sledgeham ago

THANK YOU for this wonderful info :)

sledgeham ago

Good work!

sledgeham ago

Good work.

sledgeham ago

Definite recruiting.

Video of the Secret Pizza Party.

sledgeham ago

Another thing- PANDA'S also have that black eye DOMINO MASK look.

James Alefantis refers a lot to Panda's on his Jimmy Comet Instagram - TELL ME THIS DOESN'T REFER TO A DOMINO MASK!!??

pizzagape ago

Also check this out.

This guy claims to be a "panda-er." He has ties to Nilay Lawson and Morgan Hungerford West.

Their names consistently popped up when Alefantis was being investigated.

sledgeham ago

There was someone else on voat who mentioned this earlier in another post. They didn't go into detail but definitely made a point of what a domino is. I wish i could find her post. Anyway good work for going through with it and adding all this info. What i will add is this- The book the SECRET PIZZA PARTY has a picture of a racoon with the DOMINO mask on its face and the people at the SECRET PIZZA PARTY all have DOMINO masks on. T CHECK IT OUT. Some not all have DOMINO MASKS ON. SEE HOW THE RACOON IS WEARING THE DOMINO MASK!!!!! WITH THE PIZZA!!!! and at the top of the tent it says SHHHHHHHH

Here's another one,204,203,200_.jpg!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/deblasio1n-2-web.jpg


Here's what I wrote last time about this email:

I would love to put together a real random survey because I have heard that view expressed often on here. That that sentence is so awkwardly worded that it has to be code. I would love to see what a survey of people who asked what the meaning of that sentence was. I can almost guarantee that a vast majority of the people will interpret that sentence to be a joke about what his chances of winning a game were if he were eating cheese or pasta (as in "do you think I'll do better playing football on gatorade than water?"). It's a joke about the "stakes" of the game. This sentence is so innocuous I'm confused how anyone could interpret it differently unless english wasn't their native language.

Last time this email came up I did some investigation into it ( a concept that seems completely foreign to people on here). The email was sent by Hertbert Sandler, a quick google search shows that he is 85 years old so you have to imagine the things your grandfather (depending how old you are) would do and say. In other words I think you would agree that the fact that he is elderly makes it at least a little more likely that he wasn't participating in a BDSM rape orgy (like the code words would have you believe) but that maybe he was actually playing dominoes and making corny jokes like every elderly grandfather ever. He actually mentions dominoes a few times in the emails he also says " Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the rules as we played.". Man that really sounds like they're actually playing a game. That's actually about the entirety of that email to which John replies that he had fun too.

Also how would you interpret this email ? Is it a coincidence that dominoes is a game that comes in sets ? Would you refer to bdsm as a 'game' and that you would like to 'get a set'? Also this email was sent by a Susan from the Sandler center and a quick Google search shows that herb sandler has a daughter Susan. So isn't the most likely explanation that his daughter joined in the dominoes game one night and they all had a nice boring (mundane) evening?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Podesta= Vile Vile Evil Evil Putrid Satan Spawned Pedo!

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wow great find

Are_we_sure ago

Not speculating.

Are you flipping kidding me? Of course, you are speculating. You are completely ignoring the plainspoken and common meaning of playing the game of dominoes and developing some 100% batshit theory based on what? A typo? A misspelling? So he's playing a mask or a cloak, now?

You think men of high position and above average intellects don't have typos or misspellings in casual emails? This is ludicrously tendentious and there's no way you can't be aware of how weak this argument is.

He wrote the word "dominos." The definition of the two words are not the same.

It's the same damn word. Guess what? "Dominoes" with the ES is also an acceptable plural of the secondary meaning of domino.

We know that Herb Sandler was speaking about playing the game of dominoes. This is backed up by Susan Sandler thanking John for teaching them the game and she was going to get a set of dominoes.

I so enjoyed having a chance to spend time and relax with you and Mary. Thanks for teaching me the domino game-I'm going to get a set!

Again this is playing talking about the game of dominoes and getting a set of dominoes.

Are_we_sure ago

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Why do you ignore the plain meaning of playing the game of dominoes? What basis do you have for all your speculation of some other meaning?

abcdeabcde ago

Because PizzaGate is for barely-functional morons and schizophrenics.

bullfyta ago

If it were said,"Do you think I will play dominos better eating cheese pizza or pasta" would make more sense to your question. That's the basis plain and simple.

Are_we_sure ago

Why would he say cheese pizza at all? Pizza is not involved here whatsoever.

Cheese pizza is a phrase used on 4chan. It never appears once in the Podesta emails.

The context of the email is clear. Podesta used to give pasta as Christmas gifts and he now switched to giving cheese. You clearly understand what he was saying (except for the pizza part) even if he phrased it awkwardly. Thus there is no basis for batshit speculation. Especially this example where the alternative meaning doesn't work in the original sentence .

ArmedExorcist ago

And what is the plain meaning of "playing domino on cheese" ? Have you ever played "domino on pasta" ? Is English your first language?

Gorillion ago

Explain what you think that quoted phrase means, in plain language terms.

Are_we_sure ago

It means playing dominoes after eating cheese or pasta. Similar to the use of on coffee or on drugs.

If I was rewriting it, I would say

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos with a belly full of cheese or pasta?

FeLpZ187 ago

bullshit. shills must be working overtime $5.25hr

Gorillion ago

Did you go check his sources?

Tazcatlipoca ago

Reminds me of the dementors from Harry Potter

jangles ago

good work :)

carmencita ago

Either way it is a disgusting thought. This may be thought of as the person that dominates another. The Dominator of the cheese or pasta. Hmm. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, could not mean anything sinister, right. Makes a lot of sense. We all say that. Right. Very Interesting and Well Written Post. Upvoat4U

DonKeyhote ago

You guys are such assholes.

"Omg theyre discussing ritualistic child abuse!!" "Well their religion is Judaism..."


I Guess you're not eager to stop abuse at any cost after all

EyeOfHorus ago

You blame the slave for not knowing he's a slave.

DonKeyhote ago

I do.

DarkMath ago

"This term has been heavily investigated and speculated about and what it could mean to the Pizzagate investigation."

That it has. And for what? Zero arrests. The Podesta emails have occupied us for 9 months and have lead to NOTHING.

Wikileaks is a CIA limited hangout and the Podesta emails were released by Wikileaks one month before the election.

Conclusion: the CIA released the Podesta emails.


1) To shit can Her Thighness

2) Distract from far worse crimes evidence of which we'll never see because they don't want us to see it.

Wake Up People!

The crimes are real but do you really think the CIA would release evidence that would lead to arrests?

[Insert N word] please. Don't be a chump.


HugoWeaving ago

While I happen to agree with your point generally, it is important to remember that Wikileaks was not compromised until AFTER they released the emails. It is believed by many, of course, that CIA now runs the title shop. And on that I happen to also agree. But at the time the emails were released, we may be able to assume JA was still at the helm. They got him right after. In retaliation for the release most likely.

DarkMath ago

"Wikileaks was not compromised until AFTER they released the emails."

That's what I thought too but then I figured out the litmus test for detecting limited hang outs:

Was 9/11 an inside job?

That's all you need to decode Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Both think 9/11 was carried out by 19 Arab "terrorists" 10 of who are still alive bee tee dubs.


HugoWeaving ago

An interesting idea, yes. And worth exploring. As part of that very narrative, might I propose that JA and ES actually agree with you. Here's the logic: If 9/11 was an inside job, it's still a job meaning you need to hire employees to perform services for you. Sure, the resumes of 19 Arab "terrorists" may have been hidden in Bush's bottom drawer and JA/ES may have known it, but that does not make Wikileaks, its supporters or it's source material questionable. The ideas are not mutually-exclusive.

9/11 was carried out by terrorists, just not the ones everyone thinks.

DarkMath ago

That a distinction without a difference. The point is JA, Wikileaks and ES are CIA. Of course there's going to be juicy information they release. It's just not the real dirty dirt.

DawnKeyhote ago

Only conceivable bigger thing than PG is JQ so congrats faggot youre now one of my followers 100%

DarkMath ago

"youre now one of my followers 100%"

I'm only a 50% follower. I is white after all. We don't get mad we gets even.

Long story short is I will stay as far the fuck away from you as possible given your innate gift for self sabotage.


scott4964 ago

bullshit. there's absolutely no reason to bring any attention to it. the CIA isn't taking risks as "just release this, it won't lead to any arrests". Info can open so many pandora's boxes.

jangles ago


Factfinder2 ago

This is great work!! Eyes wide shut.

I do think it's important to note that Herb Sandler is the one who made the dominos comment to the Podestas because the Sandlers really need to be looked into more intensely. Remember that Susan Sandler is the one who wrote to Podesta saying she thought the handkerchief had a map that seemed pizza related:

2impendingdoom ago

dont forget that the sandlers are credited with causing the financial collapse of 2008.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877343,00.html

dreamdigital ago

Definition of podesta. : a chief magistrate in a medieval Italian municipality.