pby1000 ago

I take SATAN to mean the pope. Lol.

Are the people he is against Freemasons?

Crensch ago

Jesusfuck I hate how you comment.

@crensch this was my comment as relates Honeybee.

What was? Do you have an antecedent for "this"? Do you know how to link comments here?

I don't know if you noticed that they guy endorsed ShareBlue as a favorite on his facebook page.

What guy? Honeybee?

That made me look twice at the guy. If you did notice and you think ShareBlue is a viable news source that is your choice.

Of course it isn't, it's a disinfo campaign. Again, WHAT GUY?

If you think I am a disinfo shill for pointing out the Jesuits and ShareBlue that is fine with me too.

Don't you even begin to confound the two here. One is well known to be kike disinfo shit and the other is almost wholly unknown here. Try again, faggot.

@Honeybee does good work. When she posted about this guy I first thought "about time somebody in D.C. started talking about this." Then I noticed he had ShareBlue listed on his favorites and started looking deeper.

Honeybee - she - this guy - he WHAT GUY YOU FUCKING IMBECILE?

Honeybee if this guy turns out not to be what we hoped he would be I don't consider any less of the work you do. If he is fooling us I would hope you are grateful for me helping you look.

Are you addressing honeybee here? Is honeybee a she or a he?

If you had seen ShareBlue like I did you probably would have gotten the same "uh oh" signal I did. Its all good.


Could you take 10 fucking minutes to read over your comments and try to at least LOOK like you don't expect the people around you to read your fucking mind?

VictorSteinerDavion ago


That's more like it :D

This timewaster garbage just makes me check out

Crensch ago

Fuck me, it's about time to make the decision on the rules. I was hoping to be ready to run on all cylinders by now, but I am very much not able to do so.

Faohiaff ago

They are all the same. Mental health issues possibly could explain the drastic differences you noticed.

Faohiaff ago

This is the same guy who ran for congress. He also last week declared that he was the head of the a sovereign state and beholden to laws of no man on Facebook. That along with regular indirect threats to state and federal officials could explain- justifiably- why he may have drawn the attention of various agencies. Just sayin.

Honeybee_ ago

You're just a pain in my ass, if I don't follow up with responses to address and clean up your misinfo and disinfo, it might lead people astray. Won't get used to the reactionary, hasty, and backwards way you do things

TrishaUK ago

You must be spot on with this post Honeybee. Reason: you have 3 people attacking you! and especially when equineluvr joins in on the attack we know for sure you must be right. :) - all we need now is DonkeyButtHole to complete the set. @ESOTERICshade I am surprised at your venom towards Honeybee?

DerivaUK ago

I don't think @Esotericshade is being in any way venomous. He/she is exercising their right to be skeptical. At no point has he/she been insultive toward Honeybee. I am a huge Honeybee supporter and grateful for the work she does, but have also found @Esotericshade to be a reliable and very well informed Voater. I take the point that anyone e displaying what we have all come to know as suspect symbolism is deserving of scrutiny and a degree of suspicion - no matter how tenuous the link, it needs inspection and the right to question has to be defended. For a mod to delete comments because they contrast with their own opinion has to be questioned. I trust nothing and no one until supported with credible and researchable evidence - and won't be persuaded to something being true purely on the basis of their reputation or popularity, irrespective.

TrishaUK ago

Fair enough, but I don't get the all out attack on Honeybee, there are ways of saying things without putting people down. I personally was pleased to see Honeybee join voat, I think she is proven to be one of the 'good ones' and a great researcher trying to expose the elite pedos. My mother hen instincts came out.

DerivaUK ago

I hear you. I still don't think it was an all out attack - just an argument that degenerated into battles of sarcasm - in fairness, I think there was more use of crudity and backhanded insult ("are you on crack") on the part of HB than esoteric, and not the balanced debate rhetoric I've come to expect from a mod. Either way, these arguments do nothing except serve to distract from the subject at hand and are timewasting and unnecessary imo. Not sure HB needs your 'Mother Hen' protection but fully understand the instinct! Peace.

fogdryer ago


What do we do

Honeybee_ ago

He didn't USE them, that's your error and dillusion, get over it, you hardly understand esoteric symbology and how it's used and when it needs to be scrutinized, I don't drive down the street and see a triangle sign saying "go slow" and try to convince people the illuminati is behind it, nor do I look at symbols that have been used for centuries in different cultures that mean very different things the each one and call them all Jews or Nazis, it's all about application and context, you just don't get it, or you enjoy endless banter.

Honeybee_ ago

Haha scrutinizing is not the word I would use for the ridiculous, hasty and irrelevant assumptions you are making.

Honeybee_ ago

I'm all set with this attack, you have no idea what your are talking about! Of course I understand symbols, I have MANY videos addressing symbols and their importance to how all this is connected and how elites and pedophiles use them, but in this case YOU ARE OVER ANALYZING MINUTIAE

Honeybee_ ago

I have spent longer and more hours, if you really were that informed and understanding of when and where to apply your understanding, you would have better posts, more positive engagement, and possibly people would take you more seriously. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but you are way out of line and off the map.

Honeybee_ ago


NOT STANDING IN FRONT OF IT. Also, this wasn't taken at his house ffs, it was at a "PUBLIC MEETING ROOM" maybe a library or one of the same corrupt court houses he was calling out.




Already told you that is a montage of spiritual and national symbols inviting everyone to take part in Justice Day, the symbols have nothing to do with the event to support his friend Don Bailey, how many freaking times do I have to post that for you to understand?


Symbols are pointless, it's the intent behind them, not everything is evil, take a break and have some punch and pie before you pull a hamstring...

Faohiaff ago

At his house. He says repeatedly on his porch- video at least.

equineluvr ago

Any ATTORNEY including "Body of Christ" and "Satan" in a legal complaint is a freaking WACKJOB!!

Honeybee_ ago

It's satirical, all else has failed for this guy and they have been trying to destroy him. He is basically calling us good and them evil.

TrishaUK ago

equineluvr, horseluvr, etc., is here to put a spoke in the wheel of real investigative work and waste time talking to him. Yet another memeber who needs a reply 'crickets' from my past experience and many others here on voat. No point in trying to reason with him.

Piscina ago

Ostrowski is a hero.

Faohiaff ago

For those who spew hate but call it peace and love? When is the last time he held a paid job and contributed anything but long Facebook rants to society? Define hero!

pby1000 ago

Someone who will risk all to expose injustice.

Honeybee_ ago

I'm a mod because I take my time and post things that have taken me hours and days to research to make sure the shit is legit, maybe you should take a page out of my book and maybe you would become a mod someday

Crensch ago

Hi @Honeybee_!

While I probably would agree with you that @ESOTERICshade is a disinfo shill, comments on VOAT are sacrosanct, and are almost invariably not to be deleted; this is necessary for the rest of VOAT to continue to allow PG to be here.

Please resubmit your comment if you wish, @ESOTERICshade, you time-wasting piece of shit. This is simply a case of a new mod making a mistake, and for this one instance, you have my apologies on behalf of @Honeybee_ and the mod team.

Honeybee_ ago

My bad, didn't know it was a mod only option, realized that after, my apologies @ESOTERICshade

VictorSteinerDavion ago

What's the apology for? this user is obviously not conducting themselves in a manner that is intended to build the body of information, or grow the community - they are going out of their way to pick a fight with the mod team.

Just another way to distract all of us away from the primary task.
If it were an honest user mistake I'd apologise myself, but this is obvious in it's intentions to cause issues and division.
My response to the user would me lurkmoar, not an apology.

@Honeybee_ :

This is the thread that brought this to my attention.
As Crensch said, comments are virtually untouchable - no matter how worthless/offensive/against the narrative they are, if they don't break the rules all comments are permitted

Crensch ago

What's the apology for?

The deletion of a comment. Nothing more.


Honeybee_ ago

You are such a moron <---- posting crazy negative NOT CORRECT shit before doing research, stop wasting my time and put something together without rushing

Honeybee_ ago

This isn't a fucking race to discredit and pick apart the most retarded minutiae

Honeybee_ ago

What communist shit? He is holding rosaries and a cross, If you are referring to the montage of different symbols in that one post, than you are grasping at straws.

Those images were added to the post inviting all faiths and races to partake in Justice Day inspired by his good friend Don Bailey who also was disbarred for calling out judicial corruption, he's not a Baylonian devil worshiper or even Jewish, get your shit straight and stop shilling.



Faohiaff ago

How many showed up for justice day? I heard 5 and that includes him and is being generous

Honeybee_ ago

What communist shit? He is holding rosaries and a cross, If you are referring to the montage of different symbols in that one post, than you are grasping at straws.

Those images were added to the post inviting all faiths and races to partake in Justice Day inspired by his good friend Don Bailey who also was disbarred for calling out judicial corruption, he's not a Baylonian devil worshiper or even Jewish, get your shit straight and stop shilling.



RweSure ago

This is the lawyer politician with this name. Not the author with the same name.

Google the name and you should see info about both

Honeybee_ ago

Are you fucking kidding me... I KNOW that those two links are him, it's the other guy who you posted links to from Opus Dei and all that other bullshit, that is not the same guy, fucking wasting my time.

Honeybee_ ago

This is him yes, NOT THE POLISH FREAK GUY that you keep tying him to.

Honeybee_ ago

Delete it

Faohiaff ago

Correct. This person in this picture is NOT the same person

duchessofdarkness ago

He can ask the mental health facility fora form to complain that there's been a human rights violation. You can only do that within 72 hours and they try to make sure they don't have any copies on hand so you have to know what you want and ask for it, which is impossible if you don't know it's an option. He should be able to leave within 72 hours, by the time he sees the doctor and they observe him a while. I just don't think if I were him I would tell my doctor about some research work when it sounds so out there. I would just go for 72 hours and if I really wanted to be medicated I would stay because sometimes that happens to me and I do need it. I only ever filed a human rights violation once because they were anoying the shit out of me giving everyone pet names so we crazies wouldn't know who they were talking about. They also would look up any information they can find about the patient online to do "pre-evaluations" but they were using that information to make up fucking names for people and it just got me to think I was going insane like what why are you treating me like this, is it because I'm a shitlord? I don't even think I qualify. Anyway the human rights person didn't come until the next week and by that time I wasn't even mad anymore I just wanted to leave.

Honeybee_ ago

DISINFORMATION why are you linking to a different man? Your sources are NOT the same man.

RweSure ago

Why is this arrest illegal?

Honeybee_ ago

He is not severely mentally ill, he just spoke clearly and concisely on his video and also on all his videos and radio shows showing his apptitude and wanting love peace and justice, also, he is not mentally retarded and has not physically threatened himself or anyone else. In PA Law, unless those things are present and a medical administrator or director has proof of severe mental illness or a threat has been made, a warrant will not be issued.

EXAMINATION AND TREATMENT. § 7301. Persons who may be subject to involuntary emergency examination and treatment. § 7302. Involuntary emergency examination and treatment authorized by a physician-not to exceed one hundred twenty hours. § 7303. Extended involuntary emergency treatment certified by a judge or mental health review officer-not to exceed twenty days. § 7304. Court-ordered involuntary treatment not to exceed twenty days. § 7305. Additional periods of court-ordered involuntary treatment. § 7306. Transfer of persons in involuntary treatment. Excerpts: 7301. Persons who may be subject to involuntary emergency examination and treatment (a) Persons Subject. -- Whenever a person is severely mentally ill and in need of immediate treatment, he may be made subject to involuntary emergency examination and treatment. A person is severely mentally disabled when, as a result of mental illness, his capacity to exercise self-control, judgment and discretion in the conduct of his affairs and social relations or to care for his own personal needs is so lessened that he poses a clear and present danger of harm to others or to himself. (b) Determination of Clear and Present Danger. -- (1) Clear and present danger to others shall be shown by establishing that within the past 30 days the person has inflicted or attempted to inflict serious bodily harm on another and that there is a reasonable probability that such conduct will be repealed. If, however, the person has been found incompetent to be tried or has been acquitted by reason of lack of criminal responsibility all charges arising from conduct involving infliction of or attempt to inflict substantial bodily harm on another, such 30-day limitation shall not apply so long as an application for examination and treatment is filed within 30 days after the date of such determination or verdict. In such case, if clear and present danger to others may be shown by establishing that the conduct charged in the criminal proceeding did occur, and that there is a reasonable probability that such conduct will be repeated. For the purpose of this section, a clear and present danger of harm to others may be demonstrated by proof that the person has made threats of harm and has committed acts in furtherance of the threat to commit harm. (2) Clear and present danger to himself shall be shown by establishing that within the past 30 days: (i) the person has acted in such manner as to evidence that he would be unable, without care, supervision and the continued assistance of others, to satisfy his need for nourishment, personal or medical care, shelter. or self-protection and safety, and that there is a reasonable probability that death, serious bodily injury or serious physical debilitation would ensue within 30 days unless adequate treatment were afforded under this act; or (ii) the person has attempted suicide and that there is a reasonable probability of suicide unless adequate treatment is afforded under this act. For the purposes of this subsection, a clear and present danger may be demonstrated by the proof that the person has made threats to commit suicide aid bas committed acts which are in furtherance or the threat to commit suicide; or (iii) the person has substantially mutilated himself or attempted to mutilate himself substantially and that there is the reasonable probability of mutilation unless adequate treatment is afforded under this act. For the purposes of this subsection, a clear and present danger shall be established by proof that the person has made threats to commit mutilation and has committed acts which are in furtherance of the threat to commit mutilation.

RweSure ago

May vs Shall are very important when reading laws. You are talking about shall.

The law as written is May.

His case filings are the work of a crazy person.

equineluvr ago

"May vs Shall are very important when reading laws. You are talking about shall."

^^ ^THIS!! OP doesn't even know what an indictment is so has NO CLUE about legal matters and is incompetent to post about them.

Honeybee_ ago

Haha, keep going, it's fun to read your posts.

TrishaUK ago

Don't encourage him, he will 'keep going' his language will generally get fouler and fouler! Best response 'crickets' lol - Gee Honeybee, I was looking forward to your posts. I hope you don't get this retaliation every time you bring good information. Well you have been 'thrown in the deep end' on voat haha - you have proved you can swim! good job :D

RweSure ago

That's a different guy

Faohiaff ago

The person who sued Satan is the same person this post was started about. He ran for Congress was disbarred.... not this other guy in the white coat

Honeybee_ ago

Are you serious lol, that is not the same guy dude, that is another man who is a writer, please don't bring disinformation in here.

oftotc ago

I'll think about it.

oftotc ago

In his most recent complaint he has included as defendants, the Rothschild Family, Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order), Mark Zuckerberg , and SATAN himself.



This is surprising to to whom? WTF is up with this post getting 12 UV's when this information is right in the OP??? This has got to be a LARP. No one can be this stupid.

Honeybee_ ago

If you listen to the video he is being eccentric because of the level of corruption he has seen, tried to fight, and gotten punished for attempting to expose it, haven't you ever heard of satire?

Faohiaff ago

He lies on this video. He posted on Facebook the night before that he was going live at 3. But it garners more of the conspiracy theorists if he says I just posted 15 minutes ago that I was going live and the police are already there. Read his posts. The disbarred dude was suing Satan? Who thinks that would work out well but someone with some delusions.

Also, I've seen lists of people he's called out by name repeatedly in vulgar ways and told them he was going to get them on Facebook. Most are in local, state and federal positions and some of those he has maligned the most share his last name. So- excuse me if pleas that this is done for peace and love strike me as manipulative to keep his 18 followers brain washed.

oftotc ago

...haven't you ever heard of satire?

We covered that first year; you forget all that stuff by graduation.

You aren't helping with "awareness" or anything else with your activities on voat. In fact, it's just the opposite. This leads me to conclude that you are here as a forum slider. You are diluting the real information available here to either draw clicks to your videos or shield the guilty from further observation. If you truly care about PG justice, stop with the bullshit posts and focus on the items in the Executive Summary.

Honeybee_ ago

Call a whhhaaaaaaaambulance! Please crawl back to the fascist soapdoxbanhammer new wave trash hole from whence you came.

oftotc ago

No. And I'll continue to monitor your account activity in PG and point out the idiocy it contains until you change or leave.

Honeybee_ ago

You haven't made one post to Pizzagate, check yourself and sit down before you hurt yourself.

oftotc ago

Right. We can be adversaries if that's what think is best. But I guess we always will be if you think submitting documents in a US court citing Satan as a defendant is not the mark of insanity, much less absurdity.

TrishaUK ago

oftotc hahahaha where did you come from? CPPong I am guessing! You are a creep from the swamp! - Honeybee is the most legitimate mod here, imo - I HOPE people SEE EVERYTHING she has posted! So glad you're here Honeybee, thankyou for all the hard work and dedication to exposing these elite pigs. I became aware of pizzagate through some of your videos - You are opening so many eyes through your investigative work. Its easy to laugh at these losers who are only smart 'in their own eyes' but when put in the light look ridiculously low IQ - I am looking forward to whats coming next because the fan has been spinning for a while now! @oftotc 'crickets' & blocked!

Honeybee_ ago

♡ thank you @TrishaUK

SoSpricyHotDog ago

@Honeybee_ Epic! I didn't even realize you were a mod on here...

That just made my day.


TrishaUK ago

Credit where credit it due! :D

oftotc ago

Oh yeah, I am so busted. Well played, Sherlock.

TrishaUK ago

Problem is there are too many shills\JA,HRC,JP lovers joining voat to ridicule or mock anyone who has a bit of truth or credibility. Unfortunately, like the Mayor of London said, we will have to get used to it and live with it! I have decided that if I am being 'attacked' here my reply is going to be 'crickets' then block. - Now to Andy Ostrowski, I feel so sorry for this poor guy, I hope they release him soon, the longer they keep them in the worse it is for him. Does he have family/people to vouch for him? or are they the ones requesting the mental health evaluation. What can people do to help?

Faohiaff ago

He has family but he has insulted, berated, manipulated, publicly used the most derogatory of language toward them and ruined many holidays and get together due to his self centered obsession. He has many issues and will choose a battle against even those not present to defend themselves just to create chaos. For someone who says he speaks for peace and love he inflicts a lot of pain and causes irreparable heartbreak to those he was close to. He needs help. Stop buying into his fantasy.

oftotc ago

I have decided that if I am being 'attacked' here my reply is going to be 'crickets' then block.

Don't forget to put your fingers in your ears and say "LALALALALALALALALALALA" really loudly. You sound just like a redditor, ffs.

TrishaUK ago

'crickets' & Blocked! bye bye

TanHay2014 ago

This is awful! The sick system is so deep and webs out everywhere... only God can help us. These people trying to do the right things and all they get is a living nightmare in return.

Faohiaff ago

The right thing? Specifically- list what Andy was DOING that qualifies as right? Do you read his trashing of others continuously on Facebook? How is sitting alone posting rambling manifestos doing the right thing?

EricKaliberhall ago

Arrested on a mandatory mental health evaluation, what a nightmare. I have been called crazy by friends and family on numerous occasions during the last year. Yes, since I read the Podesta mails on wikileaks. Luckily I do have a few friends left... I have great sympathy for this man, must be a nightmare to convince "the government" that you are sane, when "they" want you to be insane.

pby1000 ago

You are not alone. The reality of this world is insane, but we are not for seeing it.

10567690? ago

Now THAT is the last fucking straw.