cantsleepawink ago

John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg

The U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) – known informally as "Swick" – primarily trains and educates United States Army personnel for the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM), which includes Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations personnel.

carmencita ago

Pie Pushers Pizza Place The first thing you see is a guy with a panda on his hat and does the panda have a set of fang teeth under him? This gets really bazaar. Then notice instead of Raining Men it is Raining Pizza. Ugh.

cantsleepawink ago

Parson’s second novel shares insight on life at the fire station

Parsons started his career as a firefighter in the Air Force while stationed at Pope Air Force Base. While there, he joined a volunteer fire department off-base in Spring Lake, North Carolina where he learned the basics of firefighting. After leaving the military, Parsons started his full-time career with the Fayetteville Fire Department in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Another Parsons for you @argosciv

argosciv ago


argosciv ago

hahaha fucking hubbard. what a cunt

cantsleepawink ago

Pope Air Force base is now Pope Army

Today, Pope continues to put the "air" in airborne for Fort Bragg missions by providing airlift and close air support to American armed forces and to humanitarian missions flown all over the world.

Mobility Airmen, FEMA stand up hurricane staging area in South Carolina

JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Mobility Airmen are actively working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency at Joint Base Charleston’s North Auxiliary Airfield, South Carolina, as recovery and relief efforts following Hurricane Irma continue.

“We serve as the liaison and support entity for the Emergency Preparedness Liaison Office,” said Col. Rockie Wilson, 628th Mission Support Group commander. “We’ve worked closely with both AFNORTH and the 18th Air Force to coordinate the support from Pope Army Airfield as well as provided access to the [North Auxiliary Airfield].”

carmencita ago

Also was not the Paddock plane followed to SC? This is another intertwined mess of a rabbit hole.

cantsleepawink ago

Really? Have you got a link ?

carmencita ago

I don't mean literally, but somehow I remember the plane was connected to some company or base in SC. I did not mean they physically followed the airplane.

cantsleepawink ago

No, I understood that. Interesting still.

cantsleepawink ago

Fort Bragg explosion in September injuring 7 soldiers and killing 1 :

ESOTERICshade ago

Fort Bragg explosion in September injuring 7 soldiers and killing 1

Pie pushers address is 117

cantsleepawink ago

Uhm..this is getting more bizzarre: again from the website of the training school for the nearby jetport:

Mr. David Williams - Flight Operations on him here:

His company, Wildon Software, is a financial supporter of the Operation FlyNC program.

Wildon Software website is not running and only has a PO Box address, so ..the wayback machine:

Wildon Software Corporation is a team of computer consultants, software developers, and technical project managers based in the North Carolina Research Triangle area

The google page for 'North Carolina Research Triangle area' lists the following restaurants: " Bioshape Solutions Inc., Bino's Catering, Pie Pushers, Food Truck Fridays"

So of course I check Pie Pushers: check out the website!

ESOTERICshade ago

Pie pushers is hosted by squarespace. Squarespace does hosting for the Comet gang and other nefarious operations.

cantsleepawink ago

Deleted post about Pie Pushers:

Dismal_Swamp ago

Those aren't ping pong paddles on the hat. It's to put the pizza in a pizza stove. They probably have a wood stove for making pizzas.

cantsleepawink ago

I see.

cantsleepawink ago

already been explained

carmencita ago

I heard on the news that Chicago is putting in a strong big for a huge Amazon center which will be close to the Foxconn one in Wisc. Microchip is the goal. They are going to plant these all over the country, imo. Wonder if the HQ will be a precursor to opening a lg. distribution center there too.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

As @new4now said there already is one in Racine. Many involved in the corruption network rigged the special election yesterday in Racine to get their next corrupt guy in office. Racine has had a string of corrupt mayors with the last one rewarded with a seat to control the Great Lakes after his crime spree in office. They all have heavily pushed and given handouts for Amazon, Foxconn, SC Johnson and other corporate giants in the area involved in the real agenda of Global Enslavement.

Trump also supports these deals, and we can show the world the Truth by shining the light on Racine to force Trump to show his cards. He knows about Racine, and has for a long time.

carmencita ago

How do you want us to shine the light? Just more posting on here and telling other people? Or do you have a better suggestion. I think we need a team of people to start posting and posting to make it more visible to new members. Please direct us. Thank you.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you @carmencita. We are working on something bigger, and need everyone's help to shine the light in any and every way possible on Racine, Wisconsin.

You can quickly find out who is part of the control group by pressuring them to investigate or report on Racine and the real agenda and groups involved. We have already identified many who won't. It is the Ultimate Litmus Test.

Use any social media, news outlet, officials, memes, videos or any other form. We don't they think marches are effective and are too dangerous, but getting on TV, radio or other mass communication tool would help. "What is the secret aboit Racine?" or "Investigate Racine" or "Learn the real Truth about Global Enslavement, Sustainability and the "root" of all Evil in Racine, Wisconsin." Any of these or other ideas will help build interest and curiosity. Why is Racine, Wisconsin the biggest story in the world that no one has heard about?

Another key way is exposing those involved that people know well (celebrities), don't know about (secret societies), or would not suspect such as SC Johnson, Rotary International, Nestle, Pilgrims Society, Paul Ryan, Jeff Koons, Caron Butler, Kristin Bauer van Straten and her brother Jeff Neubauer, Tom DeLonge, and Ashton (Chris) Kutcher.

The world needs to know they are being tricked right in front of their faces. The key is to shine the light on Racine, Sustainability and the Mark of the Beast, and the real agenda to where the world is demanding to know the real Truth. We can then prove the system and fake media, broken system, and corrupt corporations, foundations, agencies and officials will not and cannot effectively address the underlying problem and "root" of the system. They only enable and catalyze it.

This is the biggest story in the world.

carmencita ago

Thank you for answering. Since you have a plan I think we need to group together here and develop a plan. I will get back to you.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Those involved in global criminal corruption want to make the system seem so complex, deceptive, overwhelming, indecipherable, ever-changing, and massive that there is no understanding it, denting it, or opportunity to take it down. Watch the Matrix or the trailer for Pacific Rim 2. They are examples that portray how improbable or impossible it is for a few people to change the world, that it can only happen in movies. They want people to be inundated with information from all sides - hopeless, tired, confused, deceived, not enough people, not enough resources, etc.

Snowden couldn't crack it and is isolated as an example. Assange can't crack it and is isolated as an example. Kim can't crack it and was made an example of. Ronald Bernard can't crack it and is isolated. Kanye can't crack it and is isolated. Trump can't crack it and is isolated. Defango can't crack it. Comey and Lynch can't crack it. Trey Gowdy can't crack it. Ron Paul and Rand Paul can't crack it. Hannity can't crack it. George Webb can't crack it. Seth Rich couldn't crack it. Paul Walker couldn't crack it. Even Russia can't crack it. They are all examples to discourage others from trying. If Alex Jones can't crack it open, no one can, right?

Why try to solve the impossible puzzle none of these actors can seem to crack when you can reverse engineer the puzzle and go straight to the factory where it was created?

That is Racine, Wisconsin.

Alex Jones and others will name a few already widely known to be involved such as DynCorp, Lockheed, Amazon and Facebook. They are fine naming known CIA partners, because they are protected..They are fine saying Hollywood and DC are corrupt, and the mainstream media is corrupt. They can cry crocodile tears one minute and then say no one should go to prison the next.

No children should have to suffer another day in this dark world when the light and key to eternal life is right in front of us and so simple.

Why is Racine, Wisconsin the most taboo subject and the biggest story in the world? Why would such a be so.powerful on the global scale? Are we to think, despite directly giving him substantial information about Racine, Trump still doesn't know what is going on in the district of Paul Ryan, the most powerful legislator in America?

Sustainability is the real open secret among thise involved, and it is the foundation to the puzzle of deception that leads to Global Enslavement.

If the world wants to be Saved, Racine is the path and "root" to the Tree of Truth.

carmencita ago

Yes, I and many have said before that everything we start to research becomes a rabbit hole. They have carefully crafted it all to make us turn back. Thanks for your response.

cantsleepawink ago

ODD..On the Facebook page of the nearby Harnett County Regional Jetport.. is this post..

If you're looking for any kind of flight or pilot services head on over to Executive Flight Training here at Harnett County Regional Jetport. They've got all kinds of great training and services available.

The website for the training school:

says there website training school address is

which leads to this page: Scalp Micro Pigmentation – Hue Changes Into Blue? Or Purple? Or Anything Else?

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

Ol' Bobs a pedo for sure, I don't know that all these places are involved in some pedo scheme. You do have to admit that the dems project everything they do onto others, so the focus on the bad christian man seems relevant. When in reality it is the jew doing this shit.

cantsleepawink ago

Also close by is Harnett County Regional Jetport. On their Facebook page is this post about LEE County which you might think significant @argosciv

argosciv ago

uh yeah, what the fuck indeed... De Niro... fuck him... not sure exactly what you have here, but definitely worth the dig

cantsleepawink ago