DomKeyhote ago

Meanwhile every single white child under 5 in this country is a racial minority among peers, but you guys don't give a shit about that. SHAME

ESOTERICshade ago

We know HLI is a shill. So what? Your attempts to tie him to WIC are so clumsy it just shows that something is wrong in Racine. I told you this would happen, you didn't listen.

For ten months, he told an astounding number of bizarre lies, about everything from having a cure for cancer to the British Royal Family secretly controlling Saudi Arabia.

Saudia Arabia is a puppet and a tool of the western banking oligarchs. Its true. Just because even shill HLI said it does not change reality.

Then he told everyone that 80 percent of Washington was controlled by blackmail and the swamp would never be drained.

Sadly enough its true. Percentages might be lower but its true. By pedophiles no less.

Then I posted about the Milwaukee recount, and exactly one week later, he set up shop here with a completely new, toned-down persona, and tried to take control of research by "revealing" that James Alefantis had a connection to the Jesters, and the Jesters had a connection to Adams Morgan.

You keep trotting that dog around like we give a fuck. It has nothing to do with the pedophilia work we do. That is a voting problem.

As a result, HighLevelInsider has stopped posting, and ababcb has stopped posting, and Voaters no longer bother researching the Jesters.

You're full of shit. The posters in this sub ran his ass off.

I also showed Brock's emails arranging funding from Herb Sandler, who is literally the absolute center of izzagate.

No you didn't. We knew that long before you even arrived here.

He's the one who asked John Podesta if he'd do better "playing dominoes" with pizza or pasta. I showed that he is paying someone to come here and manipulate you. No one had done that before I did it.

We knew that long before you arrived. As a matter of fact you are talking to the person that actually found out what it really meant.

You don't get to dismiss all that by parroting ESOTERICshade and WIC, saying that I "started to defend Paul Ryan," as though the 10,000 words of logic and evidence that came before Paul Ryan were nothing.

Your larp has nothing to do with pizzagate and is crafted to distract from the details about child trafficking in Racine, or lack of.

If Wisconsin really is corrupt, then a massive, provable voting fraud in Milwaukee is something you should care about.

Pizzagaters are not stupid enough to believe that since we don't focus on Milwaukee's voting fraud problems that it somehow makes WIC a liar and that Racine is clean. I think the problem is that you know so little about pizzagate that you think we are stupid enough not to notice that you make no sense.

Again, you have a responsibility to the other people in this community, to acknowledge obvious facts. You don't get to say that my whole theory crumbled, without ever once acknowledging what my theory actually says.

You don't even have a theory. You just write a bunch of distraction about Milwaukee voting fraud and a shill named HLI that pizzagaters ran off by themselves.

Your problem is that you don't understand what you are talking about and have hooked a lot of unconnected subjects together in a clumsy manner and it shows.

SoberSecondThought ago

ME: As a result, HighLevelInsider has stopped posting, and ababcb has stopped posting, and Voaters no longer bother researching the Jesters.

YOU: You're full of shit. The posters in this sub ran his ass off.

I notice you didn't say that you personally had anything to do with that. Which is good, because you didn't.

Jul 24 -- This was a really long Swordfish69 thread where you and HLI were agreeing about the value of good quality surveillance. Later DarkMath visited the thread and confronted him about Osama = Obama being an insane idea.

An hour later in another really long thread, HLI was again lecturing everyone about doing surveillance. When he claimed to have caught a U.S. Senator, you mocked his choice of camera and suggested a better one.

Jul 25 -- The next day, around the time DarkMath was calling HLI insane, 2impendingdoom reported that HLI had been threatening to dox him in retaliation for being called a shill. About ten minutes later, you offered your moral support to 2impendingdoom with a pun on the name "Awan" and no mention of HLI.

Sep 10 -- HLI brought up the Royal Order of Jesters again. This time you actually did call him out, saying that he was pushing the surveillance too much. He didn't answer. Then you said, "Thats why I stay out of his threads. I don't want him to get a foothold of trust here which is what he wants." So bold!

But then 15 minutes later, HLI posted about Andrew Anglin being a pedo, and you helpfully jumped in with a smiley face and more details! Great work preventing him from getting a foothold of trust!

Sep 14 -- You agreed with HLI that the Wexner family are pedos.

Sep 18 -- HLI agreed with you about Planned Parenthood.

Sep 18 -- HLI agreed with you about masonic hand signals

Sep 21 -- In the middle of not doing anything to run HLI out of here, you posted a comment that Honeybee mistakenly deleted using her new mod powers. @Crensch seized on the occasion to denounce you (not for the first time) as a disinfo shill, and to rage at your commenting style in hilarious fashion.

Sep 23 -- HLI posted about civilians helping the police hunt UK pedos, and within minutes you posted the first (positive) comment.

By the end of September, HLI was occupied with LARPing as Senate Anon, so he didn't post much, leaving you no more opportunities to soundly defeat his shilling by constantly agreeing with him.

The reason he left was he had a new set of lies to tell on /pol/. The reason he won't be back is because he knows he'll be confronted about his previous lies, as well as his ridiculous BS about being raised from childhood in the same secret society as Plato. Now, about the Milwaukee recount:

You keep trotting that dog around like we give a fuck. It has nothing to do with the pedophilia work we do. That is a voting problem.

That's a pretty desperate try at dodging the question. The Clinton gang rigged the election to block any investigation into elite pedosadism. The evidence of rigging and the evidence of pedosadism are intertwined in the same set of emails and financial transactions. The cover-up engineered by Brock and paid for by Sandler is supposed to cover both. If your post about archiving software is relevant, then Hillary Clinton rigging Milwaukee is relevant.

ME: I also showed Brock's emails arranging funding from Herb Sandler, who is literally the absolute center of Pizzagate.

YOU: No you didn't. We knew that long before you even arrived here.

You're getting confused about who "we" are. That is a recurring problem of yours. I started posting here 8 months ago, and you started four months ago. Unless you want to confess that you were here earlier, under one or more alternative names? Plus, Jem777 already tried that argument, and failed completely. I invited her to show where anyone had connected Sandler to the Media Matters slush fund, or the slush fund to the disinfo campaign going on here. She put up four old posts, I explained why none of them did these things, and then ASolo, the original author of two of those posts, agreed with me.

Research is only useful if it is specific. What I have been working on has not been worked on before, on Voat or anywhere else that I can discover. Now, do you want to try telling me how (a) you don't give a crap about John Boehner, plus (b) everyone knew all about him before I arrived, plus (c) he's not relevant to the work "we" do here either?

ESOTERICshade ago

What you are failing to understand, or refuse to acknowledge, that almost nobody is going to read all your complex dribble because it does not apply to what we do. It shows your desperation to cover Ryan's ass. It could not be anymore obvious that you have an agenda to divide and conquer. Now fuck off.

SoberSecondThought ago

Google is not your friend.

ESOTERICshade ago

Google is not your friend.

Stop using it then.

ESOTERICshade ago

I notice you didn't say that you personally had anything to do with that. Which is good, because you didn't.

Yes I did, liar, I was one of the main ones.

SoberSecondThought ago

Read. What. I. Just. Wrote.

ESOTERICshade ago

Read. What. I. Just. Wrote.

Done with your disassociated BS. You just need to tell us why Racine is not neck deep in child trafficking instead of playing in the woods. That is why you are here. Your focus is crystal clear. You don't really care about all the filler in your dribble, its just a cover for your focus on child trafficking in Racine. But your attempts are so clumsy that I can clearly see you hiding.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt you are worrying the hell out somebody thats for sure.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is not fair or reasonable. Even if you believe I am wrong about Tory Smith, you don't get a free pass on all the other work I did. It's not just that they're the same person, it's that they work for David Brock, and are funded by Herb Sandler, and are in regular contact with James Alefantis.

Now WIC is taking marching orders from James Alef. This is getting crazier and crazier.

Just cut to the chase and explain to us why there is no trafficking in Ryan's district how bout it? I

ESOTERICshade ago

This is what you said about your prime exhibit Glen Beck in one of your threads.

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water. I never said Glenn Beck was a perfect human being. He's a showman, a carnival barker, an agent of persuasion.

You already botched this hit job. Go back to shill school. I'm amazed your threads don't get deleted.

ESOTERICshade ago

This time you said HLI removed two of your posts. Last time you said somebody named polwarrior removed two of your posts.

You keep insisting that @polwarrior1030 removed those 2 posts, if that were true we wouldn't be able to view them in the 'removed submissions log' as being removed by @Millennial_Falcon. Please stop with the disinformation.

You keep making these mistakes because you are full of shit.

srayzie ago

There is a way to check if any posts were removed.

@SoberSecondThought you can look and find the deleted ones if that's true.

SoberSecondThought ago

Thank you. I realize that now. But ESOTERICshade is misrepresenting what I said. I never thought anyone deleted my comments. I thought that @polwarrior1030 deleted his/her own comments.

ESOTERICshade ago

I thought that @polwarrior1030 deleted his/her own comments.

It doesn't matter. You already blew it. What makes you think that people who are obsessed with stopping pedophiles are going to stroke out about a voting fraud problem in Milwaukee?

And the fact that WIC ignores this voting problem makes WIC a liar according to you? You write a lot but but you don't understand pizzagate well enough to shill in this sub.

srayzie ago

Oh ok

ESOTERICshade ago

Since sobersecondthought is accusing WIC of being HLI who takes orders from James Alef then WIC is deleting the posts because James Alef told WIC to do it... does a shill fuck up a post that bad.

srayzie ago

Haha right?

SoberSecondThought ago

To anyone who might be taken in by ESOTERICshade's comments, please note: Exactly as I said, he refuses to even type "Boehner" or "Milwaukee," much less refute my claims.

The rest of what he says is just misdirection. Please take the time to read my post and follow the links, and you'll understand what is going on.

think- ago

I'm gonna leave this thread and won't read any more of your comments. This is just annoying.

Please go somewhere else.

@Vindicator @Millenial_Falcon

ESOTERICshade ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Exactly as I said, he refuses to even type "Boehner" or "Milwaukee," much less refute my claims.

Because I don't care about either one of them and I know why you are here. You just write a bunch of nonsense.

srayzie ago

Before anyone believes what this person is saying, please read my last message to them. I kept it to use anytime they chose to return so I didn't have to write it all out again. Everything below will prove that this person is lying and is obviously a paid shill....

I am going to repeat this one more time. What I am about to say PROVES this person is lying.

For those of you who do not know Tory Smith, he was a YouTuber that started posting in 2015. I think some of his earliest videos got deleted. Supposedly he was abused as a child and it continued into adulthood.

If you were to watch his videos, you would clearly see that he was mentally ill. Possibly from past mind control or something of that nature. I will explain why. He made videos regularly exposing child trafficking.

He would name names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking. The White House, Congress, Pentagon, Military, Air Force, SOCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, and the Pence's...

He focused a lot on Mike Pence because Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana and Tory Smith lived in Indiana.

The reason I say I think he was mentally ill, is because he would also make other claims. SoberSecondThought posted this himself so knows this.

He uses these gifts to make a mind-boggling number of accusations. His core claim is that there are 41 secret trafficking centers around the world, created by the Bush family and run jointly by the CIA, FBI, DARPA, NSA, and various alien reptilians, insectoids, 'tall whites,' non-physical spirits, dark entities, Nazi war criminals, and so on. In these centers, high-ranking people can pay to rape and murder children (he cites a price of $41,000 per child). These are abducted in the tens of thousands from all over the world, by the Chinese, Queen Elizabeth, the Air Force, NATO, the Rand Corporation, the Vatican, the Los Angeles city council, and countless others. Tory has named hundreds of people as guilty of child rape and murder, including the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, James Comey, Dick Cheney, 70 U.S. Senators, and so on.

John Brennan (former head of the CIA) is a shape-shifting alien who has personally assassinated Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston's daughter, Paul Walker, Antonin Scalia, and Robin Williams, using a stun gun. He had to shoot Michael Jackson 42 times with the stun gun to give him a fatal heart attack.

Tory is also a martyr of the first order. First, there is the torment of him psychically viewing and relaying the details of countless thousands of child murders, often including the names, ages, and favorite foods of the kids. He is "injected with weapons-grade anthrax daily" by DARPA. He has been raped in 14 of the 41 centers, including three times by Rand Paul(!), but has somehow managed to survive. The government also continually interferes with his computer, supposedly making it hard to upload his videos on a regular schedule (although 202 videos in eight months seems pretty regular).

This is pretty exhausting and loopy stuff to watch, and I have not by any means viewed all 202 of his videos.

I used to watch some of his videos because he tripped me out. I felt bad for him. I watched the poor man slowly deteriorating physically. He thought he was being poisoned for exposing everything. I think it was probably cancer or something.

SoberSecondThought said...

It's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary ClintonYouTube. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

Wow. Whatever. These aren't even comparable. So I gathered some pictures to prove that Tory Smith was seriously dying and that it wasn't an act. His health declined very rapidly the last 3 months of his life. Here are 3 images.

I could NOT BELIEVE his response.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

WTF? You can read our comments back and forth starting here.

Here are a couple of videos showing you Tory Smith's health declining rapidly.

December 2015

July 2016

This person continues to tarnish the name of a man that died. The poster even says he has no proof that Tory Smith didn't die. So he is basing his claims (this ridiculous series that he investigated for a year) on something he can't prove. On something he ADMITS HE CANNOT PROVE! On something that anyone with a brain can look at and see that the man was clearly dying. It wasn't an act. It wasn't makeup. He clearly lost a lot of weight and was getting weaker and weaker every week.

I have stated over and over that I don't have an opinion on rather or not HLI, WIC, and everyone else is the same person. I am not defending them. What I do know is that what this poster bases his claims on is a LIE. He's working very hard to discredit posters from here, reddit and 4 Chan I believe. This is DISINFO and a limited hangout. This person has lost all credibility. He continues to write me trying to prove he's right and tries to use his manipulation tactics taught to him like I'm stupid. Analyzing me and my thought process. It didn't work. It won't work.

I'm tired of wasting my time having to repeat myself because this PAID SHILL won't accept defeat. He fucked this project up. His gig is up. He isn't getting his October bonus check. He needs to put in some applications somewhere else because he SUCKS. He didn't expect someone to know all about Tory Smith. Well, he FAILED.

I encourage anyone believing this "series" to not base your opinion off of anything to do with Tory Smith because he may have talked about some of the same topics as HLI and the others. Tory talked about MANY things like that.

I find it sick that he continues to slander the name of someone who died and cannot defend himself. Tory Smith had loved ones. The shill poster is so disrespectful and heartless.

If he doesn't have solid proof, like he admits, he should STFU and not post this crap here. Go back to the drawing board. I think this person needs to be banned from the Pizzagate sub. I can't believe that this has gone on now for what? 11 days?!

So that I don't have to waste all my time continuing to repeat myself every time this shill pings me, I am just going to save this and paste it every time. I have better things to do. The only reason I'm commenting right now is that I don't want you guys fooled by a deceptive shill that disrespects the dead and cannot accept defeat.

SoberSecondThought Save your manipulative comment tactics for someone else. I'm schooled in psychology. I am onto you.

SoberSecondThought ago

Hello again @srayzie.

For the benefit of anyone wondering, although @srayzie obviously disagrees with me, I do not think she is one of the numerous sockpuppet accounts operated by HLI/Senate Anon/WIC. She has made something like 6,000 comments and/or submissions during her time here, and that is way beyond what anyone would do to create a sockpuppet.

If people want to see my original post about Tory Smith, it is here. As for your argument above, it comes down to two main points.

  1. You just cannot believe that Tory Smith could have faked his death. Okay.

  2. You won't engage me on anything else.

I have stated over and over that I don't have an opinion on rather or not HLI, WIC, and everyone else is the same person. I am not defending them.

This is not fair or reasonable. Even if you believe I am wrong about Tory Smith, you don't get a free pass on all the other work I did. It's not just that they're the same person, it's that they work for David Brock, and are funded by Herb Sandler, and are in regular contact with James Alefantis. That matters, to you and to everyone who comes here. You don't get to pick one part of a large project and throw out everything else.

I don't like arguing with you because you're sincere and passionate and you've put in a lot of time on Voat. I have been polite, and have not accused you of anything worse than letting a criminal gang trick you. But you don't get to dismiss my project by picking one thing you don't like, concluding from that one point that I'm a liar, and dodging off with "I don't have an opinion" for everything else. These other questions are why we are here. If I show the financing trail from Sandler to Brock to HLI, that matters. Grow up and take responsibility.

srayzie ago

You were building us up for the big reveal. Tory Smith wasn't just one little theory or mistake. That was your big aww haw moment. That made the whole theory crumble. The more I looked, the more I saw that most of what you said was based on your opinion and not on fact. Then, you started to defend Paul Ryan and and discredit WIC which makes me think that there is more to Racine than I thought because you were pushing it so hard. I appreciate you being nice. But I don't want anyone duped. It's not fair to discredit other people here without hard facts.

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @ESOTERICshade

SoberSecondThought ago

Tory Smith wasn't just one little theory or mistake. That was your big aww haw moment.

No. This is what I mean about your tossing all my work without acknowledging it.

Let's talk about HighLevelInsider. He started operations on /pol/ the day after Seth Rich was murdered. For ten months, he told an astounding number of bizarre lies, about everything from having a cure for cancer to the British Royal Family secretly controlling Saudi Arabia. He told everyone that Trump was as bad as Hillary and wouldn't win. Then he told everyone that 80 percent of Washington was controlled by blackmail and the swamp would never be drained. Then I posted about the Milwaukee recount, and exactly one week later, he set up shop here with a completely new, toned-down persona, and tried to take control of research by "revealing" that James Alefantis had a connection to the Jesters, and the Jesters had a connection to Adams Morgan.

I proved that he wasn't revealing insider information, he was passing off the work of Voaters as his own. I proved that he was using sockpuppets here, like ababcb. None of that is opinion. As a result, HighLevelInsider has stopped posting, and ababcb has stopped posting, and Voaters no longer bother researching the Jesters.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that getting rid of one or two sockpuppets isn't going to stop a determined disinfo campaign. So then I showed where the money and resources and planning were coming from -- David Brock's Media Matters. I also showed Brock's emails arranging funding from Herb Sandler, who is literally the absolute center of Pizzagate. He's the one who asked John Podesta if he'd do better "playing dominoes" with pizza or pasta. I showed that he is paying someone to come here and manipulate you. No one had done that before I did it.

You don't get to dismiss all that by parroting ESOTERICshade and WIC, saying that I "started to defend Paul Ryan," as though the 10,000 words of logic and evidence that came before Paul Ryan were nothing. If Wisconsin really is corrupt, then a massive, provable voting fraud in Milwaukee is something you should care about. You should be pissed off that WIC and ESOTERICshade keep dodging that subject. You should be confronting them as liars.

Again, you have a responsibility to the other people in this community, to acknowledge obvious facts. You don't get to say that my whole theory crumbled, without ever once acknowledging what my theory actually says.

ESOTERICshade ago

We know HLI is a shill. So what? Your attempts to tie him to WIC are so clumsy it just shows that something is wrong in Racine. I told you this would happen, you didn't listen.

For ten months, he told an astounding number of bizarre lies, about everything from having a cure for cancer to the British Royal Family secretly controlling Saudi Arabia.

Saudia Arabia is a puppet and a tool of the western banking oligarchs. Its true. Just because even shill HLI said it does not change reality. There are many cures for cancer, cannabis oil being one of the best. You're not very bright.

Then he told everyone that 80 percent of Washington was controlled by blackmail and the swamp would never be drained.

Sadly enough its true. Percentages might be lower but its true. By pedophiles no less.

Then I posted about the Milwaukee recount, and exactly one week later, he set up shop here with a completely new, toned-down persona, and tried to take control of research by "revealing" that James Alefantis had a connection to the Jesters, and the Jesters had a connection to Adams Morgan.

You keep trotting that dog around like we give a fuck. It has nothing to do with the pedophilia work we do. That is a voting problem.

As a result, HighLevelInsider has stopped posting, and ababcb has stopped posting, and Voaters no longer bother researching the Jesters.

You're full of shit. The posters in this sub ran his ass off.

I also showed Brock's emails arranging funding from Herb Sandler, who is literally the absolute center of izzagate.

No you didn't. We knew that long before you even arrived here.

He's the one who asked John Podesta if he'd do better "playing dominoes" with pizza or pasta. I showed that he is paying someone to come here and manipulate you. No one had done that before I did it.

We knew that long before you arrived. As a matter of fact you are talking to the person that actually found out what it really meant.

You don't get to dismiss all that by parroting ESOTERICshade and WIC, saying that I "started to defend Paul Ryan," as though the 10,000 words of logic and evidence that came before Paul Ryan were nothing.

Your larp has nothing to do with pizzagate and is crafted to distract from the details about child trafficking in Racine, or lack of.

If Wisconsin really is corrupt, then a massive, provable voting fraud in Milwaukee is something you should care about.

Pizzagaters are not stupid enough to believe that since we don't focus on Milwaukee's voting fraud problems that it somehow makes WIC a liar and that Racine is clean. I think the problem is that you know so little about pizzagate that you think we are stupid enough not to notice that you make no sense.

Again, you have a responsibility to the other people in this community, to acknowledge obvious facts. You don't get to say that my whole theory crumbled, without ever once acknowledging what my theory actually says.

You don't even have a theory. You just write a bunch of distraction about Milwaukee voting fraud and a shill named HLI that pizzagaters ran off by themselves.

Your problem is that you don't understand what you are talking about and have hooked a lot of unconnected subjects together in a clumsy manner and it shows.

srayzie ago

Maybe HLI is a shill. I haven't dealt with him. You know that in the beginning I was paying attention. But using Tory Smith and how you reacted about it made you lose credibility in my eyes. I still don't have an opinion about WIC. But seeing you supposedly investigating something like this for a year and using evidence that is false doesn't lead me to believe that anything you said is believable. We need facts. It's strange that you put your time and effort doing this instead of investigating pizzagate.

@ESOTERICshade didn't focus on WIC much until you started this. He's not a liar because he has different opinions than you. He posts here daily and has never come off that way to me.

SoberSecondThought ago

It's strange that you put your time and effort doing this instead of investigating pizzagate.

Read. What. I. Just. Wrote.

srayzie ago

Which. One. ?

SoberSecondThought ago

LOL, good night.

think- ago

Thanks for pöinting this out.

srayzie ago

🙂 You're welcome

think- ago

I am a citizen investigator

Sorry, but I don't believe you.

And, please, if you've got a problem with WIC, write a PM and don't spam the pizzagate sub with your stuff. Thanks.

P.S.: I don't agree with WIC that Wisconsin is the root of corruption / pizzagate. But why should anyone put so much effort to show they disagree with him? This sub is about elite child rape, not about your (or your employer's) problems with WIC.

SoberSecondThought ago

Hey, I don't believe you either.

You joined the pizzagate sub later on the same day that I posted the first part of this series. Quite the coincidence! We both know you're just a sockpuppet, spouting misdirection and lies, and being upvoated by other sockpuppets.

ESOTERICshade ago

shill is out of larp material and going into mean mode. show us what you got...

SoberSecondThought ago

Someone's definitely running out of LARP material. Yes. The guy with the month-old account.

ESOTERICshade ago

Someone's definitely running out of LARP material. Yes. The guy with the month-old account.

Thats pretty funny coming from the person that said in order to do a raid in enemy territory a person has to spend months developing alt accounts so that voaters won't "scream shill at it."

Funny how you thought all that out, 8 months account with only 386 CPP points. I notice you didn't drag your other alts along for the ride this time huh? You burned those last time.

SoberSecondThought ago

See, this is why I mock you ("you" being HLI/Senate Anon/WIC/Tory Smith and a dozen other names).

I get that you have to say something, even if it's only "fuck you". But it's so agonizingly pointless when you (a) tell me people won't read my submissions because they're too long, and then (b) misrepresent something buried in a comment on a submission I made weeks ago.

Here's a bit of math for you. The view count for this post is made up of two kinds of people. First, there are those who have the patience to read several long submissions plus all the associated comments before arriving at a conclusion. They won't be fooled by this. Second, there are the people with short attention spans who gave up after the paragraph where I said, yet again, that David Brock pays a guy to come here and spread disinformation. They won't be reading this. Who are you writing for, at this point?

You're desperately hoping that if you just fling random accusations at me, there will be someone with the patience to read what I said, then read your accusation, and somehow get hypnotized or bullied into agreeing with you. Not likely.

ESOTERICshade ago

Second, there are the people with short attention spans who gave up after the paragraph where I said, yet again, that David Brock pays a guy to come here and spread disinformation.

Wow how amazing. And you figured that out all on your own? The place is crawling with them, including you. You must be a damn genius. (sarc)

See, this is why I mock you ("you" being HLI/Senate Anon/WIC/Tory Smith and a dozen other names).

Ho Lee Fuk :) What am I? Like number 12? All is HLI that sobersecondthought does not like. You are so out of material that it has gone past the comedy zone and into bizarro land.

Who are you writing for, at this point?

I was over you a long time ago, but since you are protecting child traffickers I proved you are full of shit so that nobody will pay attention to you, you pedosatanic asshole. I succeeded.

Now be gone....or explain in detail why Ryan has no child trafficking in his district.

ESOTERICshade ago

And since you are using Glen Beck as a prop:

This is a highly entertaining 3 minutes of Glen Beck rubbing vicks vapor rub under his eyes, to generate tears, so that he can pretend to cry for the camera, and laughing about it. Might need vomit bag though.

Glenn Beck EXPOSED Crying On Cue Using Vicks Under His Eyes

ESOTERICshade ago

And look how you got to your "everybody believes me but three posters" thought implant.

I thought HLI deleted two posts but Millenial_Falcon did.

Hey bot brain, HLI does not moderate in this forum and cannot delete posts unless you are saying that Mil Falcon is also HLI which would bring your total to what now? About 8 or 10 people?

ESOTERICshade ago

Now we are getting somewhere!!! And this has nothing to do with pizzagate, not a damn thing.

I knew you're schtick was to cover Paul Ryan's ass all along. You are running out of shit to write and this time you went straight at protecting Paul Ryan by smearing WIC and it is so non pizzagate related, nonsensical, that it looks like it was written by a bot.

You always lead with this smear on WIC (wic is a little aggravating but I believe him)

I am a citizen investigator exposing a cover-up: David Brock pays a guy to spread disinformation on many sites, including this one. I call him HLI, but he has used many "sockpuppet" identities including HighLevelInsider, Senate Anon, and Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. He is also the YouTuber "Tory Smith".


This time you cleverly added a link to another page that leads to the implanted thought of "everybody but three posters believe me."

My argument is currently opposed by three people, not counting WIC himself: @srayzie, @ESOTERICshade, and @Mej777. Other folks like @oftotc have side concerns. I'll take @ESOTERICshade first. Because the rest don't talk so much about WIC, I'll deal with them all in a separate submission.

You wrote all this boring garbage that even hard core political hacks would fall asleep reading just to cover Paul Ryan's ass. The desperation is showing.

srayzie ago

Thanks for pinging me. They sure didn't. They were hoping we wouldn't fight them on this again.

ESOTERICshade ago

I just quoted the thought implant and your name was in it.

srayzie ago

I just reposted everything I wrote last so that this SHILL is exposed right away.

srayzie ago

What the hell? They're back?!

ESOTERICshade ago

Yea and this time HLI is so evil that he deleted two of sobersecondthought's posts!

derram ago | :

Full Original Beck Whistleblower Video From Yesterday - YouTube :

Boehner calls Snowden a 'traitor' - POLITICO

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