Factfinder2 ago

Looks like the Jesters are looking for fun in Korea this year. This was found at RoyalOrderofJesters.tumblr.com and translated from Indonesian: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Froyalorderofjesters.tumblr.com&edit-text=&search_plus_one=form&act=url

Who knows what this sentence is getting at or even whether the google translation is accurate, but it doesn't sound good:

"After contacting the author of The Korea Times, the owner of the dog is blocked watching and pressed them into the elevator, declined to review."

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Keep digging into Racine, Wisconsin and its connections to Brazil and Haiti.

Lunger ago

Well, at least its girls.

DeathTooMasons ago

This world is trash.

DeathTooMasons ago

Those girls in the pictures are young, but they do not look underage to me. I don't doubt the Jesters might be involved in underage activity, but you didn't source anything pointing in that direction.

carmencita ago

OOPS. I just read the rest. But even though these are women that are over the age, they may still be forced into this out of fear. I guess we can't combat everything.

DeathTooMasons ago

They look like they are having a good time. Some women dig being lavished with parties and money. Makes old guys look sexy real fast. Some blow doesn't hurt either.

carmencita ago

This has been going on for quite some time. Yes, I agree we need to keep track of this. Bases were closed to protect the guilty.

con77 ago

none of those girls look underage

HighLevelInsider ago

The Royal Order of Jesters is a body within masonry. To join, most places require you to be a 3rd degree, known as a master mason. Some places still require you to complete the York or Scottish Rite before joining.

The Jesters do a lot of "crazy parties" that seem like it's just a bunch of guys having a good time. Except, there's usually a camera on (i.e. it's used for blackmail). I don't care about grown men banging grown prostitutes, except these guys have been known to go after underage prostitutes, and use the film of their orgies for blackmail.

The Jesters are one of the biggest groups out there corrupting the police. All it takes is one dirty cop in a high place, like the sex crimes unit, or the chief, and you can make it virtually impossible to complete investigations on things like pizzagate. The Jesters are very active in DC, with a covert site just blocks from Comet Ping Pong.

If you want to help expose them, start by trying to find where they meet. Then you can use legal methods of trying to find the members, like watching to see who goes into the building. Or find a hotel where they're having a conference, and ask the staff if they happened upon any orgies when the Jesters were there.

Another, more risky option, is to try to get into a group like this. I'll leave the details up to you if you decide to take this step, but make sure you get good evidence that can't be linked back to you.

DerivaUK ago

If you're so 'high level' why don't you do any of the risky surveillance you consistently advocate for the rest of us? Makes me doubt your sincerity, much.

bernitdown ago

Proof they have a link near comet?

ababcb ago

Check the building at Adams Morgan under Billiken Property Management. That restaurant, Perry's, is highly suspected of being a blackmail honey pot and it is right next door to the old Comet Liquor, which is where Alefantis bought the Comet sign.

This restaurant, Perrys, has a bedroom inside which is likely a blackmail room:


The restaurant underneath Perrys, Mintwood place, is also owned by the same person and Obama visited this restaurant to have a secret meeting with donors.

Barack and Michael Michelle Obama hosted a dinner for donors at Mintwood Place, the restaurant underneath Perry's drag queen-frequented eatery (which US Senate Anon called out).


"Longtime Washington restaurateur Saied Azali recalled a presidential dinner at his restaurant Mintwood Place hosted by the Obamas for a group of grass-roots donors. In preparation, Secret Service agents came into the restaurant every day for a week, Azali said. During the dinner they closed off two blocks around the restaurant.

Having to keep the visit a secret, Azali told his staff those men in suits were caterers."