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ESOTERICshade ago

When you go on an extended raid into enemy territory you want quite the opposite: To make them burn as many sockpuppets as possible, and be stuck with them. It takes months to build up a sockpuppet to the point where Voaters won't yell "shill" at it.

Interesting how you know that. You just burned three yourself. You also planted the idea that WIC should be banned. And then graciously stated that you didn't want WIC banned.

The hilarious part of this ploy is that WIC never even came close to doing anything he should be banned for. If anybody should be banned it is you and your sock puppets.

FIRST THREE POSTS. As we all know in a lot of forums a shill post often is the first post because its an important position to help set the mood of readers. This was a playbook move.

People like you give me hope.

Amazing. Thank you.

I've enjoyed your posts. Thanks

Amazing! Its amazing how you noticed Glenn Beck didn't cry on cue this time!!! Amazing!!!

That one made me snort coffee on my keyboard. roflmao

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is so much human trafficking in Racine they created three fake organizations pretending to investigate it - The Fight to End Exploitation, I-94 Project, and Racine County Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Three of the main sponsors were Racine Dominicans, Racine Community Foundation, and Superboss with ties to Tom DeLonge, Blink-182 and Penn State University. They also had ties with a Living Light Community Church, Racine Interfaith Coalition, and Racine Social Justice League and others involved in the circle of corruption. Ashton (Chris) Kutcher backed out of events and they rolled up the entire campaign when they were exposed as a cover up for thise involved in trafficking and criminal corruption. It is no coincidence that Mayor John Dickert resigned with many others and they pulled out all the stops including national coverage to get the new corrupt mayor in place through the DNC.

ESOTERICshade ago

Obviously something is going on in Racine because they sent a dedicated shill here to discredit you. If anything I think this will cause people to take a closer look at Racine because this shill did such a silly job its pathetic. I was serious when I said I have not seen a loopy word salad like this on a lonnnggg time. The whole "year long investigation" is so nonsensical that it became entertaining. I literally started almost laughing out loud a couple of times even though this situation is not funny.