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Jem777 ago

Damn I just got threatened by Are_we_sure. He showed me the map of Marfa, Texas where Scalia was murdered by HRC/Podesta then showed me Jeffrey Dahmer headless victim.

I knew he was top fb* JT*F.....but he is directly threatening me.

I was jumped and beaten 8 weeks ago and told to keep my fucking mouth shut.

Have asked for protection....nothing.

fogdryer ago


4_InquiringMinds ago

Consider (just for the heck of it) that he is a mid level analyst who is studying you for responses to best formulate a blueprint on how to manipulate those of 'your kind'. Everything we do on line profiles us/from one aspect to sell's a huge business.

Same goes for govt propaganda. We are profiled continuously. Your persona (profile) represents a certain segment of the disbelievers. You become a subject of interest. The dialogue between you and 'are you really' was took him a bit to get your 'goat'.

It's a game we have all participated in without really 'seeing'. Various agents (including mods, owners) use varying tactics of intimidation, flaming, scolding etc to further establish profiles. From that is determined what works best to confuse and defuse/based on the profiles.

It's a petri dish. We could stop playing the game and ignore them...we could.

This latest voat, free speech is under attack...I love that lol. Notice how it is also mentioned the shifting of server this and that is very expensive. Will a donation drive result or is it to instill gratitude for our protectors of 'free speech'.

Is voat really free speech...really? After our discussion on who really owns voat in the first place. How about controlled opposition?

Inquiring minds~

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Use their own tools and models against them.

We are not controlled opposition.

We are the Truth.

fogdryer ago

we need a leader, someone smart.......

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Possibly what we have learned most through this is that no one should have too much power. Or anyone can be the leader as long as they tell the Truth.

Let the Truth be our light and our leader.

4_InquiringMinds ago

While sending the information to various leaders and outlets was a good start it has not yielded any results. Might be time to formulate another plan.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have many plans working simultaneously. We need help shining the light onto Racine from all directions.

Racine is the key to Saving the world.

srayzie ago

He did that privately??