cayenne-peppe ago

Fuck off kike. If there is anyone who could put an end to the nonces it's Anglin.

LongDongKeyhote ago

Guy runs a website i dont agree with and has traveled to Philippines and thinks asian chicks are hot...the son of a bitch. Im gonna call him a pedophile! This is a Mike Cernovich alt-lite attack because they are kikeshills. Anglin just debated Vox Day on the matter, and needless to say theres no evidence to this pathetic hit piece -- even THEIR shit is fake, like tje African girl, hes obviously joking.

DeathTooMasons ago

Asian chicks are hot, I prefer Thailand and Japan.

remedy4reality ago

so... the shitbags in the media are suddenly ready to talk about this crypto pedo but they still deny Alefantis and Podesta evidence ?

Daily Stormer? lol that looked like a psyop from the outset