DNC's Wasserman-Schultz IT Staffer Imran Awan Arrested at Airport While Trying to Flee U.S. (pizzagate)
submitted 7.5 years ago by 2impendingdoom
Most reports originate with Chad Pergram's twitter, am still searching for other confirmation.
EDIT: Thank you bopper, ZeroHedge has also picked this up.
EDIT: Thanks to MrWicked, more details here:
EDIT: According to smonkey's comment Luke Rosiak of Daily Caller gets the credit for the Awan bros investigation. George Webb started from Luke's original reporting
pizzagate related for concerning DNC leaks and other corruption by Debbie Wasserman-Schltz and her staff.
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Psalm144-1 7.5 years ago
Impending doom is right! Progress is being made, keep up the good fight!
2impendingdoom 7.5 years ago
I really hope this is the start of it. With Trumps tweets this morning about Sessions dropping the ball, lets hope!!
bopper 7.5 years ago
And the guy that replaced Spicer is threatening to terminate all "leakers," he's already making good on that. The Terminator.
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Psalm144-1 ago
Impending doom is right! Progress is being made, keep up the good fight!
2impendingdoom ago
I really hope this is the start of it. With Trumps tweets this morning about Sessions dropping the ball, lets hope!!
bopper ago
And the guy that replaced Spicer is threatening to terminate all "leakers," he's already making good on that. The Terminator.