Votescam ago

Actually, while I'd prefer to let you bury yourselves, I will make this comment .... There should be NO teaching of religion in public schools. And no citizen tax money should to religious organizations. Churches should be taxed on all of their property, all of their real estate, and their stock portfolios and any businesses they are involved with.

Only the church, its surrounding property and its soup-kitchens should be tax exempt.

2 the US Supreme Court is on the same side as Planned Parenthood in this case in

the decision that restrictions on abortions clinics are

kast0nius ago

You can't make this shit up.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Votescam! Come in, Votescam! =p

srayzie ago

You're seriously wanting votescams opinion on this? Wow

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Lol! No. It was a bit of snark. Votescam loves defending her precious planned parenthood. =p They are beyond contempt or reproach. I had messages in my inbox from her for weeks, wanting to debate me about abortion.

srayzie ago

LOL. Omg she drives me fricken nuts! I've argued with her a lot over it. We are opposites. That is true. I'm a conservative. She's an extremely radical liberal. She has all kinds of warped views. Oh and don't even get her started on her view of men.

ArtificalDuality ago

We are born as halves (men and women). Neither are superior to one another. No. They are complementary halves, meant to unite into one greater spiritual being :) Reading this particular thread made me smile.

Yes, feminist supremacy and machogist supremacy is satanic doctrine to drive a wedge between the two natural halves. It's called differential supremacy and will always result in ego and competition between the two.

Only full equality, recognizing we (men and women) are complementary halves is what enables true love between them.

Yes, I speak from experience. Unfortunately I got separated from her in a painful fashion. That's where one truly does realize we're born as halves. :)

And don't get me started on abortion!.

Secondly, you don't have to believe in the Divine. For, Infinity is factual. An Infinite higher power is factual, provable through science which I did (albeit on the abstract level). Yes, actual science supporting the factualness of The Infinite we're all part of :) And as such, it's factual knowledge.. no longer have to merely believe while being ridiculed over it by bozos.

srayzie ago

If you thought that conversation was funny, read this one. This is our first disagreement!

srayzie ago

Do you mean we are born as a man or a woman? Or each is born as both?

How have you been feeling?

ArtificalDuality ago

Each as a man or woman, biogenetically determined. All the LGBT anomalies that have taken flight in recent decades is a result of a very sleazy bio warfare program. Healthy males and females are mentally matched with their physicals. Due to interference in fetal growth mismatches can occur and they have become more prevalent. But that's another can of worms.

What I was saying is that both a man and a woman are actually mental halves to one another. Together they form one, a unity.. that is, when they spiritually connect; bind, for eternity. Where the couple forms one tight team, doing everything together. Acting for each other, thinking for each other. Each having a 'copy' of the other mind within theirs :)

I've been feeling okay, a little bit better. I'm still coughing up a little blood in the mornings but I'll have to see how it goes, whether it disappears or not. Thank you for asking :)

srayzie ago

You're welcome. I've been wondering about you.

Well, I respectfully disagree. I lay my beliefs out in that link I just shared. A person is born as a male or female. When they marry, they spiritually become one. I am a Christian. I've always loved this saying. My dads house has this hung on the wall...

“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”

ArtificalDuality ago

I am saying exactly that. The man and woman are each other's equals. However, it's not so much marriage itself that spiritually binds the two halves into one. It is the mutual vow to one another that does. Each other's mutual, willful gift to one another, for eternity. And that can occur well before marriage. Marriage just formalizes that with a ritual :)

As for a male minds in female bodies; yes that is a reality. It has to do with chromosome development as well as genitals development. A lot of modern day external factors can cause this mismatch. Here is a background on it:

srayzie ago

That's sad. It's not the way it's supposed to be. Obama really helped screw up people's views on sexuality during his time in office. The views some liberals have just blow my mind. Now babies are being made outside the womb and implanted (which is great), until they start messing with the cells and changing them. Science is becoming more and more corrupt. They want to experiment and go against nature.

I don't believe what these articles say. Sorry. But, that is what THEY want us to believe. It's a lot easier for the Illuminati to use population control by pushing all this gender and sexual confusion. They want to make everyone snowflakes and make men less and less manly. The next generation will be a lot easier control this way. People will fight for their rights less, depend on the government more and everyone will just be screwing everyone and ruin the family unit. It's falling right into place for the New World Order. They will continue to push all of this thru music and movies.

I choose to not go that way or fall for that lie. No offense. You're entitled to your opinion.

ArtificalDuality ago

I'm not arguing with you, we're in agreement.. Science is corrupt yes. The NWO controlled science. The Illuminaties will try everything to weaken mankind and do that through various ways. Through nefarious science, through nefarious doctrine. The list is endless. Obama made a big push for "Big Gender". It's population control. And it'll only get worse sadly enough.

Science in itself however is not the enemy of men. It can be used in beneficial ways as much. Nor are God and science in disagreement. Some historical scientists were firm believers in God also. Did you know?

srayzie ago

Did you read the conversation between me and votescam? You have to keep clicking replies because it continues.

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. A lot of science is real. But we are lied to as well. NASA is corrupt. The theory of evolution is pushed even tho they can't prove it. We are told the earth was created because of the big bang and that we came from nothing. Eventually, we evolved from monkeys to humans. SURE. Then there are the scientist that want to try mixing humans with pigs and things like that. There is good and bad. The Illuminati can try to make us believe anything by saying it's science.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Yes. I don't think she has a high opinion of them. That said I don't wish to be uncharitable. I do believe she is sincere in the pizzagate cause. And I remember what it feels like, being an angry feminist. It's not fun. Thank you Jesus for the freedom from that yoke! =D

srayzie ago

Oh I've never been a feminist. I hope you aren't an angry feminist now. You seem really sweet.

I can't find someone sincere who stands for partial birth abortion. Which is killing a baby all the way up to 9 months. I'm not upset with you. Just her. There are only a few people here that I can't stand and she is one of them. That's why I was tripping out when you and Carmencita pinged her. When it comes to abortion, I know what her views are.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Happily no. I was brainwashed like so many of my generation, but over time an ex boyfriend (still a close friend, we talk every day) helped to red pill me. God used him to show me the light.

And sorry for pinging her. I couldn't resist. lol. She thinks partial birth is a conservative lie. I mean how do you even reason with someone like that? Ay, ay, ay.

srayzie ago

I can't lol. I told her we need to just agree to disagree and I don't want to talk to her. That's great you got red pilled. Finding God too!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Yes. I was raised in church but i broke away in my early adulthood. Not a good period in my life. God didn't give up on me though!!

srayzie ago

I started going as a teenager and broke away as well. A couple of times! I'm not perfect and get mad and tell these jerks off around here lol. But I am a believer. There is major spiritual warfare going on right now. I truly believe we are living in the end times. We are seeing prophesies being fulfilled like crazy right now! You should check out Paul Begley on YouTube. I watch him daily. He focuses on Bible prophesy and has a funny twist. It's little short clips thruout the day. He's awesome!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Hey, you know, I believe I will do just that, thank you! It's funny. As a girl in church, when the preaching would turn towards the end times, and how we were seeing their fulfillment, it always filled me with dread. Now it brings me great hope. Revelations is my favorite book in the Scriptures, now. It's easy to get bogged down by the hopelessness of the stuff we read on here every day and forget we have a champion in Jesus, who is faaaaaar greater than the prince of this world, Satan. And always great to meet another sister in Christ here. If it wasn't for people like you and carmencita this place would be far less civilized ;) Thank God for Godly women.

srayzie ago

Here is the latest conversation with the psycho broad

srayzie ago

Oh how funny. I was reading what I shared with you and saw that you commented!

srayzie ago

Did you read the conversation from that link? You have to keep clicking replies because it continues. Hopefully you will understand why I feel the way I do about her. It's not that I'm just a wench. This was just 1 disagreement! She's warped!

srayzie ago

I just shared this with ArtificalDuality. We are discussing our definition of what a male and female is. I guess it's not a simple answer in this day and age 🤕

But I thought I would share this quote that I've always loved...

“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”

srayzie ago

It took me forever to look this up for you. This is me and votescam's first disagreement. This way you can get an idea of our little relationship. Do you think she likes me? 🤔 Lol

srayzie ago

Awww thank you. I agree! You probably see the mean side of me come out on these shills tho lol. Well...and votescam. Throw @TrishUK in there. She's a Christian woman and a total sweetheart.

I used to look at the end times with dread too. I thought to myself how I have so much I want to do and experience before the rapture comes. Now, when I see how fast the New World Order is forming, how AI is going to take over, immunizations will be forced, how they will resort to is having that chip implanted, etc... Now I'm hoping we're rescued before it gets that bad.

carmencita ago

Yes Calling @Votescam We need your input.

Votescam ago

From the responses, I'd say you're gathering dust here --

However, there should be NO teaching of religion in any public school.

Nor should US Federal or State governments, or local governments provide any financial assistance to any religion.

Additionally, only a Church and its surrounding property and soup kitchens should be tax-exempt.

All of a Church's stock portfolio should be taxed, its real estate holdings, and any business interests.

U.S. District Judge Howard Sachs granted a preliminary injunction invalidating requirements for the state’s abortion clinics to meet standards for surgical centers and for their doctors to have hospital privileges, **citing a U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down similar restrictions in Texas, which deemed those laws unnecessary and unconstitutional. **>

“Missouri has not complied with that decision,” Sachs, of the Western District of Missouri in Kansas City, wrote.

So what Missouri was trying to do was "unnecessary" and "Un-Constitutional" --

According to your nonsense OP, this means "US Supreme Court is teamed up with the Satanic Temple."

Good work -- stick with it!

srayzie ago

You're kidding right?

HighLevelInsider ago

I suggest doing some research on Margaret Sander, founder of Planned Parenthood.

Edit: Sanger, not Sander

Blacksmith21 ago

Read The Big Lie by Dinesh D'Souza.

Vindicator ago


Benkitchen105 ago

Missouri has reportedly doubled its abortion capacity this year “thanks to the Satanic Temple and Planned Parenthood,” who have worked in tandem to fight the state’s restrictions on abortion.

also check out and notice the pedo swirl in the devil eye logo

carmencita ago

I was the first one to post the afterschoolsatan website but it was deleted and I had to post it in another sub. Hardly anyone saw it. These are the people we are fighting. We must post more of their evil doings. I can't believe people are not aware that they are now in schools. Activities and what's next, cute little uniforms? Beanies with little horns?We Must Stop Them.

carmencita ago

Oh God. WTH is going on in this country. I am getting sick of this. I am constantly dumping mail from PP in the trash. They are now making a pact with the devil himself.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

They did that long ago.

carmencita ago

I know, but now they are doing it in the open. They are brazenly just doing it and nobody is Protesting. If no one puts their foot down this will continue. It will only empower them.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Oh, no arguments there, madam. :(

Sign of the end times for sure. Jesus, heal this sick and poisoned earth, and our hearts with it.

carmencita ago

Amen to that :)