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srayzie ago

Letters and numbers keep being added! I found this....

"two-spirited" or "two-spirit" is usually used to indicate a person whose body simultaneously houses a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit.

LGBTTIQQ2S Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgendered, Intersexual, Queer, Questioning, 2-Spirited

The terms "gay" and "lesbian" are European in origin, so the term "two-spirited" is preferred because it is more culturally relevant to Aboriginal lesbians and gay men

Instead of confused, they are VERY confused. That I can tell you. (As Trump would say) 🙂

The list will continue to grow I'm sure. There is such a need from the liberals to have political correctness and we don't want to upset the little snowflakes.

Votescam ago

Instead of confused, they are VERY confused. That I can tell you. (As Trump would say) 🙂

The list will continue to grow I'm sure. There is such a need from the liberals to have political correctness and we don't want to upset the little snowflakes.

As we can all see, no one is more confused -- more emotionally immature or more ignorant than Trump!

Homosexuality was inconvenient for male-supremacist religions because it didn't generally provide for new members/procreation.

Before the coming of the "white" man, in Hawaii ... homosexuals and lesbians were held in high esteem and honor for their care of orphaned children.

If you're trying to prevent sexual abuse of children, you need to know that studies shown that it is MALES who are our sexual abusers o children and that they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. If you want more info on that, let me know.

The term "political correctness" is a term invented by the right wing to suggest there is something wrong with overturning the abuse of homosexuals here in our schools, in our military and throughout society. This hatred and intolerance for homosexuals has long been preached by the Catholic church which itself has been one of the primary sexual abusers of children by its pedophile priests.

The Church itself has also sought to control not only the sexuality and sexual relationships of its own members, but of all of society. Including restricting of birth control/contraceptives in all of society up until the late 1960's -- !!

srayzie ago

I don't know if I should feel bad for you and take it easy because you're confused. Or, just lay it out there.

You can throw out statistics all you want on who is most likely to be a pervert and abuse a child. Just like serial killers are more likely to be white men. That doesn't mean a man identifying as a woman is in some way helping the children. It doesn't mean that not wanting to be labeled as male or female will make someone any less likely to be a pervert.

No matter what gender someone wants to call themselves, if they have kid fantasies, it will come out no matter what gender someone wants to pretend to be. So, in other words, if someone has a penis, putting a dress on won't take away his pedophile urges. Coming out of the closet won't take away those urges either. So none of what you said makes sense when it comes to child abuse.

I have gay friends. But, once someone feels the need to start dressing like the opposite sex and chooses to go by a gender they are not, I think it's confusion or mental illness. You are born a male or a female. Period. That is reality.

I am not catholic so am not standing up for that religion when replying to your comment. I am not talking about a man made religious belief. But, yes we are a creation of God and HE made male and female.

Votescam ago

True -- males are responsible for the violence in our societies.

But your obsession with transgender issues seems to be the point of your main confusion.

And if you recall that Catholic priests all wear dresses, you have a lot of confusion to be obsessed with.

If you look at all history, males have always had the urge to dress as females.
How many women have told about finding their husbands trying on their clothing? How many comedy skits are based on MEN dressing up at women?. How many college performances are based on MEN dressing up at women?

Of course, these people are not experiencing a mental illness. Nature does make mistakes. They are simply people who find their very being is opposed to the gender assignment they've been given -- or in many cases where either the penis has descended or has not descended - they feel they are the opposite sex.

And sorry to disappoint you but there is no proof of any "god," leave alone just one.

srayzie ago

So, you don't believe in God, you blame males for the violence in societies and the heterosexual males for being the pedophiles.

But gays were held in high regard for caring for the orphans until the white man showed up? 🤔 If I came home and found my husband trying on my clothing, I would be VERY disturbed. You realize that it's odd behavior right?

I'm not obsessed with transgenders. This was a topic because of the never ending alphabet used to describe people that are confused. I can accept gay people. I can love everybody. But it doesn't mean I agree with them.

I can't imagine the future. People are going to be so confused. When they hit the real world, they won't be able to run to no safe space. If they get offended, they won't know how to deal with it. Where will "choice" end? Should we be able to start identifying as a different race? A different age? I mean seriously. You are what you are.

Being gay doesn't gross me out. It's being a tranny that is the weirdest part. Choosing to have sex with someone of the same sex is different to me than not accepting your own sex and playing dress up. Then think you should have more rights because of it. If someone wants to play dress up, they don't have the right to follow me to the woman's restrooms. It doesn't give them the right to encourage children to walk in their footsteps. They can keep their confused views on sexuality away from school.

I don't care what catholic priests wear. I'm not catholic. Many priests are pervs. I know. Men who wear kilts doesn't mean he's gay. It's a different culture. I'm talking about what someone identifies with. Not sitcoms. How you feel about God is up to you. If you believe we came from monkeys, that's your prerogative. But it all boils down to this. It's simple. If you are born with a penis, you are and will always be MALE.

I'm sorry but that's life.

Votescam ago

srayzie --

Studies show that heterosexual males are our sexual abusers of children ... as much as you would like to ignore that information.

Is there some law that says everyone must believe in the "god"? No. Has anyone proved that there is a "god" or "gods"? No.

Look around you at the violence created by patriarchy ... destruction of nature, wars, violence against women.

You seem to have missed it, but the "odd behavior" I was pointing out to you is how often men LOVE to wear female clothing. (In the case of priests, of course, they do it because the original spiritual leaders were female.)

Where could AA's Americans run in the days of lynching?
Could they have used some of what right-wingers call "political correctness"?

Transgender isn't about "choice."
It's about the true identity of the individual being the opposite of their genitals.

Clearly, humans don't know who they are, though scientists seem to be making clear that we are hybrids. The native Americans called the white race the "pig people" because actually we are more pink that white ... maybe beige. But we're not "white."

If you consider things confused now where will your thinking being when it becomes clearer just how many Bisexuals exist in our society?

Homosexuality is NOT a "choice" any more than Transgenderism is a Choice...

Homosexuals/lesbians have only asked for Human rights -- including the right not to be beaten up or murdered because they love someone of the same sex -- the right to marry -- the right to have their spouse present if they are ill, the right for their same sex spouse to be entitled to health benefits and their Social Security spousal benefits.

Children have a right to their own sexual identities. If they are homosexual, then they have the right to live in peace, without being attacked either in school or in society.

And where homosexuals/lesbians have been so abused in our societies and even murdered, we all have the right and the responsibility to ensure that in future they will no longer be harassed and beaten.

It's strange that you imagine this is all "tyranny" against you personally.

But it all boils down to this. It's simple. If you are born with a penis, you are and will always be MALE. >

No ... it's not that simple.
Obviously you don't realize that the model for life is female -- that all life beings as female -- and that the male genitals are formed from the same material that makes the vagina --

If a birth is to be male, then a penis descends, but there are many times when even that doesn't work right.
Many times the genitals are confusing even to doctors who sadly will make the decision on their own to call a birth either "male" or "female" when even the parents disagree.

Things don't always work the way people think they do.


srayzie ago

I'm not trying to be mean because you have been pretty nice even tho we disagree. But, I think your way of thinking when it comes to gender is way off. We're not going to agree. Our beliefs are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm a conservative and I do believe in God. I am the complete opposite of a liberal.

You seem to have problems with heterosexual men. As if it's bad to choose to be the gender you're born as. Like I said, I'm friends with a lesbian couple and have bisexual friends. But, when you have to keep adding letters and numbers to figure out which gender you want to identify as, that's a confused person. I know someone who won't go by he or a she. I won't play those games. I won't call her an "it", so she'll have to go to her safe space if she can't deal with that.

The only problem I have with gay people are the ones that have to shout it to the world and demand all these rights that make others uncomfortable. Like the whole bathroom thing. Liberal views on gender and sexual orientation do not belong in schools. We don't need hashtags like #FreeTheNipple. They are not the same.

Children are subjected to this influence before they reach puberty or even know what sex is. Can you imagine how confusing that is? Teenagers go thru periods while growing up where they are trying to figure out who they are. They lean a lot on who they look up to and idolize. Like celebrities! There is almost a push like being gay or transgender is "in" right now.

Since you don't believe in God, then maybe you believe in evolution. Even if that were the case, it is and always has been a male and female for the purpose of reproducing. That is natural. A mother and a father.

Our government really pushes the liberal homosexual view. It's a form of population control. 20 years from now you are going to have snowflakes that never learned how to deal and depend on the government for everything. They will continue to be brainwashed by the media into believing lies. Being manly will be a thing of the past so there won't be near as much fight against government corruption. Less children will be born because they are pushing same sex marriage and gender confusion.

Anyway, no matter what your views on how we all came to be, if a man chooses to become a woman or vice versa, it is not natural. I believe they are confused or it could be a mental illness. Like I said, we're not going to agree so there's no reason to keep going back and forth. We're both entitled to our own opinions.


eucalyptus_spearmint ago

If i could upvote this post x 1000 I would.

srayzie ago

Thank you. :)

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You're welcome. And I find Votescam's demonization of heterosexual males particularly telling. Also particularly disingenuous. If there's any data about homo males being less likely to be pedophiles, the statistics were probably collected by a liberal corrupt think tank. People have a short memory. Milo Yiannopolous, anyone?

srayzie ago

I know. I don't get why he/she demonizes a heterosexual male. i'm not trying to sound mean, but I can't imagine the lifestyle of this person lol. Yikes!