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ESOTERICshade ago

So I've used up my two weeks' vacation, and I'm going to have to scale back my visits. Back to my day job and my family.


I don't believe you. I think this went so horribly that its not doing you any good. Your "year long investigation" got debunked so bad it became entertainment. Your sincerity is fake in my opinion. This is one of the loopiest word salads of unrelated incidents and people I have seen in a long time.

If the best you can do "in your year long investigation" is defend Paul Ryan, smear his detractors, and defame the memory of a mentally ill Tory Smith who probably died, and use Glenn Beck to bolster your credibility, then you not only failed but you are cruel.

I also believe this effort of yours is paid for or that you work for a special interest group. I think these three or four usernames that don't post here regularly that oddly rushed in pretend to be your supporters came as a package deal. This is all fake.

These are the results of your "year long investigation." (what a joke)

ESOTERICshade wrote:

In order for your theory to hold water Paul Ryan would have to be one of the good guys and Glenn Beck would have to not be a lying lunatic.

sobersecondthought replied:

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water. I never said Glenn Beck was a perfect human being. He's a showman, a carnival barker, an agent of persuasion.

ESOTERICshade replied:

Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic. Have you seen this off stage camera footage with Glenn Beck rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub under his eyes to generate tears for the camera, and laughing because it is burning his eyes? Yes, the lunatic lying Glenn Beck rubs Vicks under his eyes so that he can pretend to cry for the camera.

Video of Beck rubbing Vicks vapor rub under his eyes so he can cry for the camera. Prepare vomit bag, you might need it.

The result of your NOT "year long investigation" rests on Paul Ryan being an honest man and for Glenn Beck to be credible. You said so yourself.

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water.

You failed. Tell Paul Ryan to clean up his corrupt district instead of sending newbies like you here to be his shill. I bet you won't get your bonus for this debacle of a con job.