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Jem777 ago

I say pray. A lot of people will scream at this but it is truth. Hell if they keep burning down California I am driving to Rancine and giving them the finger. They can have Sustainability (Satan's ability) I will take my chances before God. I have surrendered that part.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is a George Webb in Racine. It would be an ironic meeting place for all of us.

When the time comes, we will meet you there.

Until then, all we need is to make the world curious enough about Racine to want to find out the real Truth. The closest yet to global enlightenment was the beginning of Pizzagate with the Podesta drop.

Guess what city the Podestas got their big break into politics?

Jem777 ago

I am aware of the George Webb restaurant.

It is curious to say the least.

srayzie ago

Here is one in Santa Rosa where the fires were. I don't know if there was a fire here tho?

Rosa, 38º 26.4’ N 122º 42.9’ W, FEMA, Regional center for west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field, but is doing much more.


srayzie ago

I just found this. Do you know if the fires were near here?

Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. Has a saucer base.


carmencita ago

Working on the Napa tunnel answer. The mid control program It says some sites at Boy and Girls Scout Clubs. Well, guess what? The Boy Scouts are now accepting Girls. Another words, they want to take away girls from the Girl Scouts and will then have boys and girls to abuse. This disturbed me to no end. I was a Girl Scout and loved it. I also helped out at the neighborhood Girls Scout Club. Their big draw is that parents are too busy and one drop off at a meeting is better than two drop offs. Parents need to tone down what they are doing and take care of their kids. The boys and girls should be separated for this activity. This is again the melding together of the sexes, imo.

srayzie ago

Yeah they want to encourage our children to grow up sexually confused. It's ridiculous. I noticed that tho. They take some girl and boy scouts and do mind control on them over a couple of weeks. The more I read, the more I am in shock. It's still so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there are so many evil people. I used to think they were rare.

srayzie ago

I didn't know you were in California too. I was listening to a podcast. This woman was playing a video of another woman talking about the history of California and how these fires are a Satanic sacrifice. The woman in the video said something about how they could go to Santa Cruz next. That she fears for the people of Santa Cruz.

The woman playing the video then showed that people were starting to be evacuated in Santa Cruz. I was falling asleep listening. I haven't looked yet. Do you know if there are strange fires going on there?

carmencita ago

I heard on the news that Santa Cruz is under threat now. So yes, they are in danger, as far as I heard.

srayzie ago

They're probably worried. I would be!

carmencita ago

See the replies of Wisconsin

srayzie ago

K I will in the morning 😴😴😴😴😴

carmencita ago

Check out the post about 28K emails released from Weiner laptop

srayzie ago

I can't find it

srayzie ago

😮 ok!

Jem777 ago

Sant Cruz is right over the freeway less than an hour from Bay Area...

All these locations are connected.