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ESOTERICshade ago

We know HLI is a shill. So what? Your attempts to tie him to WIC are so clumsy it just shows that something is wrong in Racine. I told you this would happen, you didn't listen.

For ten months, he told an astounding number of bizarre lies, about everything from having a cure for cancer to the British Royal Family secretly controlling Saudi Arabia.

Saudia Arabia is a puppet and a tool of the western banking oligarchs. Its true. Just because even shill HLI said it does not change reality.

Then he told everyone that 80 percent of Washington was controlled by blackmail and the swamp would never be drained.

Sadly enough its true. Percentages might be lower but its true. By pedophiles no less.

Then I posted about the Milwaukee recount, and exactly one week later, he set up shop here with a completely new, toned-down persona, and tried to take control of research by "revealing" that James Alefantis had a connection to the Jesters, and the Jesters had a connection to Adams Morgan.

You keep trotting that dog around like we give a fuck. It has nothing to do with the pedophilia work we do. That is a voting problem.

As a result, HighLevelInsider has stopped posting, and ababcb has stopped posting, and Voaters no longer bother researching the Jesters.

You're full of shit. The posters in this sub ran his ass off.

I also showed Brock's emails arranging funding from Herb Sandler, who is literally the absolute center of izzagate.

No you didn't. We knew that long before you even arrived here.

He's the one who asked John Podesta if he'd do better "playing dominoes" with pizza or pasta. I showed that he is paying someone to come here and manipulate you. No one had done that before I did it.

We knew that long before you arrived. As a matter of fact you are talking to the person that actually found out what it really meant.

You don't get to dismiss all that by parroting ESOTERICshade and WIC, saying that I "started to defend Paul Ryan," as though the 10,000 words of logic and evidence that came before Paul Ryan were nothing.

Your larp has nothing to do with pizzagate and is crafted to distract from the details about child trafficking in Racine, or lack of.

If Wisconsin really is corrupt, then a massive, provable voting fraud in Milwaukee is something you should care about.

Pizzagaters are not stupid enough to believe that since we don't focus on Milwaukee's voting fraud problems that it somehow makes WIC a liar and that Racine is clean. I think the problem is that you know so little about pizzagate that you think we are stupid enough not to notice that you make no sense.

Again, you have a responsibility to the other people in this community, to acknowledge obvious facts. You don't get to say that my whole theory crumbled, without ever once acknowledging what my theory actually says.

You don't even have a theory. You just write a bunch of distraction about Milwaukee voting fraud and a shill named HLI that pizzagaters ran off by themselves.

Your problem is that you don't understand what you are talking about and have hooked a lot of unconnected subjects together in a clumsy manner and it shows.

SoberSecondThought ago

ME: As a result, HighLevelInsider has stopped posting, and ababcb has stopped posting, and Voaters no longer bother researching the Jesters.

YOU: You're full of shit. The posters in this sub ran his ass off.

I notice you didn't say that you personally had anything to do with that. Which is good, because you didn't.

Jul 24 -- This was a really long Swordfish69 thread where you and HLI were agreeing about the value of good quality surveillance. Later DarkMath visited the thread and confronted him about Osama = Obama being an insane idea.

An hour later in another really long thread, HLI was again lecturing everyone about doing surveillance. When he claimed to have caught a U.S. Senator, you mocked his choice of camera and suggested a better one.

Jul 25 -- The next day, around the time DarkMath was calling HLI insane, 2impendingdoom reported that HLI had been threatening to dox him in retaliation for being called a shill. About ten minutes later, you offered your moral support to 2impendingdoom with a pun on the name "Awan" and no mention of HLI.

Sep 10 -- HLI brought up the Royal Order of Jesters again. This time you actually did call him out, saying that he was pushing the surveillance too much. He didn't answer. Then you said, "Thats why I stay out of his threads. I don't want him to get a foothold of trust here which is what he wants." So bold!

But then 15 minutes later, HLI posted about Andrew Anglin being a pedo, and you helpfully jumped in with a smiley face and more details! Great work preventing him from getting a foothold of trust!

Sep 14 -- You agreed with HLI that the Wexner family are pedos.

Sep 18 -- HLI agreed with you about Planned Parenthood.

Sep 18 -- HLI agreed with you about masonic hand signals

Sep 21 -- In the middle of not doing anything to run HLI out of here, you posted a comment that Honeybee mistakenly deleted using her new mod powers. @Crensch seized on the occasion to denounce you (not for the first time) as a disinfo shill, and to rage at your commenting style in hilarious fashion.

Sep 23 -- HLI posted about civilians helping the police hunt UK pedos, and within minutes you posted the first (positive) comment.

By the end of September, HLI was occupied with LARPing as Senate Anon, so he didn't post much, leaving you no more opportunities to soundly defeat his shilling by constantly agreeing with him.

The reason he left was he had a new set of lies to tell on /pol/. The reason he won't be back is because he knows he'll be confronted about his previous lies, as well as his ridiculous BS about being raised from childhood in the same secret society as Plato. Now, about the Milwaukee recount:

You keep trotting that dog around like we give a fuck. It has nothing to do with the pedophilia work we do. That is a voting problem.

That's a pretty desperate try at dodging the question. The Clinton gang rigged the election to block any investigation into elite pedosadism. The evidence of rigging and the evidence of pedosadism are intertwined in the same set of emails and financial transactions. The cover-up engineered by Brock and paid for by Sandler is supposed to cover both. If your post about archiving software is relevant, then Hillary Clinton rigging Milwaukee is relevant.

ME: I also showed Brock's emails arranging funding from Herb Sandler, who is literally the absolute center of Pizzagate.

YOU: No you didn't. We knew that long before you even arrived here.

You're getting confused about who "we" are. That is a recurring problem of yours. I started posting here 8 months ago, and you started four months ago. Unless you want to confess that you were here earlier, under one or more alternative names? Plus, Jem777 already tried that argument, and failed completely. I invited her to show where anyone had connected Sandler to the Media Matters slush fund, or the slush fund to the disinfo campaign going on here. She put up four old posts, I explained why none of them did these things, and then ASolo, the original author of two of those posts, agreed with me.

Research is only useful if it is specific. What I have been working on has not been worked on before, on Voat or anywhere else that I can discover. Now, do you want to try telling me how (a) you don't give a crap about John Boehner, plus (b) everyone knew all about him before I arrived, plus (c) he's not relevant to the work "we" do here either?

ESOTERICshade ago

What you are failing to understand, or refuse to acknowledge, that almost nobody is going to read all your complex dribble because it does not apply to what we do. It shows your desperation to cover Ryan's ass. It could not be anymore obvious that you have an agenda to divide and conquer. Now fuck off.

SoberSecondThought ago

Google is not your friend.

ESOTERICshade ago

Google is not your friend.

Stop using it then.

ESOTERICshade ago

I notice you didn't say that you personally had anything to do with that. Which is good, because you didn't.

Yes I did, liar, I was one of the main ones.

SoberSecondThought ago

Read. What. I. Just. Wrote.

ESOTERICshade ago

Read. What. I. Just. Wrote.

Done with your disassociated BS. You just need to tell us why Racine is not neck deep in child trafficking instead of playing in the woods. That is why you are here. Your focus is crystal clear. You don't really care about all the filler in your dribble, its just a cover for your focus on child trafficking in Racine. But your attempts are so clumsy that I can clearly see you hiding.