illuminati wants. But, the reality is that things are being done right out in the open at an alarming rate right here in the U.S. I don't believe we should just be quiet, not be concerned, and not wake others up. Being quiet and no fight from us is what the Illuminati would love.

Every American should know that the US is war hungry. We also know about Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030. Which method are they going to choose to get rid of such a huge amount of the population? An EMP attack is a very real threat. People need to prepare if that is the case. Being quiet helps nobody.

In the last few months we have seen many things happening that are really suspicious. Each event can be used to distract from another. But the fact is that we are under attack. So when I see these STRANGE fires that make no sense in my own back yard, and I go research and learn about DEW's that fit that theory, I can't just sit by and keep my mouth shut.

I have my voat family who are awake for the most part. It's not spreading fake news. It's spreading something that everyone should be aware of because sadly, this is our reality.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself nicely and that we can have a conversation and act like adults. But I respectfully disagree with you. That's ok though.

Jem777 ago

Damn I just got threatened by Are_we_sure. He showed me the map of Marfa, Texas where Scalia was murdered by HRC/Podesta then showed me Jeffrey Dahmer headless victim.

I knew he was top fb* JT*F.....but he is directly threatening me.

I was jumped and beaten 8 weeks ago and told to keep my fucking mouth shut.

Have asked for protection....nothing.

fogdryer ago


4_InquiringMinds ago

Consider (just for the heck of it) that he is a mid level analyst who is studying you for responses to best formulate a blueprint on how to manipulate those of 'your kind'. Everything we do on line profiles us/from one aspect to sell's a huge business.

Same goes for govt propaganda. We are profiled continuously. Your persona (profile) represents a certain segment of the disbelievers. You become a subject of interest. The dialogue between you and 'are you really' was took him a bit to get your 'goat'.

It's a game we have all participated in without really 'seeing'. Various agents (including mods, owners) use varying tactics of intimidation, flaming, scolding etc to further establish profiles. From that is determined what works best to confuse and defuse/based on the profiles.

It's a petri dish. We could stop playing the game and ignore them...we could.

This latest voat, free speech is under attack...I love that lol. Notice how it is also mentioned the shifting of server this and that is very expensive. Will a donation drive result or is it to instill gratitude for our protectors of 'free speech'.

Is voat really free speech...really? After our discussion on who really owns voat in the first place. How about controlled opposition?

Inquiring minds~

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Use their own tools and models against them.

We are not controlled opposition.

We are the Truth.

fogdryer ago

we need a leader, someone smart.......

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Possibly what we have learned most through this is that no one should have too much power. Or anyone can be the leader as long as they tell the Truth.

Let the Truth be our light and our leader.

4_InquiringMinds ago

While sending the information to various leaders and outlets was a good start it has not yielded any results. Might be time to formulate another plan.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have many plans working simultaneously. We need help shining the light onto Racine from all directions.

Racine is the key to Saving the world.

srayzie ago

He did that privately??

13Buddha ago

I thank the good Lord to have Amish friends and have learned much from them the past 5 years.

Jem777 ago

I am straight out ready to go Amish.... is that Pennsylvania?

13Buddha ago

Yes, it is.

srayzie ago

Well that would come in handy right now!

Jem777 ago

I say pray. A lot of people will scream at this but it is truth. Hell if they keep burning down California I am driving to Rancine and giving them the finger. They can have Sustainability (Satan's ability) I will take my chances before God. I have surrendered that part.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is a George Webb in Racine. It would be an ironic meeting place for all of us.

When the time comes, we will meet you there.

Until then, all we need is to make the world curious enough about Racine to want to find out the real Truth. The closest yet to global enlightenment was the beginning of Pizzagate with the Podesta drop.

Guess what city the Podestas got their big break into politics?

Jem777 ago

I am aware of the George Webb restaurant.

It is curious to say the least.

srayzie ago

Here is one in Santa Rosa where the fires were. I don't know if there was a fire here tho?

Rosa, 38º 26.4’ N 122º 42.9’ W, FEMA, Regional center for west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field, but is doing much more.


srayzie ago

I just found this. Do you know if the fires were near here?

Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. Has a saucer base.


carmencita ago

Working on the Napa tunnel answer. The mid control program It says some sites at Boy and Girls Scout Clubs. Well, guess what? The Boy Scouts are now accepting Girls. Another words, they want to take away girls from the Girl Scouts and will then have boys and girls to abuse. This disturbed me to no end. I was a Girl Scout and loved it. I also helped out at the neighborhood Girls Scout Club. Their big draw is that parents are too busy and one drop off at a meeting is better than two drop offs. Parents need to tone down what they are doing and take care of their kids. The boys and girls should be separated for this activity. This is again the melding together of the sexes, imo.

srayzie ago

Yeah they want to encourage our children to grow up sexually confused. It's ridiculous. I noticed that tho. They take some girl and boy scouts and do mind control on them over a couple of weeks. The more I read, the more I am in shock. It's still so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there are so many evil people. I used to think they were rare.

srayzie ago

I didn't know you were in California too. I was listening to a podcast. This woman was playing a video of another woman talking about the history of California and how these fires are a Satanic sacrifice. The woman in the video said something about how they could go to Santa Cruz next. That she fears for the people of Santa Cruz.

The woman playing the video then showed that people were starting to be evacuated in Santa Cruz. I was falling asleep listening. I haven't looked yet. Do you know if there are strange fires going on there?

carmencita ago

I heard on the news that Santa Cruz is under threat now. So yes, they are in danger, as far as I heard.

srayzie ago

They're probably worried. I would be!

carmencita ago

See the replies of Wisconsin

srayzie ago

K I will in the morning 😴😴😴😴😴

carmencita ago

Check out the post about 28K emails released from Weiner laptop

srayzie ago

I can't find it

srayzie ago

😮 ok!

Jem777 ago

Sant Cruz is right over the freeway less than an hour from Bay Area...

All these locations are connected.

SoldierofLight ago

Coincidence that the Georgia Guidestones say, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature"? That's roughly in line with the N. Korea EMP cover story-- a reduction of the world's population by 90%.

You can make your own Faraday cage to protect sensitive electronic devices from an EMP attack, and you can do it for less than $20. In that "cage" you should always keep survival items that would otherwise not survive an EMP attack, such as a shortwave radio, AM/FM radio, ham radio, etc. Cell phones will probably be worthless as the communication network will likely be down permanently, or at least long term.

Here's a video on how to make a small Faraday cage. You can use the same technique with a full-sized metal garbage can to hold even more stuff:

Store at least two weeks' worth of water. Stock up on canned foods that don't need refrigeration. To test if you're prepared, spend 24 hours at home without relying on electricity or running water.

carmencita ago

How do we tell our friends and relatives about this? I am not going to frighten them yet with this info. They will never believe it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Tell them that Racine, Wisconsin is the secret hub, model, and "root" for the real elite that control every aspect of the world, and that we need to shine the light on Racine.

When they question why Racine, you can ask them if they have ever heard of Pilgrims Society, Committee of 300 or Council of 13, or if they know where Sustainability and Agenda 2030 began.

If they still question it, ask them why no one will talk about Racine, Wisconsin and why Paul Ryan became the most powerful man in American politics.

carmencita ago

Paul Ryan is a Kingpin of Racine. Of course there are many others, but he is a Main Cog. What do you think of Randy Bryce the "Iron Man" also running against Ryan. He is a Union Man so I am wondering about his being hooked up to the Mafia as well and supported by NARAL. There is quite an article about him in Mother Jones.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Randy Bryce is a corrupt criminal in bed with the rest in Racine working with the mafia and now defunct Social Justice League of Racine under Soros' control. Parties do not matter in Wisconsin. It is all an illusion. They are all corrupt. Even Paul Nehlen cannot be trusted. He is the Alex Jones and Donald Trump of Racine County.

Dressage2 ago

Sounds like you just described DC. All corrupt and not a two-party system, but us against all of those Established Swamp Dwellers. Drive all of them bastards out.

carmencita ago

I sensed that as I read the article. Even though they tried to normalize him, the fact that there are tainted and fixed elections in Wisconsin, kept nagging at me. Anyone running at this point in Wisconsin, especially Racine are highly suspect.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Let's just say Randy Bryce and the newly elected mayor Cory Mason are virtual nobodies who will sell out the world for a base level salary and a lunch meeting with the Johnsons. The last mayors were no different, and only one ended up in prison so far. The last one ran away with his tail between his legs after Comey and Lynch obstructed RICO investigations that linked to the Johnsons and Clintons.

carmencita ago

What scumbags. Selling even their families off. If they think their families will be spared, the are sadly mistaken. They will stab their own Mother in the back. I noticed when we discussed the DEW and not being able to drive cars, you asked us to come to Racine. How do we gt there? I cannot figure it out, for they say any one with electrical cars or computerized, will not be able to drive. We think there may be a False Flag on Nov. 4th. in Oklahoma. We have found an ad asking for Crisis people thru Nov. 2nd.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is a real threat, and one of many contingency plans. They would not be investing in bunkers without reason.

We must stop their agenda by any means necessary. We don't have much time, and the fastest path to enlightenment is through Racine, Wisconsin.

Prepare for everything. A $500 car now may be worth much more soon. Water, food, ammunition, camping gear, and survival skills are critical.

Never sell your soul. Never take the Mark. Value the will to resist. 2 + 2 = __.

4_InquiringMinds ago

A $500 car now may be worth much more soon

The car won't be worth squat. If the grid goes down so do gas stations. If you store gas and try to get on the roads which will be littered with doa vehicles you will be a target. So no gas cept what you have stored and siphon from doa cars, congested roadways, being a moving target. None of this is logical thinking. Unless of course you are one of the bad ass like in the survival movies.

Now if ppl realized their connection to each other/which often happens in times of crisis then banding together to produce food and protection then there is a prospect of survival. Otherwise what you do have stored you will be in the position of having to fight off raiders while also attending to heat, gathering rain water etc. We need to understand that we need each other and spread that message which will do a lot more than meet in racine to save the world.

Now if there is some temple of doom in racine that if destroyed would stop the satanic cabal then better get on it and not wait till the apocalypse if you really believe it is that close. Acting after the fact is counter productive.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Then we won't bother wasting our time trying to Save you.

What do you really know about Racine, Wisconsin? We assume from your open ignorance and disdain for the Truth that it is very little.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I know what you have shared and many thanks for that. Certainly suggesting ppl learn to come together locally in a time of crisis does not equate to open ignorance and disdain for the truth.

My opinion on traveling during a time of apocalyptic conditions is what I consider prudent. It's not like this is a new idea. Ppl hitting the road to get to racine just doesn't seem safe. In apocalyptic conditions there would be roving gangs/you are looking at rape, torture, the very least having your vehicle with all contents stolen and being left in the middle of rotting corpses with no supplies or weapons. The safest course of action is to shelter in place and band with neighbors.

As for wasting your time trying to save me...again, the most prudent course of action in a crisis is not looking for someone to save you/it's about being clear headed, assessing resources locally and taking care of things not only to save yourself but others. Most ppl are good/decent folks. This shows time and time again. Ppl do care about each other and go to great lengths to help others in need. It is the false sense of separation that the cabal encourages.

With some practice that facilitates being clear, centered (meditation, tai chi, aikido, prayer etc) the clarity one possesses can be an anchor point for ppl that are confused. Staying calm is paramount.

I really don't understand the hostility of your reply. It's as if anything that goes against your narrative is ignorant. That is not what discussion about ideas entails. @carmencita and I have agreed to disagree on a few issues but it never devolved into hostility. We have each learned/expanded/by looking at the other's viewpoint.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the answer, and you should know by now we are telling the Truth about everything. We are showing the way. We are connecting the pieces. We are offering aolutions. We are contacting authorities. We are contacting politicians and journalists. We have organized multiple private investigations, and we have many more developments in progress. It would be insane to declare what we have about Racine if it were not the Truth. We know it is the Truth. It is not confirmation bias.

That is precisely why your comments were so surprising after ongoing communciations where you acknowledged we were correct about so many things. We are not doing this for fun or for a joke. Everyone's life is at stake. Their souls are at stake. We don't take that lightly.

You are also assuming some things that you do not know. We need more high level military, intelligence, and industry contactts, but we wouldn't push away media or film contacts or anyone who wants to shine the light on Racine. We are not doing this for money. We don't need or want money. This is about the Truth and Saving the world. Nothing else matters.

We only advocated for meeting in Racine when all other communications fail. If you have a better idea, please share it. If you would rather meditate than fight we respect that. If you still believe in our corrupt courts and law enforcement, please find one high level official who can be trusted to invwstigate and prosecute everyone involved to the full extent of the law both in America and abroad as they elude jurisdictions.

If you are on the side of Good and Truth some of the time, pllease either be on the side of Good and Truth all of the time.

When you find one other person anywhere who has openly claimed that they have discovered the "root" and headquarters of the entire system that leads to Global Enslavement in a small mid-American city, please let us know.

Racine is the root. Racine is rhe Truth. We have many things in the works. Posting comments here and freely communicating with many people including you is one of them.

We are asking for your help.

4_InquiringMinds ago

We only advocated for meeting in Racine when all other communications fail. If you have a better idea, please share it.

Already did/shelter in place/stay centered/band together locally/help others.

If you would rather meditate than fight we respect that.

Venture a guess that most here are not skilled in combat. Mediation or whatever keeps one centered would be of benefit/clear focus would be imperative in an apocalyptic situation.

Racine is a center of corruption. How taking it down will collapse all of it worldwide/without any more specifics can't see how that would work. Take one hub down/they have others. It's not clear at this point what solutions are being offered other than shine the light and contact ppl that might be able to help. Even if it is the headquarters surely they have contingency plans/would not seem logical otherwise.

All I'm saying is when I look at it all things are not adding up. You say you have plans in the works we don't know about. Good, but asking me or anyone to take that on face value is not really very fair now is it?

If you are on the side of Good and Truth some of the time, pllease either be on the side of Good and Truth all of the time.

Where did this even come from? Would venture most here are on the side of good and truth all of the time. Ppl by and large are decent folks who just want to live their lives in peace.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the root and model for Global Enslavement.

Racine is also the root and model to unravel the entire system by showing the world the real Truth.

All we need to do is expose the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and Sustainability so the world knows the real meaning and their real plan - Global Enslavement.

When you pull back the curtains, the Wizard is much less intimidating. Racine is the Emerald City.

This is the Ultimate Truth that must be exposed to all before it is too late.

Dressage2 ago

I have three month supply of food, water and a boatload of ammo. That will be the new currency if this comes to pass.

carmencita ago


13Buddha ago

I agree. They will not believe and/or think seriously about obtaining involuntary admission for us to a psychiatric facility.

Jem777 ago

If that is ever threatened let me know. I will help.

13Buddha ago

Ha! Thanks, but hopefully I would out-think and out-maneuver them. Mindfullnes, daily meditation, and daily T'ai Chi practice provides much introspection and and increases intuitiveness.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Mindfullnes, daily meditation, and daily T'ai Chi practice provides much introspection and and increases intuitiveness.


carmencita ago

Agreed. That is what I am afraid of. That is the power they have over this, that no one will believe until it is too late.

GHDW ago

If anyone sends up a nuke for an airshot how could you tell where it came from when the kikes lie implicitly

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is their last defense, after the Trump card has failed. They cannot let the world find out the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and the real agenda of population control and Global Enslavement under the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) enforced by AI and the Mark of the Beast.

This is a real threat and may be feigned as the "Rapture" where many of us will "disappear" or targeted for removal, followed by Project Bluebeam with aome form of alien disclosure and possibly fake second coming of Jesus (see Russia for one guy claiming to be Him).

When this happens, everyone should meet in Racine, Wisconsin - the "root" of the entire network. If we are still here, we will meet you there.

Dressage2 ago

Remember, I loved the zoo as a child. I would come for sure.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And just exactly what would everyone do once they met in Racine?

Dressage2 ago

Beer and brat and eat cheese curds. After that, give them resistance I suppose.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago


4_InquiringMinds ago

Sounds lovely but what is the game plan? Take over the town by Do you really think a group of ppl could do that?

Jem777 ago

Classic...easy peasy right. Unite, Survive, Save the world

Let's do it!

13Buddha ago

Count me in.

srayzie ago

I was thinking it could be their last card too. Everything they have tried has fallen apart. If too much is exposed and the majority turned on them, that would screw up their plans. Since they have places to go to be safe, they could just pull something huge like this and be done with it. There is also a lot more talk of the possibility of aliens. That could be leading to Project Blue Beam. They're so sick, I wouldn't put anything past them anymore.

new4now ago

I thinking the same, read a book about EMP being deployed called One Second After

The only vehicles that ran where made, I think 1970, All those with serious health issues died, I have to say that book scared the hell out of me

Take away electronics and a lot of people won't know what to do

it sets people against people for survival

when I read that article, was thinking the same, We need to get our EMP's decommissioned or whatever you would say

They don't need to be nuclear, just knocking out power grid would cause such chaos and death

srayzie ago

I've read stuff too. It scares the hell out of me. Yes, old cars that aren't electric. The main thing that will kill us is starving. I also read that disease would be bad. With no flushing toilets, no clean running water, no medicine for the sick decaying bodies, etc.

At first there will always be looters because the retards won't realize how serious this is. Good thing we have guns! People should stock up on food, water, medications, ways to cook, flash lights, batteries, and a whole lot more.

This scares me more than a nuclear bomb. I'd rather me and my loved ones, including animals, just be blown away and gone in a second, than to watch the ones I love slowly suffer and starve to death.

These people make me so sick. You know they all have their underground cities and bunkers and will be living the high life. They could have all the spirit cooking dinners and pizza parties they want and in peace. They don't care about us.

This could be a part of the Agenda 2030 plans. That would certainly be the best population control those bastards could ask for.

fogdryer ago

always have an exist strategy. I do

new4now ago

was thinking of stocking up on how to do things the old fashion way for my kids and Grandkids, even Boy Scout manuals have survival stuff in it

srayzie ago

Yeah I'm gonna read up on stuff too. I have heard that in a state of emergency, the government has the right to go take land and stuff from people. So, let's say someone lives in the country and can live off of their own livestock and their own crops and gardens, the government can take control over it.

new4now ago

In the book, it opened the door for the Chinese Army

Was it the Chinese that set it off?

Certain knowledge almost becomes unbearable if not for the instinct of survival

srayzie ago

That set what off?

new4now ago

the EMP, sry

the book scared me, and I can see it happening

srayzie ago

Me too. Sorry. I didn't know what you meant about the Chinese.

new4now ago

Home today and trying to play catch up here and post some saved articles, Damn Windows updates delete all in my favorites.

srayzie ago

You should save the articles in pocket or instapaper. You can even tag the articles when you save them to pocket.

new4now ago


new4now ago

cars without catalytic converters and computers on board

it would be the death of big cities, some of the rural folks would make it

as for their bunkers, maybe we need to find these, these bunkers would need intake and exhaust

Only the strong would survive and at what price would they pay?

Jem777 ago

Thanks for the ping. This is alarming. The question that went through my brain was did they defund because they are already in possession of Directed Energy Weapons they have been keeping secret? That could zap N.K. In a second. They needed target practice so they lit up Nor Cal as false flag and to cover up MK Ultra communes located?

Dressage2 ago

I had the same thought. This makes the hair stand up on my arms.

srayzie ago

I think we've had the capability of doing that to others for a long time. What I'm talking about is OUR country being protected from another country attacking us. Or sadly, our own country attacking us.

Jem777 ago

I am agreeing with you.

This is revealing the secret space program.

The next war will be Star Wars and depopulation.