fremar ago

thats great for the uk , how about the rest of the world ?

HighLevelInsider ago

Similar things are happening. Drastic increase in pedophile arrests.

icuntstopswearing ago

44% of meeting a child after grooming cases - not all cases. Good news all the same.

Vindicator ago


Vindicator ago

When I saw Killary telling Anderson Cooper she lost the election because of Pizzagate, I knew my time here was vindicated. :-)

Hillary herself says we took her down. That's pretty damn awesome.

crashing_this_thread ago

First time Hillary has given me an erection. So fucking satisfying.

putneg ago

definitely one of my favorite moment of the campaign,that and the PEPE yell at one of her rallies of course.

equineluvr ago

Why would you believe anything out of lying Hitlery's mouth, especially on CNN? Or do you selectively believe what confirms your bias?

Like every POTUS, Trump was SELECTED, NOT ELECTED. Hitlery was supposed to "lose."

You have been played.

srayzie ago

No. I think usually the president is selected. But something went wrong this time when it came to Trump and they got screwed. They tried cheating at the polls. Everything has come back to bite them in the ass. Trump is a threat to the deep state. They want to get rid of him. That's why they are using this whole Russian interference in the election lie and they are using the media to cause chaos.

Vindicator ago

Did I say I "believed" it? No. Might want to tamp down your own confirmation bias, EL.

I said I knew my time was well-spent. It's not everyday one's hobby puts an insanely rich, corrupt politician on TV blaming said hobby for her failure. What a hoot! My kids were pretty impressed, too.

TheDogStar ago

I learned that the hard way.

TheDogStar ago

People are pussies.

crashing_this_thread ago

Pussies? Identify yourself and you are dumb as shit. The authorities have shown time and time again they are complicit and can't be trusted.

SteelDusk ago

It's too bad that more and more pedophile cases there are coming from mudslime invaders and calling them out would land you in jail for "islamophobia".

10591175? ago

These guys certainly get their research just like we do! Only difference is they don't BLAB it out on the internet until they have hard evidence and they are able to catch people .

TheDogStar ago

What are you doing here then you hypocrite, other than talking a lot of shit?

Gothamgirl ago

That is pretty amazing ❤

DrPenguin ago

We're all counting on you guys

Jem777 ago

Thanks for the encourgement

nowitstime ago

Until the Judiciary and Law Enforcement are cleaned out, no one will pay the price. It just ain't gonna happen. I hate to be such a Debbie downer. That's what the real prob. IS!!

HighLevelInsider ago

That's what's happening in the UK. There are important officials trying to protect pedophiles and actively discouraging these investigations, but the people and the lower level cops aren't listening anymore.

nowitstime ago

I hope for you Brits sake that somebody over there gets their collective heads on straight. We're not doing a great job of it here. I always wondered about the royals. Those LONG SHARP FANGS. they all have that look. Pretty scarey bunch I'd say. Look what they did to poor Diana...such a tragedy. The precursor of Hillary of Killary.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Because important officials are pedophiles.

2impendingdoom ago

We are seeing over and over that the Judiciary and LE are complicit and engaging in criminality.

nowitstime ago

Thank you for your confirmation. It's Star Chamber time.

madmama ago


Commoner ago

Dead for me too

RagingShieldMaiden ago

It's like what does stateside( and work with police). If I recall correctly, there was a county in Texas where they refused to press charges against any of the predator pervs. The DA was a real douchebag about it too. Was the only location PJ worked with that refused to inflict any repercussion for.preying on kids.

All IM messages were recorded via proxy server in a different state, thus could serve as a transcript that both the perv and fake child IM exchanges be checked against for consistency (aka see if edited)... They've put over 500 pervs behind bars.

Edit: Collin county, Texas. A good read:

SaveTheChildren ago

44 is a Masonic number... that figure is made up.

Jobew1 ago

To be fair arent those blokes independent of voat. Theyre like self appointed private investigators in the field, snatching up pedos in real time. Theyre great but thats street level. We have been a lot less effecrive, but we are digging at the upper levels the ones that permeate their sickness on down

TheDogStar ago

You have all been given bonified evidence and it is deleted from the forum because this place is a joke run by Tavistock to monitor your emotional reactions.

Vindicator ago

Evidence? Please link something proving any of these claims.

carmencita ago

Maybe we should feed them info. They should check out our site and see the research. Just a thought.

Jobew1 ago

I think most are uk based

carmencita ago

Darn. A faction should start here. They could swap evidence about rings.

DanKeyhote ago

Worse they entrap barely functioning retards online. That shares zero features with PG. They should at least target politicians etc.

Jobew1 ago

Every little bit helps imo. A little bit of a deterent to abusers. U know it helps cuz the infiltrated and sick police bosses and politicians dont like pedohunters but theyre forced to deal with them

Dressage2 ago

This is exactly what FBIAnon was talking about. Investigate, record and upload anonymously on the internet. This article shows we are making a difference. Thanks for posting.

OhBlindOne ago

I tip my hat to all the people who have contributed to the pizzagate investigations.

This news is the result of your hard work. You are actually saving peoples lives and bringing evil people to justice. Awesome.

Blacksmith21 ago

Now we're playing nice...; )

OhBlindOne ago

I've always had great respect and appreciation for the work done by everyone investigating pizzagate.

That doesn't preclude the possibility that some investigators do stuff (sometimes repeatedly) that I (personally) wouldn't deem wise. Even in such a case, I still have a great respect for those putting in the work.

Sometimes I do get rather heated when I see silly mistakes repeated over and over and over again. Reacting poorly is inexcusable on my part, however.