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Honeybee_ ago

I'm a mod because I take my time and post things that have taken me hours and days to research to make sure the shit is legit, maybe you should take a page out of my book and maybe you would become a mod someday

Crensch ago

Hi @Honeybee_!

While I probably would agree with you that @ESOTERICshade is a disinfo shill, comments on VOAT are sacrosanct, and are almost invariably not to be deleted; this is necessary for the rest of VOAT to continue to allow PG to be here.

Please resubmit your comment if you wish, @ESOTERICshade, you time-wasting piece of shit. This is simply a case of a new mod making a mistake, and for this one instance, you have my apologies on behalf of @Honeybee_ and the mod team.

Honeybee_ ago

My bad, didn't know it was a mod only option, realized that after, my apologies @ESOTERICshade

VictorSteinerDavion ago

What's the apology for? this user is obviously not conducting themselves in a manner that is intended to build the body of information, or grow the community - they are going out of their way to pick a fight with the mod team.

Just another way to distract all of us away from the primary task.
If it were an honest user mistake I'd apologise myself, but this is obvious in it's intentions to cause issues and division.
My response to the user would me lurkmoar, not an apology.

@Honeybee_ :

This is the thread that brought this to my attention.
As Crensch said, comments are virtually untouchable - no matter how worthless/offensive/against the narrative they are, if they don't break the rules all comments are permitted

Crensch ago

What's the apology for?

The deletion of a comment. Nothing more.