unicorn144 ago

Democratic congressional aides made unauthorized access to a House server 5,400 times and funneled “massive” amounts of data off of it. But there’s nothing to see here, Democrats told The Washington Post: They were just storing and then re-downloading homework assignments for Imran Awan’s elementary-school aged kids and family pictures.

A congressional source with direct knowledge of the incident contradicted the Post’s account, saying that now-indicted IT aide Imran Awan and his associates “were moving terabytes off-site so they could quote ‘work on the files'” and that they desperately tried to hide what was on the server when caught, providing police with what law enforcement immediately recognized as falsified evidence and an indication of criminal intent.

The Post described the amount of data improperly flowing out of the congressional network as “massive.” One congressional source told Circa it was “terabits.”

A terabyte is a million megabytes; a terabit is about one-tenth of that. Awan’s three children are in elementary school or younger. A book report in Word document format could clock in at under a megabyte, even if it were 100 pages long. To fill a terabyte with family photos, a person would need 250,000 photos.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Anything is possible! There appear to be a multitude of theories. Not sure we will ever know in this lifetime, but it sure is fascinating!

Lag-wagon ago

What hand symbol was he making and what does it mean? Happen to have a link?

pby1000 ago

You jest...

Forgetmenot ago

That is very interesting.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I've learned so much since I joined voat. Thank you for explaining all this!

HennyPenny ago

There is no room in America for Masons/Shriners/ROJ as they do not swear loyalty to the USA but to each other.They are as bad as dual citizens..

Check out Tactical Civics: .http://constitutionclub.ning.com/forum/topics/tactical-civics-part-1 Time to have an organization, strength in numbers and maybe we need our own hand signals!

srayzie ago

Wow that's weird. They were even tripping out on it.

If these Mason's aren't bad, why do they seem secretive and not tell others?

DeathTooMasons ago

Nothing will come of this. They are given immunity, they will reveal nothing. Or nothing revealed will be used. Everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail. Still got a bank account?

srayzie ago

Wow. My husbands meets tons of people because of business and he's never known anyone that was Mason. It must not be like that in my area or something.

bopper ago

Don't know where you are but betcha there's a lodge in your own hometown or close by. Just Google it. Nothing nefarious takes place at these lower level masonic lodges, they're just networking mainly. And drinking. And doing wonderful charity stuff. Makes em feel warm and fuzzy. Same w/ Shriner's. Besides, the hats are cute. @ESOTERICshade would probably agree. If he does not, then off with his head.

srayzie ago

That's true. I have driven by lodges. I don't know if it was my town but I remember seeing them before. I just thought omg evil! 😮

bopper ago

To be a mason member is frowned upon by orthodox Christianity esp Trump's mom's church for example cause they (Mason's) desire an allegiance that is not compatible with an allegiance to Christ, plus they are too occultist and mystical, though like w/ AA they do require you to believe in a "supreme being," or higher power, just not necessarily Christ, which is anathema to the true Christian faith. Something like that. Later you two. Thanks @ESOTERICshade

srayzie ago

Thank you Bopper

srayzie ago

Well you must be a business man who meets a lot of high up people! How else do you have all that contact? Lol. Are you a Mason?

srayzie ago

Thank you for explaining it without treating me like a retard. I seriously am just learning about this stuff.

srayzie ago

Where did you learn so much about Mason's?

So a Freemason is when they are higher up?

partyboy ago

illuminati all seeing eye

srayzie ago

I'm not that he's a child abuser if he were. But don't they have to take oaths or something? A Christian couldn't join something like that right? Wouldn't they have to believe in some dark things? Would they have to sacrifice anything?

Are you in the D.C. area? I never have met anyone in my life that is a FreeMason or a Mason. I didn't know there was a difference. When I hear the word Mason's, I think of evilness. Darkness. If that were the case, don't you think he's changed?

Do you like Trump?

srayzie ago

But he seems to really respect Christians and allows several pastors lay hands on him and pray. I don't think that he would do that if her were a Mason. @Bopper goes to church where Trump's mom went. I think he's held onto his Christian roots. He may not have lived perfectly. But, deep down, I think he is a Christian. I can't imagine for even a minute that he would be involved with Mason's.

DerivaUK ago

Isn't there film if him where he admits it? I e seen it somewhere

srayzie ago

@Equineluvr said yesterday there is. I would like a link so I can see that for myself too.

13Buddha ago

This is in your face, no doubt about it.

srayzie ago

I know people who throw signs up like that thinking their being cool because others do it. They have no idea that their is actually a meaning. I don't believe for a second that Trump would be a Mason.

srayzie ago

I agree with Jangles here. I hold my hands like that sometimes. That's not enough for me either.

HugoWeaving ago

The masonic call for distress is arms up to the sides, parallel palms, like a touchdown. What Awan is demonstrating in the video -- intentionally or not -- is the pyramid sign...the "Illuminati triangle" if you believe in that kind of thing.

Please do not confuse that with a GHSoD.

Piscina ago

I thought the Masons don't allow black people in their groups? My guess is he's on the outer and this is a plea for help, as it is SO obviously a gesture for the cameras in the hope that all will see. It's such an unnatural stance to take while you're walking. As soon as he gets to a position where he knows camera is not filming front of his body, he walks naturally with arms by his side.

srayzie ago

I don't know. But, he's not black. Why do you say he's black?

Piscina ago

Sorry, he's not black, but he has dark skin.

srayzie ago

Oh are you thinking of the KKK?

klobos ago

Uh oh, I walk/stand with my fingers like that. And I have no idea what the hell it means I just started doing it when I was younger for some reason. Do people think I'm part of some secret society or something?

Criticalthinker615 ago

are you also involved in high-level politics, religious matters or high finance? otherwise, why would anyone care if you are part of a secret society? These gestures are documented in the masonic literature that I personally have read with my own eyes and verified the authenticity of. There is a huge difference between some everyday joe off the street participating in secret activities. when it comes to elected officials and government servants; to quote JFK:

The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.

And we all know what an example those bastards made of him.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago


Do you want to find out the real Truth about Law and Order?

Pressure Trump to Investigate Racine, Wisconsin and the extreme criminal corruption among officials and their associates. It is the ultimate Litmus Test, as Racine is the "Root" and model for the real Agenda - Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

Instead of investigating or Draining the Swamp, Trump is signing off on the Foxconn deal that supports this Agenda.

bwarren2010 ago

So Trump is one of them??

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Nothing has proven otherwise. How is the swamp draining going?

Racine, Wisconsin is Trump's ultimate Litmus Test. If he won't address the "Root" of the network in Racine, he will never make a dent.

srayzie ago

For years, I used the devil horns hand sign. I didn't know it also had a bad meaning. I still to this day catch myself. Why?

Because it's the same hand sign used in sign language for "I love you". That's really sad.



srayzie ago

Wow. He doesn't just sneak it up. He holds it up for a long time and looks awkward.

Criticalthinker615 ago

that was my thought. he makes it obvious that he really is in distress. I might put my hands like that if I were sitting and listening attentively or I'm standing still and my hands feel awkward but, holding the pose while walking down the sidewalk?!?! this guy must be deathly afraid and appears to be begging for help from anyone watching who has the power to intervene

srayzie ago


crazycycle ago

Is your assumption based mostly on the hand signals? Is there any other evidence? Photos in masonic garb, etc.?

This is Trump we're talking about. Would it surprise anyone if he wasn't, in fact, a mason, yet does their hand signals anyways to troll, to stay alive? I'm not claiming he isn't, I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised either way. But those hand signals aren't, by themselves, convincing.

13Buddha ago

This probably isn't much, but for what it's worth - a link provided to AustinEgoscue, "Fundraising Consultants," based in L.A. showing a list of their past clients. Xavier Becarra is at the top of the list, a man who has been groomed for years and who was on Hilary Clinton's top-runner list for Vice-President.

Additional clients include the Clinton/Gore Campaign and Planned Parenthood Advocacy Group.

Two women run this firm, Tracy Austin and Megan Egoscue, both of them with prior experience in the Democratic political arena.

Austin was the prior Finance Director for Governor Gray Davis (CA - 1999-2003) and raised an unprecedented $68 millionfor his campaign. She also worked in President Clinton's administration.

Egoscue began her career working for Senator Barbara Boxer (CA - 1993-2017) and still Senator Diane Feinstein (CA) and then moved on to work in Gray Davis' administration.


equineluvr ago

Yeah, but Tweets by Rothschild and Pedosta should be taken literally. LMFAO!!

equineluvr ago

You're too fucking stupid and/or brainwashed and/or JEWISH to acknowledge what Freemasonry really is, so of course you're off the mark.

Commoner ago

What is the mark?

jangles ago

HighLevelInsider ago

Common masonic hand gesture.

human_2000 ago

Why is he walking in the open? Just asking so that after he is killed (or suicided), the news media can point to the fact that we saw it coming.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

SOME believe King Solomon built the pyramids and base it on 2 Chronicles 2:1 and some building instructions throughout first Chronicles. The sign can symbolize wisdom, thoughtfulness and control over a situation signifying the way in which King Solomon was said to rule as God granted him great wisdom. It makes you wonder if they do put on a show for all of us commoners and all is well behind the "secret door". I still pray President Trump will be guided by God. He is still more powerful than all their hocus pocus!

HighLevelInsider ago

Solomon didn't build the temples. They are thousands of years older than Solomon.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I was not stating as a fact, just other researchers findings, not necessarily my own. Not saying it is the case here, but have been shown there is no room for alternative or variance of thought on VOAT. I didn't realize how many down votes one could get for just being human. Thank you for not calling me hateful, vicious names, and I mean that. There are many hateful people on this forum (there are also plenty of good people and I am not implying they are hateful on this particular post. I may not have covered all my bases and have surely offended someone once again, I realize I have the freedom to leave, but will choose to censor or state with better clarity that it is a theory. I didn't realize the other opinions on how the pyramids came to be weren't theories also and were proven fact. My bad.

Jem777 ago

Nice ;) you have this...bring out ideas and knowledge and when respectfully challenged go forward.....it is called debate...Freedom of speech.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Debate is good and challenging ideas does help people grow. Thankful I am seeing people who will disagree without the name calling and bashing! Good post!

HighLevelInsider ago

I wasn't criticizing you, just letting you know that some of the older theories on esoteric topics have been revised in the face of new evidence. Graham Hancock has lots of good, accessible books, videos, and articles on the subject.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Understood! I appreciate that. I don't trust most theories on dates, as they generally have a multitude of discrepancies. Most anthropologists have had true history hidden from them. The Smithsonian and the Vatican have done nothing but hidden our true history from the average person. This keeps many historian from realizing just how advanced some ancient civilizations were and that includes King Solomon (though not stating he definitely built them) there are supernatural resources involved. Most will say I'm crazy and that is okay, but the esoteric knowledge relies heavily on the Kabbalah, which places much of it's writing on the Zohar. Esoteric researchers will tell you they don't know for sure who authored it. I can't base my opinion or theories on anything that comes from such an unknown, questionable source. I like to consider other viewpoints so will definitely take a look at the Hancock info. Thank you!

jangles ago

it isn't easy for me to believe things without enough data. he does hold his hands for some time like that... I have sweaty hands and hold them that way a lot, so I am skeptical because under the same context I would be considered a mason, I am not.

jangles ago

not enough for me, any other supporting info will help. for all it matters he could be praising kek

chronikfunk ago

How do we get info for Xavier Becerra's clients when he practiced law.

jangles ago

I hold my hands like that sometimes and I hate masons. this is no proof

srayzie ago

I agree. I hold my hands like that sometimes. Not even thinking about it.

Jem777 ago

I agree @jangles. He is a player so did he say Fuck it I am saving my country? Has he always been a double agent.

I believe the FBI release of Trumps fathers file and Uncle who was part of Nikola Tesla investigation in 1947 or 1948....is the key.

They released a document explaining to anyone paying attention how the FBI can recruit in bizzare situations.. Popcorn 🍿

srayzie ago

Wait what about Trumps father and uncle being part of Nicola Tesla's investigation? I've never heard anything about this.

jangles ago

look where his wife is from, it explains a lot.

srayzie ago

What does it explain?

jangles ago

What happened in Yugoslavia in the early 1990s?

Onlio ago

That is the Angela Merkel hand gesture

finska ago

I thought women couldnt be masons?

DeathTooMasons ago

The have seperate lodges as do children

pby1000 ago

Would Awan had noticed Seth Rich accessing the DNC servers? It seems like Awan would have been monitoring traffic and access to everything.

Jem777 ago

Yes...he did know that is what people are missing. Awan had the Blackberry Secret Server that not only congress information was stolen but the entire DNC server is involved. You know the one that the "Russians hacked" but the FBI never examined.

That server was in control of D-Becerra the DNC chair...he was moved intientionaly to California AG they tried to protect server. He attempted to have it wiped "like with a cloth" but they got caught by the Capital Police who refused to comply. AG-Becerra then provided a false copy and got caught.

Eyezopen ago

Amazing summary. This scandal is so huge. I can't believe how dumbed down society has gotten. Bigger than Watergate? I'd say yes. All the National Security ramifications. When you look at the whole it, 2nd biggest scandal probably. Nothing will ever be bigger than what we're dealing with in pizzagate.

2impendingdoom ago

What's going on with the Capitol Police? they comply with Seth Rich but not this? seems contradictory

Jem777 ago

There are numerous law enforcement jurisdictions in Washington DC....Seth Rich was handled by D.C. Metro, controlled by FBI eventually. The Capital Police have a completely seperate Police Department responsible for the Capital And surrounding areas....they got involved initially when Imran Awan's stepmother secretly called them because they were tapping her phones and keeping her hostage with threats if she did not sign over inheritance from the father. They threatened her and told her they would kidnap her realatives in Pakistan if she did not comply.

She learned how to get a secret cellphone and called The Capital Police on them. She explained they were VIP in Pakistan that get top protection because of their status in the US Congress.

The Capital Police took the report and filed a case against the brothers. The Step mother filed a case against them for fraud after the inheritance forms are forged she alleges.

This is all happening during election. On Inauguration Day as Trump is sworn in the Awans are involved in 20 burglaries of Congressman officials trying to get their hands on the blackberries, routers, hard drives to cover their tracks.

The Capital Police are again called in and take report. They have now caught on. Imran Awan & friends are locked out of Capital System and are fired....except for Debbie WS.

Everyone is panicked now. Most flee to Pakistan including Hina Alvi the wife.

Imran Awan stays and begins furiously liquidating assists, properties, etc. Files the 7th mortgage on his home, wires money to Pakistan gets a ticket to Quatar but now FBI special agents are involved and have been tailing him.?Take him into custody getting on the plane.

Meanwhile back at the fun house of Congress GW and others are tracking them everywhere on foot, car, Facebook, etc. Webb has 40,000 subscribers investigating at once. He sets up a Trello evidence Board and teaches citizens how to be investigators by capturing documents, pictures, tweets, then you can dump them in the Trello Board depending on what story you are working on. He has volunteers running the entire Trello keeping it safe.

The Capital Police Chief learns of hidden laptops and blackberry hacking. He finds or is led to laptops and takes them into custody....refusing to release them.

Senator Grassley and others subpoena them, place preservation orders on them.

Those are some Cliff Notes...that exhausting. If you want to read physical evidence you can go to GW Trello.....It is called #AwanContra now on steroids with Watergate burglaries to make it that much more mind-blowing.

Panic has set in now.... retired whitehats put together packages of evidence and they are delivered to the Senators and Congressman in person by brace citizens who filmed each delivery.?The packages are video testimony and hard core paper trail evidence with expert testimony.

These are labeled Clear and Present Danger and hand delivered to each Senator & Congressman advising them they are now on notice.

Grab some popcorn 🍿

srayzie ago

Wow thank you for spelling that whole story out! George Webb's Trello board is amazing! I've checked it out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Jem - Excellent summary. Note: Washington, D.C. is the capital of the US. The Capitol, is the legislative body. Anything related to the latter is spelled with an "o", not an "a".

There are about 15+ law enforcement entities which operate in DC, all with varying jurisdictional authorities.

Capitol Hill Police have the purview on keeping all people and property safe, both on the Capitol as well as protective duties.

Metropolitan Police Department, or MPD, is the primary police agency for all areas of DC, not under the authority of other LE agencies.

Federal Protective Service, part of DHS, supplements Capitol Police as needed.

The Secret Service has both uniformed officers, as well as SS agent. FBI has its own police as well as agents too.

Metro, multiple universities, housing, corrections, park, US Marshals, Amtrak, Smithsonian, US Mint, VA Police, etc. The list goes on.

From all I know, Capitol Police do not have a reputation for being compromised. But if there ever was a place for the swamp to compromise law enforcement, the Capitol would be it.

2impendingdoom ago

Wowza. And here I thought I was kind of up to date on Awan. Thank you for explaining the difference between Metro and Capitol Police. Not being near DC, I haven't a clue about either of them. How reliable is Capitol Police Chief? He is also on notice?

As an alternative how hard would it be for us citizens to buy a copy of all this blackmail? If Israel, British and Soviet spys can do it (per the 1992 NYT article), why can't we?

Jem777 ago

Believe me Russia, China, Israel, & for sure Pakistan at least have this....who is friend or foe...bad news.

It has already been released that Awans sold emails to Foreign govts.

srayzie ago

So isn't it a good possibility that he could be the one who got Seth Rich killed? Because he would know that Seth Rich was about to do?

2impendingdoom ago

But if WE can get it, can't we blackmail our own congress to govern properly?

Criticalthinker615 ago

Thats the masonic gesture for "mason in distress" Alternatively, by touching ones own head before giving testimony or using the phrase "is there no help for the widows son" supposedly alerts other masons to their need of help. Throw it in the google machine and check it out. Idk if they have developed new code though since we are talking about these codes and they havent been secret for a while. Another that i have witnessed being used is mentioning being a "traveling man" to cue other masons to your status

pby1000 ago

So Trump is a mason?

DeathTooMasons ago

He uses that hand signal relentlessly. He is also a Jesuit. It's all a show and the dupes get fooled into thinking he is fighting for us when he is their pupett like all politicians are.

HighLevelInsider ago

He knows masonic hand signs. Two possibilities:

  1. He is a mason and letting them know everything is fine.

  2. He is pretending to be a mason so they think everything is fine.

Commoner ago

Either way, he will probably assume room temperature. Why should they take a chance on him?

DeathTooMasons ago

Yeah ok, he is playing 10 D chess and going to Jesuits functions to fool them and making Masonic hand signs to fool them and going to Epsteins Island to fool them in advance and doing business with NWO big wig Rockfeller to fool them. Yeah.

equineluvr ago

Trump ADMITTED being a Mason on open mic.

srayzie ago

What? Prove that Trump admitted to being a Freemason on open mic. Link?

DerivaUK ago

I can't find it but I have seen it.

jangles ago

not to my knowledge, please post if one can find real links

Criticalthinker615 ago

Afaik yes. When used in the context of a master mason posing for pics the symbol says "do what you are ordered" to a masonic iniate.

Also fyi there are a few different sects of masonry and some say they are at odds with each other. I dont think they are at odds but different teams within the same league if you will. They appear to compete but, only to an end of creating a product to be consumed. If that makes sense to anybody else lol.. A good example is old professional wresting metaphor for politics. Enemies at showtime, friends backstage

pby1000 ago

Yes, neither group cares about the sheeple.

Jem777 ago

Edit: This was addressed to Imran being stressed.

I hope he is in distress....that makes me feel relieved somehow. Stressed people make mistakes and their every move is being watched.

Criticalthinker615 ago

I think his buddies are throwing him under the bus to save themselves. Lets hope he is throwing the symbol so hard because they arent helping him get out of this and it causes him to present the court with the info that he obviously holds. Just my . 02

DeathTooMasons ago

They don't arrest their henchmen who did what they told them to do. Think about it. He worked for Hillary who is high up in the NWO. The trial is fake. You do understand this yes? Debbie Wasserman was also doing what they wanted her to do they won't jail her either. They don't arrest their goons when they do the criminal acts the cults ask them to do. How do you guys stay in a perpetual state of confusion about this. It's simple. The cabal does not arrest each other. If a member goes against the group, they will kill them, not arrest them. They are above the law.

Criticalthinker615 ago

The cabal does sacrifice its own members. Especially if they have compromised secret information. They are indeed above the law but have no problem cutting ties with anyone who isn't tier 1

Knowing things that could jeopardize the mission statement and having a lack of trust from the higher ups is a bad combination. Their are some secrets that thwy will kill to keep hidden.

Jem777 ago

I know they have been posted. Did not know this video where it is f***cking in our face.

There were some links made through the night of direct connections to the Supreme Master of Scottish Rite to Imran Awan. High stakes blackmail is going on every moment with these POS, as they rub it in our face.There is allegedly some big names Whistleblower like Kevin Shipp coming out.

They attempted to cover up the Awan Spy Ring by placing Channing Phillips as US Attorney and would not approve Trumps pick.

The DOJ held out and would not close until last night Trumps US Attorney was confirmed.

I see him flashing the sign there but he refused to offer Plea Deal. US Attorney Jessie Leiu was sworn in this morning and is being read into case.

Maybe double agent...our only hope.

HighLevelInsider ago

Scottish Rite is the most powerful in most states. They do a lot of the higher level blackmail, which is why I have recommended instead going after the Shrine and ROJ.

They are running many of the less-sophisticated blackmail networks, like H&B parties, which means they are easier and safer to investigate. The lower-level people also don't have as many levels of corruption to overcome to get the case to hold up.

A federal case may have 100 people that can shut it down,refuse to investigate, tip people off, dismiss the charges, etc. Local police shutting down an H&B party might have 10-20 people involved, and less motivation to protect those who were caught.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Scottish Rite, Shriners, Royal Order of Jesters, Knights of Pythias and many other interconnected societies are deeply embedded in Racine, Kenosha, Janesville and Milwaukee. Those involved include law enforcement and officials at the local and state levels. They all protect each other and control the top layers to keep all others in check, including the corrupt criminal District Attorneys, Sheriffs and Attorney General. They even start private security groups to do their dirty work, and use convicts and gangs including MS-13 and others to handle the worst jobs.

The sooner everyone realizes there will NEVER be justice in our broken and corrupt system, the sooner everyone can learn about the real Truth, the real Agenda, the model and the "Root" of the entire network - Racine, Wisconsin.

Only the Truth can Save us from the real Agenda - Global Enslavement through Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the Mark of the Beast enforced through AI and Community Policing.

carmencita ago

Upvoat. Thanks for that info. I wonder if this will ever amount to anything but a cover up.

carmencita ago

Whoa. Thanks for those pics.

Jem777 ago

The Awan Server that was in possession of R-Becerra now California AG Becerra contains blackmail, extortion, espionage, child trafficking, etc. involving at least 20 currently serving Congressman. Imran Awan made over 5000 unlawful logins of highly sensitive material and was possibly given Top Secret clearance. Terabytes of classified info and possibly all emails of congress moved to secret servers. AG Becerra was ordered to provide copy of Server to Feds provided false image. Imran Awan was originally brought in by Anthony Weiner and and possibly has that data as well. Pizzagate related you better believe it.

Will be providing more links soon start digging if you can.

LionElTrump ago

Has there been any news or comments from Becerra? That's insane that we haven't had a story of Federal Agents kicking down his door even after he lied to them the first time. Guess that only happens in movies

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Federal agents are not interested in protecting citizens, the Rule of Law, or Equal Protection Under the Law. This was proven in their outright obstruction, obfuscation and malfeasance in relation to RICO investigations into Racine, Wisconsin that tied directly to the Clinton Foundation. Instead of upholding the law, they targeted the witnesses and protected pedophile and corrupt criminals and officials involved.

Why isn't the Knights of Pythias with Weiner, Schumer and others involved being investigated and treated as a gang or terrorist organization as it should be? Why isn't the Royal Order of Jesters being treated as a gang or terrorist organization as it should be? Why isn't Freemasonry being treated as a gang or terrorist organization as it should be? There are many more of these groups involved, and there is a direct conflict of interest when federal agents and law enforcement are in these same societies as they are in Wisconsin including the corrupt Attorney General.

The Rule of Law in America is DEAD. Only the Truth can Save us from the real Agenda of Global Enslavement.

DeathTooMasons ago

You are correct as always. Rule of lad does not exist for them. Failed iligitimate state.