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Crensch ago

Jesusfuck I hate how you comment.

@crensch this was my comment as relates Honeybee.

What was? Do you have an antecedent for "this"? Do you know how to link comments here?

I don't know if you noticed that they guy endorsed ShareBlue as a favorite on his facebook page.

What guy? Honeybee?

That made me look twice at the guy. If you did notice and you think ShareBlue is a viable news source that is your choice.

Of course it isn't, it's a disinfo campaign. Again, WHAT GUY?

If you think I am a disinfo shill for pointing out the Jesuits and ShareBlue that is fine with me too.

Don't you even begin to confound the two here. One is well known to be kike disinfo shit and the other is almost wholly unknown here. Try again, faggot.

@Honeybee does good work. When she posted about this guy I first thought "about time somebody in D.C. started talking about this." Then I noticed he had ShareBlue listed on his favorites and started looking deeper.

Honeybee - she - this guy - he WHAT GUY YOU FUCKING IMBECILE?

Honeybee if this guy turns out not to be what we hoped he would be I don't consider any less of the work you do. If he is fooling us I would hope you are grateful for me helping you look.

Are you addressing honeybee here? Is honeybee a she or a he?

If you had seen ShareBlue like I did you probably would have gotten the same "uh oh" signal I did. Its all good.


Could you take 10 fucking minutes to read over your comments and try to at least LOOK like you don't expect the people around you to read your fucking mind?

VictorSteinerDavion ago


That's more like it :D

This timewaster garbage just makes me check out

Crensch ago

Fuck me, it's about time to make the decision on the rules. I was hoping to be ready to run on all cylinders by now, but I am very much not able to do so.