cult_of_philanthropy ago

This is a YT video on the Real Stories Channel called "The Boys of Pakistan" about the rampant pedophilia on young boys in Pakistan. It's heart breaking. I would guess there are many that would jump at the chance to come to America when being told "you'll have a better life." Only to be sold into sexual slavery. NSFW

jangles ago

This is a very sad documentary.

Jem777 ago

The evidence is documented not only in actual videotapes of children's bodies after having their organs removed (called kidsshells) or farms where dead children are marked for the "doctors" to remove which organs. The videotapes include many tapes in Syria on the borders of young men being opened up having their ribs cracked to have their hearts removed.

The evidence of heroin trafficking through Pakistani mangos using intelligence agencies to profit is documented in HRC & Podesta emails and an exact replica of what happened at Mena, Arkansas where the CIA under president George H. W. Bush was found to be shipping cocaine in the nose cones of airplanes into Mena , Ark where Bill Clinton was Governor. This was all around the same time as the Franklin Cover-up and sometime around the founding of the Finders Cult.

It is a well established fact that gang warfare such as the vicious cruelty between the blood and crips in so. Ca were very much involved in the trafficking of cocaine (crack) at their heyday. Many do not understand that factions in the US goverment provided the drugs and the gang warfare just became more brutal.

This was all done illicitly and any truth tellers like Gary Webb the journalist, that inspired Killing the Messenger was the brave soul who reported the truth but died for it.

I can go through a list of citations or references for the above mentioned post made by Dressage2. We have worked on seperate subversus to grasp the genetic compononet of these stories involving child kidnapping/trafficking and organ donation.

I could regurgitate those facts to you now but they are better grasped in fool by watching the Webb videos from the beginning. He was hacked at one point so a few of his early submissions went missing but go back as far as possible I challenge you. The videotapes amassed, pictures at the scene of crimes, massive documentation of research and also leaked internal documents and flashdrives from "whitehouse" good guys trapped in the government and silenced to speak.

These white hats are many in number from CIA, FBI, NSA, DoD. Veterans and countless others in an attempt to save this country. George has exact testimony of bribes, death threats, and even murder of journalists trying to cover these stories.

If you want your mind blown on pedogate and the evil operating in positions of powere I suggest you take some time go back and watch his youtube acct. called George Webb YouTube.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

This is a big deal.

Pakistan had a huge child pornography incident a few years ago.

The bastards where using the same porn that they made of the kids, to later on black mail them.

Jem777 ago

This is such a sad documentary. Sad that the US has involvement with the drug overlords of that country. I believe it was Christians Amanpour who was speaking on the documentary. She was a huge HRC supporter is a CNN reporter married into wealth and privledge. She knows exactly what is gloing on.

remus_schmitt ago

Why is it anytime a great post about George's investigation pops up on here it starts to get down voted ? And why haven't they commented ? I'll give you one guess. If it was a quality issue people would state discontent.

Everyone should BLAST George Webb's investigation to the farthest reaches of the internet. He's getting close and they're scared.

Dressage2 ago

I so agree!

remus_schmitt ago

They know EXACTLY how much to down vote to keep it out of sight.


Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thanks! Great work!

1poweroffearlessness ago

This is all part of HRC Ratline for trafficking and one that was supported in the #Obamaination WH. What we are seeing now with Syria is a continuation of the Ratline. HRC and company (including RINO John Traitor McCain) are clearing a path in that country which includes banking, security, ingress/outgress et al, at any cost. The entire Middle East is a $$ battleground because of its assets (drugs, mining, oil). The Awan Brothers were a part of this plan and brought in to compromise detractors, gain intel and distract. There are no intense investigations on any of this because it is all still very active on many levels in and out of the US. Human life means nothing to any of these bad actors. The entire denigration of American Society as we once thought it to be is gone as a result of a small group of elitists using the Middle East, religion, power, money, labor, blackmail, murder, war et al like pawns. Obama was a pawn to grow ISIS. Bushes took out Middle Eastern leaders only when it suited them and knew about 911 before it happened. And on and on. Sadly, in every facet of Global politics, the children are victimized. Children are used for every imaginable purpose and PizzaGate/PedoGate is one such service. They are also providing forced labor, used as blackmail shills, human munitions, etc. This shows the depravity of those who run the world and who laugh at our pain and unrest over Pedophilia, child sex trafficking etc. All we can do is keep fighting and exposing to awaken people who are clueless in this country and sadly that is most people.

Jem777 ago

Excellent Dressage2. I hope everyone can understand who the players are here. That Tahir Javed HRC biggest donor has been identified as connected to Pakistan Intelligence who were shipping Heroin into the US factions of CIA. Yes it was in mangoes and in Rice. This has been proven.

Those same subjects Tahit Javed, HRC, Podesta have been directly linked together with Pakistani intellingence operatives who burglarized 20 congressional offices and fled the country after Trump election. They are the Awan Spy Ring

These same characters are involved in importing & exporting children, drugs, organs ....etc

Dressage2 ago

Thank you for tying all the players together.

Jem777 ago

Yes just trying to fill in a little so everyone picks up the connections. This should be at the top.