sunajAeon ago

Get this-the attorney investigating Awan Bros is the BROTHER OF WASSERMAN

2impendingdoom ago

yes, crazy, hopefully all of them will go down.

Gammi ago

I just heard where Debbie Wasserman-Schultz brother Steve, who is Assistant DA of the District of Columbia will be doing the investigating of the Awan story.....seems like these scum balls have all the I's dotted and the T's crossed.

2impendingdoom ago

I expect that he will be hard pressed to recuse himself if he wants to keep his job as there is an undeniable conflict of interest. This is appearance of impropriety and recusal in that case is pretty standard in judicial matters.

Gammi ago

I would hope so but, in these crazy times you just don't know anymore, seems all the criminals are running the country.

2impendingdoom ago

no doubt about that. but keep pointing this shit out irl the pressure will be on. It will be hard to dismiss. $300K and caught at the airport to paki? Doesn't look good no matter how you spin it.

Verite1 ago

It's a scary thought. So much incriminating evidence it's been destroyed already.

DerivaUK ago

What was that you said again, Debbie? "There will be consequences" wasn't it? Seems you were right after all....

new4now ago

And the back peddling starts

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., has fired an IT worker who was arrested at Dulles International Airport on bank fraud charges while attempting to leave the country.

He pleaded not guilty. His passport was confiscated and he was outfitted with a GPS monitoring device.

Awan's wife, Hina Alvi, flew to Pakistan in March with the couple's three children. A federal court complaint, which noted the children had been abruptly taken out of school in Virginia, said an examination of her luggage found she was carrying $12,400 in cash. She was allowed to leave for Pakistan

The federal complaint, dated Monday and first posted by Politico, charges that Awan, along with Alvi, "engaged in a schedule to defraud" the federal credit unit that is available to congressional employees.

Awan, who has reportedly worked for various members of the House since 2004, has also been under criminal investigation for alleged equipment and data theft for several months, the Tampa Bay Times reports. Many of his relatives, who have also worked for House members, have also been part of the investigation, according to the newspaper.

Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, said Wasserman Schultz  "has obstructed at every level on something that affects potentially our national security." "We have to get to the bottom of this," McDaniel said in a statement.

9963994? ago


9963939? ago

yes. great comment. i also wondered why he sayed in

usa after last nov. presidential election.


2impendingdoom ago

well, Comey the protector has only been out for a little while now and since then, maybe they didn't know where the shit was. These Awan's have a lot of houses and the wife left back back to Paki in March with a lot of cardboard boxes, stuffed full of harddrives, maybe?. I suppose they thought it was all out of the country. The articles say that the Awan's new tenents called FBI when they found all the smashed equipment in the garage, so the official story is that someone simply forgot to take out the trash...Could it be that the trash was planted so that it could be found in a legal and unpoisoned fruit manner?

You raise good questions.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

I know! It was my attempt at a poor joke but I just saw Chelsea in her face on that picture. Maybe it's just the hair!

2impendingdoom ago

I can see how you would say that about Chelsea and Debbie, especially that horrid pic.

9963246? ago

thank you for explaining.

have heard of 4chan but had zero idea what it is.

will have to educate myself on this.

Thanks Again.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Did she once have an affair with Webb Hubbell and donate her child Chelsea to the Clinton Crime Family?

9962846? ago

just went to utube to see who is covering this story:

H. A Goodman

4 posts on this for the past 6 days.

the hill covered the story.

h.a. goodman is a contributor to the hill.

fyi...goodman seems to praise disobedient media as a source.

I don't know anything about this site but I remember it was

a subject of controversy about a month ago.

the truth factory - one post

on another issue: capitol police are working on this case.

have no idea what the capitol police are.

did five minutes of research just now. need to find out why the capitol police are handling a bank fraud arrest.

one utuber said :

the daily caller did the investigation

that led to awan's arrest yesterday. ?

2impendingdoom ago

the daily caller article is linked above, and cited as the source for George Webb's info. I'm not certain but that's what's being said.

star_boi ago

and senseless homophobia once again takes over an important thread! really sad guys, can't you see how the elites separate us all into categories to fight each other so we don't notice and can't act against them!!?? GLBT folks are some of the most skeptical of government and have decades of experience in protest and direct action. we are your sisters and brothers, we are not pedophiles or sickos, anymore than your average population anyways..... i grew up in the south and i was molested, it was fucking rednecks and an old country man in overalls that did this, child abuse has ZERO to do with trans and gay people. sure, some may be criminals and bad people- just like in every other human group!!! interesting sidebar: pederasty is commonplace in arab cultures and many others, we have documented evidence statements of our soldiers having to observe abuse of boys in the middle east and not being able to do anything about it!!! these are the same countries who put gay men to death. hmmmm, could this be because they want to continue pederasty unchecked? could it be because gay adults would stand up for the children and stop this?? cmon people if you're a light worker, then banish the dark in your own heart first!!!

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for the reminder. I really don't care what people are so long as they aren't raping children. I don't think the military should be funding transgender surgeries but that is only .001% of my problem with current military policies. We are all watching Trump closely for what we hope will be massive swamp draining, and there have been a number of posts that have presented a theory that acceptance of LGBT is a path to acceptance of Pedos down the road, so unfortunately, we are on the alert for that kind of shit. I hope you understand .

star_boi ago

i appreciate your rational response @2impendingdoom - but you veered off the road there after a couple sentences... trump is a elderly member of the elite, albeit a low class example. he protects his own interests and those of his 'business contacts' only. he has little grasp of the real world, politics or history. he is a distracting greed puppet. the fact that anyone thinks he will help them is laughable. Point 2- healthcare should be a right for everyone, military or not, good job or not... the headline regarding spending on trans medical needs is another hateful distraction. the amount of money referred to is miniscule in the military budget, and should be a medical and insurance matter, not a political football! Point 3- LGBT as a sliding slope to pedo is comparing apples to oranges, total false logic. there is no slope. consenting adults are the only playing field - a level one. pedophilia is created, no one is born this way. it is one of a range of sexual paraphilias ranging from the innocuous to the criminal... and which are distinct from the notion of sexual identity or orientation. SO.... if you want to make the argument.... of who to 'watch out for' regarding pedophilia tendencies. Let's see... maybe those who sexualize young children? or who in general promote children as objects/property or women solely as means for procreation? hmm... religious cults, ultra conservative and orthodox religions, beauty pageants, some types of atheletics, orphanages/schools and child related instutional and social welfare structures.

2impendingdoom ago

I guess we have to see what happens, I think the only chance we have a clearing out systemic corruption is Trump like it or not. You can not like what I say or my opinions but I'm really only here for the kids and terrible abuses of power that involves child rape, human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug and weapons running and funneling money to the already wealthy. That blackmail is a power abuse tactic is a given so I bet there are a lot of people in power who would like to see pedophila legalized either to get them off the hook, or because they enjoy molesting little kids. They break the barriers down incrementally, so acceptance of gays and gay marriage and gay in the miliary etc is (although justified for legal reasons) one of many steps in this path. There was a day when simply being divorced as straight people was a scandal, now everyone is divorced. You can talk about the slippery slope in society as a whole but I meant just in the legal realm. Obviously pedos and sexualizing of children is everywhere

9962584? ago

not trying to be a problem here.

do you trust anon?

there seem to have been at least 3 separate anons reporting during the last seven


i may have been out of the loop

on anons because i felt at least one of them was not authentic.

9961817? ago

here and on this sub:

i seem to be seeing people praising and wanting to thank

george webb for all his work investigating the awan brothers.

i know msm is basically worthless but you would

think someone other than george webb and a

few newspapers would have reported

on the awan brothers.

i searched for them on two search

engines and came up

pretty dry.

i feel i owe it to this community to speak out a hunch if it is strong enough.

question: did george webb create an

awan brothers narrative?

something seems fishy about the arrest report at

dulles airport.

just my opinion.

i have no evidence to support this.

as i said: just a hunch.

2impendingdoom ago



the email is dated 5/12/2016

4:56 PM - 25 Jul 2017

9962355? ago

hope you do not think i am putting your post down.

quite the contrary..

i read it yesterday and gave it a hearty upvote.

you put it out there with you sources.

we needed that extremely much.

2impendingdoom ago

Not at all! I question everything too and try to find collaborating sources. We are fighting for all of our futures and the future of our county, this should be not taken lightly.

9962650? ago

thank you for your reply.

honestly if this is a fake story..

it could be one of the smoking guns we are looking for.

OMG zerohedge reported it. gateway pundit reported it.

they used to be mainstays.

maybe still are.

but to report faux news? if they did?

2impendingdoom ago

we wait and see. :)

9963875? ago


this story is extremely impt.

does this relate in any way to the death of 34 year old wsj editorial writer joseph rago?

he was found dead in his apartment

last week.

what about the timing of awan's arrest if there was one.

yes, we will see.

you helped me immeasurably

to start to see clearer with

your post.

2impendingdoom ago

rago's death. I think we all want to know what happened there.

2impendingdoom ago

I'll try to find the Assange tweet that linked to an email that referred to Imwan getting an ipad from Pelosi.

9962088? ago

not asking you to do any more work.

this is a worthy post you did.

i feel that someone could post a

tweet saying it was written by assange but it wasn't

via a fake twitter account?

i trust information

coming from assauge if it is really coming from


what was he charged with?

2impendingdoom ago

bank fraud,

here is the link to the wiki email, there is a note to Kate to get pelosi's ipad for irwan... you can find it, or look up Assange's tweeter, its there too.

More Note:

4:56 PM - 25 Jul 2017

9962407? ago

Thank you!

Blacksmith21 ago

Have another bag of dicks Donkeyhole.

noone222 ago

Looks like George Webb was onto something ! Now let's see what the e-mails can provide in the way of pedo activity among the political elites !

9960622? ago

FBI now has the laptops?

What does that mean?

Can we trust the FBI?

Do you think that those laptops may have gotten


since they have been awol... Absent Without Official Leave??

2impendingdoom ago

I would like to think something will come of this, only because it otherwise it doesn't have to happen at all. They could have just as easily let Imwan slip but they didn't. So, its a step in the right direction when previously we've had no steps at all.

Delorean77 ago

I can't remember the last time I have been this unimpressed with ONE crappy photo shopped picture.......

Delorean77 ago

Well played..... total bullshit story from the start.... and I have not said it in so many words, but this is a long con; a theater production; a ruse..... Didn't anyone see right through those liars?..... This was a re-branding of the DNC... an intentional set up to point the looky loo's in the direction of these NOT ISREALI boogey men.... I don't even believe they exist. Show me ONE actual "Awan" in our government ; working in our actual buildings. With our actual pieces of shit politicians....They had this shot lined up for who knows how long; throwing out bait; daily, and dramatically... but never any actual proof.......just waiting for the right time to divert all of the little geniuses attention away..... I'll admit I am wrong... when I see some freaking evidence. I know "they" were paid millions..... I know all the cover stories; all the pre=conditioning..... Where's the camera footage of the airport arrest? Where is any footage at all? I call bullshit.

9962225? ago

i got the vibe;












9960437? ago

Thank you for your comment OMG.

You helped me answer a question I had.

I stopped watching George Webb last February.

But before I left I got crazed with Webb implicating Pakastan, bad bad Pakastan. Dirty Pakistan...the cause of all our problems.

I never heard Webb implicating Saudi Arabia and or Israel with any wrongdoing.

I watched his videos from December to early February of the year.

I became unable to withstand any more.

Big upvote to you for content

9960128? ago

Hope he does not " commit suicide" .

Hope they are not getting the heart attack gun ready.

Hope he doesn't contract a fast acting cancer.

On another topic:. 😶

Let's not celebrate right now.

I think the arrest could be all planned out by HRC Wassrman Schultz and the people they work for.

I thought it was unnatural and extremely

weird that he did not hi-tail it out

of the country last November...when Mr. Trump beat Hillary.

On another point:😶

Huum... They got him at Dulles huh?

That is one of the airports the 9-11 hijackers flew out of!

Suspicious to me.

Shadow government probably kept some of their Dulles Airport workers on since September 11, 2001. Or hired replacements.

9-11 Truthers gave considerable attention to who owned the company that was in charge of security on that September day in 2001.

9959201? ago

Will they also be forced to wander around without a coat in public?

Narcissism ago

Awesome! We should give a big shout out to George Webb who relentlessly pushed the case against the Awans when nobody had heard of them, and people were accusing him of being unhinged.

9960280? ago

Not so fast.

I think it's too early to do that.

VieBleu ago

bopper ago

Now this I have checked out! Yeah reading that stuff was weird! I'm still looking into it. There's so much. I've only skimmed the surface. I believe Paul McCartney died and was replaced, I've heavily researched that, now that was world-crashing. Thanks for reminding me of all this. CIA was passing out acid at Monterrey Pop Festival thru Papa John of Mama's and the Papa's, and others, that's why he got his badly needed liver so easily. Too much to look at, Manson, etc.

bopper ago

No I only know one or two of them, thanks!

bopper ago

Lew Rockwell took me to freegold, fofoa's blog, good but complex. Used to be all financial stuff I'd listen to, Zero Hedge a lot. I listened to Edward Griffin. I'm a big JFK assassination buff. I know some of the people involved, on facebook. I'm trying to learn the truth about everything. Believe it or not I'm fascinated w/ this flat earth stuff right now, insane I know. I only awoke maybe 15 years ago, and just kept learning, I'm a baby boomer :) Had my own biz and homeschooled, have family all over the Western world now, have been many places. But not enough time for everything.

bopper ago

I work from home and just listen all day.

Ah you have that problem too huh? I don't get any work done :)

You mean the other threads/posts here on Voat? I've just recently started looking at various ones and you're right, they're great. Love Rockwell. Info overload is my problem. Thanks a lot!

2impendingdoom ago

I need to wash my eyes.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

This news has not left us Awanting.

Psalm144-1 ago


bopper ago

@dellcos Who do you like, serious question, always learning.

Votescam ago

Arrest by the FBI ... but seems he pled guilty and has been released - and passports taken.

TheDCNF reported Sunday night that the FBI had joined the investigation and seized smashed hard drives from Imran’s home. The next day, the FBI apprehended him at Dulles Airport after noticing that he had purchased a ticket to Pakistan, via Qutar.


Imran Awan, a Pakistani-born IT aide, had access to all emails and files of dozens of members of Congress, as well as the password to the iPad that Wasserman Schultz used for Democratic National Committee business before she resigned as its head in July 2016.

2impendingdoom ago


Haldelos ago

Flip this motherfucker....flip him for real

seekingpeace ago

So the non-nationals and Muslim patsies finally get thrown under the bus.

scott4964 ago

yet, they can talk. they can talk a lot.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm going to proffer a theory that wasn't right for an OP:

I'm calling it the "Comey Effect". Everyone saw the absolute "sheep shift" of the liberals and Communazis over Comey's decisions and indecisions.

The Comey Effect is basically the "conventional publicthink (1984) which occurs amongst a populace which has achieved a perfect harmonic balance of programming, conditioning, groupthink, and cognitive resonance. This mantra-like, harmonic resonates at various conscious, subconscious and metaphysical levels through constant re-conditioning on a near-hourly basis through cell phones, television, web-based media applications, prescribed pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, public ridicule, and yet-to-be identified tactics, techniques, and procedures. The result is the primary consumers of these various methods tend to be the most susceptible to programming methods". My definition - you heard it here first, folks.

Now that I have quantified the Comey Effect, what if Trump and Sessions caught onto this? So set Sessions up to be the highly-respected bastion of conservativism and then let Trump "punk" him. This is about the same point last year where the MSM were gargling Howdy Doody over Comey. (Come-Y....really?)

We just saw the traitor Awan get arrested. He is the first real domino. And then that shitbag Wasserpig will be next. So things are happening.

Call it rope-a-dope, but I think Trump is going to time things to catch that media-darling-love-swing-thing as Sessions gets loved on by the chickenheads in the MSM like Mika and Pooper and Wolfie and the rest of the fruitcakes. At that point is when I would make the next round of major arrests and put it on Sessions. CNNNYTWaCOMPOST would twist themselves into the most epic of contortions.

Edit 1: I stressed public ridicule because it is an insipid method. It is ridiculously benign sounding, but who wants to be ridiculed for their opinion? Confederate flag, bigot, homophobic, racist, etc. It is a basic human fear - to be banished from the pack. It is also known as "PC".

2impendingdoom ago

Here is more support for Sessions, for your consideration...

Verite1 ago

Just wanted to point out that there was a sector of the lefties and and weren't upset by the Comey firing and know what was really going on. Keep that in mind.

Blacksmith21 ago

As rare as hen's teeth.

2impendingdoom ago

This morning Trump is dissing on Sessions via Tweeter, and this afternoon Schumer is defending Sessions in a Senate hearing, so you are very likely on to something. Would put Schumer and his gang in stupid spot to now call for Sessions to go. You are right, it is very similar to Comey.


Blacksmith21 ago

And look what just happened 20 minutes ago - No trannies in the military (thank God). I'm telling you, I still have faith in this guy that he knows what he is doing.

Drain the swamp? No, drain the SEWER. Arrest of Awan. New investigations opening into Comey, Lynch, and others. The noose is starting to tighten.

We all know what the Awan arrest means. Of course, this assumes he lives until his preliminary hearing. I've got good money that says he's dead by the end of summer.

2impendingdoom ago

yes, I saw that too. Trump is definitely entertaining. This whole transgender tranny phenomena has me completely baffled. I don't know if people are getting too much endocrine disrupting chemicals in their systems or wtf, but I can't understand why anyone would want to go through all that shit to be someone else.

There was a post yesterday or the day before from New Zealand, where a guy was talking about how the parents drug the young boys with female hormones to keep them rape-able longer, are people really this evil?

This Awans business is getting to the root of it, for sure, and it better not all slide under the carpet. I saw (but don't remember where) Assange tweeted an email that Imwan was asked to come get Pelosi's ipad from a meeting); and that the Awans have all of the data and communications from all the Senate sub committees, so that is huge subversion and treachery.

Verite1 ago

UGH. So much misinformation around the transgender issue. Just because people don't understand it or doesn't resonate with them because they are not in that person shoes, does not mean it's not valid. Why would anybody want to sign up and join the imperialistic fucked up military industrial complex and support a hypocritical lying profit driven military that destabilizes overthrows illegally and maims innocent people around the world is beyond me. Wouldn't be my choice. But people need to understand there are already transgendered individuals in the military who have the right to figure out that they are fighting for fucked up reasons in most cases, but in rare cases for a good cause. If you are a US citizen who believes in the bill of rights and human rights and civil rights and freedom of speech and are willing to die for your country you should goddamn be able to. Transgenderism has nothing to do with pedophilia, it is separate from homosexuality, it really has to do with one's identity which is determined by hormones at the mental level, 3 weeks in to embryonic development, i.e. there is mind body and spirit. Who one is attracted to its completely different from how one identifies. And the New Zealand example where you characterized it as children being given drugs so they could be rapable for a longer period of time is uttry absurd and not at all accurate nor truthful nor representative of what that topic is about. What you were referring to is doctors, psychiatrists, etc trying to figure out how to prevent transgender children who are 40% likelier to commit suicide because society does not understand them. Simply has to do with using natural hormones to suppress puberty temporarily until the individual at 18 years of age can confirm their identity has not changed. That way they have not gone through puberty that does not match their mental identity, and then at eighteen when they are considered an adult, they are simply given hormones that reflect their gender identity and allowed to go through the corresponding pubescent evolution. That way a person who identifies as female for example, but who's genitals don't match isn't faced with living in a body that didn't have to develope that way, which just makes it more difficult when the individual comes out and tries to live according to his or her truth. If they look like they feel it's easier on everyone. Do you idiots realize that babies are often born with both sets of genitals? This is all mother nature in all her glory and infinite possibilities. I.e., God created these people, there are species in the animal kingdom that can morph from one Gender to another as a form of defense and protection. Would you black-and-white bianary conservative people do yourself a favor and widen your understanding and educate your perspective? There are those of us fighting with you on the pedogate issue who fall in to this demographic either as trans, or (we just have more knowledge and familiarity and history with it so trust us) and understand this topic, but you recognize pedophilia which takes away a child's innocence or consent is completely different. They are not mutually exclusive, One does not necessarily mean the other will follow, just because a higher proportion of pedophiles and abusers happen to be homosexual. Millions of other homosexuals do not have any attraction to minors so get over that fucking line of thought before I LOSE MY MIND!!

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, the fact that we heard nothing more important in the media for almost a year - tranny cans in NC - for what is less than 0.5% of the population. Why do you think this was top of Obama's agenda? It's because he is "married" to a Michael LaVaughn Robinson (or whatever it is). It's part of the agenda.

If you can except a freak like a tranny, then pedos are the next step. FWIW - My "tranny" comments refer to the weirdos that prefer to stay in this gray area. Can't have it both ways. Your either a guy or a gal. There is no in between, except for those with mental disorders.

Verite1 ago

By the way idiot, FBI anonymous from months back who started the ball rolling on all this confirmed that Michelle Obama is a woman.

Blacksmith21 ago


2impendingdoom ago

I agree and get you, these are personal issues that the federal gov doesn't need to be involved in. unless they are in my bed, its not my business and I DONT WANT TO KNOW.
And the military used to reject people for flat feet, so on that basis, rejection for mental issues derived from sexual imbalance seems perfectly legit too. Why would we be supplying transgendering when we don't even pay for basic healthcare?

I support whatever keeps the pedos away from the kids, in or out of the bathroom.

ProudTruther ago

I always say if you're in a situation like that take a private jet or hit the border via land and then try flying at least, or leave by sea.

2impendingdoom ago

I've got my yacht ready.

Jem777 ago

For all the George Webb doubters this was because of him and all of us that have contributed to his research. Good job everyone. Especially @DarkMath @Jangles & @dressage2

jangles ago

Thanks Jem!!! You are great!!! Glad to have you here.

Dressage2 ago

Thanks, @Jem777. That man is amazing as well as every citizen investigator out there helping. George also gave credit to Luke Rosiak from the Washington Examiner.

Tanngrisnir ago

I probably owe Webb an apology. I thought he was crazy or a psyop after the whole dirty bomb thing. He did more to popularize this story than anyone.

Also I owe myself an apology for listening to someone named Coco-Hamilton. The name was clearly a reference to that vile musical I loathe.

Coco-Hamilton ago

And the name is actually a reference to my dogs name and the street i live on. Not a liberal if that was what you are hinting at.

Coco-Hamilton ago

Everything i said stands and is not refuted. What did Webb do here. He parroted articles from MSM media outlets like Politico and Daily Caller and somehow he broke the story? There already was an investigation into this with the FBI. The arrest would have happend ithut Webb. He made the story popular? With 10K average views? Conspiracy sites ? I dont think so. Notice Awan wasnt arrested for dirty bombs, evil limo companies, evil car dealerships, ir heroin smuggling (all part of the Awan narrative). This is like reading an article about a crime that names a suspect, and when rthe suspect is arrested saying i made it happen because i talked about it with buddies at the water cooler.

Taggart story has changed too...suddenly there wasnt 20 blackberries. Hmmm...

Dont let the confirmation bias here cloud your better judgment. Webb did nothing on this outside of parroting of what we already knew. None of Webbs Awan illuminati narrative is being entertained by the media...only what was reported earlier..before Webb ever mentioned the Awans.

Gothamgirl ago

He went to every location they committed a crime can you name one other reporter that did that?

Coco-Hamilton ago

Which crimes and the evidence of said crimes are you referring to?

Tanngrisnir ago

He helped popularize the Awan story by sending it out to noteworthy figures on twitter mainly. But you are right he isn't the super genius that he gets pegged as. After the whole dirty bomb bullshit I still want him kept at arms length from the community. His unchecked alcoholism is a timebomb. He is also certainly no expert on the Seth Rich case, in particular.

Sorry, I assumed you had taken the name from the Hamilton musical. My hatred of the man and musical is so great that I am usually very suspicious of anyone who uses the name of the first secretary of the treasury. Try not to take it personally.

jangles ago

Fancy work

srayzie ago

I have to agree. I've been watching him because all the crazy drama was entertaining. But, they are laying out facts that keep coming true!

Gothamgirl ago

This is great news!

sharpedge42 ago

The anonymous Federal investigators who built an actual legal case did much more work.

anotherdream ago

Yes sir. Oh yeah! I can almost hear the Ewoks singing yub nub. I hope the squeeze diamonds out his scumbag hide. Very good news indeed.

Tanngrisnir ago

Yub nub, indeed!

fakedetector ago

FAKE, the Awan's fled to pakistan months ago. You think they would have the smashed computers just sitting there in their garage after all these months? Get a brain people. This is FAKE NEWS.

Verite1 ago

Wrong. One of the brothers fled the country possibly two, Imran was still working and on the payroll

2impendingdoom ago

Looks like only the wife and kids left

"In March, his wife Hina Alvi, who also was on the House payroll, withdrew her children from school and left the country, the affidavit says. The Capitol Police confronted her at the airport but could not stop her. “U.S. Customs and Border Protection conducted a search of Alvi’s bags immediately prior to her boarding the plane and located a total of $12,400.00 in U.S. cash inside. Alvi was permitted to board the flight to Qatar and she and her daughters have not returned to the United States,” the affidavit says. “Alvi had numerous pieces of luggage with her, including cardboard boxes… Your affiant does not believe that Alvi has any intention to return to the United States.”

Travellingman ago

Pure BS

MrWicked ago

He was arraigned and released on strict conditions. I will try to find the article.


AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Aaaaand suicide...

MrWicked ago

I think they are hoping for someone to try because that would lead them down the rabbit hole

Dressage2 ago

George Webb broke the story on Awans 75 days ago and finally people took notice. Now an Awan is in cuffs. Hopefully, he is related to a canary and he will start singing in his cage! Bam! Hey where is PGIsRetarded??

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, George Webb gets credit.

Since you asked, PizzagateisRetarded is busy posing as HighLevelInsider, telling people to go break the law by spying on their senators with crackerjack cameras and threatened to dox me for saying that this is batshit crazy advice.

srayzie ago

Wow. How did you figure out that he's posing as someone else?

The one that was threatening to dox me has 2 profiles too. But, since "they" have been leaving me alone and on voat a lot less, I won't say names. But, I was fighting with "them" on here a lot a few weeks ago. I'm curious how you figured out that he's posing as someone else.

Him using Amazon is pretty weird! What was that about?! Even if you did use Amazon, that's a good guess at best since Amazon is so huge. So he's probably just bluffing.

2impendingdoom ago

He creates a new account about every 3 seconds, so it stands to reason. I'm not absolutely sure but while he was posting as HLI there were no PizzaIsRetarded posts. There aren't that many here who are both as super aggressive and as mentally dissonant like him. makes you really wonder wtf this guy is like irl, probably very abusive... kids aren't safe.

You can pm me names, I have a mental list...

srayzie ago

I've had my fair share of going thru exactly what it sounds like you are now going thru

2impendingdoom ago

you mean with HighLevelInsider? I don't have amazon. he's a shill

HighLevelInsider > 2impendingdoom | Sent: 5 hours ago on 7/25/2017 9:01:33 PM First warning When did you guys switch to Amazon for your server?

reply source delete mark as read

HighLevelInsider > 2impendingdoom | Sent: 5 hours ago on 7/25/2017 8:51:18 PM First warning Enough. You are u/supershilly and many other accounts. You're going to stop, or I will out all of your accounts, including the origin of your IP addresses.

reply source delete mark as read

srayzie ago

Oh damn. At least you made that public now

2impendingdoom ago

He wanted us all here to go do crimes and I wasn't going to let it go, and he kept instigating so that's where it went, to him pming me threats. I don't have amazon or any other accounts so its just more empty crap.

bopper ago

@srayzie Hey you guys I got it worse, I got doxed by dissing Kek months ago. They kept sending me fag pics of Obama and asking "Hey Bopper is this your boyfriend?" I told them "Have mercy on Bopper I will check into this whole frog thing." They said "Are you serious about Pepe the frog or just don't want to be doxed?" LOL. I told them yes I'm serious send me some links. They finally left me alone. It was funny. Hmmm don't know why I'm bringing this up.

srayzie ago

😂 I wish that was my dozing story haha

2impendingdoom ago

ohh, Kek is off limits, bopper even I know that! But this explains how you get all that great video. Let me know when you get the Howdy Doody clips. I'm on pins and needles for it.

I will let them know that to really get up your bop, they only need to send Heath Ledger pics, spurs on. Oh the horror.

But seriously, why is Kek a frog?

bopper ago

LOL I forget why Kek is a frog, I frog-got all my learning on it. Please no pics of gay cowboys lol.

ohh, Kek is off limits, bopper even I know that!

Yeah, now ya tell me. Man they drove me nuts, had to take a crash course on a stupid (oops I didn't say that) FROG. Don't dox me bros I understand now.

2impendingdoom ago


I know, ribbit, its not easy being green

Dressage2 ago

I knew he must of morphed into a new identity.

ShadeEather ago

I ultra'ed him. Sorry.

He'll probably revert to his old tactics sooner or later.

@Gothamgirl looks like a couple people owe you an apology today...

smonkey ago

Luke Rosiak of Daily Caller gets the credit. George started from Luke's original reporting

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for that, I'll add it above.

smonkey ago

DonKeyhote ago

Wtf rule 1 faggit

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago


Thank You for being here and posting so much. Your my spitting image of a child sexual abuser. Your teaching folks all over the world daily, what negative behavior's to watch out for. Learning to ignore your hyper-masculine voice, toughens the skin of everyone else. Your a role model.

Someday you will discover, labeling others with your own greatest personal fear, will have come back to harm yourself. When you tire of that, changing the inner landscape for the better will start. Be kind to yourself. The words you let into your mind each day, they matter.

DonKeyhote ago

Shut the fuck up. You've made zero submissions, so your FAGGOT SPECTATOR ASS has no reason to even be here.

You fucking make me sick, RETARD whose top comment begins "I wanna thank the mods...."

srayzie ago

Couldn't have said it better myself 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

2impendingdoom ago

srayzie ago

Thank you!

2impendingdoom ago

pizzagate related for concerning DNC leaks and other corruption by Debbie Wasserman-Schltz and her staff.

DonKeyhote ago

Ok they leaked the dnc emails at whose behest? What about the dnc emails is pg related if podestas and hillarys server are the ones with codewords?

2impendingdoom ago

the Awan bros didn't leak, Seth Rich leaked. the Awan bros were blackmailing half of congress on behalf of DNC to elect and promote Hillary. Blackmail for corrupt power is pizzagate related especially when it is conducted on behalf of the cannibal queen

This was all exposed by George Webb in his videos and discussed at great lenght here on Pizzagate (surprised you missed this). so cudos to GW.

DonKeyhote ago

Absolutely outrageous.

2impendingdoom ago

Isn't it!

DonKeyhote ago


2impendingdoom ago

I know right, JEWS!

DonKeyhote ago

LOL thats the funniest part it goes back to jews no matter whos right

Georgous George "the Kike" Webb/Actor repping israel DWS representing Jews and Israel Seth Rich leaking (idk the evidence for that) to help COMMUNIST JEW SANDERS, WHO WOULD HAVE BEEN DEMOLISHED BY TRUMP


SecondAmendment ago


nightshiftowl ago

What happened to all the people bashing George Webb on Voat? Are they hiding?

Shillaxe ago

4 day member with 1 comment , so your a GW fan, thought you were extinct.

SavageWorm ago

Boy that's weird - seems Voat's really the only place talking about this. HOW ODD.

Crappy Leftist media.

Good. This makes the day a bit better.

chaos16 ago

it's all over on 4chan and T_D

cantsleepawink ago

It's all over Twitter though.

GokJamal ago

It feels like voat is a bombshelter and its holding up Damn well.

GhostOfSwartz ago

I'm shocked it's not headlining on Drudge right now

ReddittRefugee ago

It's linked on Drudge Report

12th link down on the left column

Drudge tends to headline stuff everybody understands and gets worked up about. I'm afraid the Awan scandal is mainly of interest to DNC scandal geeks who understand the complexities

GhostOfSwartz ago

What the hell? Is he trying to bury it too?

ReddittRefugee ago

I agree with @delicos

Drudge Report is all about getting views and the clickthroughs

While he often links to very politically incorrect things, his whole website is organized about getting those views and clicks, not serious research about complicated items like Pizzagate or Clintons pedophilia

bopper ago

No, just the fact that Drudge has it up anywhere is good.

Voatharder ago

It's on the chans as well.

quantokitty ago

If true, HUGE!!!

Upvoat because I want it to be true.

SecondAmendment ago

Same here, @quantokitty. Same here, kid.

Natural_Vinegar ago

This is almost too good to be true. Very exciting.

LostandFound ago

Awesome. That sent me back down the rabbit hole. Link related insofar as bringing down Dems is concerned These events appear to be linked

2impendingdoom ago

I thought #itEndsNow related to Swordfish69, but you have reason to think it is about Mueller's team?

LostandFound ago

Look im no naysayer, there was lots of info on Travolta's last post that was quite valuable I upvoated. But as someone that's been watching and keeping up with David Seaman for nearly a year, I can say he is swordfish69 with about 90% certainty judging by writing style and content structure. DS has been prone to hype and hyperbole in the past and past predictions didn't quite pan at all. There's a big happening coming before the 27th been talked about for some time. Swamp looks like its getting its first real round of drainage and about time too. The Awan brothers hold dirt on a lot of people from all their years snooping about DHS security infrastructure. Debbie must be next in line on this trajectory.

LostandFound ago

aahhhh my mind can be at peace now - first mentioned on July 12th by WH Anon

also may be related

LostandFound ago

Been crawling the chans constantly for weeks now first mention of the 27th was from a resurfacing of the WH Anon (unverified) on about the 9th of the July. We were told to hold onto our pants. I am struggling to find the OP at this stage however but sure not long to wait.

2impendingdoom ago

It is Tuesday or Tzuday (or was that Swann?) There are a few other interesting bits on ZeroHedge right now, one of Schumer, of all people, coming to the defense of Sessions.

Any time Schumer pops up I take notice because he was the one who told Rachel Maddow that if you cross the intelligence community, they have six ways to sunday to get back at you.

carmencita ago

OMG YES. I nearly spit out my coffee this morning. WTH is that about? They play such games. Everything they do is for some sneaky reason. Which we are never privy to. Hah, the Intel will def get at him if he doesn't jump through their hoops. I am sure they plenty on him. I use to watch her. Rachel makes me throw up now. Edit: Have an Upvoat I see they are hitting you too.

LostandFound ago

Good ol cryin' Chuck, yeah he's a complete hack for whoever has him by the balls. I'm pretty sure that he is in trouble ( I could be wrong here, will post link when I have a few mins ) for being able to provide more information about the Trump witetapping fiasco than had been disclosed publicly during a live interview, ergo was involved on some level. Happened just before Susan Rice was named and got glossed over like so many other lefties that borked up amd got a pass.

Tzusday was Swann alright whatever happened to him, did he ever resurface or is he cleaning toilets these days?

2impendingdoom ago

actually, you are right. Thank you George Webb!

bopper ago

I don't think Wasserman Schultz is the sharpest tool in the shed, using these Awan dudes.

These guys should have warned her they were destroying laptops and hard drives. They took a page from Hillary. Shoulda just used a cloth.

srayzie ago

Sharpest tool in the shed? LOL. Someone once said that about me 🤣

bopper ago

Well I would disagree w/ that, judging by your history and comments here.

2impendingdoom ago

Heres is hoping that blackmail and other charges are yet to come. Bank fraud might only be the initial reason to detain him, because everybody knows that bank fraud really isn't a crime.

2impendingdoom ago

or boxes! even Snowden kept his garage shit hidden in boxes.

bopper ago

Didn't know that. Guess a Rubik's Cube (Snowden) wouldn't suffice well, in this case, either.

You know, this might turn out to be some really good news.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, the big issues with Snowden was that his garage in Hawaii was filled with boxes. And his girlfriend was a dancer. At the time, those things were outrageous.

Psalm144-1 ago

Impending doom is right! Progress is being made, keep up the good fight!

2impendingdoom ago

I really hope this is the start of it. With Trumps tweets this morning about Sessions dropping the ball, lets hope!!

bopper ago

And the guy that replaced Spicer is threatening to terminate all "leakers," he's already making good on that. The Terminator.

LightSource ago


pby1000 ago

It is time to get him to talk.

Preschoolartist ago

Now THIS lifts my political mood!!!

Mooderator ago

I see so many DWS threads on the front page and others of equal importance will not make it because of this

Kcpedogate ago


bopper ago

It's on Zero Hedge, thanks for posting this.

2impendingdoom ago

added the link!

bopper ago

Heh, I just saw it there a few minutes ago myself. Edit: I guess you saw that their (Awan) garage was searched by FBI after the new tenants noticed laptops and hard drives and even print toner smashed to pieces. Or at least smashed.

AngB23 ago

Wonder if someone will steal all of these from the FBI like last time. They better get him for more than stupid bank fraud.

LightSource ago

I bet anything they will but i think they are witholding info from the public rite now

2impendingdoom ago

I saw that story, lots of gory details, garage full of equipment with US GOV stamped on it

bopper ago

Cockroaches scrambling lol.

2impendingdoom ago

please, can't you do better. this is not the time for brevity.

kidding of course. Isn't Dullas where they have those horrible buses to your gate? they can fill em up and drive them straight to the pen. I suppose he had a oneway flight to paki. not anymore!!

bopper ago

Love it.

2impendingdoom ago

let the swamp draining commence.

SoldierofLight ago

Please God.